*'Sanctuary' for Us *


author, medium, witch
May 11, 2006


OOC: I'm looking to write a thread based on the web and tv sci-fi show, 'Sanctuary' only a bit darker and sometimes naughtier. I would happily write for Helen Magnus because she's awesome but I would like other writers for the sexual tension, romantic interest, and fun of writing a love triangle and then some between my character and her associate Will Zimmerman, and each of the members of 'The Five', most especially, John Druitt and Nikola Tesla.

Women roles are also welcome (Kate, Raena, and maybe Ashley) and anyone who has interesting ideas for abnormals are welcome as well.

Please pm me for a part if you're interested.

link for information to develop characters:

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Will ran into Sanctuary out of the rain. He shook off his jacket. Bigfoot gently aproached and offered him a towel.
"Thanks big guy." Will said appreciatively.
Bigfoot just nodded. He looked on keenly. As if wanting something from Will.
Will stared back at him blankly for a minute before realizing what he was wanting.
"Oh sorry. Of course. Here you go. Barbra Streisand greatest hits. Listen I'm not much for music appreciation, but are you REALLY sure that's what you wanted?" Will looked at Bigfoot questioningly.
"She makes me feel good." Bigfoot smiled and walked away almost bouncing as he held the treasure in his big hand.
Will headed towards Helen's office as she requested a meeting with him. Probably a briefing of sorts. He still couldn't believe sometimes how he came to be here all after that fateful night she hit him with the car.
She hates it when I'm late. I better get going.
Helen was in her office after recieving the message from Eamonn at the Scottish Sanctuary. "Bloody hell..." she whispered to herself, sighing with empathy as she looked at the state of the Scottish mascot of abnormals, tangled in fishing nets, harpooned in the side...and secured in an underground facility which, amazingly enough, was so defensively secured that Eamonn's best men couldn't get inside to liberate poor Nessie.

Will entered her office with brief apologies for lateness and she sat up straighter in her seat, waving off the pleasantries of greetings. She handed him the ipad with the information already on it. "Will, we have to rendezvous with a team in Scotland close to Loch Ness. It appears someone took it upon themselves to 'fish' for the Loch Ness Monster only when she's removed from her home she grows quite angry and her power increases exponentially. We'd done the research back in the early twentieth century and decided that removing her would be far more dangerous to humankind than leaving her in her natural environment. Something we could never determine about the water in that loch keeps her docile, safe. Remove her from it and you go from having a shy, supernaturally gifted prehistoric water dweller to a seriously dangerous beast. The only problem is whomever is responsible for this is obviously not just ignorant of her potential danger but quite well armed. She's being kept in a highly secured facility. Eamonn McBride and his best men couldn't get further inside than the garden gate. They're hoping some help from us will increase the odds."
Will took the ipad and looked intensely at the brief details while Helen talked about Loch Ness. “You mean someone decided to go “Fishing” for Loch Ness?? Ah the Scottish. Hey are the British filled with ideas like that?” He eyed her with a small grin. He loved making small jabs at her being British. "Alright. I guess we should hurry up then and get going." He handed back the ipad. “Any other details Helen?”
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She shook her head. "No. We leave at noon. Sorry, I know you hate airplane food for lunch but it beats getting there in time for haggis." she teased, her left dimple making a momentary appearance with her smile. She didn't really want him to go just yet. She knew there were other things she wanted to talk to him about but also realized now wasn't the best time. "You...might want to tell Abby you'll be away for a few days. There's not much for her to do here in the house without you."

