Haze of the Future(Closed for Cherubian)


Due to the limited lighting in the alley you don't get a detailed view of him but what you can see is enough. You confirm that he is very much like the creature that you saw in Joe's caravan. Right now he appears to be wearing a large overcoat that is doing poor job of covering him up. His fur is charcoal grey and his eyes are crimson and though he exudes a feral nature the keen intelligence in his eyes let you know there is more to the beast.

"Now. Tell me the fastest way to get out of this accursed prison!" he demands.
Briefly looking down I can confirm that I have managed to hold on to my shirt and pants. I call that a lucky break.

"To anser that question" I bluntly tell him "I first need to know more about your problems, especially who exactly is after you and why."

"Argh! There is no time for this! If you do not help me I will find my own way, if you follow me again I will make sure your clothes aren't the only things I rip away." He says with a snarl.

The wolf man looks up and then leaps onto the alley wall, with only the claws he scales the stonework and makes his way to the roof of the building.
"Darn" I hiss after him "How am I supposed to help you if you don't even give me the time to make a plan?"

As the wolf man disapears over the edge of the building you hear the voices and footfalls of the men getting louder, you can only assume that they are heading back in your direction.
Well, his loss.

I stop getting dressed for now, instead just grabbing my stuff and hiding in a dark corner behind a barrel. Only once I feel I am safe from view do I continue to put on my clothes.

The men pass thunder down the alley adjacent to you, this time when they pass you recognise one of the men in the group.

It is Joe.
I have no desire to explain to Joe that I let his latest catch escape, so I stay hidden until I am sure they have passed the alley and there is no more risk of detection.

Maybe I should have a chat with him about his business, but, see above ...

You manage to finish getting dressed and the alleyway clears out enough that you are certain of a safe and uneventful return to your room.
Which is what I am going to do as well. I can not yet fully make sense of what happened. Apparently that wolf man escaped, but what the backgrounds are...

Better get some rest. Back to my room, strip again, and get into bed, unless something prevents me from doing so.

You awake in the morning to the light streaming through the curtain. Although the night was eventful you still feel rested and ready to start the day. You can hear the creaking of floor board from the hallway outside your door.
I continue to lie naked and silently under that single bedsheet, listening to the faint noises coming from the hallway outside. Is it just another inn customer passing by, or is someone trying to sneak up on me?

After a few short moments you can't detect anything sinister about the movements, other sounds join the mix and you can surmise that it is likely to be either Joe, Sheila or one of the other staff moving around.
All right, seems my nerves are getting to me. I wait a few more seconds, just to be completely sure, before I hop out of bed and begin to dress.

Even as I do my mind as all over the decision I have to make, and soon. Sorren or Saerah. And so little information to make that decision an educated one.

The more I ponder it, the more I am leaning towards Sorren. Not that he is particular likable. But all Saerah seems to be willing to do is to dump me in some strange place and leave me to my own devices. Sorren appears to know something, and even if he is not yet willing to share it, that can change.

Finally dressed I head out of my room.