Yesterdays and Tomorrows (Please PM)

"Baby, eh? Oh, that's quite a big thing, then, isn't it? Well then. We'll just be getting out of your way and-"

"Sir, why don't you hop out of the car for a second or two-"

Romy turned to look at Davie, a sudden very concerned look to her face. No. No, don't you even dare say-

"-while my friend here, who's a doctor, can have a quick look at your wife."

She twitched ever-so-slightly, giving the most forced smile possible as she shot a LOOK at him.

"I'm sure that she'll be able to give her a little help to keep the baby from arriving until your wife gets to the hospital."

"Oh, yes, of course, where's my bedside-roadside manner.... Thank you EVER so much, Davie, on REMINDING me-"

"THERE'S A DOCTOR OUT THERE?!" The woman's voice screeched from the backseat, a hand flailing up from the window as the brightly-reddened face of the wife glared up through the glass. "You! Here! NOW!"

Romy rubbed her tongue against her upper teeth, glancing back to the man with another smile. "Your wife is just darling, sir." She sighed, going over to the door and starting to get in. "Right now, let's just- Ohhhhwowokay that's just not- Hoooo.... Um." She peered back to the window, frantically waving to the two men. "Yoohoo, Daddy? Might want to be making for that hospital before little one plays peekaboo here..."

"Can you deliver it?," The mother shrieked, still deathgripping Romy's hand.

"Deliver- Oh, madam, I have far too little to possibly do such a thing like that and DADDY PLEASE GET TO DRIVING-! Davie, looks like we'll be tagging along, because mummy here has decided my hand is her security blanket and- owww fingers, madam, please, I need those-"

The woman howled out again, Romy giving her stomach the most worried glance she'd ever given in her life. She had absolutely no clue on how to deliver a child, and this woman was adamant on her trying to do it. She contemplated using her Inhibitor, but that would also delay things for the entire car- And what good would that do Daddy on getting her there in time?

Dad scrambled back into the car, flinging open the passenger door for Davie as he started the car back up. "Hang on, Ladies... It's not much further, dear! Just keep to it!"

"Its you keeping to it that caused this, you bloody BASTARD!"

"It's the hormones talking," Romy whispered to the man, shaking her head. "She doesn't mean that."


"Breathe, mum! Breathe! Stop trying to kill daddy..."


It was a flurry of motion once the car arrived to the hospital, a building that was basically the same as the structures associated with medicine of Davie's own locale... Only a few oddly 'out of place' curiosities to it, such as equipment that seemed unfamiliar, and a number of patients. That bright blue fellow that insisted upon staring at them as they waited outside Mommy's room, for instance. Romy glanced at the odd fellow a few times, then pointed a finger at him warningly. "No." A single firm word, and the man's bright yellow bug-like eyes snapped shut vertically, his feet scampering to carry him off off down the hall.

"Excuse us, pardon us-," a nurse blurted out as she led a group of other crisply white-dressed nurses through the hallway, waving a hand at Romy and Davie to clear the way. "Quite busy in the maternity ward today, please be moving..."

Dad finally opened the door, smiling softly. "Doctor? She'd like you to meet him."

"Oh, we'd love to." Romy beamed, patting Davie's shoulder and starting into the room, to find Mom in bed, holding the bundled baby with a worn out smile on her face. "See now? Still want to shoot Dad?," She asked with a smirk, coming over to rest a hand on the bed's edge and peeking down at the newly arrived little boy.

He seemed quite the average little baby, aside from being quite pale with bright blue eyes. He squealed out furiously as his mother pulled him away a bit, letting Romy see.

"Well. Ain't he a cutie!," Romy exclaimed, glancing over to Davie.

"I heard the name you called your friend. If it's all right with you, sir... I'd like to name him Davie. I do like the sound of it..."She paused as one of the nurses came in, offering out to take the boy. "Oh, thank you... I could use the rest..."
The drive to the hospital was not too bad, as long as Davie avoided looking at Romy as well as ignoring the looks he was getting from her. It was clear to him that she was as pissed off with him as the soon to be mum was with the soon to be dad.

In seemingly no time at all, they were there, and like all non essential personnel, Romy and Davie were left to their own devices. The looked like a hospital, smelled like a hospital, sounded like a hospital. Except for some of the people wandering around. Though, calling them people was quite a stretch. Davie saw the bright blue fellow that Romy told off. He thought nothing of it at the time, but when the Dad called them in, it finally dawned on Davie that something was distinctly not right about where they were.

Davie followed Romy into the room, where the new mother sat up in the bed looking a little worn out, but otherwise happy with the outcome of the birth.

"See now? Still want to shoot Dad?"

Davie looked on from the other side of the bed. The little bundle of joy seemed to be a normal, everyday baby as far as Davie could tell. He found himself smiling, in awe of the miracle that was a newborn child.

"Well. Ain't he a cutie!"

Davie looked back at Romy, still holding his smile. "Sure is. Healthy looking lad too."

"I heard the name you called your friend. If it's all right with you, sir... I'd like to name him Davie. I do like the sound of it..." She paused as one of the nurses came in, offering out to take the boy. "Oh, thank you... I could use the rest..."

"You'd... like to name him... Davie." Davie felt like all off his insides just vanished. He was pleasantly surprised and shocked. "Well, uh, he's your little boy, and you can call him whatever you want. But, I certainly don't mind him sharing my name." He looked at the small bundle disappear through the door. When he spoke again, his voice was softer. "I just hope he doesn't share my type of life so far."

"Anyway, we'll leave you alone for a while. Mum here needs some rest, and I'm sure that there are lots that you two need to do alone, so... um... the Doctor and I will be back to see you later then."

Davie rounded the bed, clutching Romy's hand in his and led her out of the room. He found himself liking the feel of her hand in his, and the child birth reminded him of how kids were made, and that led to some other interesting thoughts that he quashed quickly.

"Romy," he whispered hoarsely, "where are we exactly? I mean, are we still on Earth? And if we are, what time is it? For me, it's not natural to have big bright blue fellas wandering the maternity ward of a hospital. So, can you fill me in a little on what's going on? Please?"

Through all of it, he hadn't let go of her hand.
Romy watched as the baby was taken from the room, the nurse's path out the door taken in with a curious raise of her brow. "Hm." She shook it off, however as Mom spoke to Davie, a slight smile on her face. "Aw. You've gained yourself a fanclub, Davie-dear."

Her smile grew even more as he seemed pleased with the woman's decision. As the parents settled in together to discuss their new little one, Davie leading her back to the hall. She could tell already the questions were coming, chuckling softly as they started to come through. "Where are we... Well then, a good question, really, and a touch of the irony going too, considering where we are...We're on a refugee planet, in the Nursery Galaxy. Earth's just caught sight of this little niche over the last year or so, but Ditmar Seven has been a haven for those without homes for quite some time."

She gestured back toward the room, explaining a bit further. "Mum there is not what she seems. Baby Davie reflects more her true nature. Mum's a member of the Thal race. Been awhile since I met up with one. So glad things have improved since HE helped them out...." She trailed off a moment, then smiled. "But, yes. The hospital. Lots of curious looking ones wandering through, Davie. Some you may not have realized."

Romy paused again, taking a peek around. Something just wasn't setting right with her about their surroundings, but she just couldn't place what it was... Not the creatures that had passed them; she was used to that now... More a feeling of not-quite-right-ness.

"Let's go find you some food, eh? Should be something out there to satisfy your grumbly rumbly." She chuckled with that, still holding his hand with a smirk. She rather enjoyed his touch, finding that she liked having someone to actually touch like that. Squeezing his hand slightly, smiling at him. "Just be careful on watching others too much. They may find us just as curious..." Starting down the hall with him, she had another thought come to her. "Cafeteria here? Or would you like to explore a bit?"
Davie took it all in, not saying a word as she explained the situation about where they were. He felt himself detach slightly as he processed it all. Somehow, it felt easier for him to deal with the strangeness that way.

