The Cast and Crew (Open)


Really Really Experienced
Oct 23, 2011
Please send me a PM with your character information before joining.

Thanks much!


Marja was determined to make it work. She stood in the opening room of her house, holding a thick script in her hands, waiting for her actors and crew to arrive. They were mostly unpaid; personal friends that could only hope that the webisodes would become popular, trusting Marja to reimburse them fairly if success came to them. Others were recruited from a nearby modest-sized college town. It was a ground-level operation in which Marja was paying out of pocket to get her dream series in to production.

Her operations were located in the midwestern United States. She was lucky to find people as skilled as she did and she felt truly fortunate for it. Marja had a sizable property outside of town and had spent the better part of a month converting her house into a series of sets. Most of the equipment being used was purchased on now maxed-out credit cards. After costumes, props, and everything else, she hardly had anything left. Convincing actual talent from the college to work for next to nothing took a lot of work - and in one case, Marja literally had to beg.

Marja was of Scandinavian descent; one need only see her or hear her name to realize the fact. Her skin was dungeon prisoner pale and her hair was golden blond. The softly curling hair cascaded over her shoulders and nearly reached down to her waist - her eyes were a deep shade of blue and were covered by thick-rimmed rectangular black glasses. She was 5'9" and dressed like the nerd that she was - a t-shirt with some logo or character on the front (currently, a black babydoll that said "Aggro" across the chest in white) and hip-hugger jeans. She wore flat skater shoes that were black and white with red ribbon laces and blood-like spattering. She had an hourglass figure with D-cup breasts and full hips; in her mid-twenties, she had to work to maintain her figure.

Almost all of the non-friends that were coming to the set were lucky to be of drinking age. The college aged girls she had picked up were gorgeous - they still had the trim body of teenagers and acted about as wise. It wasn't Marja's place to judge; they were over eighteen and it was none of her business, really. She was just glad to have them aboard for the project. She didn't have to beg them, either. The girls were youthfully optimistic and excited at the prospect of seeing themselves on youtube.

Vincent was the difficult one. He wasn't impressed with Marja's minimal offering nor was he hopeful that she'd do anything for his career. He wasn't an actor, even; he just participated in the theatrical department for his own entertainment. Marja avidly attended the college productions and was always impressed with Vincent - she had to have him.


She approached him after a show a few months earlier and her reception wasn't nearly as clean as she would've hoped. She couldn't promise him anything - she could barely pay him - and...maybe...there would be some funding or recognition for his efforts...eventually? He laughed and told her that he wasn't interested.

"Um...okay..." she responded awkwardly. He started to turn to leave and Marja suddenly spoke. "Wait! Here...just in case you change your mind." She held out a card for his consideration.

He watched it for several painful moments before accepting it with a sigh. Marja forced herself to give him a friendly smile, despite how badly she felt. She didn't know what she could say to convince him and she was suddenly feeling extremely self-aware. Vincent looked her over briefly before finishing his turning motion to leave.

At least he didn't throw her card away in the nearest waste bin.


She didn't hear back from him. Several weeks later, she returned to campus with the intent of finding someone else. She stopped to pick up a coffee at the student union before starting her quest. As she picked up her chai latte and thanked the barista, she turned to find Vincent sitting a table, reading.

She hesitated to approach him. She told herself that he probably wasn't a total jerk: sure, he had dismissed her without showing any interest, but could she blame him? He didn't know her any better than she knew him. Marja approached his table and tried to look confident.

"Hey, Vincent," she said like they were old friends. She only knew his name because it was printed on programs; the look he gave her indicated that fact pretty well.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

"No." She paused briefly. "Oh, well, I talked to you a few weeks ago about my webisodes...but I didn't properly introduce myself,"

"Ah. No doubt your name is on the card," he responded with obvious disinterest.

"Yeah..." God, she felt like an idiot. She pulled a stack of papers from her bag. "I brought my script with me, and if you would consider reading it --"

He cut her off. "I told you, I'm not interested." He waved his hand to help her visualize the futility in the matter.

"'s really good," she said like a child that was unfairly reprimanded. He didn't seem moved. "Please?"

Marja was right: he wasn't a total jerk. He held out his hand for the script and watched her with an expression that made her feel like a total joke. She suddenly realized that she was blushing and broke the silence by saying, "Thanks..."

"I'm not promising anything," he reminded her.

"I know," she responded. He set the script on the table and looked like he was about to go back to his reading when he seemed to realize that Marja was still standing there. "Oh...could I get your contact information?" she asked.

" This is the second time you've harassed me in person about this, I hardly need to you calling me to see if I've read your script yet. I'll call you. Or I won't."

