The sacrifice (closed)


Jun 9, 2003

Waking she once more found their "sacrifice" bound kneeling in the great room. Long slender legs carrying her towards the latest male. She wondered his crime or offense that placed him in her home. For many centuries now she has been cared for by the inhabitants of this town. Their offerings of criminals in exchange for her protection and care kept them safe and her a surprisingly steady supply of meals. No one from the town feared her in fact she taugght many of them the natural ways of herbs magic and history. Offering jobs of gardening and maintenance to those that needed work. None in the town wanted for anything. The foolish drovers and wandering outlaws the fell to the impression that this little miles from nowhere little town was easy pickings found that there were if fact worse things than prison or death. There was however something different about this one... a need was there unlike the others. She would enjoy this one she was sure of that an perhaps where the others failed and died perhaps this one might be different... legend spoke of those in ancient times who seemed to thrive and find purpose in serving her kind. Perhaps that race did not fade away to the onslaught of time simply blended with the rest of humanity only time would tell.


She was immortal surviving not only on blood and the emotions evoked within the blood of the person but the emptiness buried in the soul and basically essence of the victim.
Matt awoke in a strange unknown room with a slight pain in his head. Last he remembered he was out looking for a car to break into or somebody to rob. That was his life, stealing for money. He looked around trying to make sense of where he was but he had no idea how he got there. When he tried to move he realized he was tied up. Rope was tightly bound across his bare chest and up to the ceiling holding him in place. He looked down and saw that he was fully naked, his large flaccid cock exposed to the cool air of the room.

A slight wave of fear, but mostly confusion rushed over him. He grunted slightly as he struggled trying to break free from the ropes. He jumped slightly when he heard the door open to his left. His eyes widened to see a beautiful women walking towards him. His eyes traveled up her legs all the way up to her eyes. "What the hell is going on?"
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You attempted to bring harm to the town and its people... and now... you are mine.

She was standing before him now with a cold smile gracing her lips. A fingernail resting under his chin in silent command turning his face to hers. Her other hand resting on her hip as she stared deep into his eyes. She could she's the fear and confusion and was so very hungry but there were things to be dealt with first as always. She awaited the protests macho demands and all of that it was always so entertaining to see how each sacrifice reacted to their fate.
Matt gave up struggling as it was impossible to break the tightly bound rope prison. He was helpless to the mysterious woman who now was standing inches in front of him with her hand on his chin. She mentioned him bringing harm to the town and it's people and now he was hers. "What are you talking about?! Let me go now!!" There was no way she could know about him, at least he though, he was always so careful and secretive about what he did. "What do you want from me!" He started struggling again.
Criminals are brought before me so clearly someone saw you doing something so you are in no place to make demands male! So now you are mine. You will remain exactly where you are until you accept your fate or until I decide you have earned the privilege of wandering the acceptable areas of my home.

Her smile softened a little he was strong and the scent of blood and emotion were sweet and strong with him. Hunger tugged at her mind as her eyes sparkled. Going from her fingertip under his chin to fully gripping his chin in her hand her grip gentle but vice strong to seal her words.
She was being so demanding and in control with her words, gripping his chin as she talked as well. It slightly aroused Matt, having a girl show her dominance was a turn on for him. "Are you some sort of cop? Why not just bring me to jail." He was still arguing with the woman not giving up that easily. "Just tell me what you want with me!"
She laughed hearing him ask if she was a cop. Still defiant that was entertaining as she smiled leaning her face down to being a breath away from his as her voice was satin covered venom.

Whatever I want whenever I want and trust me male a cop would have to be much kinder but I have o such rules confining me in how you get treated. Please me and life can be nice... anger me and learn just how many things are worse than death. Do we have an understanding?
The woman got very close to Matt almost like she was trying to seduce him. Her voice was sexy but her last sentence really got him wondering what was going on and what she was. A slight wave of fear washed over him and he tried not to show it. "L..Listen I'm sure we can work something out. Just tell me what you want and if you let me go you can have it. I'm a man of my word."
Clearly he was not understanding the gravity of his situation so she would make it more clear. Her freehand gripped his manhood and sac firmly as she spoke again.

I have what I want. You are... the payment from the town for my protection and care. You will NOT be going anywhere nor is there any deal you can offer beyond exactly what you are which is Mine!