"Right. Nursery Galaxy. Ditmar Seven. Thal race. Got it. And I guess that we've jumped forward a few centuries as well?"

He felt proud at how well he took it, though he suspected that it might come crashing down around his ears a little later when his brain finally had a chance to really go over it all properly.

The mention of food went straight to his belly, causing a rather loud, angry sounding rumble to disrupt the otherwise quiet hallway. "Yeah, not a bad idea."

Romy gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and flashed him a smile that made him feel really good, and a little nervous. He found he liked her smile, and what it did for her face. There was a part of him that wanted to hang around with her more so he could keep looking at her face, along with the rest of her as well. The hormonal optimist wanted to hang around for the remote chance that he could score with her, but even the realist knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Just be careful on watching others too much. They may find us just as curious..."

"Yep, no tourist rubber necking. Act like I saw one of them just yesterday."

"Cafeteria here? Or would you like to explore a bit?"

He turned to look at her as they walked through a junction. The words of his answer died on his lips when he saw down one of the side corridors the distinct hulking form of one of Andre's heavies.

"Bollocks!" Davies tightened his grip on Romy's hand and dragged her off to a corner, pushing her further away from the edge. "How the fuck did Bert get 'ere?!?"

Davie quickly peered around the corner, to see the leg of Bert disappear down another hallway. "Wait here for a sec." Davie ran down the hallway with a floating gait, more a jog than an actual run. But the main aspect of it was he made very little noise as he went. When he reached the other corner, he repeated the same quick look, but failed to see Bert anywhere. He pulled himself back a little, his brow furrowed as he stared off into space. He took one more look, then walked back to Romy.

"Ahh... I guess I'm still a little wound up over what happened before we left. I really thought I saw Bert just then, but when I followed him, he just up and vanished on me." Davie shook his head, then looked back at Romy with a smile. "Must be something about being a new traveler, huh? Or maybe I'm just a little high strung still and having an empty belly ain't helping. Let's get some food, then we can nose around. Where's the fun in being somewhere hew if we can't have a look see?"

He headed off in the original direction they were going, and after following a few signs which Davie could read, but also had a gut feeling were not in English, they found the cafeteria. Like in every hospital on Earth, the cafeteria had the same furniture arranged in the same manner in the same sized room with the same acoustics that trapped the same aromas as every other one in existence.

Which made Davie feel rather comfy and relaxed. Even considering the mixture of creatures about that made him think he was in the bar scene out of Star Wars IV. He soon spotted the queue, and added himself to the end of the line, trying to look around those in front of him to get an idea of what was on offer.

"So... you go any ideas of what noshies they offer up here, Romy?"
"Sounds like you've got it all, then." Romy smirked at him, winking quickly before looking back over his shoulder. That damned feeling again. What on Earth, er, Ditmar Seven was causing that odd feeling? Maybe it was something to do with Mister Blue. No, no, he was the standard Meloidan. Simply observing and looking for a mate, most likely. Nosey buggers, but nothing more than that. So what could possibly be-

"Hoy!" Romy was suddenly yanked from her thoughts and the hall by a abruptly spooked Davie, Staring at him blankly as he spouted off on seeing Bert down the hall. A confused look came to her face, trying to start to say something as she raised a finger, only to be cut off as he told her to wait there. She dropped the hand, pursing her lips slightly. "Is that what it's like tryin' t' talk to me?," she asked softly, making a face. "Oh, hell, I must be UNGODLY frustrating-!"

She did as he requested, simply standing in the little side hall and waiting for him to return. Her brow furrowed slightly as he came back with the lost look to his face, shaking her own head. "Think I have a slight idea on your problem, lovey...," She noted softly, nodding as she held up both index fingers, then pointed down the hall with them. "Right then. Off for your foodstuffs?"

His act of following his nose like a certain advertising bird of Earth Television helped to lead them to the cafeteria far more than actually reading the signs, Romy grinning and wriggling her fingers. "Ohh,delicioso...." Settling into line with him, she smirked at his query on cuisine, peering into the trays as they approached. "Well, lessee. You've got your Targ, your Zabu Stew - oh, and those green chunks mean its fresh meat, don't let your preconceptions on meat colors get you... Algae puffs! Oh its been YEARS!- Ahhh... Oh, here we are, more to your tastes, down here. Some nice pasta dishes, some - well, I'll assume that tastes like chicken- A cheeseburger? You carry that here? Amazing!- Even a few salads and some soups.... Take your pick, Davie-darlin', over here you'll be quite safe." She patted his shoulder, then nodded back down the line. "Algae puffs. Gotta grab 'em. One sec, sweets." She vanished just as quickly as the words were out of her mouth.

She returned to join him at the cashier, once more pulling out the papers that seemed to be blank and setting them on the counter before taking to a table with him. Taking her seat, she picked up her fork, but seemed a bit lost in thought. "It's just... One of those odd feelings, those nagging things in the back of my mind- Something is just NOT adding up and I can't figure out why-!" She sighed with that, stabbing one of the bright green puffs and nibbling on it. "Hm. Just like I remember." She swallowed down, then glanced at him. "How's yours, darlin'? And how're you feeling after that whole... weirdness about Bert?"
Davie looked at the assorted trays of food, thinking back to the local weekend street market where all the Asians, Chinese, Japanese and the African folk all came out with their home styled food. Some of that stuff looked weirder than what was on offer here. The full range of aromas hit his nose like a full blown assault; each trying to get to his brain first as if it was a prize to be gathered.

He pulled his head back more than once at some powerful concoction that threatened to collapse his nasal passages, while there were some others, like the green meat Zabu Stew seemed to make his mouth water a little. 'Maybe some other time.' He stifled a little laugh at Romy's delight over the Algae Puffs, but then he had a similar reaction to the old Battered Sav, so he wouldn't pull her up on that.

Then he found himself staring at a range of what was clearly human food. While Romy ran back to get her much loved treat, he decided on the time honoured sweet and sour pork with a heap of fried rice to go along with it. The large, lizard like being in front of him gave he what he thought was a questioning look, followed by a similar look to this plate on the tray. Davie saw that the lizard's tray held a deep bowl with what looked like a snake's tail flicking over the side.

"Fave from home?" Davie asked, nodding to the tray.

"Yes." The translator in Davie's ear did something rather odd. The voice came across sounding like a posh Oxford resident. "Been a while since I have been able to have any, so I thought I could bear the expense and indulge while my wife is otherwise engaged. And what of your dish?"

"Oh, it's one that I have enjoyed quite often back home. First time I've been here, so I'm opting for something I am very familiar with. Here visiting a friend. Just had their first. Very happy parents."

"Well, are they normally just single offspring? We're expecting a small clutch. Only about fifteen."

"Fifteen? Gosh. I can't imagine that many kids. Um, sorry, no, only one at a time for my friends. Seems to be enough for the parents to handle."

"Well, I hope all works well for them."

"I hope the same for you and your growing family too. Been nice to meet you."

Romy arrived back in line, happy with her collection of Algae Puffs. Davie took a quick look as she added them to the tray, and decided that the light green food stuffs were not soon to be on his list of 'exotic noshies'.

Within moments, she paid with her special money, and they found themselves a seat at a table. Davie started wolfing down his food. The smell alone was reminding him of how hungry he was, and he wanted to not waste any time dealing with it. Romy, on the other hand, seemed to have lost her appetite between getting her green delights and getting to the table.

"It's just... One of those odd feelings, those nagging things in the back of my mind- Something is just NOT adding up and I can't figure out why-!"