Marja watched Vincent carefully. She honestly couldn't tell if he was serious or if he was just fucking with her. " me." She gave him one last smile before leaving.


He did call, a week later. He said the script was "okay" -- and that it wouldn't be "as awful as he expected". When Marja asked if he'd do it, he really sounded like he was on the fence about it. Once you upload something to the internet, it's permanent, you know? Who would want to be in a low budget webisode? Marja tried to address the issues directly, but Vincent always had some other concern that was dissuading him.

"I'll do whatever you want, Vincent. I need you." Obviously, she was frustrated. That didn't mean that she was intending to rescind her offer.

"That sounds dirty," he commented off-handedly.

"It can be." After several moments without a response, Marja continued. "I'm serious, Vincent. What. Ever. You. Want. I'll fulfill any sexual fantasy you want if you'll act for me...without pay," she added the last part like an after-thought. She wasn't going to pay him to act and have sex with him.

They spoke for a little bit longer before Vincent agreed to show up. To date, Marja hadn't seen him or received any demands.


It was nearing the groups first meeting time. They were just doing a table read of the first episode; there was food and beverages and it would be a fairly laid-back ordeal.

She wondered if Vincent would show up. She had his number from when he had last called, but she honestly felt too embarrassed to dial it. She had shamelessly offered her body for trade - the worst part of it was that she found Vincent attractive. Like, someone she might have been interested in intimately if she hadn't thoroughly tarnished his opinion of her. What had she been thinking?

She tried to console herself that maybe he'd show up. Maybe she'd even end up having some great lustful action out of it - if he wasn't totally disgusted with the thought that she was a total whore. Which she wasn't...this was the first time --

She cut herself off. Why am I justifying this so defensively in my head? She couldn't remember the last time she devoted so much thought to a singular person. She sighed and began to recompose herself. Plenty of people would be arriving - if Vincent didn't show, she had a camera guy that was willing and able to take his part. It would be a shame, but...well.
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Vincent didn't want to be an actor, he simply thought to take a drama class in high school was better than trying to learn a foreign language. Yeah he had been so afraid of trying to learn French or Spanish in High school, that he would rather perform in front of the entire school. It wouldn't be all bad either, as a kid he was a huge fan of that improv show "Who's Line is it Anyway?" both the British and Drew Carry versions. So it might be fun.

As it turned out, Vincent was good at it. He had a natural ability to interpret the words on the page and put them to life. Including the fun stuff where they did a very improv-like comedy thing. He rather liked it.

But despite his enjoyment, he did not want to be an actor. He didn't want to depend on begging and scrapping around for a job all the time, with the obscure chance that he could make it big. He had plans to become a doctor and he planned to see them through.

In college he found himself in drama classes again. They satisfied a few requirements that he would rather do through acting then in a class room environment. Unfortunately his natural ability for it, got him noticed by drama teachers and even some students.

There was one girl in particular who knew about him. He had heard she was putting some kind of episodic show long before she approached him. Once he over heard she was looking for a male lead in her thing, he tried to avoid her.

But alas he couldn't do that. When she came to him at first he fought the urge to just give her the cold shoulder and walk away. But she was pretty enough and he was not enough of a total asshole to just ignore her. He listened to her plea and took her card despite insisting that he had no interest in her show. He told her that much, he tried to stress how uninterested in doing any acting he was, but she didn't take the hint.

She found him a few weeks later at the student union while he was studying for a Medical Terminology test. He hoped she would just ignore him or not even notice he was there but she didn't. This time he tried to be even colder to her than before, anything to get her to get the hint without actually just yelling at her.

She gave him puppydog eyes and a script. Oh dear god why wouldn't she just leave him alone? He held up his hand and shook his head, pleading her not to leave it with him. It wasn't happening. So he agreed to take the script just to get her to leave. Maybe if he read it and told her it was crap she would leave him alone finally. It would hurt her feelings but what other choice did he have if she wouldn't leave him to his own studies?

As it turned out the script wasn't bad. He might even dare call it good, the story was different and funny in a lot of places. It was the kind of thing that he enjoyed most when he was in drama. It wouldn't be agonizing to do this script for her. That posed another problem, it didn't pay.

Normally the lack of pay probably wouldn't bother him, but this was clearly going to eat a lot of his time if he agreed to it, and that meant he couldn't get another job. To him it was just another reason to refuse to do the show.

So he called to tell her that he still wasn't interested. She asked about his opinion of the script and he gave her a simple nonchalant answer and reiterated his disinterest to her.