Really, she just wanted to be rid of Will's current girlfriend. She was sweet, very nice, and pretty too, but Helen couldn't seem to relax around the young woman no matter how much she genuinely tried to like her...Something about Abby inexplicably got on her nerves. She never would dare tell Will, though. He had every right to his own private life and his own friends but he was bringing her around so often lately it was actually starting to make Helen near flinch just hearing Abby's voice down the hall. And, the girl was definitely so vocal everyone in the Sanctuary knew faaaar too much about the couple as a result of said voice.
When Helen mentioned talking to Abby and mention that he wasn’t going to be there he said “Of course. Yeah, I should probably tell her that…”he fidgeted a little. He knew Helen tried to like her, but well, he didn’t know why she reacted around her the way she did. All his senses that he used for Sanctuary and the reason Helen invited him to join the Sanctuary showed him that Helen REALLY didn’t like Abby. He wondered if it had anything to do with their nighttime activities…
“I’ll go tell her and meet you in the car.” He started off. He briefly stopped and then looked at her again “Are you alright?” He asked..looking at every aspect of her body language. She might be 158 but body language doesn’t change. “You looked like something was on your mind..did you want to talk about something?” His eyes looking into hers.
Helen stood, running a hand through her dark hair as she avoided Will's search for eye contact. He had a way of figuring people out which was helpful but unnerving when one wanted to be evasive with him. She turned to look out the window and shook her head, "No, it's nothing." she lied. "I'm just tired, thinking perhaps when we return from the UK it might be time for me to take a personal day."
"Well, Helen, you do know that if you ever just want to talk, I'm here for you. You've been really good to me since I've come here and I'm always here to listen if you need me." He loved watching her long hair. It was something he could never tire of, watching it flow over her shoulders like that.
"see you in the car then."
He proceeded to see Abby and tell her the news. She wasn't happy he was going for long but promised a nice welcome back present. He walked by the different holds and said a quick goodbye to the guests on his way to the car. Hopefully the plane food wouldn't be too bad.
She felt a slight warming at the hearing of her name. Will so seldomly called her by anything but her last name, it brought on a rush of affection she had to quickly disspell knowing that this was the wrong time and place to think about the complication of newly developing feelings for people she was supposed to be professional with. Gods, woman! When will you ever learn! she chided inwardly, thinking of her engagement with John Druitt, her sometimes borderline inappropriate flirtations with Nikola Tesla, the short lived romance with James Watson, the time she had gotten intoxicated and wound up in bed with Winston Churchill...Helen shook her head. She had to stop falling for men who worked alongside her. But, if she didn't, being the work-a-holic she was, who would be left? Occasional trysts on the rare occasion of a holiday? With another sigh she pushed such thoughts away. A wan smile was the only remaining sign of her inner struggle as she stated, "It's alright, Will. Thank you, but I'm fine."

He shook his head as he walked away. He wasn't buying it but knew better than to press too hard for the truth. With Helen Magnus, the truth came in it's own good time. "..see you in the car then." he said.

She nodded and watched him go.

As they took their seats in first class she smirked at Will's expression of dismay as a fairly large, sweaty man brushed past him to head toward the plane's back row. She took her seat quickly to avoid any unwanted stranger contact herself, patting the seat beside her for Will to follow suite with haste. "Ah, but Will, variety is the spice of life." she teased before he could even utter a complaint. She was about to laugh and his expression of distaste made it difficult not to.
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Will sat next to Helen and tried to relax. It was gonna be a LONG plane ride. Next to her. He wouldn’t be able to sleep that’s for sure.
“So it’s going to be along way to our destination. Got any plans for your personal day? And while I know you’re going to say,Will it’s my day. But Helen, what would you do if you for one day were forced to relax. Not go spelunking some ancient cave, nothing science related. What would Helen Magnus do on a day off? Now that’s a case in itself!” He chuckled while looking towards her watching her response.
Helen shrugged, "But, when I do those things, I mean, not for Sanctuary purposes but just for curiosities sake, that is fun for me, Will. I don't necessarily go for the kinds of activities many people in the last century find fun, I guess. I'm not what one would call a ''party girl'' but I can sometimes have fun."

The raising of Will's eyebrows at her mention of the term 'party girl' was priceless and she nearly laughed again.

