We would like your input


Literotica Guru
Dec 12, 2006
We would like your input on ways to increase activity in the EF.

What threads would you like to see here?

What threads would you participate in on a regular basis?

Do you have any ideas for game type threads with an editing focus?

How many of you would stop in at a frivolous thread where you can interact with others similar to the Abstrusions thread in the AH?

We look forward to seeing what ideas others have for the EF.


EF Moderators
I ran what I thought was an interesting/zany/headscratching thread on word orgins/meanings recently for a couple of months that kept getting stepped on (or, rather, I kept getting stepped on pretty much irrelevant to the thread) that seemed to bring some traffic here. Perhaps someone who didn't have a target on their back could/would revive something like that.
I ran what I thought was an interesting/zany/headscratching thread on word orgins/meanings recently for a couple of months that kept getting stepped on (or, rather, I kept getting stepped on pretty much irrelevant to the thread) that seemed to bring some traffic here. Perhaps someone who didn't have a target on their back could/would revive something like that.

I liked the thread and appreciated the time you put into posting the word origins/meanings. That would be a good one to revive.
Links to grammar and punctuation rules might be helpful. They'd have to be offered with appropriate warnings or disclaimers, but I've seen some good stuff out there. Especially for perennial confusing issues like lay v. lie.
I ran what I thought was an interesting/zany/headscratching thread on word orgins/meanings recently for a couple of months that kept getting stepped on (or, rather, I kept getting stepped on pretty much irrelevant to the thread) that seemed to bring some traffic here. Perhaps someone who didn't have a target on their back could/would revive something like that.

It's been YOUR thread from the beginning, it wouldn't be fair to you to ask someone else to revive it.

I liked the thread and appreciated the time you put into posting the word origins/meanings. That would be a good one to revive.

That thread was interesting and quite fun at times. I don't see why we couldn't revive it and keep sr71plt in his former role. His intent was clear, he was always citing his source, and the time he spent doing his research for the thread was never acknowledged and appreciated.
It's been YOUR thread from the beginning, it wouldn't be fair to you to ask someone else to revive it.

That thread was interesting and quite fun at times. I don't see why we couldn't revive it and keep sr71plt in his former role. His intent was clear, he was always citing his source, and the time he spent doing his research for the thread was never acknowledged and appreciated.

Reviving the thread is up to SR. I'm all for it happening.
Maybe you could start a thread that would be sort of an editing game.

Someone starts off with a couple of paragraphs that they deliberately make some mistakes in (or some unintentional ones) the next person corrects what they see wrong, then maybe puts a paragraph of their own.

I'm not an editor of course, but I could help out by pasting a few paragraphs of anything I've written and give you guys all kinds of practice:eek:
Maybe you could start a thread that would be sort of an editing game.

Someone starts off with a couple of paragraphs that they deliberately make some mistakes in (or some unintentional ones) the next person corrects what they see wrong, then maybe puts a paragraph of their own.
Uh, uh, but what happens if the person "correcting" you is making more mistakes than you did? It would be easy enough to fall into the "look how stupid" that person is type of comments.:rolleyes:

I'm not an editor of course, but I could help out by pasting a few paragraphs of anything I've written and give you guys all kinds of practice:eek:

I like your idea nonetheless, it would just need a level of "maturity", towards each other, that we haven't achieved yet.
Maybe you could start a thread that would be sort of an editing game.

Someone starts off with a couple of paragraphs that they deliberately make some mistakes in (or some unintentional ones) the next person corrects what they see wrong, then maybe puts a paragraph of their own.

I'm not an editor of course, but I could help out by pasting a few paragraphs of anything I've written and give you guys all kinds of practice:eek:

I agree with Lady C. I was imagining this kind of thread and already wondering how to keep someone from fixing a post someone else fixed. The idea isn't all bad. It just might need some tweaking.
Reviving the thread is up to SR. I'm all for it happening.

Oh, I think that anyone can hop in on such a thread and/or guide it. I was just trying to promote some fun "think food" activity with it, not rev up on one "up-person-ship" contests.
Putting myself up as the first culprit, the serial posters on the forum tend to be a bit aggressive and scary for passers-by. The tone here is a tad critical - I've just read an sr thread on punctuating text/im messages that reads like Aristotle denouncing the Romans.

To paraphrase what he said, there are no established rules so do what you feel comfortable with. Except he convoluted that with lines of CMS drivel that are irrelevant to poor newbies trying to find their way. That puts people off.

Also he quoted from a book of expressions that have been roundly decried in the press as being poorly researched and inaccurate. He did no research. Try;

to see how research is essential.

I know that finding editors is like searching the holy grail but splitting between copy and literary editors might help.

'Editors' Forum is,a bit off-putting to many.
I'm not an editor, and I don't hold myself out as one. I rarely post here. I do stop by at least once a day to gather what I can from the informed discussions that are sometimes found here. What I find disappointing is that there are only a handful of actual editors who contribute to the threads. I'm not saying that useful information can only be provided by actual editors, but I do think the information would have more weight if there was more input from people who actually edit, whether professionally or as a hobby. How to get more editors involved? All I can suggest is that the authors who post here might suggest to their editors that they stop by and participate once in a while, and the editors and mods solicit some of their editor friends, maybe even feed them a topic question to get the ball rolling.
Putting myself up as the first culprit, the serial posters on the forum tend to be a bit aggressive and scary for passers-by. The tone here is a tad critical - I've just read an sr thread on punctuating text/im messages that reads like Aristotle denouncing the Romans.

