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And you thought you had a tough day...

Trompe D'Oeil such as those pavement works has a long history.

This is an example from Pompeii:

This cold weather shit is for....someone. i won't even say the birds cause I won't even put this on them. My furnace is running non-stop.

i need warmed up. :mad:
Bayeux, Normandy, France:


The food in the waterside restaurant is reasonably priced and only a short distance from the Bayeux Tapestry.

Useless facts: Bayeux was one of the first towns liberated after D-Day. Its ancient streets weren't suitable for tanks so the Allies built a by-pass around Bayeux in a couple of days. That by-pass is still used but, by intention, runs through the British cemetery. All traffic slows down out of respect.
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