Then she dropped a bomb shell on him. Offering to do anything he wanted with him if he would only do the show for her. ANYTHING. She came right out and offered him her body to do any sexual thing he could want with her.

That gave him the biggest pause. Vincent had been going through a fairly long dry spell in the pussy department. He had put a lot of effort into the medical classes when he started college and that put girls on the backburner of priority. Perhaps this was an answer to that. Marja was pretty hot, blonde, lithe, with great fucking tits. Vincent tried to remember those tits in his mind and it brought a smile to his lips.

Still it was a big commitment and he needed to think on it. So he brushed her off on the phone again. If he wanted to do it, then he had her address and info for the first cast meeting.

* * * * *

When the day of the first meeting came around Vincent found himself in his car outside her home just looking at the house. He didn't know why he was hesitating, he already knew he was going to go through with this, the need for female attention was enough to sway him. And he told himself that if Marja went back on her offer then he could simply leave.

Vincent grunted and climbed out of the car. He knocked on the door and waited.
Marja answered the door and stupid grin overcame her face when she saw that it was Vincent. "Hey there," she said as casually as possible. She took a step back and motioned for him to come inside. She knew the others wouldn't be far behind; she shut the door and turned to face her male lead with a sheepish expression.

"So..." she started. She paused momentarily and forced herself to make eye contact. "It would be great if, you know, you didn't throw our arrangement around in front of the other cast members or crew. I don't exactly need anyone else demanding equal...treatment." She smiled at her lame little attempt of a joke. God, she felt tense.

She didn't really give him time to verbally reply. Again, he looked at her with an amused expression - it spurred to her move on to another topic. "Anyway..." she turned slightly to lead Vincent deeper into the house, towards the dining room. "We're just doing the read through tonight and it shouldn't take up too much of your time."

She would bring him to a large round table with a dozen chairs around it. She indicated a side table that held food (pizza and grazing-type items) and beverages, saying, "Make yourself at home. The others should be here soon enough."

There wasn't an immediate knock at the door to give her an excuse to leave the room. She stood there for a few moments of silence, her mind going wild. She let her eyes wander over to Vincent and her face took on a deep blush.

Marja felt like she should try to make some idle conversation with him while they waited for the others, but she was at a complete loss of what to say.
Vincent was amused by the way she was acting as if she expected him to demand something obscene right out of the gate. It was funny, it was awkward and if the camera's were on them already, this would have made a hilarious youtube video. He let her off the hook for now though, pleased enough to see that she didn't intend to go back on her little offer. An offer he fully intended to collect.

He pulled out his copy of the script that he had stuffed into the inner pocket of his coat and set in at one of the seats at the table. "Just a read today. Sounds simple enough." He said, keeping it simple for the teasing joy of keeping her on edge.

Taking a red plastic cup and a two-liter off the table, he poured himself a drink. The whole time he poured he watched her, letting his eyes take in the shape of her body as it hid behind her clothes. She was a really beautiful girl, and that only led Vincent to impure thoughts and dirty mental images. HE wondered if she owned a coreset.

He took a sip from the cup and smiled, "I look forward to getting to know you...Marja right?" He said, letting the inflection on his voice tell her exactly what he meant.
The weight of his words were not lost on her. She was glad, at least, that he pronounced her name correctly. Why her parents refused to spell it phonetically... Well, they were very traditional old world folk, after all... And she had to admit that 'Mariya' looked pretty awkward, too. Still, when she heard her name with a hard "J" sound - and people really like to emphasize that particular letter - she couldn't help but cringe.

"...Yeah." She used a hand to push a stray lock of hair behind her right ear. She was actively fumbling for something to say when a knock on the front door cut through the silence. "Excuse me," she said before rushing out of the room.

Her face was on fire. She felt her cheeks with her cold hands - Calm down, she told herself. You can't let this effect your ability to work with Vincent. He's perfect and you can't fuck it up.

She slowed her approach towards the front door, taking a few deep breaths. She glanced in a mirror near the entryway to make sure her blushing had faded. She took one last deep breath and straightened her shirt before opening the door.


The last person to arrive was ten minutes late, but he was a crewman so it didn't hold up the table read. Marja had told the crew that their presence wasn't necessary but mentioned that they were welcome to stop by for free food and entertainment.

The read through went marvelously. Marja was seated with the actors and actresses - a friend of hers had offered to help direct so the Marja could focus on her character. He read the settings and basic direction between the bits of dialogue. Everyone seemed to embrace their characters and the time spent around the table was genuinely fun. A few lines were changed when the actors/actresses ad-libbed what felt natural to them. Marja was extremely supportive of people's ideas and, at the end of the meeting, she expressed that she wanted people to have an equal sense of ease once there was an actual camera in their faces. "If you forget a line, make one up. We might remind you of the actual line and go for another take - but in post, it's always good to have options."

Marja thanked everyone for their time and allowed them to hang out for awhile to make small talk with each other. Most people didn't stay too long. Once most of the crowd had dispersed, Marja noted that Vincent was still hanging around. So were a couple of her good friends.

They were the type that would hang out all night. Marja didn't usually mind. There was only one other time that she 'kicked them out'. She approached and stated evenly, "Alright guys, time to go. I have things to do and I don't need you around distracting me."

One of them raised a brow. He had seen Marja busily working in her office countless times while people hung out in her livingroom. He couldn't help but notice that she wasn't directing any of this at the college kid. Vince or something. "Oh? You helping him with homework, or...?"

Marja scoffed and helped her two friends to the door with a guiding hand on either of their backs. As they found themselves outside of the door, Marja gave them a response. "No, he's helping me learn how to act." She paused. Yeah, that was a good one. She smiled. "I'll catch you guys tomorrow, alright?"

After she shut the door, one of her friends look to the other. "An acting tutor? Pfft." He didn't have any reason not to believe what she said just felt kind of weird.

Marja waited until she heard their car start before she turned away from the door. Vincent was standing there, watching her.
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Vincent was pleased with the read, the script was actually pretty good and fit very well for a short episodic thing. The characters seemed to be well thought out and the audience would be able to tell who was who after only a few moments of listening and seeing the character on screen. Vincent rather liked the character he would be playing after having a chance to somewhat act out the first episode.

He liked the fact that he was playing the badass guy. The guy that all the other men in the show secretly wanted to be. He was the Fonzy of this program and he intended to run wild with it.

Of course the real fun was going to be his method of payment.' Throughout the read, Vincent watched Marja, eying her body. Even once the read was over he had a hard time taking his eyes off of her. Like the alpha male inside of him was already claiming her as his own.

He watched her clean up a little, saying goodbye to the cast and crew members that were leaving. Some of her friends lingered around taking the chance to make this social time. He said nothing, but watched. He watched her ass move and her tits jiggle when she laughed or took too deep of a breath.

Finally she showed her friends out and he was alone with her. Vincent rose to his feet as she watched her friend's car pull away.

"Acting tutor huh?" He asked her raising an eyebrow.

Slowly he stepped toward her, moving close enough that he could smell her perfume. "I have a question about our little deal." He leaned toward her and put his hands flat on the door on either side of her head, pinning her there. He enjoyed the fact that she was letting him be so dominate with her, because he was normal too nice, too shy to really be like this with anyone. But he had her wrapped around his finger, she either let him have her anyway he wanted her or she could try to do her show without the male lead.

He looked into her eyes and asked, "Are you on birth control?" His voice barely more than a whisper.
Marja leaned against the door as Vincent approached her. He exuded dominance - his expression, the placement of his hands. If she weren't in such awe about how hot it was for her, she might've been afraid.

She returned his gaze and answered his question without hesitation. She quietly responded, "Yes." She didn't really consider all the implications until after she answered. Maybe he wasn't just being responsible - it suddenly seemed likely that he'd prefer to fuck her without using a condom. The realization struck her in such a way that she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

Marja tortured herself in thought during the moments immediately following her answer. She speechlessly watched Vincent; her expression showed that she knew herself to be powerless against his whims - it also showed traces of lust as she soaked in the features of Vincent's face. She betrayingly bit her lower lip as she waited for Vincent to tell her what would be happening next. She could feel her body surrendering already and he hadn't even touched her yet.
Vincent smiled and took a deep breath, inhaling her scent and letting it fill his lungs. His body yearned for the touch of a woman again. The past couple of college years had been lonely in that regard and he really really needed just a good old fashion fuck. He licked his lips and leaned toward her to kiss her, to feel her soft lips against his.

Before their lips touched his phone started to buzz loudly in his front pocket. He paused and let out a frustrated sigh. Then he pushed away from her slowly. He normally would ignore his phone in a situation like this, but everyone know he was doing some work and wouldn't call him unless it was an emergency.

So he frowned and dug out his phone. It was a text message, not a call like he had thought. Because his phone was on vibrate it would vibrate with the same intensity either way. His friend Mike was texting him wondering why Vincent wasn't helping him bring his new TV up the stairs of his apartment as Vincent had promised a week ago.

He groaned and shook his head, "Shit." He held up his phone and gave Marja an apologetic frown. "I forgot a promise made to a friend. I must go." He told her, "But keep yourself open tonight, I will be back." He instructed and moved to the door to go keep his promise.
Marja nodded, her face slightly flushed. "Oh...sure thing," she responded when he told her to keep herself open for the night. Real classy, Marja. She suddenly realized that she was leaning against the door Vincent would need to use and she gave him an awkward smile as she moved out of his way. As he opened the door to leave, she was surprised to find that she felt like a date had just walked out on her.

She stood there for a few seconds before turning to go back to her office. Her head was reeling. What was it about Vincent that had her so worked up? The thought of him using her... She knew her panties were already wet, and with her newest thoughts of him she could feel her nipples aching to be stimulated. She considered getting herself off but - Vincent had said he would be back.

She sat behind her desk and stared at her monitor blankly. She couldn't help wonder what sort of promise Vincent had made and when he'd return.
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It took longer than Vincent expected to move the TV upstairs for his friend. Once they got it into the apartment they then had to hook it up, and of course Mike wanted Vincent to hang out for a bit and watch the game on the new HDTV. Vincent was agitated as it was like he was pulled away from a guaranteed lay and he wanted nothing more than to run back to Marja's place and fuck her brains out.

Though he supposed that this was a good thing in the long run. Let Marja sweat it out a little bit. Let her think that if she wasn't satisfying to Vincent, then he could walk out on their deal anytime he wanted. He had total power over her and he couldn't wait to see just how willing she was to take everything he wanted to do with her.

Though Vincent wasn't exactly the sexually adventurous type. He didn't like bondage or rape fetishes the way some people did. He liked the idea of roleplaying, he already thought of different outfits and things that he wanted Marja to dress up as. She was an actress, she would love things like that too, err well probably.

When Mike finally let him get away with the excuse of meeting someone for dinner Vincent bolted down to his car and dialed Marja's number.

"Hey Marja it's Vincent. I'm on my way back. My buddy wouldn't let me get away and I do apologize for keeping you waiting." He paused, "Do me a favor before I get there, if you have one...put on a corset and i'll be there in ten minutes. I bet you would look incredible in a corset."
Marja had eventually given in to writing in an attempt to take her mind off of Vincent. She kept glancing at the task bar to check to time.

After a seemingly long amount of time had passed, she was just about to give up on the hope that he was coming back that evening. Why was he playing with her? And why did she -- Oh god. I want him to fuck me. I'm not doing this for the webisode...I mean, he's a great actor...but...

Her phone rang and she had a reaction to it like she was in high school, waiting for the quarter back to call. It was him!

She would've been happy with any excuse. "Oh, yeah, that's fine," she responded after his apology for keeping her waiting. It's not like I missed you, she tried to tell herself.

A corset? Yeah...she had a few. She was what some people would call a fangirl - and she was known to dabble in cosplay. "I do look pretty amazing in a corset~" she responded. "I'll see you soon."

She had ten minutes to figure out her outfit. She calmly approached one of her spare bedrooms that was filled with racks of clothing - it was a benefit to making small films and dressing up for conventions. She considered for several moments before selecting a costume.


When Vincent arrived, she opened the door to reveal herself in a burlesque-style costume. Her corset, more or less, was the outfit. It was black with red trimming and accents and was accompanied by stockings and a garter belt. The thong style panties matched the corset - as did her long gloves. She had a feather boa hanging from her elbows. With her stiletto heels on, she was just as tall as the lead male.
Vincent was stunned by the sight that greeted him when the door opened. Marja looked amazing in her outfit, the corset highlighted her wonderful body and pushed her breasts up into heaving globes of mouth watering delights. He was unable to do anything but stare at her for a long few moments, each second brought a bigger grin across his face.

Finally he pushed into the house and kicked the door shut. "You look incredible. Beyond my wildest hopes." He told her stepping up to put an arm around her nimble waist. He pulled her against his body and kissed her. He couldn't contain himself anymore, he couldn't hold out wanting to take her.

This was going to be a great night. Vincent loved having sex with a woman for the first time. Exploring a new body, finding out what made it tick and what gave it the most pleasure. He liked Marja's speaking voice and he wondered what kind of sounds he could bring out of her.

His fingers trailed around her back, caressing the material of the corset. Then he slowly slid his hands down to cup her ass, her tight little ass and gave her a firm squeeze while his tongue pushed between her lips.
Marja received Vincent's compliments with a small smile. "Thanks," she responded shyly, averting her gaze from the man. She gave a startled small, "oh!" as she grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close against his body. She felt his warm lips press against her own and she quickly found her rigid initial response melting away. Her muscles relaxed and she slipped her arms around Vincent's shoulders.

She felt his hands trailing over her back and found herself eager by the time he grabbed the flesh of her ass. She gave a soft moan and was rewarded by Vincent pushing his tongue between her lips.

Her open-mouthed kissing was a little more passionate than one might expect from someone 'doing it because they had to'. Still, that was what she was trying to tell herself. She couldn't disappoint him, right? He could leave the show on a whim...

Marja was somewhat ashamed by the fact that her panties were already drenched.
She was already starting to moan for him. A simple kiss and a little tongue probing and it was like she was melting in his arms. Not that he was going to mind nor argue that fact. He found himself getting fairly turned on by this whole thing as it was already. She had openly answered his question about birth control positively, which meant she wasn't going to make him wear a condom. That was a first for him, he had never had sex without a condom before and he always wondered what it would be like to spray his load into a woman's thirsty womb without the barrior of the rubber. He often imagined his cum leaking from a woman's tunnel, knowing that millions of his sperm where frantically swimming inside of her.

He shivered as he held her, letting her feel his cock was hard and eager for her. He pressed it against her lower stomach wanting to be buried within her already. Still there was so much more to do.

Vincent gently broke the kiss and took a soft step back from her, but he kept her from putting too much distance between them by his hands on her hips. His eyes moved down to the soft mound heaving from the top of the corset. He tilted his head down and licked his tongue over the tops of her breasts, her soft smooth skin was like silk under his taste buds. He kept licking until her skin was shimmering with his saliva, a sign that he had marked her body as his for the night.

"Where's the bedroom?" He asked her softly.
Marja felt a light shiver from her partner and was thrilled when she felt his hard cock pressing against her. He withdrew from the kiss and proceeded to lick her chest. Her mounds rose and stopped as she held her breath.

She exhaled when he was finished - just realizing that she had ceased to breathe. He asked her where the bedroom was.

"It's.." she started, placing her hands on top of his. She gently removed his grip from her waist and turned - she continued to hold on of his hands in hers. "..just upstairs."

She would lead him through a couple of sets, revealing a stairwell that was obstructed by a false wall. She released his hand and climbed a few steps ahead of him - she had no doubt that he had a perfect view of her ass as she climbed the stairs. Once she reached the top, she turned and waited for him to get to the landing.

She indicted a door down the hall. She realized shortly after that she would still be leading him there; she wasn't quite sure what her motioning was all about. Perhaps it was a product of thespian-ism. She gave a small smile and continued on her way.

Walking through the door would reveal a sizable room. It was painted a rich red color and a king sized canopy bed sat prominently among the matching furniture.
Vincent smiled as she went up the stairs, each step making her ass twitch in a different way. He fought the urge to reach out and grab it, pinch it, anything just to touch it. When they got to the top of the landing she gestured that it was just down the hall and then continued ahead of him.

Her bedroom was set up in an elaborate scheme of red. Even the rooms of her home not set up for the show seemed overdone. Perhaps a sign of her need to feel like she was always on a set. Not that it mattered, because if this was a set it was going to be a porn set very soon. He smiled and looked around the room, his finger brushing over the material of the bedspread.

He felt her watching him, not wanting to move as if she didn't know what to do with herself. He smirked at her and stood on the far side of the bed. "You seem nervous." He told her, slipping off his shoes and socks without bending over. "Isn't this what you offered me? Your body, your bed?" Now he was just being over dramatic, but that was all part of the game.

Vincent pulled his shirt over his head and decided that he would let her open his fly. No reason to do all the work himself after all. "Maybe it would be easier for you if you thought of it as a role." He smiled and came around the bed, barefoot and shirtless. "Ah, yes that sounds like a good idea. Perhaps you will play a woman I've hired for the night."

He smiled and leaned close to her, "I've paid good money for you, so show me a good time." He chuckled and tilted his head down to gently kiss the top of her breasts again, before stepping back and waiting to see what she would do with his idea.
Vincent seemed exceedingly comfortable in her room. She watched him as he partially undressed himself and found her eyes greedily exploring his exposed flesh. She bit her lip - she was nervous. And, yes, this was exactly what she had offered him. She didn't verbally project her agreement to his words.

She heard his roleplaying idea as he came around the bed; his smile was warm and wicked at the same time. He suggested that he had hired her for the night - and had payed good money. He kissed her breast before allowing her some room.

She watched him for a few seconds. She couldn't help but give a small laugh as the words acting tutor echoed through her mind. was the first exercise.

With a sly smile, she approached Vincent. Her hands wandered across his bare chest lustfully and she brought her mouth close to his before diverting to the side. She nibbled at his earlobe and licked his neck, a hand trailing upwards to run through his hair. Her other hand held his back, pulling him in against her tightly. "And what can I do to please you this evening?" she asked as if he was a returning customer of the whore's.

She guided him to the bed, allowing him to lay on his back. She crawled up his body and began to kiss his chest as she awaited his response. She ran a hand knowingly over his hardened cock.
Vincent was stunned for the moment. The feel of her cupping and rubbing on him through his pants excited him. It had been a long time since anyone but himself had touched him there and it was a delightful sensation. She felt great on top of him, her body looming over his while her hand caressed his chest. He knew that she was simply exploring him, the way he wanted to explore her. Her fingers getting to know the movement of his muscles, while she tried to tease his length with her other hand.

He looking into her teasing eyes and smiled. It hadn't taken her much to get into this, and Vincent had a feeling that this was going to be a lot of fun for the both of them. "First things first, I think you need to lose those panties. I want you in the corset and nothing else." He told her, shifting on the bed so that he might be able to prop himself up enough to watch her.
Marja slid herself down Vincent's body, allowing her knees to drag along either side of his body until she reached the edge of the bed. She placed her feet on the floor and immediately caught the feather boa that was threatening to fall from her form. She motioned with her wrists to cause the prop to flip in front of her.

She leaned forward and looped the item behind Vincent's neck. She pulled him ever so slightly forward as she gave him a small affectionate kiss. She whispered, "Yes sir," before she straightened herself, abandoning the feather boa. She ran her hands down the curvature of her corset before allowing her hands to fall on the clasps that held up her stockings. The garter belt was easily enough unclipped. Once unfastened, she hooked her fingers under the sides of her panties. She swayed her hips slightly as she slowly drug the fabric down her thighs.

She stepped out from the garment and tossed it gently in Vincent's direction. It would seem that she had thoroughly prepared for his arrival - she was completely shaven. She lifted her foot towards her bottom and reached down to remove her heels. Once shoeless, she started to remove her gloves while watching Vincent with a lustful expression.

"Do you want me to suck your cock before I fuck you?" That's right. She was all business.
Vincent watched as her sexy body slid back off the bed. She made a show of stripping off all her little accessories. He didn't realize how many extras that outfit had, he was far too focused on her tits heaving in the corset. God why was that so fucking hot to him? He smirked, well because her tits were huge that was obvious.

He played with the feather boa while she unzipped her boots and he eyed her exposed legs. Letting his eyes snake up her smooth legs up to her bare crotch. She had the sweetest pussy he had ever seen, not that he had seen a lot, but still the point remained.

Then she was just as he had asked, naked except the corset that still trapped her breasts. He licked his lips and wanted so much to suckle in her bosom, but that was later. No sense blowing everything on her at once. He smiled eagerly as she asked him what he wanted her to do to him. He sat up and looked into her eyes.

"Yeah, I like the sound of that. Suck my cock." He told her, reaching out to take her hand and pulled her fingers to his lips laying gentle kisses onto her fingertips.
Marja gave him a small smile as he took her hand and kissed her fingertips. She allowed him a few moments before drawing her hand away. She let it slide down his chest as she lowered herself to her knees. Once the hand reached the hem of his pants, she let it trace the border between his flesh and the fabric.

In short order, her other hand joined in the effort of undoing his bindings. The button to his pants was quickly freed and the zipper pulled down. She looked up at him with a wicked glimmer in her eyes as she removed the article completely. She ran a hand over his hardened cock through the material of his undergarments, grabbing the last piece of clothing when she reached the top of her motion. She slid them from his body quickly - maybe even eagerly - and looked upon his thick member. She let him feel her hot breath upon it for several moments teasingly.

She licked from the base of his cock, letting her tongue travel the entire length of his shaft. When she reached the tip, she swirled her tongue around his head before sealing her lips around his girth. She slipped him in slowly.

She used a hand to gently massage Vincent's balls as her mouth traveled up and down his length. She used her other hand to hold the base of his cock, moving in conjunction with the bobbing of her head. Her tongue actively worked to massage his length and she sucked him hungrily.
There were few things more exciting than having a girl take off your pants with the sole purpose of getting at your junk. Vincent delighted in watching her peel his pants from his body, then she went to work on his boxers after a moment of rubbing his cock through the material. The insecure little man in Vincent kept a close eye on her face as she exposed him. The little voice in the back of his head hoping to see anything on her face except disappointment as she caught a first look at the shaft that would soon pierce her body.

Once he was naked she went to work. Lowering her face toward his cock and Vincent smirked. She teased him with her breath on his pole, making him wiggle under her. But MArja didn't make him wait long, and Vincent began to wonder if she was as eager to fuck as he was, if for different reasons.