To paraphrase what he said, there are no established rules so do what you feel comfortable with. Except he convoluted that with lines of CMS drivel that are irrelevant to poor newbies trying to find their way. That puts people off.

Also he quoted from a book of expressions that have been roundly decried in the press as being poorly researched and inaccurate. He did no research. Try;

to see how research is essential.

I know that finding editors is like searching the holy grail but splitting between copy and literary editors might help.

'Editors' Forum is,a bit off-putting to many.

Disagreeing with a post can be a great way to discuss a topic. However, do not include personal arguments and attacks. Stay on topic.
A bit off-topic, but there should be a "sticky" thread somewhere for the "Looking for a story about\where" bunch.

Their requests seem to pollute every other thread.
A bit off-topic, but there should be a "sticky" thread somewhere for the "Looking for a story about\where" bunch.

Their requests seem to pollute every other thread.

Miniscule chance they'd read a sticky, unfortunately.
I realise I'm a newbie here' and also I'm not an editor, but one thing that does put me off a little is just the sort of thing that occurred earlier. Some posts seem to be pointed personal attacks. I don't know the history and I don't want to know but please can weavoid them.
I ended up leaving another forum, not erotica related because of just this. We are all trying to enjoy this forum and the literature.
I know.I might be asking for the equivalent of world peace but please for the sake of the literature can these stop.
I realise I'm a newbie here' and also I'm not an editor, but one thing that does put me off a little is just the sort of thing that occurred earlier. Some posts seem to be pointed personal attacks. I don't know the history and I don't want to know but please can weavoid them.
I ended up leaving another forum, not erotica related because of just this. We are all trying to enjoy this forum and the literature.
I know.I might be asking for the equivalent of world peace but please for the sake of the literature can these stop.

There is a stickie with topic guidelines addressing this. Personal attacks don't help move a subject along. They do, as you stated, scare people away.

Give the EF a chance. Add to the latest threads. Be an active participant. A positive voice is much appreciated. :)
How good are How-Tos?

I was going to suggest a thread but decided to start one. :D
what about if you see if people want to offer up a story and people can group-edit them as an exercise? I thought posting on here would be a good way to find and editor but I've been contacted by exactly one person...wondering if I should have just contacted people directly on the editor list.

Also, I'm open to having my story ripped to shreds. I want to write well, so if it sucks, tell me.

And yes, this is a shameless attempt on my part to get as much feedback as possible about my writing.
I thought posting on here would be a good way to find and editor but I've been contacted by exactly one person...wondering if I should have just contacted people directly on the editor list.
I tried contacting 2 off the list got no replies. Have got 1 contact through my wanted post.
I like the idea of throwing up a story for editing but it could be quite cumbersome depending on the size of the story. Also may turn into handbags at dawn with 2 editors disagreeing over some small point of grammar or punctuation that makes no difference to the story.
Forgive my cynicism but I've seen this thong before on another forum.
Pet peeves

Maybe I'm just becoming curmudgeonly in my old age, but how about a Pet Peeves thread? Not so much a list of things to avoid, or a gripe central, but survey of things commonly done awkwardly or incorrectly for which editors should be especially vigilant.

For instance: foreign language use. A little French/Italian, etc. can go a long way, but "we" is not French for "yes."

One more: What did that poor semicolon do to you, anyway?
I like the idea of throwing up a story for editing but it could be quite cumbersome depending on the size of the story...2 editors disagreeing over some small point of grammar or punctuation that makes no difference to the story.....Forgive my cynicism but I've seen this thong before on another forum.

You've seen this thong before on another forum? Sexy. Kidding, kidding.

I guess it wouldn't really matter if two editor's butted heads over something. The idea would be to start a discussion about something, not have someone be "right" in the end, and if people wanted to debate minutiae, they are welcome too. Grammar nerds love that.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing your ideas. Don't hesitate to add more.

la_chica, the concept of posting a couple paragraphs on the forum for others to edit doesn't sound bad. However, I can see problems with differing opinions.

Tigerdrew73, contacting someone to help can be difficult. It would be wonderful if more people offered their time as volunteers. On the other hand, not everyone who volunteers knows enough about editing to be helpful.

datedsoul, maybe the thread on troublesome expressions is similar to your pet peeves idea. Check it out.

I agree with you.

I realise I'm a newbie here' and also I'm not an editor, but one thing that does put me off a little is just the sort of thing that occurred earlier. Some posts seem to be pointed personal attacks. I don't know the history and I don't want to know but please can weavoid them.
I ended up leaving another forum, not erotica related because of just this. We are all trying to enjoy this forum and the literature.
I know.I might be asking for the equivalent of world peace but please for the sake of the literature can these stop.

I have been visiting Literotica for years, but only recently have I been reading the forums. I really have enjoyed the Author's and Editor's forums, but some of the fighting has been frustrating and discouraging to me. I am so grateful to find such a group of knowledgeable writers who are generous with their advice and expertise. Thank you to everyone that takes the time to post and enrich this forum.:rose:
The Editor's Forum, which is moderated, and the Authors' Hangout, which is not, are reasonably free from slanging matches unlike the General Board.

In the Editor's Forum, the moderators do their best to keep discussions civilised. They deserve our thanks.

In the Authors' Hangout, a sparing use of the ignore function can make it look better.

In both you will find people willing to help newbies, or others who have particular questions - as long as the request is phrased in reasonably polite terms.

But the General Board is best left to experienced users who have developed a thick skin. By all means look at it, shudder, and click away. :rolleyes: