"Rebuild": A Zombie Survival RP

Cramer meets Jerry

I remembered my old buddy Bob well, and he did introduce me to this guy. It had been years since that barbecue, Jerry obviously grew up into a stocky muscular man. I reach out to shake his hand firmly and hear the turret move. ''Yeah I remember my bob and a skinny teenager named Jeremiah.'' Looking back to the APC glaring at whoever did it. God damn it! Ye blow up my home after this mans protected it, and I'll drag yer ass outta that tin can and kick yer ass gal!''

Turning back to Jerry shaking my head. ''I got two National Guard gals with, one won't shit unless the other gives the order. Patting Jerry on the shoulder as I still gripped his hand. ''Thank ye fer keepin the place safe fer me Jerry. Now if ye ain't found it, I got some good ole Georgia shine in the pantry. Phew!...c'mon in I could use a drank after this ruckus.''

Taking a look back to Ria in the truck, then to the APC shaking my head at them. ''Ya'll c'mon in if ye going to, make yerselves to home yer amongst friends here. Clapping Jerry on his burly shoulder, I head into to my home I'd missed. Making my way to the pantry, pick up several quart mason jars. Walking back into the living room to sit in favorite chair.
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That settled that issue for Jerry, Cramer was there with friends and that was enough for him,

"Oh it had been found, but no need to drink it all when the big guy could be coming back."

He watched as Cramer entered and then turned to the others,

"Well you heard the man people, come on in. Perimiter is secure and I have sensors up so it will remain secure. And you beter make sure that APC's weapons is cold when you get out. If them missiles go off there will be two angry men opening a can of whoop-ass."

He waited for the people to pass him, a petite red head, the two national guards that Cramer had mentioned, a foreign looking woman and then from the APC stepped another woman. Jerry whistled in amazement,

"Wahl if you came out sooner I might have threatened less."

He grinned,

"No offense meant ma'am, just admiring your get-up, come along inside, I'm sure Cramer want to know more about the family."

He flipped the safety on and followed Cassie as she entered, pulling the door close behind him and walking to the living room, he placed the LMG leaning against the couch and picked up one of the bottles before settling into the couch with the gun next to him and the machinepistol resting next to him,

"Yehr farm really attracted much unwanted attention, installed that weapon system upstairs when some crazy assed fuckers came rolling up with an Abrahams, had to take off a track to make'm understan' they're unwelcome. Ol' Billy removed the tank and several trucks by now, he's in heaven tinkering on 'em tah make a huge machine. I started tah harvest some of the crops, sun was eatin' on them more'n the insects. Have them stored in that shed out back."

Shocked ...

Part of my brain was still figuring out why the car had shot forward while I had put it in reverse, the rest tried to deal with the weapons on Cramer's second floor and Cramer shouting at the people inside his house.

I ducked as low behind the wheel as I could, decided I probably had not pressed hard enough on the pedal when I moved the gearshift and it had snapped into the wrong slot while I listening to Cramer telling the others to get out off the tank because it wouldn't stand the weapon pointing at it and dialed Peter's number. Ducking wouldn't help then, so I sat up again.

"I'll be the son of a dancing bear! Homer Grimes!" Out off the front door came a man, who scrutinized Cramer for a while. A grin lighted up his face, greeted Cramer like a long lost third-grade cousin. He didn't take his finger from the trigger though.

"It seems to be alright, Peter," I said softly. "But stay on the line a bit." The men were talking loud enough Peter would be able to hear what they said as well as I through the open car window.

"Make sure it is no trap! Come back!" Peter's voice hissed at me.

I nodded, remembered he wouldn't be able to see it.

"I will. Not come back now, make sure first," I whispered.

After a while the man, who was called Jerry by Cramer, seemed satisfied, lowered his gun. Cramer walked into the house without looking back at us after he invited us in for a drink and I opened the car door.

"I'll put you in my pocket, keep still," I warned Peter.

Briskly I walked past Jerry, saw Cramer going into a room, some bottles in his hands. I hurried over to him.

"Cramer, where is your restroom?" I asked in a stage whisper.

Ok ... this is going to sound weird … but you know how weird I am already … so get over it!

Two years ago … I was working at the strip club and a lady came in named Sarah. I could still remember Sarah’s friendly and open face. She was all bubbly, full of fun and life. It was a bit weird to see a girl like her in a strip club … most of the time if there was a female in the club … it was a butch lesbian or someone’s wife or girlfriend (i.e. she was accompanied by a man). Anyhow, Sarah was there by herself and she was picky ... turning down most of the other girls … until she saw me. She gave me a good tip while I danced on stage … and then asked for a lap dance afterwards.

After I finished my act on stage … I went over to her … but it turns out she did not want a lap dance. She said she was organizing a party for a friend at work … and asked if I’d be willing to come out a big birthday cake.

I said “sure … I’ll be the stripper that pops out of the cake.”

She said it was at a business and I could only go topless. I said that would be no problem (I have been told my boobs are my best assets). Anyhow, the date arrived and I did my little performance … to a bunch of cheers and yells from the office people. Everyone seemed to love it, except the boss (who, I was dancing for … it was his birthday!)

