Dildo substitute suggestions.


Literotica Guru
Oct 15, 2012
I thought this might be a the right forum to ask this. I have recently got into fingering my ass while masturbating, and really enjoy it. Now I want something slightly bigger, but I don''t want to go and buy a dildo, it would probably be too big anyway. I have only used my middle finger a few times, and I am very tight, it is even quite difficult to get my finger in initially, but once inside, it is great. Any suggestions please?
A standard 6" smooth vibrator should be fine (see the blue one in the attached image). It goes in easily with lube, can be slimmer than (or the same as) a butt plug (on the right of the picture), isn't too large, doesn't have huge ridges or knobs to get around and is fairly cheap. It's probably the best of the commercially available solutions. I have previously also used a metal cigar tube, but since it's about the same size as the vibe you may as well just buy the latter unless you can find a really skinny butt plug. I can't really think of anything that's more the size of a finger... except maybe another finger.

If you don't want to actually go into a sex shop, you can always order online.

my toys
A standard 6" smooth vibrator should be fine (see the blue one in the attached image). It goes in easily with lube, can be slimmer than (or the same as) a butt plug (on the right of the picture), isn't too large, doesn't have huge ridges or knobs to get around and is fairly cheap. It's probably the best of the commercially available solutions. I have previously also used a metal cigar tube, but since it's about the same size as the vibe you may as well just buy the latter unless you can find a really skinny butt plug. I can't really think of anything that's more the size of a finger... except maybe another finger.

If you don't want to actually go into a sex shop, you can always order online.

my toys

Thanks for the advice, I don't have any problem going to a sex shop, and there is one close to where I work, so maybe I should pop in and see their range.
This raises another question, does the vibration enhance the experience?
Thanks for the advice, I don't have any problem going to a sex shop, and there is one close to where I work, so maybe I should pop in and see their range.
This raises another question, does the vibration enhance the experience?

If you are going to the shop then look for vibes made for anal specifically rather than regular ones, regular ones don't have anthing to keep it from getting pulled in and "stuck"...prostate massagers are fantastic and yes, the vibration make a BIG difference
This raises another question, does the vibration enhance the experience?
I guess that's a matter of personal preference. I've not noticed much of a difference - maybe I didn't have it deep enough, though :D (but be sure to keep a firm grip on it!)
What am I thinking? I could make my own, if I have the time today I will knock up something in plastic and post a pic of it for comment, if I can work out how, I have never posted a pic before. I am just a little worried that the kind of plastic which I can machine, might be too hard, I think something in silicone would probably be better, but I have nothing to lose by trying, at least I can custom size it.
I thought this might be a the right forum to ask this. I have recently got into fingering my ass while masturbating, and really enjoy it. Now I want something slightly bigger, but I don''t want to go and buy a dildo, it would probably be too big anyway. I have only used my middle finger a few times, and I am very tight, it is even quite difficult to get my finger in initially, but once inside, it is great. Any suggestions please?
Improvised dildos can be lots of fun. try carrots, zucchini (sp??) cucumbers and my favourite of all time was corn on the cob! It was nice and thick and all bumpy what a wicked sensation! Always use a condom so you don't get anything nasty in your bum and lots and lots of lube. Have fun!
The 6" one I posted a picture of is hard plastic (I have some pictures & videos of me using it on my web page). The butt plug is shorter, silicone and somewhat more flexible if you think you'd be more comfortable with it (it's also a wee bit thicker but you may be able to find one that's less so) but I haven't noticed much of a difference. If you go larger, like the 8" one I have in the same picture, you would probably want something non-rigid.
As far as vegetables & whatnot - yeah, use a condom & lube and watch out for pointy bits. Frankly, I'd rather just buy a 6" vibe. :D
First try

Ok, I knocked this one up this afternoon. The business end is 1" x 4", the other side I have left oversize, so I can decide the size after first testing the small side. Whichever side is not being used at the time, becomes the handle. I incorporated the bumps because I want to feel it sliding in and out, they may be over the top, I will soon know. :D


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Ok, I knocked this one up this afternoon. The business end is 1" x 4", the other side I have left oversize, so I can decide the size after first testing the small side. Whichever side is not being used at the time, becomes the handle. I incorporated the bumps because I want to feel it sliding in and out, they may be over the top, I will soon know. :D

Now for the report back.:)
All round, pretty good. 1 inch girth was fine, 4 inch length maybe a tad short, surface maybe a tad hard, but when positioned right it felt great, and the bumps were very nice. hmm, lets say 7/10. will definitely use it again.
You are fortunate to be able to make your own!