Her tongue snaked out and licking up the length of him, from base to tip. Vincent let out an uncontrollable groan. When Marja's lips wrapped around the tip of his dick, and her tongue flicked and teased his little mushroom man Vincent's hands reached out and grabbed handfuls of her hair. She lowered her head, taking him into her mouth and making his eyes roll into the back of his head.

Fuck she was good, moving her head up and down, fondling his nuts. As she bobbed her head, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, Vincent felt her spit slowly start to dribble down his member and he was in fucking heaven. He trembled at the sensations she gave him.

"God it has been way too long since I've gotten some action." He moaned softly as she continued.
Marja was surprised by his comment. She couldn't help but glance up at his face briefly - he was extremely handsome. She had somehow assumed that he wouldn't have any trouble finding a piece of ass on campus. If not from the drama department, then from... Hm. Marja realized that she didn't even know what Vincent was going to school for, she had just latched on to his ability to act and apparently that was all she needed to know about him.

She released his cock from her mouth, continuing to use her hand to stroke his length. "Perhaps you should come see me more often, then," she responded with a devious grin. Marja had to pause for a second to try to decided if she was saying that or if it was the whore she currently played. She didn't have time to devote the effort to answering the question with any certainty.

She lowered her face between his thighs. She licked at his sack playfully before taking one of his balls into her mouth. She gently massaged the organ with her tongue and suckled it softly. She could feel his cock throbbing in her hand as she did so. After a few moments, she diverted her attention to his other ball.

When she was finished, she licked from the base of his member and up to the tip. Instead of taking it in to her mouth right away, she lowered herself again. She placed her tongue at a different location at his base before repeating the motion. She looked up at him with a small smile before repeating the action one last time.

She made the head of his cock split her lips apart as she pushed him inside of her mouth. She devoured his length, removing her hand from his shaft so that she could take him in completely. She paused when she felt her lips touch the skin of his lower abdomen - she had to actively keep her gag reflex under control. She reached her newly free hand up to pinch one of his nipples as her other hand returned to fondling his balls.

She would continue to pleasure him with her mouth - taking him from tip to base with each deep movement of her head.
Vincent was lost in a sea of the things she was doing to him. Being buried inside her warm, wet mouth was amazing especially considering her tongue continuously lapped at him. Then her mouth would move between his legs and she would give his balls some gentle but wonderful attention. Just as he was falling into the grasp of complete euphoria, she would switch again, jarring him into a new pleasure. It was a masterful way to keep his cum trapped from his balls.

When she attempted to deep throat his shaft outright Vincent gasped and had to stop her. He gently pushed her away, unable to hold himself back and unwilling to blow his load without being inside of her. With a grunt he pulled her away from his cock and pulled her on top of him and kissed her. The corset was satiny, yet partly rough on his chest as her body pressed against him.

"You are amazing. How are you single?" He asked her, wondering how she didn't have a guy attached to her at the hip ready to throw down for each and every offered blowjob or quickly in a laundry closet. "Jesus, I may never let you leave this room." He told her with a nervous but pleased chuckle.
Marja found herself removed from her position - Vincent made her stop giving him head and pulled her on top of him. She felt his lips press against her own and she savored the moment.

She faltered in her performance when Vincent complimented her asked how she was still single. She blushed lightly and stammered, "I...uh...I don't get out much. I pretty much live at my computer. I mean, I write scripts and blog and code..." She had to stop herself from babbling a trainload of justifications.

His threat to not let her leave the room was met with a smile. She knew it was an impossibility: even if she was that good, he would no doubt still feel obligated to attend his classes. She was already preparing herself for the fact that he would probably leave as soon as he got off. She had made the deal, she had no right to get upset about it.

Rather than voice anything that ran through her head, Marja kept a soft smile on her face and made a "Mmm" sound. She gave Vincent a deep, open-mouthed kiss before placing her hands on his chest. She pushed herself to a vertical position and hovered her wet pussy over his cock.

She rubbed her slit along his length for several moments, letting her warm juices soak onto his shaft. She looked down at him deviously before placing the tip of his cock at her opening. She slowly allowed his head to press passed her lips. She teased him by only taking a few inches at first. She began to work him in and out of her shallowly for a few strokes - she was hoping to make grab her hips and pull her on to him fully, but she broke before he did. She pressed herself down on him, fully submerging his cock into her wet cunt. She gave a moan and threw her head back.

"Oh, Vincent..." she groaned. She wouldn't tell him that it had been awhile since she had been intimate; she had a hard time finding a boyfriend that tolerated her need to stare at a screen all day.