Missouri Rollcall

Now did I say it had to be you?

But if you're willing to lend a hand, I could use a good cupholder. :D

No you did not. Nor am I volunteering. From my side of the state, it would be a reach. And I am only 5'7"
No more fifths for you young man! Not until you have learned your lesson! There! That is the best I can do for a Domme via post. LOL

Oh, I kicked that habit long ago. Just beer for me now. It's a long story for another time.
Oh, I kicked that habit long ago. Just beer for me now. It's a long story for another time.

Not a problem. I reached the age where it is just not even fun anymore. 1 and I am done. Does that make me a cheap date or just cheap? Or, maybe worse...old...that is worse...
Not a problem. I reached the age where it is just not even fun anymore. 1 and I am done. Does that make me a cheap date or just cheap? Or, maybe worse...old...that is worse...

Oh I still put the beers away. But whiskey took me to a place I didn't need to be.