He gave her a look, while chewing a mouth full of Chinese, not really knowing if he was meant to say anything. Davie was still learning the complex and intricate communications style that Romy used. Sometimes, she was merely thinking aloud; talking to herself about something or other. Other times, it seemed that the quiet, internal monologue was routed via her mouth, and then there were the times where she was clearly talking to someone else. There were a few times where it was hard to tell which she was doing until well after the event.

"Hm. Just like I remember." He looked away as she ate. He wasn't sure if he could handle that just yet.

'Internal Monologue.'

"How's yours, darlin'? And how're you feeling after that whole... weirdness about Bert?"

He quickly swallowed his food, nodding as he did. "It's not bad. Nothing on the local fella back home. The old boy is the real deal, and he makes a damn fine dish. Still, this one fits the bill, tastes well enough and fills the belly.

"As for Bert, I dunno. I mean, it couldn't have been him, right? We didn't know we were coming here until we got here, so how would he, if it was really him. Now, if I wasn't imagining it, which I'm starting to think I did, what did I actually see? And why? Could it be fitting into whatever's got you off centre?" He pushed around a piece of battered pork on his plate. "To me, this entire place just doesn't feel right. No offence, but being around things that ain't lookin' human is enough to make me a little nervy. Hell, the lizard thing in front of me in the queue sounded like some fuckin' prof from Oxford. All posh and all. How is that right?"

He popped the piece into his mouth, chewing it ferociously and swallowing it noisily. "Plus, I think we're going to need Dad's help to get back to... the Tardis. And he's not going to be leaving anytime soon. I'd say we go have a look around after we're done here. When I get like this, I feel much better moving about, rather than staying out. Who knows, maybe the stroll will put our minds at ease."

He had his fork halfway to his mouth when he stopped, looking Romy square in the eye. "'Ere, you never mentioned about things being safe, did ya? I knew I forgot to ask something before agreeing to hitch a ride with ya."
"S'at so? Hm. Never had that stuff before. Looks a little... Funny." Romy peered over at his plate, wrinkling her nose just slightly as she nibbled another puff. She had just finished chewing and began to swallow when he spoke of Bert and his buddy, a tiny 'Mm' noise leaving her throat as she began to nod. Finally finishing the bite's course, she tapped her fork against the side of her plate, contemplating what may have just happened to him.

"Might be havin' ourselves a few different problems in this place," She mumbled softly, reaching out to pick up her cup and gently sipping the straw. "Fearmonger, perhaps."

Just the thought of them worried her.
But that was their whole point. They thrived off fear and worry... Part of the reason she thought they would find Davie ere so fascinating. But they were so easily noticeable. How could one have possibly gotten close enough to take in his fear scent?

She looked back up at him with a quick smile as he asked on the 'lizard thing' in front of him at the foods. "It goes with what sounds right to you, Davie-dear. Seems your mind deemed him an educated bloke. Which one was it? Oh, him over there? Ohhh, yes, yes, I can see how.... The whole... head-spikey things..."

"Ah, my Tardis. Yes, Daddy would be our best bet to get back there. I was a bit occupied elsewhere to keep any real wits on where exactly where we were headed- and THANK you for that, dearest, I do so LOVE being put into that..." She drew a breath, letting it out with a sigh. "But a walk. Yes. Go see the sights and all that jazz."

She took another sip, glancing at him over the edge of her cup as he brought up the whole safety of the situations around them. "Safe? Now what gives you the impression I'd take you from one bad spot and into a worse? You're completely safe, Davie! Absolutely, utterly, completely... Yup. Totally and utterly. Absolutely." She quickly took her cup back up, taking another long sip. "Of course. Completely."

Maybe saying it enough would make him believe it.

But that Fearmonger thought...
It was worrying her.
And so was whatever it was that she simply couldn't place.

"Walk. We'll go for a walk. Check out the sites." She smiled, finishing up her own little snack and pushing the tray aside. "Maybe a few trinkets as take homes?"
Davie ate fast. He wanted to be able to scoot quickly if needed, but he didn't want to waste the food he had either. He listened with half an ear as Romy mentioned a Fearmonger. The name made it fairly clear to him what it was about, so there wasn't much to ask her about. Just yet.

"Hey, I thought you could use you time stalling gadget to keep her from having her sprog before we got to the hospital. That's why I took Dad away from the car so you could do your bit without raising too much attention. Sorry for trying to think of using what we had on hand."

He slowly chewed while she sighed and took a sip from her cup. "Safe? Now what gives you the impression I'd take you from one bad spot and into a worse? You're completely safe, Davie! Absolutely, utterly, completely... Yup. Totally and utterly. Absolutely. Of course. Completely."

Not even the long pause to take a drink hid the fact that she was not whole behind the declarations. Davie knew better. She couldn't guarantee his safety anymore than he could guarantee his safety back on Earth. It wasn't fair of him to hoist that blame on her. It was his fault he took that fateful step inside, and stayed inside.

Davie was close to finishing his food when Romy pushed her tray aside. "Walk. We'll go for a walk. Check out the sites. Maybe a few trinkets as take homes?"

"Why the hell not. We come all this way, and I haven't been here before. So, let's do the naughty touristy thing and look at the things were allowed too, and some of those we're not, and find some things to take home to say 'We was here'."

He caught the last bits of his meal, popped them in his mouth, and stood up while chewing frantically. He paused to wait for Romy to get to her feet, then headed out of the cafeteria.

"You know something, Romy. I've finally had it with things scaring the crap out of me. I say we go find this critter, and get security to go kick its arse.

"Now, if you were a Fearmonger, where would be the best place for you to go to get a good dose of fear and anxiety?" He gave Romy a little time to think, but cut in before she could answer. "The waiting rooms near either Emergency or the operating theatres. Come on."

He looked at the signs, following the Byzantine directions as best he could.

"You know how to spot one, don't you, Romy? And, what to do about them when we find them. Like how to protect ourselves if it decides to see what our innards look like?" He gave her a mock look of desperation. "And, you can, you know, bend the truth when you tell me that you do know. Just a little, anyway."

As they got closer to the waiting rooms, Davie started to feel a coldness deep within him. Nothing physical, more something tugging at his soul. His face started to go a little pale.

'What the fuck was I thinking? Going toe to toe with some bug-eyed alien that I know fuck all about.'

"Ummm... Romy? I think it might be nearby. Are you sure that it was a good idea? Not saying it was your idea, just checking if it was a good idea in general. But, since we're here, it can't hurt us to have a look, right?"
"Mm. I didn't think on giving you the rules of it. See, it only works for so many times in a day... Not exactly a remote clicker for your telly..." Romy glanced at him, again, then shrugged. "But all's done and over, Baby's here, Mum's not out to throttle the Poppa, and the world, whichever it may be, is right." She frowned, considering his odd 'freak outs' situation. "For the most part."

She watched as he quickly wolfed down his meal's remnants, smiling a bit as he agreed to the whole wandering. "That's the spirit. Stare it all in the eye. Tentacle. Buggy... thing." She wiggled her hand with that, smirking still as he stood from the table. Readjusting herself a bit, she followed after him, watching curiously as he gave a firm stance on wanting to catch his tormentor(s?) and deal with them with the proper authorities. "...Weeelll..." Before she could really give a full answer on that, he was already working out his formulated plan of attack, Romy simply watching in surprise as he gave a rundown of ideas. "Expectations. What to do? Ahhh..."

She was trying hard herself to not let anything fearful creep in. Logic and understanding. Complete openness, lack of anything overpowering. "You need to calm down," She stated slowly, keeping at his side. "They cannot harm you, but they can make you're mind overwhelming."

Sure enough, she saw the shudder that ran through him, the sudden panic in his eyes.. the color flood from his features. "Take my hand, Don't do anything, not a word, a hard breath, ANYthing, unless I motion for you to do so."