Anyhow a week later … I saw Sarah again … and we talked again. She said that her boss … was a bit upset at the cake thing … until he noticed that productive went way up after the birthday party. So they had decided to make it a monthly event … the bad news was they want different girls each time.

Anyhow … what does this have to do with my present situation? Well after I shut down the weapons and I open the hatch to the turret … I “popped” out of the APC … just like I “popped” out of that cake. Complete with the little “tada” at the end. That was weird, don't you think?

I got a whistle from this jerry person … but no one else was watching. My big chance to make it as a APC stripper girl over ... I was sad.

I walked over to the house wiped my feet on the mat, entered and sat down on the couch as far away from Cramer as I could. I was not ready to talk to him yet ... even if Derry wanted me too.


Peter received a cellphone call from Ria …

"It seems to be alright, Peter," She said. "But stay on the line a bit."

Peter heard other voices … all of which had him spooked. It was like the armory all over again. Country hicks voices!

Peter warned Ria "Make sure it is not a trap! We need you to come back!"

"I will. Not coming back now, need to make sure everything is ok first," She said. After some movement Ria said "I'll put you in my pocket, keep still," she warned

Peter kept listening … this was like the opposite of a "butt dial". He only heard … the swish of Ria's clothing. Just then Daniel walked by Peter at the Knight … “Shall we meet?” He asked. Peter nodded “no” and pointed to the phone.

Daniel walked off ... shaking his head in disgust.
Bathrooms down the hall on the left Darlin. Oh if ye Petey I said hey...I'll bring him back a jar of shine.'' I gave Ria a grin and a knowing look, I might be a Georgia redneck but I wasn't anybodies fool. I stand to lift a jar to the Knights that came in. Lt. Sky took the liberty to bring enough glasses for everyone, I pour enough moonshine into their glasses for a good belt.

''To home...bringing the Knights to their new one...a friend that protected mine...and die zombie die!'' I'd waited until Ria could join in the toast, the flushing of the toilet my cue to do so. Clinking my jar to the Knights and Jerry's glasses, they all said cheers to my toast laughing at the last part. ''Ya'll meet ol' Jerry here, he's the cousin of one of my best friends. The reason he had weapons aimed at us, he has been keeping farms in the area safe. Without the crops and livestock they provide, nobody will survive''

There was no way a round of applause here, because people show appreciation in different ways. Pete had at the beginning a hand in keeping us safe, after getting Napoleon he was regaining respect again. Everyone deserves a second chance as Ria said, her holding and comforting me during my episode. I wouldn't forget the sincere concern she'd shown, a true leader is that way with everyone they know of.

Sitting back down I looked over toward Cassie, it was quite obvious she's still pissed at me. She being my friend I had to say what I had, but being only human a little jealousy was in the mix. Cassie would talk to my only when she's ready, I'd learned that when I was in the doghouse with my Kaitlyn. Women with any self respect wouldn't ask a man to apologize, he has to realize why and do it all on his own.

And that time was nowhere close to happening as yet, not that it was going to be anytime soon. Taking a glance at Jerry I hoped he was a trustworthy, if he's anything like his Cousin he certainly would be. Sitting back in the recliner thoughts drift to my Kaitlyn, many good times in this house and always love. Reaching over to click the stereo on low, her favorite mix of classic rock ballads began to softly play. A sip ever so often I finally relaxed, a reel of good memories playing on the screen of my weary mind.

Walking into the corridor I silently saluted Cramer, he had seen the phone in my hand reached the right conclusion. I peeked into the kitchen before I found the toilet. Opening the door I wondered if Jerry had noted the phone too.

I closed the lid, sat down and took the phone out off my pocket.

"It really seems okay, Peter. The house looks lived in, but not looted. Kitchen is clean, a pot and a plate on the worktop, cupboards closed. Just one man here, a very distant relation of Cramer, or a friend of one. Seems he and some others formed a kind of Neighbor Guard-ship and protect inhabited farms. No need to alert the others or the Winery. I'll report more later. Good bye." I whispered quickly without giving him a chance to talk before I closed the phone.

Now I felt free to do what I needed to do.

"Cramer says hi and brings you a bottle of his moonshine." I typed a message to Peter.

While I flushed and washed my hands I wondered if Cramer had a well and a septic tank. It would be logical so far out off the vicinity of other farms and houses. The Winery probably had septic tanks too. Which would be a problem as soon as they were full. Before they would have called in a tank wagon to empty it or them. But now ... We would need to find one of those wagons. Empty them in a remote spot. Which would be dangerous and require quite some manpower, cars and gas. But at first it would be the easiest way. Later we might need cesspits.

''To home...bringing the Knights to their new one...a friend that protected mine...and die zombie die!'' Cramer toasted as soon as I entered the living room. I picked up a glass from the club table, raised it and took a gulp.

Purely on willpower I managed to not cough and get tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop them from opening wide though.

So Jerry was a cousin of Cramer's best friend. Well, what I told Peter was close enough to the truth I decided before I took another sip. It hadn't the same effect as the first mouthful did. The stuff kind of grew on you, I found while sitting down beside Cassie.