"On my personal day I will probably just do some things I've been neglecting. I hate shopping in person when I can do it online but I think it's time to actually go. Maybe read a novel or something, sleep late...Climb a mountain..."
Will smiled. "That funny Helen, I pictured you actually not quitting at all but indulging yourself in the case that only YOU look into or something of the like. I once went mountain climbing in my younger days when I was with the agency, it's peaceful being with nature. Outside. All alone, just you and the elements." He didn't realize it, but when he went to shift in his seat, his hand touched hers on the first class seat arm. He quickly shifted. Not sure why he shifted, her hand felt smooth at the touch but he knew he shouldn't be thinking about her hand on an airplane. Geez Will get a grip he yelled at himself.
What was that? Helen mused to herself as she felt Will's hand rest upon her's for a brief moment and then he shifted uncomfortably and pulled away. She tried to ignore the sinking disappointed feeling it caused her to note Will seemed highly uncomfortable with physical contact between them. She was fooling herself to ever think someone as young as he would ever look at her as more than his boss. Even their friendship was tenuous, there was an imbalance to it. She had too much power for his comfort and she felt it's weight. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. she thought ironically.

She settled into her seat, and leaned closer to the window, looking out as the plane took off. Turning back to Will she said, "I haven't committed to anything just yet. I'm only considering a day off. I don't really need it if I would keep to more normal working schedules more often." It was safer to disengage from the discomfort for a while, she thought, and took out some historical information about Loch Ness to read on the journey. "Enjoy the flight." she said, her professional wall back up again.
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Wow, that was wierd. She got more professional than usual all of a sudden. He could have left the hand there, but now on a plane wasn't the time to explore this.
He read his ipad and tried to not allow what just happened way too heavily on his mind. "Hopefully the food is a little better than Haggis you mentioned." Trying to lighten the mood but probably failing miserably. How could he possibly compete with 158 years of men that had been up against this awesome woman. She was his boss but she was attractive in so many ways that Abbey could never possibly attain.
Xevriel sighed her dark eyes flashing somewhat. Looking up she noticed the plane hovering overhead. Why is it that people always invade my airspace. It's truly annoying.

As she thought a low screech filled the air. Suddenly a black creature that resembled a dragon streaked up into the air. Normally Xev would have taken the animal down before it could endanger someone but this time she just watched. The creature wrapped itself around the wing of the plane squeezing tightly until the wing shattered. Xev smiled to herself as the plane came streaking out of the sky and landed hard in the water. Turning Xev walked back into the trees, leaving talon prints in the sand.
She wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep...But, Helen awoke in a slightly groggy state, shocked at herself for having comandeered Will's shoulder for a pillow, and looking around with confusion to realize her awakening was caused by terrible turbulence. She looked into Will's slate blue gaze with concern and they both nodded in silent understanding that this would be a good time for seatbelts. She buckled hers and tried not to look or feel nauseus.
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Will got the hint from the boss to buckle up and he hastily put his belt on. He wondered how Helen's head ended up on his shoulder but it was a nice fit. But now wasn't the time. He felt the plane drop suddenly and the pilot came over the radio and told everyone to remain calm and he would get us out of the turbulance. Will had flown before but never had experienced turbulance like this. He looked out the window at the engine closest to the window and noticed it was on fire. Not caring that his ear almost rested on Helen's beautiful breast. He could hear her heart race. The plane lurched violently again and suddenly it started plummeting to the ocean.
Screams of people errupted from the cabin. The oxygen masks were flying everywhere and Will was trying to determine how this was happening. He looked at Helen and quickly blurted out as the plane plummeted to the ocean "I'm attracted to you and have been ever since we've worked together. I think you work too hard and need to spend more time relaxing." Helen stared blankly at him and didn't quite know what to say by the look of her face. At that point the plane attempted to level out but didn't. The plane crashed into the ocean on it's belly and although the seat belts held him and Helen in place, the windows exploded outward at the pressure and the wings tore off the plane as the force of the plane landed in the ocean. It tore a hole in the side of the plane they were sitting in and they got pulled out of the plane and into the ocean.
Will unbuckled himself and helped Helen get her belt off as they scrambled to hold onto the little float cushions under their seats.
"Nothing like a little excitement to start off a trip eh Will?" Helen Chimed.
"Right" He groaned as he passed out.
As Will lost consciousness he also lost his grip on the seat cushion holding him afloat, sliding slowly beneath the surface of the water...Helen rushed to catch him before he slid too far, and brought him back up, treading water as she lugged his body toward a floating piece of fuselage. With the help of a stewart who'd just lain a baby carrier upon it, she also got Will atop. As the stewart went to help her on too she waved off his help. She had to look for anything to help them out of this situation first. She swam a few meters away toward burning wreckage, toward the sounds of screaming...


