Opinion on Collarme


Mar 17, 2013
I've been looking on collarme for a dom. I haven't had much for finding someone that I could be interested in. Found one but he crossed a line he shouldn't have. So I'm still looking but hopeful. I just want someone who a nice loving guy who has a kinky side who's into BDSM. Maybe what is not realistic but that's what I am a nice girl who into BDSM. Is collarme a good or are there better places?
If I were you I would join fetlife.com and look for a local munch or like minded person to consult with to find a suitable Dom to your needs. Every ones needs are different.
If I were you I would join fetlife.com and look for a local munch or like minded person to consult with to find a suitable Dom to your needs. Every ones needs are different.

I second that excellent adivce. A local munch normally involves meeting like minded people in a bar in "vanilla" clothes and its a lot less intimadating than a full dress meet.

Ive tried collarme before and found it full of snobs and "professionals"

I wish you well in your search
I have met a lot of folks on collarme and wound up playing with a few. Like anything you have to go slow, be open but careful and cull through a lot of weeds to find a few nice blossoms. I would advise making the process part of the fun.

Thank You for all the feedback. I'm trying to find a munch near me. It's been tricky to find one.
Personal opinion -

Any search based on BDSM Personals forums will increase the number of asshats, trolls, and Horny Net Geeks [HNGs] that one has to sort through, in order to find a compatible partner (serious or otherwise).

My best "success" with attempts at online dating have never involved kink-based sites. Then again, when men are involved I look for a hell of a lot more than (and in addition to) "kink". If you need someone who may or may not have a reputation out the wazoo for being Grand Whip Master Who-De-Doo, rock on with the kink-based personals sites. If you're looking for kink+ whatever else... expand the search and don't presume "vanilla" online sites are void of open minded alpha types.