The King and I (closed)

He chuckled softly,

"Not in as much trouble as you, I may be the most elligible bachelor in the world."

He looked back at her,

"You know what your new status makes you Charlie?"

He winked and looked o the castle as the drew to a stop, it truly was magnificent. He loved his home, but that did not mean that he could not admire a beautiful place when he saw one. He opened the door and got out before any servant or even the driver could touch the door, of course this met a few raised eyebrows, it went against so many traditions. He left the door open though, allowing th driver to at least close the door, he straightened his shirt's cuffs and motioned over a guard,

"When you can, get me a coat."

He patted the man on the shoulder in a very friendly manner and then joined the group of people. As he passed Charlotte he gave her a nod and mimicked an old woman's voice,

"So scandelous the young prince is."
“It makes me fodder for gossip magazines.” She said as she noticed his wink. She shook her head and grinned, thinking that he was so incredibly reckless and he didn’t care. “Especially when they see me with you all the time.”

When the car stopped, Charlie was stunned when he simply let himself out of the car, talking to the driver as the man closed the door behind him. She sighed in frustration, sliding out of her side as a butler opened it for her.

“Donovan…” She whispered in a low warning voice as he nodded at her and made a joke over his lax treatment of royal protocol.
He smiled easily,

"A young prince, I rock the boat, am too jumpy for my own good."

This brought a chuckle from the royal gathering, the king motioned for Donovan to join him and he led the way.

"So Donovan, you have your eye on a suitable lady yet?"

Donovan chuckled,

"Now now your highness, that would be telling."

The two men chuckled,

"As a matter of fact yes there is, two to be exact."

The old king nodded and then lapsed into talks about their kingdoms and the situations ruling their days.
Charlotte watched as Dave followed the king into the palace and she knew that he was in good company. She hoped that his visit with the man would be insightful and make a strong alliance between the two kingdoms. She was sure that Dave could hold his own and she was safe to move on to other things.

She followed the butler to the room Dave would be staying in. She took the time to lay out his clothing, making sure that his suits were hung with care and his shirts would be pressed for the next day. In the back of her mind she kept thinking about the date that he promised to take her on and the dress she had packed away in her own luggage. She hoped that he approved.
It was much later when Donovan finally got away, the talks all centered around the bond as was between their kingdoms, Donovan took Aaron's lead as he had not really been listening at the age he last was there. The documents was given to him to look over, but he knew that he had a date...right after a state dinner. He sighed as he was escorted to his quarters, it was going to be a few hours he will hate, he knew that he actually deserved the suit, he had done his time in the army, but her really hated wearing it.
Charlie had taken the time that Dave was gone to change into her own attire for the state dinner. The red dress that he seemed to love so much was coupled with a black jacket and a pair of red heels. She had left her hair down just the way that he liked it. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to decide if she saw a queen looking back. All she saw was the same old Charlie, though.

With a loud sigh, she turned from the mirror and went to help Dave with his final preparations. It if was one thing he hated, it was a state dinner. If she knew him, he would have to be coaxed into his uniform, cajoled into carrying his sword, prodded into his crown if the occasion called for it.

Slipped into his room, she smiled to see his butler already snapping the last button to his uniform. “Well, don’t you look handsome.” She said, laughing at the dark look he gave her. “And I didn’t even have to nag you into anything tonight.”

She slipped in front of him as the butler moved, adjusting the ribbons and medals on his chest, making sure that they lay just so against the fabric. Glancing up towards his handsome face, she smiled for his benefit.

“Just a few hours and then I promise you can wear whatever you want.”
He gave her a dark look,

"You make me sound seven years old, I hate it indeed, not to say I do not understand the importance of it and I of course have rocked the steady ship a bit, doing it constantly will make them think I am not to be taken serious."

He fingered the hilt of the saber at his side,

"But for Pete's sake, can't we at least just make it a normal sword? I'm not a mounted swordsman, I fight with my feet on the ground."