Soft music filled the room. I leaned back and listened to "Riders on the Storm" and "House of the Rising Sun" taking a sip every once and again. The stuff really grew on you. Cassie was fidgeting beside me. Me singing along softly with "Well, there is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun, and it's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God I know I'm one," did not ease her.

I put my empty glass down.

"Thanks Cramer, but now it is time to talk and do some work I am afraid. Jerry, how many of you are there, and what exactly do you do, and do you have contact with other groups of survivors?"

He was sipping on the bottle, making sure to keep his wits about him, it was good that Cramer was here, but it didn't mean that he could relax. When the foreign looking and sounding woman started asking questions, Jerry did not really take too well to that, this was not her place, nor did she know anybody, what gae her the right to ask questions like that? But then again...she had survived had she not and for a woman to survive this sort of shit she had to have brains and had to do what was necesarry. He corcked the bottle and placed it down,

"Last count we were fifteen, we look affer seven farms and the others run logistics, yah know? Making vehicles work, building weapon systems an' makin' sure we dinnae starve nor die o' thirst. There's some sorta doc, he bin workin' wid some govrment types. We had a few people contactin' us through the internet, but with the power outages ah don't think we'll have contact f'r much longer."

He gave her enough to know that he wasn't alone, but not enough to endanger his people,

"We're in contact wid two-ways and CB's, all yah need is a battery, antannae and the set, believe we have a few left along wid some walkies. Perhaps yah should git some f'r y'rself as well. Cellphones aint gonna last much longer when power start tah go."

Once the excitement of the visit had faded away everyone got back to their jobs. Dave hurried back to designing his flights, he was pretty sure he had figured a way to make some out of scrap CD's, DVD's, Razor blades and the like. He had found a site that explained the properties of making arrows for long distance shooting and he was applying this to the arrows as they would be able to shoot Zombies at distances of up to 600 Yards away. Even as they came closer they would still be accurate and hopefully they would be able to recover the arrows they made. Another good thing was it was going to be an item that was not going to be a high priority loot item so they could be able to find a lot of them easily if they worked.


Percy and Brett had gotten back to work on making more Bows and arrows and everybody else had gotten busy at their tasks. Troy would have to sit down tonight and work out how to adjust the outer fence to accommodate the vehicles so they could park near the kitchen entrance. It would mean getting more fencing materials but they had plenty of that stored in a secure area, along with barbed wire. They would need to build a set of large gates and some way of locking them securely as well as defending them. Well when the APC was parked in there it could help defend as well he guessed. He wondered if they would be able to build a small platform for that purpose. Well maybe later, for now the fence and gate.

Taking a breath he decided to do a quick sweep of the perimeter and see if any hostiles had been attracted by the noise of the Knights vehicles. Whistling for the dogs he was about to walk out when he noticed something in the pup's collar. Removing it he found a note. Reading it he found,"So when are you gonna ask me out? LOL … Here's my cell number; let’s get some Starbucks coffee sometime. Cassie!” Troy chuckled to himself. A Starbucks huh. Even when the world had been running he had refused to drink in that high priced coffee factory. He guessed he was spoiled coming from Australia where every cafe place could make a decent coffee, still a date in this day and age did sound nice and she had looked like a fun sort of woman. Still it would probably be a few days before he could give her a call, he had all this work to organize first. Sighing he picked up his bow, slung the quiver across his back, checked his knife and 9mm gun and headed out with the dogs.

It wasn't a total surprise to us that Cramer's farm was occupied. It just made things a bit more complicated that's all. I saw Cramer jump out of his truck and move towards his house. We all waited to see what would happen now.

As I drove slowly along, I could hear Cassie ask about the turret. Now I don't mind saying, that didn't sound like a very good idea. High powered weapons and Cassie...it really couldn't be good. I wanted to stop them, but was too busy driving. So thought..( Heaven help us!)

Of course, she did some awful maneuvering, and I heard some excited chatter, but couldn't stop to do anything about it. Ria and her truck went all over the place before ending up just a few meters from our nose. We all took a breath....and looked at each other. She then backed off and stopped at the house.

At this point all our attention went to the house, there was two guns pointing at us from the second story.

Than thank goodness Cramer took over, he kept his cool and shortly we all relaxed enough to get together and talk. I shut the APC off and shouted for Cassie and the others, "Come on...lets get out of here and see what is going on." As we all got out, Cassie being the last got a warm welcome from what seemed like the man in charge. We all filed inside, and sat down.

I listened mostly to what the men exchanged...and took a sip of the drink I was handed...nearly exploding it back out. God...that was the worst drink I ever had. But I smiled as everyone looked at me, and took another tiny sip. As I listened, I came to realize, that this man Jerry would be a good man to have as a friend...and possibly to even work with. I was impressed with what these men had been doing.
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"Last count we were fifteen, we look affer seven farms and the others run logistics, yah know? Making vehicles work, building weapon systems an' makin' sure we dinnae starve nor die o' thirst. There's some sorta doc, he bin workin' wid some govrment types. We had a few people contactin' us through the internet, but with the power outages ah don't think we'll have contact f'r much longer."

I wasn't sure if the alcohol we just had impacted on his speech or my hearing, but I cocked my head and listened hard, trying to translate into english and then dutch as Jerry spoke.