Mister guns'a'blazing was suddenly losing his nerve. Not surprising, considering what he was planning, but it was rather... interesting to watch. She took a soft, slow breath, taking steps the way he had been leading. "How to find them is the easy part. You're my radar, Davie dearest. They can't get to me anymore. I've seen too many things that even they can't handle."

The ER. A wisp of black cloud suddenly passed before them, eyes of pure yellow peering at her as it vanished from sight. A mere momentary thing, but enough to say they were there. "How you doing back there, Lovey?"

But it hadn't lingered here. Whatever it wanted, was further up. The room was in use, so certainly there was enough fear to keep its interest, unless there was something else that-

She froze.
Her own color drained suddenly, yanking back on Davie's arm. "We have to get back upstairs. NOW."

The black shadow returned, a chuckle in the air, the form keeping a solid state long enough to reach out and brush a cold thin pale digit against Romy's cheek, those yellow eyes peering over at Davie. "Don't," She hissed, shaking her head. "I get it now. Don't you even dare.... You leave them alone..."

"Nurses...," it whispered. "Nurses have done enough..."

"HELL!" She shouted the word, thrusting a hand into the creature's face, twisting around in the hall. "UP! UP, DAVIE! Back UP!"

So much for staying calm. "Little Davie... We need to get to Little Davie. NOW."
The cold gnawed at him, making his gut curl into a ball. He felt scared before, but this was major league stuff. He listened to Romy, clinging to her words. He acted on them, focusing on them rather than the way his heart was racing.

'This is where she is the expert. This is her turf. Listen to her, and live.'

It was one of the hardest things he had ever done, but he felt his guts start to loosen. He found it easier to think through the panic. He was getting the upper hand, until Romy yanked his arm.

"We have to get back upstairs. NOW."


He tried to get a handle on what was going on. He heard voices, one Romy's, the other was one he rather remained ignorant about.

"HELL! UP! UP, DAVIE! Back UP! Little Davie... We need to get to Little Davie. NOW."

He didn't need to think about much after that. Deep instincts kicked in, and Davie was off like a rocket. He never liked the thought of kids in trouble, and this was trouble in all capitals. The fear vanished, washed away by something else as he hit the stairs two at a time, racing up without loosing much momentum. He got to the level where Davie's parents were, racing into the hallway. He ignored the cries from the nurses for him to slow down as he flew past them. He slid the full length between two doorways before stopping outside the right one. He pushed the door open, and his heart fell to between his ankles.

Inside, little Davie's parents were slumped, white as sheets. He thought they were dead, until he saw mum's chest moving enough to suggest breathing. He rushed in, checking for pulses. Relief washed over him when he found them both to be alive. He got back to the door when Romy finally caught up with him.

"Little Davie's not here. His mum and dad have been scared witless, at a guess. Could he be in the nursery?" Davie's face started to go pale at the thought.
Romy glared back at the black wavering whisp as Davie bolted off. The figure merly chuckled, vanishing off on its own. Her feet brought her after her companion, chasing only steps behind as he threw open the door to mom's room. Romy, however, was already moving for the nursery glass, trying to peer inside. Pitch black. Curtain? She peeked back as Davie returned, his paleness as well. No sign of the boy. "He's still here," she called softly. "I know it. Its... One of those feelings... They're playing with us. They're getting the feast they wanted." She gave him another glance. "You, dear, are an open buffet."

Still, her own worries on the boy grew, as well as concerns on the occupants of the other rooms in this floor. Moving to the nursery's door, she tried to get it open, pushig hard, shoving her hip hard into the heavy door. It refused to budge. Grinding her teeth, she stepped back, taking out her little sonic device, directing it towards the door's hindges and pressing the switch. The high squealing buzz lasted only a moment, the door quickly coming free and simply dropping back with a hard clattering to the floor. Quickly stumbling over the wood surface, she peered around the still darkened room, the little beds left disarrayed but recently occupied. Another door, the nurses' office. Romy glanced to Davie, frowning.

"Stay calm." She wasn't sure if she said it for him, or herself, as she approached the door. A baby's cry rang out from the other side, Romy hastily repeating her entry method.

A nurse... Her head down, holding a baby. She was... Humming. Romy moved closer, hesitantly glancing to Davie. "Miss?," she started softly. "Where-"

"They need to stop crying, it won't go away if they won't stop crying. I'll keep him safe, but he has to stop. Oh, please stop, little one..."

"Where are the other kids, miss?"

"The creatures... The shadows... They..." She raised a hand, pointing off toward the room they just left. "The shadows lie. They lie. Keep the lights on, they hate the light. I can't get them to work."

"Where are the other nurses?," Romy asked suddenly, recalling something the Fearmonger had said.

"I don't know. I've been... I've been in here. I don't know where any of them are. I haven't seen anyone I know..."

Romy frowned. "We need light, Davie." She stole a quick peek to the child in the nurse's lap, then closed her eyes with a sigh. Not his namesake.

A thought clicked as she peered the little office. A preemie's bed sat to the side, the bassinet looking slightly out of shape. Damaged somehow. She inspected it, nodding. An older thing, probably damaged over the years. "Plug me in, Davie." She tossed him the cord, ripping the warming light from the unit and starting back to the door.

She could hear them now. The babies crying. Simply lost... And unseen. The sound of those chuckles. The Fearmongers knew she was trying... "Fear is a part of life. It is something we always accept. But to have fear forced upon you is simply unacceptable. And to bring fear into these little lives, to make them feel such things so young- I will make YOU know fear as well! I will make damned certain you know what it's like- I will be the monster that haunts you, the demon you will never lose! You cause fear and pain... I can cause a thousand times worse..."

She glanced back to Davie, studying him a moment with a firm look in her eyes, then into the shadows. "But. I am not the one you should fear. You harass him for a reason, don't you? You're pushing it. To overpower. You never ever push someone to their limits. Ever."
The darkness in the nursery hit Davie hard. His resolve started to buckle under the onslaught of terror that came from these creatures. 'They can't hurt me. Since they can't hurt me, there is nothing to be afraid of. Look at Romy, she's not afraid. Nope, not one hair on her sexy head is scared. So much for being the big, brave man for the woman, hey Davie.'

"He's still here. I know it. Its... One of those feelings... They're playing with us. They're getting the feast they wanted. You, dear, are an open buffet."

He quashed the thoughts that followed, focusing on Romy, and the feelings she sometimes stirred in him. He found that his lust seemed to stop the fear from getting worse, but he was not paying much attention to anything else but her arse as it swung while she walked. He was dimly aware of her taking out the door that barred her way, but wondered what her legs looked like under the cloth that hide them from his eager eyes.

he continued in his daze, pushing deeper into his fantasy zone, drawing forth images of him and Romy doing things that would never happen, but we're still magnificent to think about. Even the sounds of the baby's cry morphed to be those of Romy.

"We need light, Davie."

Something about Romy's tone cut right through the carefully constructed mental porn, bringing a fresh wave of near crippling fear in its wake. He focused on Romy, just in time to catch the cord lobbed his way. He did as she said, slapping the cable into the power outlet, hitting the switch to give it the power she needed.

Davie felt awe seep in as Romy told them off. He felt her anger directed at them, feeling the fire in her words as she faced them down. There was a vitality to her, the inner fire that seemed to make her more appealing to him. He remembered how the fear was held at bay by his naughty, no rude, thoughts about her. The children needed them, needed him.

'Lights. Someone mentioned lights. They're dark, so they hate light!'

He heard the cries of the other babies. He tried returning to the place of lust but it was difficult. It was pushing back the fear as he thought it would, but it was going slower than the first time. He took a look at Romy, and he knew what he needed to do to help him.

He advanced on his traveling companion, grabbed her head, and pulled her into a kiss. The feel of her warm lips pressed against his ignited the thoughts again, in fully 3D and surround sound. He kept the kiss up for a while, building up the pornographic momentum enough to do what he needed to do.