I'm surprised you didn't taper the end a little for easy entry...can you drill out the middle and slide a vibe in there?
You are fortunate to be able to make your own!

I'm surprised you didn't taper the end a little for easy entry...can you drill out the middle and slide a vibe in there?

Entry was easy enough, lots of KY, scared to make it too sharp, don't want to stab myself in there.
Ok, I knocked this one up this afternoon. The business end is 1" x 4", the other side I have left oversize, so I can decide the size after first testing the small side. Whichever side is not being used at the time, becomes the handle. I incorporated the bumps because I want to feel it sliding in and out, they may be over the top, I will soon know. :D
Terrific! Instead of making the 'shield' flat and right angled, try sloping it up to the beginning of the insertable section. It's a nice feeling, when it nuzzles up to on the outside. :)

I would say that the minimum length for a butt toy is more like 5 inches, to tease the inner sphincter.

(I love butts) :D
I'm so jealous... treading the path to anal nirvana *sigh*
microwaved zucchini... cover the 'handle' end with foil so it stays cool. Gotta be careful with too much time as they go on getting hotter :eek: but the heat is wonderful *sigh*
I'm torn tonight though: grated zucchini for supper or...
decisions, decisions :)

Thanks for the idea, I had considered a zuccini, but never thought of microwaving it, the warmth must be nice. What I have done with a microwave before, is to heat up a gel pack, then roll it into a sleeve, and voila, instant hot pussy, gotta be careful not to make it too hot though.
I thought this might be a the right forum to ask this. I have recently got into fingering my ass while masturbating, and really enjoy it. Now I want something slightly bigger, but I don''t want to go and buy a dildo, it would probably be too big anyway. I have only used my middle finger a few times, and I am very tight, it is even quite difficult to get my finger in initially, but once inside, it is great. Any suggestions please?

you can buy small dildoes on line if you really want them and small butt plugs and of course there are things around the house you can always resort to if the need drives you .x
I bought a nice soft but yet firm cock from Amazon. Called slim Luke or something like that. It works great for a newcomer like me. It has a suction cup on the base. I lube up good, stick it on the side of a desk and back on to it. Just today I had most of it buried inside me as I jacked off. The more I use it the better it feels. Definitely some intense orgasms.
A standard 6" smooth vibrator should be fine (see the blue one in the attached image). It goes in easily with lube, can be slimmer than (or the same as) a butt plug (on the right of the picture), isn't too large, doesn't have huge ridges or knobs to get around and is fairly cheap. It's probably the best of the commercially available solutions. I have previously also used a metal cigar tube, but since it's about the same size as the vibe you may as well just buy the latter unless you can find a really skinny butt plug. I can't really think of anything that's more the size of a finger... except maybe another finger.

If you don't want to actually go into a sex shop, you can always order online.

my toys

The blue one is such a pretty colour, im mad jealous ha
Just new to this site and stumbled upon this discussion.....great subject! I am married bi Aussie guy.

I love toys, we have a large range of vibes, dildos, plugs etc. wife has strap on harness and we interchange dildos in it depending on the mood :)
have recently bought an inflatable vibrating butt plug.....OMFG!!! I highly recommend it! feels amazing..buzzing away and pumping it up, and up...and up....then letting it down....unbelievable feeling!!

Look in any bathroom and there are loads of objects there that serve as toys. Female deoderant cans seem to be cock shaped and feel good too. The cheapest butt plug is the roll on deoderant type, good girth and feels great
Ok, thanks for all the advice and sggestions, but in the end, I went to a sex shop and bought one that I have now tested and found very satisfying. Nice soft silicone finish, 5 inches long with a 1 inch girth, slightly thicker in parts.The only disappointment is the vibe, which although the packaging claims a powerful vibration motor, is barely more than a buzz, and barely discernible in use. I rate it 8/10, the 2 point loss being due to the weak vibration, everything else is perfect.