It sounded good. One person at a farm though, seemed very risky to me. Maybe they hadn't as much zombies walking around here as in the city, but it wouldn't take long for other, more hostiles groups would discover the countryside. And only one man per farm, it was asking to get overrun, even with the weapons.

More groups was great, but since he said it had been over the internet, they wouldn't be close.

"We're in contact wid two-ways and CB's, all yah need is a battery, antannae and the set, believe we have a few left along wid some walkies. Perhaps yah should git some f'r y'rself as well. Cellphones aint gonna last much longer when power start tah go."

Should I tell him of the special german government server/satellite/thingy Kurt put me, Peter and one of my daughters on? Not yet I decided. We really needed CB's and what? Was he talking about walkie talkies?

"Jerry, the work you do is great. We highly appreciate it. We scavenged a drugstore on the way out, so if you need some soap, toothpaste and stuff like that, we would be happy to hand you some. Did you get information on the fever, we call it Napoleon, and the spores? If not, I have some printed out in the car. Just a sheet, but the most important things like how to treat the fever are on it."

In my mind I went over the rest. Should I tell him about the Winery? Maybe he knew Maddie, or some of the people who worked there?

"We had contact with some groups too, in fact we are moving out off the city, twenty children from three to fifteen and around thirty adults, to live in a winery were now less than twenty people live. They won't be able to hold it on their own, we run into too much danger in the city, the building we are in is a library, and we won't be able to grow enough food in a year or two. I am in contact with some people in the Netherlands and in Germany, my family and a microbiologist in a government research bunker. What else do you want know from us before you tell us more?"
He cocked his head slightly as he listened to the foreign woman...Ria she was called. Cramer made a motion to his throat and Jerry understood, this time he spoke slower and his pronountiation cleared up considerably,

"All I know is what I need to know, the zombies carries a spore on them that when inhaled in enough quatities affect your blood. The hunger comes from the small brain and not the logical one, the doctor had run several tests on them. If you leave them in the dark, they become lathargic, much like a plant stunts in the dark. After they have fed they start to become slightly slower, when they have fed to a certain point they become completely useless, standing around almost deaf and blind, only reacting when you are less than a foot away."

He grinned,

"Short person syndrome, I like that idea. We called the fever Murdock's disease, the doc found from the government types that scratches and bites transfers a virus, it's treatable with anti-biotics if given in the correct quantities and right intervals."

He looked over at Cramer,

"The family is greatly diminished, when the virus struck here, we went to war. You know how we love a good fight."

The smile had a tinge of sadness to it,

"The town is save though, locked up tighter than a tick's arse. So if you people ever need a bavk up you know who to call."

He looked back at Ria,

"Three weeks and the defense grid will be done, we have been tinkering with automated weapons and remote control, those work perfectly as you have seen, the automoted ones are still giving a few hickups. When that is in place the only safe place to travel will be the roads and that is easily defended."

He gave a small smile,

"Or at least that is how the guys back home is telling me."

I listened carefully to what Jerry had to say. Shaking my head to show my sympathy I mouthed "I am sorry" when he told us quite some people from his family had died defending them against the zombies.

From reclining on the sofa I moved until I leaned forward, sitting only on the edge at his last words.

"You defend farms by automated weapons? Darn!"

People looked a bit funny at me. I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"I mean, that could be a problem. A real problem. If people want to visit a farm, good meaning people, who are just looking for food ... You'd better give us some of your what's-their-names, what one uses to identify oneself on the CB? And we need some of those! And a name."

Pondering I laid my fingers against my forehead, shoved them slowly into my hair, making it peeking out between my fingers as my palm rested against my brow.

"Oh well, there will be a shop in the city. Something more on the to-do list." I took my fingers out off my hair, restored my style absentmindedly.

"How about we get outside now, people, and have a look at the fruit trees and the animals? Cramer? Will you show us around? Would that mean you need to stay here, Jerry? Or would you come with us?"
As Ria spoke of wanting to check out the farm, I screw the Mason jars lid on setting it on the table. Turn off the stereo and take up my AR-15. ''C'mon then ten cent tour comin right up Darlin, the rest of ya'll do whatever ye want to. Putting my Braves baseball cap back on, slide my wayfarers on as I step outside. A cigarillo placed between my lips, cup my hands against the wind lighting up. ''Got a Gator in the shed over yonder, we'll take er out be easier on us both.''

Stepping off the porch pulling my keys from my pocket, unlocking the doors Patches meows up at me. ''Hey gal, bout time you showed up.'' Picking the calico cat up to sit on my shoulder, entering the shed and climb into the 4x4. Hitting the push button she fires right up, I put the camouflaged Gator in gear. Waiting on Ria to get in before taking off. ''Hang on darlin might git a lil bumpy, we'll see the back 40.''

The crops appeared to be without blight, the fall harvest was ripe for the picking. Seeing Jerry must've have added a radio, taking it from it's charger to key the mic. ''Jerry ain't no auto guns set up yet?'' Thankfully his answer was what I wanted to hear, turning onto the field road for a close look at things. ''Wouldn't do gittin killed like at would it darlin?''

Stopping the Gator I step out to dig up a sweet potato, cutting it open and climb back into the little 4x4. ''Sweet taters look purty good to me, we can even make flour from em.'' Driving over to the orchard it was in good shape, pulling an apple of a tree as we pass by a low limb.

Polishing it on my sleeve and hand it to Ria. ''Try a Cramer's Corner organic apple darlin, I know you ain't had a fresh one in awhile.'' We pull back up to the Knights as they're looking around, turning the Gator off alongside the acres long livestock fence. ''Well at's purty much everythang on the farm, we need to git to harvesting real soon ya'll''
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He shook his head,

"We do not have the system up yet. The sensors we do have up is our tests, we do not want the guns to shoot wildlife, that will be stupid. So far tests are going well, the plan is that when the guns go up, we place huge warning signs up, telling people of the guns and direct them to the nearest road. Then on the farm itself there will be one person to defend the house and other buildings. Perhaps even two people, it depends."

He rose when Cramer did,

"I'll be heah, t'ke yer time."

He turned, taking the bottle and Minimi with him as he headed up the stairs to continue his vigil.
Derry and Cassie

Cassie and I listened as Ria asked questions of Jerry and learned what the situation was up until now. We sipped at our drinks, I could feel it go straight to my head leaning over to Cassie I whispered, "This stuff really packs a wallop!" Cassie nodded in total agreement. Not long after Cramer took Ria for a tour of his farm, letting the rest of us to do as we wanted.

I finished my drink and elbowed Cassie, "Hey Cass...lets go outside and look around, I want to see what kind of animals Cramer has. She readily agreed and helped me up since I wasn't very steady...but was able to giggle. We wondered through the kitchen and out the back door, and soon found ourselves looking around the backyard.

I soon spotted the barn and turned to Cassie pointing at it, "Look Cassie...a barn...should be some animals in there. Let's go look inside. Who knows, maybe we will find a lucky horseshoe or something." We started to make our way over to the huge old barn. As we neared it, I saw some chickens...and what must have been a chicken coop..., "Look Cassie that must be the chicken house or coop or whatever. Let's go see if we can find any eggs first." I pulled her towards the smaller building and inside.

While holding her nose all Cassie could reply was, " PU...it stinks in here!" I nodded my head in agreement, while mumbling, " City Slicker!" as I searched in some boxes that had straw in them. With a big smile I came up with two nice brown eggs. "Look Cassie ...fresh farm eggs! Now what have you got to say?
Oh Shit!!

I can hold my own when it comes to alcohol … but Cramer had pour enough moonshine into my glass for an entire night! I was still a bit pissed about having to apologize for winking at another man … so I drank the stuff fast. That was another booboo.

Luckily, Derry suggested we go outside and look at the animals. I know nothing about farming … I’m a total city slicker … but I figured looking at the animals would be like going to a pet store. We walked a little bit crooked as we headed for the old barn. It was big … and amazing … older structure but with so much character and charisma … I loved it. Of course Derry that silly goose … headed for the stinky chicken coop. It smelled BAD in there.

Anyhow, then she made a HUGE mistake … she found some eggs and said to me "Look Cassie ...fresh farm eggs! Now what have you got to say?”

YES … you now understand the massive mistake she had made!!!!! She mentioned eggs to a very drunk me. Eggs are a pun masters … favorite weapon. She was in for it. As we left the stinky chicken coop I let her have it … with both barrels!

I looked at her and said “So I guess you … poached those eggs!”

Derry groaned “Don’t start …cassie!!!” She giggled.

“Why … I’m an egg-spurt at what I do” I said back to her.

Derry giggled “Oh cassie … I think you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.” She was trying to keep up with me … it was a nice effort.

I laughed “good one … But you know, eggs make for lousy puns. Because you always crackup … before you finish the yokes.”

Derry groaned “That was awful!!” she said and before she could say another pun I added “I was scrambling for another egg joke, but I can't seem to whip one up. Guess I'm a bit fried.”

That was it … Derry threw the eggs at me!! Luckily she was pretty drunk … and the eggs missed.

“Are you egging me on?” I asked her … now she was running at me yelling "I’m going to get you!!” … I took off towards the barn … Derry hot on my tail!!

As I burst into the barn … I stopped. The inside of that huge distinctive barn was as wonderful as the outside. The smells … and warmer temperature … dryness compared to the outside … the shadowy lighting … with swirling dust that was illuminated in stripes of light … coming through the cracks between the boards … the inside of the place was amazing.

Then Derry entered … I took off running … she was so close … she could almost reach out and grab me … I had to get away … so I did something crazy and leapt over a 4 foot gate … into a 6 foot pile of dirt … Derry did not follow instead she yelled “Cassie … NOOOOOO”

As I landed in the dirt … I knew why she had yelled. It was shit … horse shit … or cow shit … I had no clue which shit … but it was shit.

She started to laugh …

“YUCK!” I said totally disgusted “Who puts shit ... in a pile in a barn … why this is gross … it should have been flushed down the toilet!”
Derry and Cassie

I stood beside Cassie in total drunken surprise at first, then started to laugh when I heard her laugh and retort disgustedly.

“YUCK!....Who puts shit ... in a pile in a barn … why this is gross … it should have been flushed down the toilet!”

Those words set off one of those fits, where you can't stop laughing, even if you look at a barn beam, it became hilarious too. But Cassie had poop all over her hands and feet as she tried to get up, I saw the state her butt was in and went into another fit of laughter, now pointing at her. (which turned out to be the wrong thing to do.)

Cassie bent down and picked up some poo and let fly. It hit me in the chest! I couldn't believe it, looking down at my chest, "Why you bitch...look what you did to me?"......I burst out laughing again. Between gasping for breath I shouted...Cassie don't ...don't throw anymore poo at me....lol. At that point she grabbed some more poo, climbed back over the gate and started to come after me....saying, "Come here Derry, I'll teach you to laugh at me!" She really did look and smell the shits!

I turned, nearly falling over, as she came at me staggering in a not so straight line. I screamed, "HELP...SOMEONE HELP ME!
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I just took a bite from the apple Cramer had offered me thinking about how much produce there was to harvest, how long it would feed us, how much we would need to put away to have enough seed next spring. The apple tasted great. I opened my mouth to tell Cramer so, when:

"HELP...SOMEONE HELP ME!" made me drop the apple and reach for my slingshot running towards the barn Derry's voice had came from. Cramer overtook me, Ski and Washington came from around a corner and had nearly surpassed me when we entered the barn.

I run into Cramer's back. I was lost for words.

Giggling. They were giggling and flinging manure at each other ...
When the scream reached the house Jerry's first reaction was a frown accompanied by a vocal,


Then he rushed down stairs, coming out of the back door in a firing crouch, Minimi at the shoulder, laser sight searching targets and instead found two women who came stumbling out of the barn as the rest of the group raced closer...there was no blood, the larger woman seemed to have found the manure that would have been taken away en of the week to make fertilizer. She had it smeared basically over large expanses of her body. Jerry lowered the machinegun and shook his head slowly, a slow smile gracing his lips,

"A'rite gals, ease up now, is all shit and giggles till s'mebody loses an aye."

He slung the gun into position and moved closer, stopping next to the two army women, again he shook his head. Stepped passed the two women and collected the waterhose used to clean out the barn. He depressed the trigger and soon enough both came to a sputtering halt as the cool water hit them,

"Wahl Homer, seems like them gals will be needin' clothes. Dunno 'bout blondie, guess ahl 'ave a shirt f'r her."

He didn't want to press about Cramer's wife, but that was the only clothing that would fit Derry if the group didn't have extra clothes,

"Nah c'm here, le ol' Jerry clean most o' that gunk off."

He didn't wait for protests, he aimed the nozzle and more water hit the two women.
Holy Crap (no pun intended this time) that was cold water. It felt colder than the bucket of ice water they use during those wet t-shirt contests. That Jerry guy was an asshole. Derry squealed too … as the cold water hit her and she tried to duck away. Then I remembered Jerry was trying to help get the shit off me … so I guess he was not an asshole … finally … and remember now I was pretty drunk from all at moonshine … so what happened next was the alcohol talking … not me!!

I decided … to turn this into a wet t-shirt contest. As the hose came back on me … I started to dance around … I remembered during the wet t-shirt contests before the zombie thing … Some girls would shuffle awkwardly on stage and looked bad … even if they had great bodies, others were in their element … proudly showing off their assets … I was that kind … I shimmy, and strutted my stuff … shook my chest at those watching (there was a LOT to shake!!) … I even turned around so he could spray my sexy ass wet.

I think all the guys were left a bit speechless … as I was having such a good time. I thought I heard Derry join in saying “You go girl!!” I did notice the look on Ria’s face … it was a mix between contempt (i.e. grow up) … this is really funny (i.e. Cassie is a goof-ball) … and panic (she had better not rip off her shirt!!). I got the hint and stopped.

The water hose was turned off.

“Sorry” I told everyone “Derry … and I got a bit carried away” I explained.

I was still getting the “what were you thinking” looks from everyone … so I explained “It’s a harmless celebration of the female form ??” as I looked down at my soaking wet shirt ... my bra was covering my nipples so no naughty bits were showning … but the wet shirt was so tight to my chest ... there was no need to guess at how big my jugs were. I could tell my statement about "female form" was not going to fly. So I went the change the subject route ... asking a practical question. “Anyone have a dry shirt and pants I could wear?” I asked shrugging my shoulders.
Suddenly hearing two women screaming my heart rate rapidly increased as the surge of adrenalin kicks in. Clicking the safety off my AR-15 lifted it to my shoulder, bolt toward the barn and pull up to walk inside. As Ria bumps into my back I reach back to steady her, my hand came to rest extremely low on her abs. Jerking my hand away as if I'd been burned, embarrassed by my actions and witnessing Cassie's moves.

"Don't scare the hell out me like that again! Figured some fuckin zombie was rippin ya'll apart!'' All I could think of was how the screams sounded like my Kaitlyn, the day she and our baby were killed. Clicking the safety back on the AR-15 and lowering it, looking to Jerry as he'd used my old nickname. ''My wife's clothes are in our closet, help yerselves... ain't like she's got need of em now.''

Tears well up in my eyes as I get all choked up, turning back to the house wiping tears out of my eyes. Patches meows running to catch up with me, stopping just long enough to pick her up. I wrap my arms around her as she rubs her head against my chin. Slowly stroking the cats calico coat, the back porch swing the only destination. Being it was where Kaitlyn and I always went after washing supper dishes.

Upon reaching our swing to sit down wearily, burying my face in Patches fur crying like a baby. Coming home again the fact my Kaitlyn was gone, that realization hit me hard just like ton of bricks. Very heavy nearly silent sobs racked my body, the heartbreak of a Husband and Father was fully felt. This was the inevitable outcome of bottling emotions up, eventually the bottle would shatter to mourn a loss begins.

Rocking slowly the swing began it's natural movement, this would very gradually sooth my pain a little. Patches mewls from being held too tightly, kissing her head lightly my grip eases. The autumn breeze carried Kaitlyn's sweet voice upon it, familiar words of ''It'll be OK Baby''. lovingly caress my ears. I lift my saddened eyes gazed heavenward, the wind blown clouds take on the shape of her pretty face.

Please listen this sets the tone of this post perfectly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SZUzwEpdVA
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Cramer yelled the same words I wanted to yell at the girls. His voice carried more emotions than just fright and anger though. Carefully stepped away from behind his back, his hand had landed quite low on my stomach and he had jerked it away as if he had burned himself.

They were having fun. Simple, innocent fun. A tear crept in my eye, I shook my head to get rid of it while I looked at the water splashing over Cassie and Derry.

Finally Jerry turned the water off, Cramer told the girls his wife's clothes were in their closet, I caught the look on Ski's and Washington's faces, they seemed ready to tell the girls off in a much harsher way Cramer had done. My gaze swiveled to Cramer -Homer, Jerry had called him, and briefly I wondered if that was Cramer's middle name or a nickname- he did not look good.

Holding my hand up to stop Ski and Washington I walked over to the girls.

"Cramer already said it and you have seen how we all reacted when we heard you screaming. I believe I don't have to say more about it? Go find dry clothes, but please, if possible, take Cramer's shirts not his wife's, he might not be ready yet to see someone else wear them. Her jeans would be okay I think, they are pretty unsentimental pieces of clothing." I smiled at Cassie and Derry before I quickly followed Cramer around the house.

When he stopped sobbing and started to stroke the cat instead of clutching it to his chest, I silently sat down beside him on the Hollywood swing and laid my arm around his shoulders and my head against it.
The way Cramer choked up, explained it all to Jerry, he looked down at the ground,


He moved back towards the house, but the two National guard women seemed to have a bone to pick with him as they stepped in front of him,

"Where did you get that machine gun?"

He raised the weapon and rested the back of the short stock against his shoulder as the weapon pointed skywards, it seemed to weigh no more than a toy gun. He gave the two women a sarcastic little smile,

"S'me Nat guards wanted to commandeer dah farm. Dey dinnae get it."

He stepeed forward, forcing the two women out of his way,


He turned and the gun lowered to point directly at the two, his voice cold,

"Now you listen and listen good, the man whose farm this is, lost his wife. I met her only twice and I know what he lost. If you want to get uppity with me because some rabble wanted to take his home, the only thing he got left, then I will send you to that boot camp in the sky. I do what I have to, I may not like, but God as my witness, I will do the best I can."

He lifted the machine gun and turned, enetering the house

Derry had gotten me into trouble again. Why in the hell would you EVER scream "HELP...SOMEONE HELP ME!” when there were zombie around … and everyone had guns … and were super trigger happy? I didn’t yell “HELP” when I jumped into a pile a shit. BUT NOOOO … Derry had to yell it when I was chasing her. UGHHHHH is all I can say.

Well, we were both on the “shit list” now (the pun was intended this time). We had somehow triggered some painful memories for Cramer. So it was suggested that Derry and I needed to fertilize the fields … i.e. spread the shit around. So we were literally on the “shit list”. “The list” was the things people needed to do to bring in the harvest. Oh, we got other fun jobs to … I describe them later.

First … as Cramer described it in his country twang “Shit … is good for shit”. I turned to Derry with a “WTF” look on my face. Derry had to expand on the explanation. “The manure is applied to the fields, because it is a nutrient-rich fertilizer. The fertilizer helps the crops grow, which we then eat or store for the winter … and also is used to feed the animals … like the milk cows and chickens … they shit again … taking it all full circle.” Derry explained.

Sounded simple … right! But when you're dealing with shit … shit happens. There was the time Derry was operating the front loader … and pushed the wrong lever …you guessed it … she dumped a whole load of shit on my head! Then there was the “liquefaction” process … where the shit was mixed with water … this made it easier to spread … well … hoses leak … ever gotten sprayed in the face with liquid shit!! Well, I have. Or the time Derry (she was skinnier … so I made her do it, my big boobs saved me again!!) had to climb in the “poo” tank to "unclog" the filter thing! She did that job in her bathing suit. I think some of the guys were secretly watching … but can I ask … how sexy is a girl when she is climbing into a tank full of shit??