With a soft whistle, he broke off the kiss, and smiled broadly as he wandered into the darkness. He felt them try to fill him with fear, but his raging hormones were stronger. He even worked the dark into them imagining feeling around for Romy, tracing her form with his finger tips. The creatures were confused, or at let that's how it felt to him. But they continued their assault, his hold on naked, sweaty images of Romy fading as he made it to the main light switches for the room.

Davie's shaking hand wavered for a moment before he rallied and slapped all the light switches. There was a loud howling that filled the room. Darkness rippled through the room as they fled the light. With the light, the fear fled as well. Davie felt like he was ten feet tall, having faced down his first alien enemy, and lived to tell the tale.

He smiled at Romy. "So, did I do good? Didn't I?"
Limit. Davie had a limit.
Not the limit that Romy had expected at all. The look in his eyes was that of a man on a mission, her smile quick to come through. He had a plan? He seemed deadset, as though his thoughts-

"HMMNPHM!" Romy let out a surprised sound as he suddenly kissed her, a tight wrapping of his hand about her hair, against her head. Dumbfounded, frozen. Trying to understand what in blue blazes he was doing. Well, he knew WHAT he was doing, that wasn't exactly the confusing part, it was more on WHY he had suddenly decided this very moment was exactly the best decision to even consider doing it.

He yanked away, a sudden sound leaving his lips as he gave her a smile, though she was left with a dumbfounded and slightly smirking look on her face.

"I... I like that battleplan," she mumbled, shaking it off as he started across the room, seemingly fighting against an unseen force- a perfect pantomime with his own invisible demons.

He hit the switch, and it seemed the entire room took on a new life. A change from a hellish feeling that weighed so heavily, the fears and panics that overtook flooding away into the shadows that tried to remain.

The babies cried again. Screamed, howled... And then stopped.
They.... They were cooing.
The shadows were gone, fearmongers sent off in their own worries and fears, frightened of the man who found a way past them.

She ran her fingers against her lips, still lost in that amazing call for strength. Her mouth hung open just slightly, looking over to him as he beamed, looking almost like the superhero that vanquished his foes.

The sudden words, however...

Romy chuckled softly, working her way between the small basinets filled with squealing little ones to come before her 'superhero'. "Indeed you did, lovey." She smiled up at him, an eyebrow quirking. "Though I do need to wonder... Is that... whole... thing... only applicable when we're facing an otherworldly demon creature? Or is it open to further discussion? Possibly further usage? See, right now, I've got this unnervingly overwhelming fear and worry running through me that's just BEGGING to-" She stopped abruptly, leaning up to kiss him just as he had done to her.

Her hands crept up against the back of his neck, pulling him down to further test her lips against his, her eyes closed as she tasted the Earthboy's lips.

"And that, lovey.... Is how you make me stop the rambles." She rested her lips against his gently as she spoke, soft words whispered as she smirked. Slowly pulling back, she glanced down beside them, seeing the pale blue-eyed boy peering up at them as he blew little bubbles in his lips. "Oho, Practicin' for your own, are ya, lil Davie?" She chuckled with that, smirking back up at the 'original version'.

"So what do you say, Davie dearest? Keep wanderin' the worlds with me? Or do you want to go back home? I can't promise that things like this won't happen again. It comes with the territory. Er, Tardis. Call it a homing beacon for troubles and incidents. And blame my teacher for the need to help instilled in me. He says we're brought there for a reason, whatever one it may be." She looked into his eyes a moment, nodding slowly with that. "I agree on that. See now... If I hadn't crashed when I did... I'd have been left without you. My lustfueled superhero."
She didn't yell at him, scold him or do anything that suggested he did something wrong. If anything, Davie's smile got bigger and he felt even better. Romy walked over to him, through the forest of now happier babies. Davie felt a little embarrassed as she finally got to him.

"Indeed you did, lovey. Though I do need to wonder... Is that... whole... thing... only applicable when we're facing an otherworldly demon creature? Or is it open to further discussion? Possibly further usage? See, right now, I've got this unnervingly overwhelming fear and worry running through me that's just BEGGING to-"

Davie was going to respond, but Romy's lips meeting his shoved all thought of talking to the side. His arms went to her hips as she snaked her arms around his head, pulling him into her. He went with it willingly, trying to let her know he was more than happy with this development and would be willing to go on for as long as she wanted. Plus a few hours more.

"And that, lovey.... Is how you make me stop the rambles."

"Oh, I think I'll remember that, and put it to good use in future."

He followed Romy's look to lil Davie, and joined her laugh as he saw him practicing too. He felt his eyes water a little, happy that he saved the kids. For the first time in years, Davie stood up for himself and felt great about it afterward.

Romy asked him about sticking with her. With the dangers. He wanted to. He really wanted to stay with her. He closed his eyes, resting his head against her forehead while he got the real brain thinking, not the phantom one in his dick.

He opened his eyes, looking straight into Romy's. "A couple of things first. Kissing you was the scariest thing I have ever done, 'cause I ain't had anyone as good looking as you around to kiss. I was afraid you'd get pissed off, and tell me that's it, no more travels for Davie. But, I wont just kiss you to do over bug eyed aliens, not if I got the chance to do it elsewhere." He blushed a little more.

"You're not human, are you? I mean you're not from Earth. I dunno if that's the real you, and not some sort of suit thingie. I need to get a little more used to, you know, you I guess. Hell, I'm not even sure you have sex the same way I do.. a human does.. oh, fuck!

"My turn to ramble. Yeah, I'll hang with you, Romy. You're fun, nice. You stood by me when you knew I was thinking of shafting you back when we first met, and that means a lot to me. Now, for being a lust fueled superhero... you make good lust fuel, Romy. No, you make great lust fuel." He was bright red at that point.

"Let's go find those take homes, and see how we can get back to that tree of yours. Can't wait to see what that homing beacon brings us next time, place, whatever."
"Y' just stared down fear demons, had lunch with a lizard man, launched into a new galaxy- and the scariest part to it all was a liplock with me." Romy looked up at him with a tiny smirk, awed by this for a moment, then gave a quick laugh. "Ohh, we'll do well, Davie dear. We'll do well..." She reached up, running her hand on his cheek, a brow raising as he affirmed future attempts at kisses would not be simply to gain strength. "I would hope not," she chuckled. "I'd be hunting down trouble a bit more than what ends up in my lap."

She gave him a curious look, however, as he asked on her. What she was. Human? She shook her head. "Close but not quite. Closer than most, but different from you." She took his hand, still smiling as she started to bring it to her chest. "I'm half n half. Mix breed. A touch human, but my mother... She was... Is... Ah... Her home was Gallifrey. Now, I'm not getting gropey here nor encouraging it- for the moment at least-" She grinned again with that, adjusting his hand. "Feel. Blub blub, ey? Try over here." She slipped his hand over again, atop the right breast. "Oh, wassat, right? Heh. Double up. Two hearts. Consider it my built in backup. My kind isn't exactly known for avoiding trouble. We kind of... Evolved... To keep ourselves ticking." She frowned slightly, shaking her head and sighing. "At least, that's what The Doctor told me. Not-so-funny thing. Everything our kind could do... And our planet was still destroyed. Not too many of us left. I don't completely count. Half blood thing."

She sighed, then realized she was still holding his hand to her breast. "Right then!" She hastily dropped his hand, a little nervous laugh coming out. "As for... All that... Other stuff..." She simply spread her hands and shrugged. "No clue, really. A birds 'n' the bees talk was never really in mum's schefule with me. A little fling with a serpentile fella a few years back, but- well. That was such a bloody mess, I'm not quite certain WHAT you'd call what we did." She glanced up at him, smirking. "You may just have to help me learn your way for it, Davie."