She'd managed to aid another pair of survivors into getting some more people off of the sinking inferno that had been their airplane and then they converted the inflatable slides into two lifeboats. Finally, she could swim back to the floating wreckage that was the temporary refuge of Will, a baby, a young girl who looked no older than perhaps thirteen, and the stewart from earlier. Will was starting to come back to consciousness and with a few motions from Helen she managed to get the stewart to understand her desire to get the two youngsters to the life raft. She took the baby carrier, and pulled the girl along leaving Will to swim with the help of the stewart, the last of the people to get into the life rafts, headed for an unknown body of land which looked to be miles away.


She sat against Will, shivering in her wet clothes, hanging onto the carrier with the baby in it so tightly her knuckles were white. Thankfully, the baby's blanket and clothes were still pretty dry. It was a little boy, maybe six or seven months old. He appeared totally nonplussed considering their predicament, proof that ignorance truly is bliss and it caused her to crack a small, exhausted smile at him as he sucked on his knuckles and stared up at her with trusting, angelic, blue eyes. They'd have to get warm and dry and off this raft soon or she knew this sweet little creature would be among the first to die out. Helen shivered but this time it wasn't from cold.
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Messed up post correct one below
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Kate milled around the Sanctuary tending to the new arrivals filing paperwork and general maintenance avoiding those few creatures that still freaked her out. She was crossing the main hall when there was a fairly loud thud on the door. Calling out as she walked towards the door.

I'll get it!

She opened the door to a heavily cloaked figure leaning against the stonework. The only telltale feature were the boots that reveled it was a woman. Kate started to say can I help you as the woman collapsed forward and She dove to catch her.

Ummm HENRY!!!! BIG GUY!!!!! Need some help here!!!!

Feline Proto HEP
~Human form~
long raven hair slender gymnast build and ice blue eyes with a scar running from her jawline down over the right side of her chest remnants from Cabal experiments.

Night black fur and ice blue eyes only feline in appearance. (Unlike Most Heps she can shift fully into a completely feline form)

Isis had been stalking the ruins on the outskirts of the city... she had neared the city out of necessity... the creature she was hunting had managed to make it that far... A rogue wounded Calasar Hound. She managed to catch it and put the venomous vermin out of its misery but not before it got a couple of good bites in on her. She was a feline "cousin" of the standard HEP one of the last of her kind and normally known only to a select few Sanctuary directors the 5 and Big Guy. She was much older than she looked as she had worked on the "outskirts" with Helens father and the 5 when needed. Right now though she had enough of her sane mind left to get her to a place that would keep people safe from her and help her.

Collapsing as the door opened and the young woman started to speak she managed to growl out one word...


Kate got her in the door laid her down and shut the door looking aorund for Henry or Big Guy.
Xevrial watched from the edges of the woods as the raft of survivors floated for the island. The sunlight shone in golden slants across her back. Her skin was a soft earthy brown and glimmered in the sun. She sighed and whistled a soft three note tune. The water rushed forward onto the beach pushing the raft to shore. Xev briefly saw the blue fins of three tails flip slightly out of tye water and smiled. Turning she headed deeper into the forest. It wouldnt do for the Sanctuary Woman to find her here.