He stretched his neck to settle into the tight collar of the jacket,

"Think you can at least organize that for me Charlie?"
Watch as Dave squirmed in his uniform, Charlie took a step away and surveyed the figure that he cut. She gave him a smile and took in a deep breath, sighing softly.

“I’ll make you a deal just this once. No more rocking the boat and you can forgo the sword all together.” She said, her hands placed on her hips to show him that she meant business.
He cocked an eyebrow at Charlotte and brushed over the sleeves of his jacket,

"Just get me a proper sword and drop the cavalry saber and I'm fine with a sword."

He gave her his most impish grin,

"You know me Charlie, these people will remember me when I leave."
Charlotte stared at him for a moment, her arms crossed over her chest and she slowly shook her head. She tried to act as if she wasn’t amused, but the curl of her lips told him what he really needed to know.

“Could you please bring his highness another sword?” She asked, glancing over at the butler who bowed and exited the room.

As Dave went to loosen his sword belt, she stopped his hands and took a moment to loop her arms about his neck and draw him into a kiss. It was slow and leisurely, her lips clinging to his sweetly as their bodies slowly pressed together.

As the kiss broke, she looked at her handsome prince and smiled. “I’ve been thinking about doing that all afternoon.” She said softly.
He smiled down at her,

"Oh? Seducing the prince now? That seems like a good train of thought."

He winked and gave her a kiss on the forehead, moving to capture her lips in another soft kiss.

"Love the outfit by the way,"

he smiled,

"Will have to use that sword to keep over amorous men off of you."
“You don’t have to worry about that, Dave. There’s only one amorous man that I want.” Charlie said with a smile rewarded with another kiss before the butler returned with the correct sword.

Once it was placed on his sword belt, it seemed that everything was ready for the state dinner. Charlotte followed Dave to the dining hall, a smile on her face at the handsome figure that he cut. Did he not know how attractive he was in his uniform?
"His royal Highness, Crown Prince Donovan Bernston!"

He entered the room as the courtier announced him,

"The Duchess de Leon, Charlotte Weir!"

He smirked as she got a taste of how it felt, he bowed to the king's table as he approached, allowed the chair to be pulled out for him and sat down. Maneuvering the sword with grace which belied his groaning about it, he sat up straight, only part of him touching the table his hands and forearms. He knew it to be a pose his mother had tried to drum into him many times, one he never used and tonight as if to honor her, he used it to perfection.
Charlotte took her seat a distance away from Dave. She was seated next to a foreign ambassador that was old enough to be her grandfather. None the less, he was witty and made her laugh from time to time as the meal was served.

The Princess Elisabeth, seated to Dave’s right, noticed the way his eyes strayed from time to time towards the beautiful duchess. She studied his face for a long moment and then laughed softly.

“Forgive me for saying this, your highness, but it seems that you already have eyes for a woman here tonight.” She said softly, the conversation private between them even in the room of hundreds.
He gave her a diplomatic smile,

"She is my dear and closest friend, as the king to be I worry about my subjects even in a room and building as secure as this one."

He gave her a mischievous grin,

"And of course I can also see that quite a few of your gentlemen are really appreciating the dress she's wearing."

He gave her a quick once-over and smiled,

"Yet I feel that they should be looking over at this table as well your highness, you are looking quite lovely tonight."
Elisabeth smiled at the compliment that she was given and nodded her head in thanks. She had been dressed to the nines that night in a yellow gown that set off her skin tone in hopes to seduce a prince, but it seemed that he had eyes for only one woman in the room and it most definitely wasn’t her.

“She is very beautiful.” Elisabeth said, waiting until Dave looked at her before she continued. “And far be it from me to try to take true love away from anyone. Do not worry, my lord, as long as you are here in my kingdom, it shall be out secret.”
He chuckled,

"Of course I can deny it, like I told your father I have my eye on two women. Does her majesty think that she is not one of the two? She is a very beautiful and intelligent lady."