Her gaze fell to the baby beside them, her head nodding again as he suggested they head out. "Sounds another good plan. These little ones should be fine now. The Fearmongers were driven back by your bravery and... Other... Feelings. Cancelling out their fear- its their worst one."
Upon the mention of the liplock, Davie just nodded twice. He then openly blushed at the comment of hunting down trouble if he used kissing for building courage only.

Davie's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when Romy placed his hand on her chest. While he noticed the heart beat underneath, the placement ofthe hand was getting the lion's share of his attention. Then she moved it over to the companion, and he felt another heartbeat. That got his attention.

"Oh, wassat, right? Heh. Double up. Two hearts. Consider it my built in backup. My kind isn't exactly known for avoiding trouble. We kind of... Evolved... To keep ourselves ticking."

"Uh... huh." The novelty of the second heart had worn off, but the warm breast underneath hadn't. More words flowed past his ears, most of them continuing off into the great beyond.

His mind snapped back to reality when his hand was suddenly removed from the soft, welcoming perch and Romy gave a little nervous laugh. He scrambled to figure out what was happening, missing a whole slather of the conversation before catching up again.

"... I'm not quite certain WHAT you'd call what we did. You may just have to help me learn your way for it, Davie."

"Yeah, well..." His face exploded in a bright shade of red as a backdrop to the goofy grin on his face. "I might... not be the best teacher, but... I'd be, uh... willing to help, you know..."

Davie looked the babies, remembering the things that were trying to feed off them. He had been a hero, got a kiss from the Damsel, saved the day, blah, blah, blah.

"Yeah. Sorry 'bout all that before. Sometimes things happen too quick, and I can't keep up. That, and well... I've never been around pretty gals like you before. Never even kissed one. That's why it was the scariest, and greatest thing I've done. The good thing is, we know how to deal with them the next time we run into them."

Davie started wandering off, looking for the gift shop. The place was like one that would be found on Earth. Full of the same cheesy, themed trinkets that he would have found in a normal hospital. He grabbed a mug, a teaspoon and a couple of postcards.

"Well, I'm set. How about we pay for these, then have a sit down somewhere quiet then go have a chat to Daddy about snagging a lift."
Romy found the reddening face of the man before her quite endearing. "Not to worry, lovey. I'm sure we can have a few... trial runs, eh?" She chuckled with that, watching him as he looked to the little ones. That nurse would be able to come back out soon, she'd need to make a quick note of that. Poor gal had seemed completely without wits thanks to those beasts. Most likely taken a good nip off her, too.

"Now what's the apologizin' for?" She raised an eyebrow, smiling a bit more. So Davie dearest was a shy boy. No wonder he was having so much troubles. She'd need to work on changing that. Davie was a new project, she decided. A new project, aside from getting her ride to work properly. Get this shy fellow to come out of his shell more. See what else he might have hidden in there... "Next time? Yes. Next time, indeed. Always good to know a plan. I like your plan. It's a brilliant one. Absolutely, wonderfully, deliciously brilliant. Taking that to my brain files, that one." She smirked, tapping the side of her head, watching as he started to walk off ahead of her.

Souvenir time! She watched as he perused, picking up a few things herself and eyeing them, only to glance over and see what he had found. She chuckled again, wondering for a moment if this would need to be a 'thing' for him. a few nicknacks and tchotchke brought along with them into the Tardis with every new stop.

Well then. Good thing there was so much room. Davie might be in need of one for himself. Oh. Come to think of it, he was, wasn't he? He could bunk with her, she supposed. But could he handle that? Simply a kiss had left them both rather awed. To see each other in a state for bed- Now what kind of trouble could that cause? Enough, most certainly.

"Hm? Oh, all set, then?" Her thoughts on the matter were pushed aside as he brought his findings over to her, a nod given as she took a few of those blank papers from her pocket. A little wink was given to him as she set his pieces upon the counter, handing over the slips as the man-creature-thing bagged up the items and passed it to Davie. As they headed out, Romy gave him a smirk, pointing to her pocket. "A gift from my friend. Anything anyone would want it to appear to be, it will be. ID, funds, whatever I suggest to them it could be, they see it that way. Saved me heaps of troubles, I'll tell you..."

They were on the hunt for Daddy now, going back to the maternity floor and Mum's room. The baby had been returned, Dad in the hall as they approached, a finger coming to rest on his lips. "He needed some time with her alone. I'm just out here... regathering." He laughed nervously, then glanced at them again. "Thank you. Again. For all you've done. If there's anything I can do for you two-"

"A ride would be grand," Romy chimed out with a grin, looking to Davie. "See, we were actually working on a few... vehicular issues... when you came upon us, and... well, I'm a bit hesitant to leave it alone for too much longer, not quite sure what it might do on it's own..."

"Oh! Oh, yes! Yes of course!" He nodded, going into the room and calling back to them. "I just want to let her know, and I can bring you right back to where we started!"

"That's wonderful, poppa!" She grinned again, leaning against the wall. "Somethin' to think on for the ride, Davie-dearest. Where or when would you like to go to next? If she's cooperative... I can take you just about anywhere."
They found Dad outside the room where Mum was, and he was looking a lot more at ease than the last time Davie saw him. The universal keep quiet signal was issued, Davie smiled and nodded to let Dad know he got it loud and clear.

Dad explained what was going on, and when he made his offer, Romy jumped on it before Davie could open his mouth. Dad was off to talk to Mum, leaving the two of them alone for a short while.

Romy leaned against the wall in a way that got Davie's blood running a little warmer than normal.

"Somethin' to think on for the ride, Davie-dearest. Where or when would you like to go to next? If she's cooperative... I can take you just about anywhere."

“Hmm?” He snapped his eyes away from her nicely posed body and back to her smiling face. “Where to next? How about the place we were trying for the first time when I touched something I wasn't supposed to.” He took a long look, his face slowly deepening in shade. “Romy, I know you can take me just about anywhere. You sent me to a few good places so far.”

Dad backed out of the room, giving Davie a chance to to turn and try and calm his face down. While he was doing it, he hung back a little and followed the other two as the three of them headed back for the car. Davie hopped into the back, behind Dad, trying to keep a lowish profile while he drove naughty thoughts of Romy from his mind.

“Thanks for giving us this lift back. I hope the three of you have no major problems from here on in.”

“Oh, thank you for helping us. I've heard you had a hand in fixing the technical problems at the hospital, with the lights and the heating and what not.”

“Yeah, well, picked up a little bit here and a little bit there. Plus, me mate Romy here seems to be a bit of a dab hand at being a doctor too. Well, she helped out the nurses while things were all dark.”

Dad turned and smiled at Romy. “Well, thank you 'Doctor', for all your help too.”

In what seemed like no time at all, they were back at the spot where he picked them up. He pulled over to the side of the road. “You sure I can take you any further than here?”

“Nah, mate. This is good. Again, thanks for everything. Give our best to Mum and lil Davie for us.” Davie held out his hand, shaking Dad's. The man waved as he turned the car, heading back to the hospital.

Davie took a few steps towards where the Tardis was waiting. “You know something, Romy, I don't know why, but 'Doctor' seems to fit you.”
"Now. I wouldn't say we had a bad landing. I mean, look at what happened. You stopped a big bad boogie monster with a nearly fairy tale tactic. A damned good one, I might add." Romy smirked with that, a quick wink given as she pushed off from the wall. "But I think... that after all this... somewhere a bit calmer may just be in order." She stepped a bit closer, reaching out to touch his cheek. "A few good places so far, eh? I'd love to see just what kind of post cards we get from our next stops..." She smiled again, leaning in to give him a quick kiss-

Only to be stopped by the sudden reappearance of dad. She quickly pulled back, coughing softly and smiling nervously, noticing that Davie was almost exactly in the same predicament. Back to the car, the ride offered soon to be given. It would be nice to be back somewhere she knew well. Hospitals gave her the heebies.