Xevrials legs where covered in shiny black scales from the back of her midcalf down in a slant and her feet were clawed like a dragons. As she walked her black wolfs ears and tail moved methodically. She was wearing a slightly worn pai of camo shorts and a black crop top with slits in the back from which two black wings protruded. Otherwise her appearance was that of a normal human female. Her long black hair was wild and unkempt but still was soft and shiny. Xevrial was the last of a very rare breed of Abnormals called the Taivimir.

She quickly scaled a tree and settled into the thick branches to wait.
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Big Guy heard Kate and carefully put the Barbra Streisand CD down that he was looking at that Will had got him and ran as fast as his huge furry humanoid frame could carry him, which was fast when needed be. He came up the front door and saw Kate gracefully trying to help the figure on the floor. He rushed and gently pushed Kate aside and picked up the new figure very feline like. He secretly adored Kate and this new creature.
"Let's take her to the lab and get her a bed."
His eyes silently moved and caught Kate's glance for a brief moment before his frame lifted the gentle way he did and they moved into the infirmary where they could help this newcomer.
"Has she spoken?" he asked Kate.
Kate nodded. She said Helen? Doesn't everyone call her Magnus... well except for vamp boy and tall bald and freaky?

She helped him get her to the lab and tried helping fight the large cloak she had on so they could check her out.

Yikes... Okay whatever she fought has a big deep mouth that's some pretty gruesome bites... any idea what did that?

Isis was fairly out of it but seemed to realize Big guy and seemed to be trying to speak again


The creature that she fought had clearly bit her mid shift as she was still quite human but the feline eyes claws and facial structure was there.

It was Isis... she had not been to the Sanctuary in several years but the scar was a tell tale sign beyond scent.
Will came to finally in the raft. He gathered his thoughts and looked around in the raft that he was in. Helen was next to him shivering and holding onto a baby. He looked around at others in the raft and they floated for a bit. He noticed off in the distance there were lights which meant land. “There! Look!” Will shouted. The steward and Helen both strained to see the lights and when they did sighs went around. The steward handed Will a paddle and they painstakingly made their way to shore. Thankfully it wasn’t raining.

They got out of the raft and ventured towards the light which seemed to be a small community on the coast. A fishing community it looked like. The walked as fast as they could, knowing they had to get warm. Helen started to stumble her knees growing weak. Will grabbed her quickly and helped her along with his arm around her.
Eventually they made it to the tavern where the steward took charge officially and started making requests of the tavern and then had to use the phone and call the emergency number for the airline to report a distress call.
Will took the baby from Helen and then she collapsed from exhaustion onto the floor.
“Where are the beds!?” Will shouted.
“Up the stairs.” The man said in a Scottish accent. So they had made it to Scotland….somewhere.
He lifted Helen up and quickly brought her to the bed and laid her down. She was shivering and going into hypothermia. He knew enough and knew what had to be done. He had to get her out of her cold clothes and warm up her body immediately or she’d die. He quickly started pulling off her clothes and throwing them on the floor layer by layer until she was wearing her bra and panties. Will felt horrible but he had to. He pulled them off too and she lied there naked. He sucked in his breath as he took a guilty moment and took her in before doing the worst part. Her lips were getting blue which meant she was getting worse so he had to hurry. He hurriedly stripped as well and grabbed two blankets and pulled them over his shoulders as he crawled on top of her using his body heat to warm her up. Her lips started turning pink slowly and she slowly stopped shivering. It felt like forever and he almost screamed at the pain of the coldness of it. His body heat although he was wet was still enough to get her warm and with the blankets it was a while but eventually she stopped shivering. Her body began to grew warm and he couldn’t help but slightly enjoy the feeling of her breasts against his chest. He accidently got hard and prayed it would go away but it was too late. She started moaning in a weird way. It wasn’t painful and then she unconsciously moved her hips upwards. WOA. Ok. This has to stop, WAKE UP!! He screamed in his mind. He wanted this but this can’t be like this. No. “Helen.” He shook her gently. Her eyes finally opened..and went wide as she took stock of the situation.
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OOC: Hey, cute as the post was, what was up with putting words in my characters' mouth?