Something you do that other people think is weird

Apparently my baking snickedoodles and oatmeal cookies with cum in them is considered weird. Who knew.

unless the people consuming them are fully aware and happy to eat said stuff, it's more than weird - it's downright freakin' creepy!
I do the above plus always put on my seatbelt before starting my car. I also make sure everyone else is belted in before driving.

What would THAT be considered odd? Obeying the law and caring for the welfare of one's passengers is common sense, to me.

But then, I am unabashedly strange, eh? 😜
I don't usually invite people inside if they show up unannounced/without warning. I love having company but I require advanced notice. Without it I am unlikely to answer the door at all. A dear friend considers this the height of rudeness and very much has a problem with it. I'd love to see her daily if I could - but with a 10 or 15 minute heads-up :) She no longer asks to come over because if she can't drop by on a whim - she'd rather not drop by at all.

Works for me!

Holy shit. Hi there!
I have a degree but work as a caregiver for Parkinson's patients. I also like vanilla popcorn from Iowa. My family thinks the first item is weird.
I pull a burger apart and eat the filling first then the buns
I sleep with the fan on even during winter
I put the beans BY the toast. Putting the beans on the toast compromises the crispy structure of the bread. What's the point? If I wanted soggy bread why bother toasting it!? WHY!?
in the 90's, if you talked to people on the internet, you were weird.
Now, if you don't talk to people via the internet, you're weird.

I may be a little strange, weird and perverted but I am told I do it well and with style also that it works for me.
Given you eventually just joined, posting on literotica is nothing, given that anyone you told would have to know about Lit and make a moral judgement past that.

I have almost 50 posts. I'm already experienced. I never cared much for moral judgments, or morals, or judgments.