She smirked as the two men had their chat, an eyebrow quirking as Davie mentioned certain medical aspects she had brought to the table. The reference left Dad with the need to call her with that certain title... A weak smile came to Romy's face with that, a little nod given in return. "Not a trouble at all, sir. Happy to see that everything turned out so well, and that Lil Davie is such a happy little fella."

A short ride, really, and they were back to the area where they had first been found. Davie gave a goodbye to Daddy, leaving Romy to peer around curiously for the Tardis. Tree again. Yes. Of course. Trees were always easy enough. She started to trudge across the field for it, peering over at Davie at the comment that left him. A little chuckle came from her at it. "S'that so? Think I still have a bit of exploring to do before I can use that moniker, but I do believe that's, ah... possibly a name conflict I may need to take up with someone." She giggled a touch once again, reaching out to take his hand. "For now, I'm content with whatever you want t' be callin' me, Davie-dearest."

Another hunting for that little pushspot, and the door was soon swinging open, welcoming them both back into the flashing lighted room inside. "Now let's see. How about a continuously tropical little place off the far edge of the Mandelai Galaxy? Lovely view, the night's sky full of the three moons, keeps the waters constantly at perfect tides." She beamed as she headed back for the console, only to pause and look at him once again. "Ah. Ahh, wait. There's something I need to do before we get going to anywhere else, anywhere new." She turned back around, quickly rushing back over to him and wrapping her arms about his shoulders, kissing him again. A deep, passionate embrace against his lips that she let linger for far more than just a moment, slowly pulling away to smile up at him. "Got a bit distracted from that back at the hospital."
It was going to take a little getting used to, stepping into a tree that's insides were a damn sight bigger that the outside suggested. As well as being a whole less natural in appearance and function. But then, this tree came with its own red haired dryad so Davie was not complaining too much.

But he was complaining in his head about the kiss he missed when Dad came out of the room a little early. Well, he hoped it was going to be a kiss. With Romy, he couldn't be too sure about what she was planning on doing, but it sure looked like a kiss coming his way.

"Now let's see. How about a continuously tropical little place off the far edge of the Mandelai Galaxy? Lovely view, the night's sky full of the three moons, keeps the waters constantly at perfect tides."

Davie let out some half hearted sound while he was lost in his own little world of missed Romy kisses.

"Ah. Ahh, wait. There's something I need to do before we get going to anywhere else, anywhere new."

"Hmmmm?" He looked up just in time to see Romy dashing back towards him. He braced himself just in time for her to wrap her arms around him, giving him a deep kiss that left him startled in the best way possible. He was starting to relax into it and return the kiss when she pulled away with her glowing smile.

"Got a bit distracted from that back at the hospital."

"And what's distracting you now?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and returned her kiss with a little less enthusiasm, and a bit more caution but with a lot more desire and willingness to linger. But is was just as passionate as hers, and he held her close, as if he never wanted to let her go. When he stopped, he pulled away even slower than Romy did, feeling their lips peel apart reluctantly. He felt his forehead resting against hers while he finished tasting her on his lips.

"Thanks. That... that was really... wow. You look like a woman. Well, what I've seen of you. You feel like a woman. What I have felt so far. You're one lovely looking woman for an alien." He laughed a little. "So, you've had just one... boyfriend before? Some snake man thingie? So, you've got no idea of what it might be like with a human?"

"I can't believe I'm talking about this stuff with you, Romy. But then again, I can't believe I scared off a whole bunch of fear mongers either." He smiled and stuttered a laugh. "We gonna go somewhere, or we gonna play around for a bit?"
"Hmmm." Romy smiled as he questioned what may be distracting her now, surprised as he suddenly kissed her himself; a slower approach, but far more focused than her own. A deep embrace against her lips, the taste of the human man staying with her more and more as she wrapped her arms against his neck, pulling herself closer to him as he held about her waist. Oh, this was- Yes, this was a nice thing.

Her smile took a bit further as he slowly pulled back, their lips seeming to refuse to let it end as he rested his head against hers. A tiny chuckle left her as he thanked her, her head shaking against his. He deserved the thanks for that one.

The talk of how she looked like a woman, acted like a woman- that caused her to look at him curiously, a brow raising ever so slowly. "Davie-dearest? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, you think you should call it a cow? there's females in pretty much every species. A few that don't make technically into the category, but most, almost always most, seem to have some distinguishings. And besides, I'm fairly certain I'm close enough to what you see as a ladyfolk to be qualifyin'..."

Her smile grew a bit more as he inquired on her ex and her prior experiences with men- er, males, still resting in his arms but pulling back enough to look up at him. "Just the one. I wouldn't call it so much a... boyfriend... as, ah, matter of incident. Wrong place, bad timing, all that good jazz." A long story she really wasn't sure he wanted to hear. A Snake Prince fellow with a lonely and greedy side. Insert one randomly dropping in time traveller, and instant unexpected couple.

The fact she was previously engaged should probably be brought up at some other time. Right now, certainly not the best one.

"Hm? Human? Oh, no. I don't believe there's any rattlers involved, is there?" She smirked again with that, raising her hand to brush his cheek. "Don't worry, Davie-Dearest. I'm fairly certain the basics to it all could be something quite easily explained and explored. And if not... well. Half the fun of any exploration is the trial and errors."

His nervous laughs were so endearing. Romy smiled again as he let out another, the way he spoke of the strangeness of the conversation. It did seem an odd thing, even to her, but she didn't mind it in the least. The curious was her fascinating. The abnormal, perfect to her. This was the type of thing she loved.

"Oh, we're going with new options, then, eh?" She grinned, standing on her toes and nibbling his chin. "I do have autopilot, love. We could... go finish that tour. Lots of fun little rooms for us to explore. Just be careful of the atrium. Those vine trees are a curious breed. Grabby... A touch playful... And a bit fresh." She winked, her own hand drifting down his chest as she spoke, down against his ribs and around to squeeze his rear with her last words.

"Let's set a course and be off, sound a plan?"
Davie liked Romy if for no other reason she was so different to him. Where he was cautious about things, she was more carefree. All up, his life produced someone who was quick to run, always eager to avoid trouble rather than get caught even in the edges of it. Romy, she would walk where she wanted, and in that took her into the middle of trouble, she'd deal with it and laugh about it afterwards.

Of course, she was as sexy as hell and she seemed to like him as well. There wasn't much not to like about Romy when he stopped and thought about it. Thinking was really hard when she was pressing herself against him as she was right then.

"Don't worry, Davie-Dearest. I'm fairly certain the basics to it all could be something quite easily explained and explored. And if not... well. Half the fun of any exploration is the trial and errors."

The images that sprang to mind made Davie go bright red, even though they excited him no end. Exploring Romy got him very aroused as he thought of getting her out of her clothing, and finding out what was underneath.

"Oh, we're going with new options, then, eh?"

Davie's knees started to weaken when Romy started nibbling his chin. He had little real experience with women, and most of it was very direct, going for the main pleasure points with the aim of getting to the 'good stuff' quickly. The nibbling, along with the kisses, were all really new and really great. His groan made sure that Romy knew he was enjoying it.

"I do have autopilot, love. We could... go finish that tour. Lots of fun little rooms for us to explore. Just be careful of the atrium. Those vine trees are a curious breed. Grabby... A touch playful... And a bit fresh. Let's set a course and be off, sound a plan?"

The hand finding his rear made him jump a little, but brought a huge smile to his face.

"What's good for the goose..." Davie laughed as he followed up with a lunge to take a playful grab of Romy's delightful rear. He liked the feel of it through the fabric of her clothing, and couldn't wait to feel it without anything in the way.

