Would you meet someone from Lit for coffee?

I have she was an awesome person many many years ago we lost touch.
Chatted on here for a year before we met
Most certainly would, even though I'm not single :)

I welcome the opportunity of meeting new people, chatting, exploring what drew us to Lit in the first place. Most likely it would be just platonic, but would enjoy having a coffee friend to connect with who knows a side of me no one else does...
What beautiful lady would like to meet for coffee? :) A happy hour beer might be better.
Yes, and Nashville has great spots. But I think it's easier for me to find the idea fine as a guy. I can understand women being more hesitant
I have before after lots of communication and trust was built. It was a nice step forward in the friendship
absolutely, 100%, even higher if it was a spontaneous offer... meeting new people is almost always fascinating, even if it's just for coffee...
Absolutely. I have met some very nice women platonically when Craigslist was still an option.
I would love to meet others, but the options are fewer.

So, if any female wants to meet for coffee, a soda, ice cream, snack it even lunch, let me know.

I am in area code 843, suburban Charleston, SC.

And I have . . .coffee, beers, breakfast, lunch, happy hours. No dinners yet though.

Litsters are a good bunch 🙂