His eyes looked directly at her own,

"Or is it that the princess is not really interested in the neighboring prince? Perchance a suitor that she does like more?"
“It would be remiss of me if I didn’t tell you that I do feel something for you.” She said, smiling at Dave as they spoke on the state of any relationship that might creep up between them. “However, I detest the pomp of the court when it comes to suitors and engagements.”

Laughing softly at the thought of this prince that was so modern having feelings for her, she reached out and gently touched his hand. “Maybe it’s too forward for me to say this, but I would ask you, your highness, to give me a chance. I’m sure that I could make you very happy.”
He placed a hand on her own, his eyes smiling at her own, of course only somebody who knew him intensely well would see the difference as to what the casual observers and even the princess herself would see,

"I am quite certain that you will your highness, but even I who detest how most things are done, we are still stuck in customs created ages ago. So the pomp and suitable engagements are what must be followed."

He gave her a slight wink,

"You never know your highness, perhaps you should grab the moment when it presents itself."

He sat back in his chair, catching the eye of her parents, the animated discussions at the table told him just what he wanted to know. Everything has been arranged for her to catch his eye, but what would she have done on her own? He glanced at Charlotte, noticed her looking at him, then the younger sister leaned over to him,

"What does your highness think of the wine?"
“Oh yes!” Elisabeth said, lifting her own glass to her lips and taking a deep draw. “The wine is specially made here by skilled artisans. It is absolutely delicious.” She said, giving Dave a smile as she encouraged him to taste his own glass.

Charlotte kept stealing glances towards Dave and the conversation he was having with the princess. He was laughing with her, smiling a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. What kind of game was he playing, she asked herself. Did he actually care for her?

All of the awful thoughts made her belly hurt and she took a sip of the water that was placed before her, the ambassador encouraging her to try the wine. She gave the man a smile and nodded, thinking that was a fantastic idea. She took a long draw of her drink, sighing at the heady way that it coated her tongue and spread through her veins.
He picked up his glass, rolling the light amber liquid inside of the glass, raising it to take a whiff of the smell,

"Not mature enough, yet it has a delicate tang of oak."

He took a sip, rolling the wine around inside his mouth, a critical look on his face as he sampled the wine, he nodded,

"Good balance, not too heavy, not too dry, a bit of sweetness to keep you interested for another sip. The fruit like flavor compliments the oak smell, makes it quite a good wine. A year or so in a cask and you have quite a good wine on hand."

He drank the rest of the wine, refused a refill and poured himself some water.
“Oh, so you’re a wine lover.” Elisabeth said, a smile on her face at the surprises she was learning about the handsome prince next to her. “And a notorious firearm lover as well.”

She brought her wine to her lips and winked at him, showing him that she’d done her research on him. “Perhaps after dinner, I might show you our armory. I’m sure that you’ll be very impressed.”
He smiled,

"Actually not a wine lover, but I did work with a winemaker on a vineyard when he wanted to make a wine to honor my...father."

He took a sip of water,

"He taught me what to look for, what to smell and taste, how it all combines."

He chuckled at the princess' clear study on him,

"Thank you your highness, but I have lost a bet and must honor my family name by fulfilling the conditions. Perhaps at another time you can show me your weapons."
Elisabeth watched him closely for a moment, noticing the way that his eyes strayed towards the duchess one more time and she smiled softly, laughing under her breath. The man was clearly enamored with the brunette woman that looked so pretty in that little red dress.

“Well, if it is to restore honor to your family name, then I suppose I can’t be too upset. Perhaps tomorrow morning I can show you.” She sad softly, giving him a smile of understanding.
He gave her a slight nod,

"Thank you, I hate it when people know me better than I know myself."

He smiled,

"Word to the wise your highness, never make a bet with a lifelong friend, they always win."

Thankfully he was saved from further scrutiny as the food was served