"How about you setup where we're supposed to go, then we can have a look about, find somewhere that's not the atrium and we'll see what happens."

He hung back, waiting while Romy worked her magic around the console, setting up the autopilot of her ship. She somehow managed to look graceful, almost dance like as she moved about flicking switches, twisting dials, leaning this way and that. He liked the leg that extended to keep her balance as she reached for something else. He wanted to reach out and run his hand along it.

When she was done, he waited for her to catch up with him. He slipped his arm around her waist, half confident, half nervous about the move. Together they headed off into the interior of the ship, going passed many doors. He stopped and opened one, which looked like a library form an 1800's mansion. The next was a mad scientist's lab, followed by a classroom and a dusty storeroom.

Davie gave Romy a questioning look as they continued, opening another door to find what looked like a comfortable lounge room. A large sofa sat against one wall, an equally large fluffy rug in the centre of the room. In a corner was a pile of cushions with a thin blanket thrown over the top as well as a coffee table over to one side of the room. The room was softly lit, and had a nice gentle feel to it.

"I think this will be a good spot to relax in. Ladies first." Davie held the door open, waiting for Romy to go passed.
Her eyes widened a bit, a playful smirk coming to her lips as he gripped at her own rear, the smirk staying as she hurried back to her console, adding a little playful wriggle and sway of her hips as she did so. Fun little Earth boy. Skittish and smiling. Brave when he needed. Felt threatened. Felt something he cared for was threatened.

Was it her or the babes he did all that for? Or simply to save his own hide?
No.. She had seen it. Felt it. That kiss was a man on a mission. Thoughts that ran through her head as she worked, flicking and twisting, a knob here, a switch there. Coordinates (or approximations, damn the controls of this thing; he could have given a touch better lessons on that aspect....) A dancer in her element. Her home, in more ways than one.

She stole a glance at him as she worked, a loving smile given over the glow of controls, the crank and twang of readjustments. Finally feeling it was set... well enough... she gave an affirming nod, sliding back around the side of it to grin at him once again. "And there we are. All set and ready for a nice relaxing little trip to somewhere without the nasties. Hopefully." She tried to give another smile with that, but had questions of her own on the probability of that. It was hard to guess the intentions of others, or what awaited you in a location.

War of the Waznaval. Could regenerate a new body, but she couldn't lose the scar on the back of her right thigh of her current form from that. All over a shiny rock.

His arm found its way about her, drawing her closer. Romy smiled again, leaning up to gently kiss against his ear. "Lead the way, Davie Darling. Let's see what... lights your bubble."

Needed to work on her euphemisms, that was a definite.

A number of rooms were given the once over, a few causing him to give HER the once over. She simply smiled and shrugged, a simple little "...Well..." leaking her lips as she shyly looked away. He didn't need to know every one of her secrets, now did he? Where was the mystery in that?

He seemed satisfied with the sitting room she had created, nodding softly as he held the door and invited her to go ahead of him. "Ahhh, this one. Nice choice, nice. S'been awhile since I wandered this one...." She slid over to the sofa, settling down and crossing her legs, waiting for him.

Now, that was a funny feeling. Right there, right in her stomach. What was that?

Wait, nerves? Was she nervous? After everything that they had just done, everything she had done over all these trips and stops and wanderings, all the times someone had waved a gun or laser or something-intended-to-cause-owies in her face and she managed to GIGGLE... The fact Davie the Earth Boy wanted to "get to know her" was making her stomach fill with fluttery things?

"Oh, that's just not right," She mumbled to herself, chuckling as she shook her head.
Davie let Romy in first mainly to allow him to gather his nerves. He was still a bit shy around the ladies when it came to what he was about to do, but Romy's enthusiasm, and to be blunt, outright declarations of interest, went a long way to allowing him to get this far without fucking something up.

'Corr, she's got some mighty fine looking pins, aint she?'

"Ahhh, this one. Nice choice, nice. S'been awhile since I wandered this one...."

'She likes my choice, this is good. Hopefully not just saying it to you know, make me feel better or something. Yeah, and this is the type of thinking that will definitely help with the nice Miss Romy.'

Out of habit more than need, Davie closed the door behind him and turned to look at Romy sitting on the sofa. He stopped, looking at her legs. The pants she wore were rather teasing. They seemed to show off the shape of her legs well, but still denied him the chance to see what they looked like. Kind of like the shirt and vest combination. Hugged her body, showed her figure, hide the nice stuff too.

'Stop being a wuss, Davie. She's over there waiting for you. Probably the first woman who's been eager for you to this kinda thing with. So, get moving sunshine.'

He swallowed and started to head over to sit beside her. As he got closer, he heard her speak softly, just catching her words as she shook her head and chuckled.

"Oh, that's just not right."

Davie slowed in his tracks. His stomach felt like it dropped between his ankles. All the nervous joy he was feeling evaporated in a moment. He came to a stop, completely uncertain as to what he was going to do next.

"That's just not right? What, getting up close and personal with someone like me? yeah, I was thinkin' it was a little too good to be true. Lookers like you don't go for blokes like me. Knew you'd come to your senses soon enough."

Davie turned before his expression totally collapsed and started making his way for the door. He'd still travel with her for a while. See some sights, let Andre cool down and then find somewhere he could call home. He'd get over it soon enough. It wasn't like they did anything more than just kiss.

'Even if her kisses did threaten to make me a human sized puddle.'
Settle in, get comfy, find that good spot. Try to get those flutteries out of the tummy. How'd they even get in there, anyway? She had her contact with others so many times. Friends and acquaintances, people that she encountered. Granted, it wasn't quite the same as this- The last of that was Prince She-could-never-pronounce-it-so-she-called-him-Larry... And she was quite certain that wasn't the same as other species. All that goop, and the weird cocoon thing. That had not been fun at all.

Now, Davie here... No. No Davie here. Where? What?

"Davie?" She looked over to him blankly as he halted in his steps, confusing comments on not-wanting and not-interested. Romy's expression managed to find a spot beyond blank, absolute vacancy taking to her features. What was all that about? "Davie!" She hastily got off the couch, trying to catch up with him as he made his way back to the door. "Oh, for the love of all that-"

He thought what she said was about him?! It-well, in a way it was, but not in that way, in the way that-Stop thinking and go get him!!

"Davie!" She caught his shoulder, her fingers tightening into the muscle beneath the shirt. "Stop a moment, eh?!" Stepping up beside him, she gave him another look, this time of disbelief. "You honestly think all that? That I'd've said all those things before and be so flippant to recant it all that suddenly? I know I can be a bit... off kilter... but certainly not to that extent." She let go of his arm, instead reaching up to run her fingers against his cheek. "You're the bravest Earth Boy I've ever met. And I actually have met a few. I saw the true you back there in that hospital, and it was someone amazing. You're the first person I've ever truly let into the TARDIS like this with me before. A peek, a wander through, maybe. But to travel with me? I... I've been afraid." She hesitated on that, still running her fingers against his cheek. "The man who taught me how to use it. Someone else like me. He said- He warned me. That doing that.... Letting someone in... It makes them far more than just another person you meet. And that the hurt that comes when they leave you... It's why we have a spare heart. The first one breaks too easily."

Romy smiled, looking back up to him. "But I don't care on any of that. I get what else he meant now too. Being alone... that heart can't learn how to function. I can actually feel them both so clearly around you. I know I'm that crazy alien gal with a flying magic tree..." She laughed a little at that, shaking her head. "...And that my thoughts can be a bit- scattered. But don't you ever, never ever, ever, think that the things I say are ever intended to cause you a harm, Davie."

She drew her hand back, smiling still. "Now. C'mon, my Earth Boy. Let's see what we can discover together, eh?" She stepped back, slowly undoing her vest before drawing it from her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor, leaving her to the simple white sleeveless shirt beneath.