Parodize This Thread!


Loves amps
Jan 29, 2012
You know you want to. So go on. Bend it over and parodize it. The forced puns began circulating through your tight little brain-hole as soon as you saw the title. Your flaccid mind became engorged with ideas for how to turn into your banal whore. So do it. You you want to do it. You want it bad. Parodize this thread like the dirty little chore it is.
It feels like I have something stuck between my teeth.


Can you see it?

I think it might be right about here...
Oh yeah bad boy I'm going to parodize it right now. I've read it up and down, and back and forth and now I'm going to parodize this big, hard thread for as long as it can stand it. Oh yeah baby, I'm doing it right now. I'm parodizing this thread, oh.
This thread is the true embodiment
Of everything that's excellent.
It has no kind of fault or flaw,
And CHNOPS, himself, embodies that law.
This thread has been parodized twice already today, and it's ready for more. Gang-parody, anybody?
i came here

expecting it to be a bloody frenchie hotel
a little bit of gina
long cool slug of guinness
and more -ley
but where's the damned bellhop and penwright?

'66 and never mind the handball

You unlock this door with the key of imagination.

Beyond it is another dimension.

A dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind.

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.

You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
You know you want to. So go on. Bend it over and parodize it. The forced puns began circulating through your tight little brain-hole as soon as you saw the title. Your flaccid mind became engorged with ideas for how to turn into your banal whore. So do it. You you want to do it. You want it bad. Parodize this thread like the dirty little chore it is.

I still haven't decided whether or not I like you, but I'll give you this: You're damned entertaining.
i fell asleep last night because this party was WACK

surprise none of you jerks tried to fuck me.​
This thread has now been parodized five times. Two posters logged off all over its typeface. A third one gave it a textually transmitted disease. One poor slob couldn't get it to load. Happens to all posters at one time or another.

And yet here is is back for more.
This thread has now been parodized five times. Two posters logged off all over its typeface. A third one gave it a textually transmitted disease. One poor slob couldn't get it to load. Happens to all posters at one time or another.

And yet here is is back for more.
this is a filthy, used, edited repost of a thread . . . with smeared text and lack of capitalisation AND brit spelling

it should be righteously ashamed of itself. now smack it.
You say that you have nothing to parody. Well, you can at least parody that - or else simply the parody our elders used to start with: If you are a parody, well and good; so am I.

Parodied from Pliny the Younger AD61 - 112 about writing.