The Mind's Eye


Really Really Experienced
Jul 20, 2013
How to explain id or otherwise ego, the super-ego is conscience? Fundamentalist, psyche is triskaidekaphobia e.g. figment of imagination... the movies i.e. fun house of mirrors?
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How to explain id or otherwise ego, the super-ego is conscience?

I am not entirely sure of what the question is, but in very loose terms, the id, ego and super-ego are Freudian structural models of the psyche (not conscience. Conscience is something else). The id is the basic, primal, instinctual part; the ego is the rationalising bridge between the id and the super-ego and the the super-ego is the critical and moralising part.

The id is present at birth - it's the 'animal' instinct of us; it's the 'flight or fight' instinct, the breeding instinct, the hunt, the survival.

The super-ego is the values, morals and is taught by our parents and society. It strives for us to be socially perfect. It's a complete contradiction to our id. A perfect example is people who severely diet in order to be thin and ignore the impulse to eat when hungry. This is the super-ego.

The ego is the rational, mediating force between the two. It seeks to please the id that is acceptable to the super-ego; in other words, the ego brings the id to reality. The ego is highly dependent on the person's personality.

Remember, this is Freud. Personally, I have little patience for his theories, but that's just me. Its anthropological application is way too over-simplistic and undermines the delicate complexities of social human behaviour. I'll be honest, though - I'm not a psychologist (I just know the theories very very well), so I cannot say about individual therapeutic application.
I Grok that I Grok that.

God gave us a consciousness so that we might have free will.

That is not to say he can't interfere or change the direction of your thought, he can, it's just that he rarely chooses to unless the actions of an individual will cause conflict with a course of action he has to lay out in times past ie his word.

Or unless a Angel interferes to changes the course of events, but that usually is to keep things in compliance with Gods direction for us or others around us.

and sometimes we need a talking to. :(
How to explain id or otherwise ego, the super-ego is conscience? Fundamentalist, psyche is triskaidekaphobia e.g. figment of imagination... the movies i.e. fun house of mirrors?

An unconscious reflex to drop an egg or toss your cookies? Consequently, if there was a drug that could save your life you'ld withhold treatment!
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How to explain id or otherwise ego, the super-ego is conscience? Fundamentalist, psyche is triskaidekaphobia e.g. figment of imagination... the movies i.e. fun house of mirrors?

An unconscious reflex to drop an egg or toss your cookies? Consequently, if there was a drug that could save your life you'ld withhold treatment!

Twenty five years ago I overheard a silent conversation once, between my watch and a snake in a woodpile, all while watching my friend walk out into rolling surf and try to chop down a long pier with a wee axe.

I remember thinking about how cold the water must feel, lapping at his chest as he swung the hatchet. I tried to count the wee "Ka-chunks" when he made contact with the stout pilings, but kept losing the order and forgetting the number I last counted.

He eventually came out of the water and layed down in the sand, the hatchet surrendered to the surf or maybe stuck in it's last abortive chop. I layed down beside my friend and we looked at the stars and watched passing satellites. I swear I could hear the sand drinking the ocean from his pantlegs. We talked and talked and talked, and our conversations at times were in the same vein as the quotes above.

I don't know about saving lives, but the drug we did not withhold was acid, and that was one helluva trip.
Twenty five years ago I overheard a silent conversation once, between my watch and a snake in a woodpile...

We talked and talked and talked, and our conversations at times were in the same vein as the quotes above.

It saves lives and the memory stores smiles. Smiles save lives. Sometimes we need a reminder to just reach a little deeper or further afield for those smiles.
Back to What Ails Ya?

In Mythology, an Oedipus complex in Narcissism the Peter Pan syndrome... Stigmata
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The ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO are bullshit.

Whats really there is whats been there all along: the basic survival drive, the imagination, and the rational executive. There may be better names for the parts but theyre how we handle needs. Awareness, imagination, and performance.

You don't see it now but 60 years ago hungry kids ate dirt and clay. That's sense and imagination working together without sensibility. Its why we like to perform under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

A description in Minkowski space supports descriptions in time and space for particular observers.