We had other jobs too … I just loved the comments the guys made assigning them to us

“You two have been “cooped” up too long … why don’t you collect the eggs from the chickens … it’s a fowl job … but you’re not chicken are you?” or “Why don’t you girls milk the cows …don’t pull a calf doing it”

Anyhow, I learned a lot about farming … the main thing I learned … is I don’t want to be a farmer!! Everyone else helped too … SSgt Washington and Lt Ski helped with the harvest part. Driving the big machines to collect up the corn, wheat and other vegetables. They were also asked to help with the processing part. Finally mending fences was a big project … I guess the zombies had damaged the fences … and the fences needed to be repaired before the animals could graze again.

I noticed that they had been staying away from Jerry … who I must admit is a bit odd. Anyhow, when I asked them about it, they told me … he had pointed a gun at them when they had asked him a question. “Psycho” was SSgt term. Anyhow, we all were working really hard … but there was two things still bugging me. Why hadn’t Troy called me yet? And I still needed to talk to Cramer about the whole flirting thing. Every time I had tried in the last two days to talk to him … something interrupted my attempt.

SSgt Washington

Lt Ski
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Cramer's Farm, Winery and back at the Knight ...

After the girls warped our adrenalin-levels, Cramer and I sat a little while on the swing on his back porch. It seemed to me he was saying goodbye to happier times.

After a while I noted the sun was getting lower in the sky. I got a bit anxious. As hard as it was to me to break him out off his mood, it thought it better Cramer should do some work, and I too.

We rounded all up and loaded a lot of what Jerry had harvested onto the truck; Ski, Washington and I would bring most of it to the Winery, and some to the Knight, mostly fresh apples which I picked while the others shoveled the wheat into sacks and loaded them onto the back of the truck.

Half an hour later Ski, Washington and I waved the four people on the front porch goodbye and not very long after that we drove up to the winery, where many hands helped to unload. I hoped they saw we trusted them, and hoped they would trust us as well.

The closer we came to the city, the more zombies we saw. We heard some shooting and once we heard a car. I had asked Ski to take us in over other roads as we had taken in the morning. One street was completely blocked by cars, I hoped survivors were behind them, but I didn't feel like making contact since there were only three of us. I was much more anxious of survivors being hostile then I had been on the first scavenge trip I had made with Skip, Thomas and John.

The detour brought us in a street half blocked by a bus. Some zombies were around, but the bus looked good.

Ski didn't want to stop at first, but knowing Washington could drive a bus, and knowing we needed one badly, I made her drive back too it.

"We'll light a pile here," I told her, "and then most will leave the surroundings of the bus." Washington nodded and lifted her gun.

"No. We'll do this my way. Even if your guns are silenced, they still make an awful loud "pop" every time you fire them."

Both looked quite grim, but seemed to be wondering if I really could bring down zombies with my slingshot at the same time. When three were lying down -all with a bolt half-burried in their sculls- they looks told me they liked what I had done. Finally they seemed to start to develop some respect for me, and they seemed to accept I knew what I was talking about.

I took the bottle with gas out off my rucksack and opened the car door very carefully. I pulled one closer to the other two, and showered them with gas. One quite quick one was closing in and I quickly set fire to the pile. He (or better she, it had been a young girl once and it was wearing a short summer dress and one high-heeled red pump) wasn't advancing as quickly as it would have liked or have needed to get me. It movements were really clumsy. I decided to wait beside the pile.

The flames distracted it a bit and with two blows of my machete it fell upon the pile.

"Come on, Washington, I'll walk with you to the bus. Ski, you follow us, please."

I dearly hoped the bus had enough gas in the tank ...

The door was open, carefully we entered, and saw a lot of backpacks and suitcases.

No dead bodies, no zombies. Wondering we looked at each other as Washington sat herself behind the wheel. The key was even in the slot.

"They might have left because they ran out off gas, " I sighed. Washington nodded. She turned the key a bit.

"Yeah! We have lots of gas!" She laughed as the dial moved in the display. I grinned and waved at Ski. Washington closed the door and started the engine. Standing beside her, holding myself with my right hand, we drove pass the pile.

"Three more!" She said amazed, looking at the pile. Once more, I explained the zombies set themselves alight because they would stand too close to the fire. She shook her head.

"It is as if they lost all instincts except for food." It was my turn to nod.

"Yes, and they love light and warmth. Any kind of light and any kind of warmth. We think they are like lizards somehow, are able to digest quicker if they don't need only body energy to ... Oh no!" I ended with a scream, pounding my left foot at that what was scratching and nibbling at my right one. I didn't stop when the scull of the baby cracked under my foot. I kept stamping on it until the little zombie was just a slaps of green goo and didn't stop even then.

"Stop it now!" Washington said between clenched teeth. "Shove it out! Now!" She opened the door. I hadn't even realized she had halted the bus.

I kicked it out. Almost all the lovely food I had eaten at the Winery followed it.

At the Knight I left the bus and went to the shower without talking to anyone, without even taking a clean set of clothes with me. I had to call out to Max to bring me some and a towel.

The next two days I was on everyone's tail to get them and our stuff ready to move to the King's Winery.