With that she nipped at his neck just enough to take in a faint touch of that fear washed essence leaving the briefest pinprick feeling of pleasure with no known source.
Matt's body tensed up when she grabbed his flaccid member with her hand and she spoke in a serious voice. He then knew he was going nowhere and would be stuck here as long as she wanted him here. Then she nipped his neck giving him a quick jolt of pain which quickly turned into pleasure. His breathing became a little heavier and he hardened slightly in her hand. This was quickly becoming very sexual for Matt he had never had an encounter like this before and it was turning him on.
That instant reaction... the twitch in her hand and essence billowed around him. She inhaled deeply and smiled li kind.g her lips he was strong now to break him bring him to begging. The question was to bring about that point by simply going about her day in less clothing... or perhaps seeing her take pleasure in other sacrifices or willing young men from the town. This sacrifice would not die as the others have. She let her hand caress a little as she nipped again... just another taste of of this perfect sacrifice.

Are you hungry pet?
Matt let out a sigh when he was nipped again. His cock growing harder in her hand as she caressed him. He was extremely turned on at the moment and when she asked if he was hungry it sounded so sexual how was he to say no. Nodding his head he spoke softly, "Yes" he eyed up the beauty and inhaled her scent while she kept caressing him.
She summoned one of her employees from the town a young man who untied only his hands and then pushed over a table with some fruits and cheeses and wine on it pouring a goblet the young man waited to see if be could feed himself or if he would have to rearrange the other restraining rope.

She simply walked over to the couch and sat down stretching out a little with a goblet of wine the young man quickly delivered to her. A soft kiss to the young mans lips and a fingernail trailed over his chest before dismissing him for the momet.
His hands were finally free and when they were he rubbed his wrists that were red from the tight ropes that bound him. He then watched the other guy who seemed to be a servant to the woman. Was this what Matt was destined to become? Would he be stuck here serving and waiting on the beautiful woman. He was quite hungry and was itching to eat the food in front of him. "May I?" He asked softly looking at the woman as she lounged on the couch waiting for her reply.
She smiled watching him. Suspecting that he thought that he would be like her young Jack of all trades and smirked. His fate may include such service but she had far more pleasing and pleasurable plans for him.

Yes you may eat.

She sipped her wine relaxing and watching her latest sacrifice. Deciding to let him eat first and then perhaps more explanations would be in order.
Matt wanted to smile but held it back, he hadn't eaten in a long time so this food seemed like a feast to him. Before he focused on the food he noticed the way she was staring at him, it was almost like the way his ex girlfriend stared at him when she wanted him. He was still naked and he wasn't one to brag but he had a body few women could resist. Tone muscular body and a large cock, even when flaccid you could tell how large it was.

Reaching towards the table Matt grabbed some of the cheese first and ate some of that followed by a few grapes and occasional sips of the wine. "Thank you for the food"
Of course. She simply nodded and thought for a moment... some pieces of his new life would have to be learned in time but perhaps she should see what questions he had.

So... you understand your fate and seem to accept it quite quickly but I am sure like those before you... you ha e questions?
Matt nodded of course there was questions he wanted to ask. He finished up the bite of food he had and took another sip of wine before speaking. "What is your name? What exactly do you do? What are your plans for me?" The last question was the most important one for Matt. He was curious to know if he would be enslaved by this woman for the rest of his life.
My Adriana and I have protected this town for centuries. You are their latest sacrifice for my protection and aid. No one in this town wants for anything. Some work for me to learn a trade many come to me for teaching them various paths of the old ways. As for you... you are for my pleasure amusement and whatever whim I wish.

She glanced back over as she spoke. It would be entertaining to explain much more about herself vampiric yet very different but that was for another time.
Matt was taken back from what Adriana had told him. It was like something out of a movie. The words that really caught his attention was pleasure amusement. He figured that meant sex and he would be more than happy to have sex with such a beautiful woman. "Well Adriana, since I have been sacrificed by the town does that mean I am going to be your pleasure amusement forever?"
At least until you die as your kind always do.

She spoke matter of factly answering his last question. Tossing her hair back over her shoulder she spoke again.

You should finis eating now.
'My kind?' Matt thought to himself. When she said it it made him think that she was something other than human. He was about to ask her but then she told him he should finish eating. He quickly took down a few more bites of cheese and more grapes then guzzled the rest of the wine in his glass. "Okay I am done eating now" He started to wonder why she told him he should finish eating now.
She stood waking over to him a feral smile gracing her lips as she stalked over and lifting him to his feet.

Good now time for My meal..

With that she removed the attachment to the ceiling from his bonds and led him to the chaise and pulling him.down with her as she stretched out and tilting his head she traced her tongue over his neck whispering.v


Once he complied her fangs found their mark as she drank deep feeling the emotions of the sting then the pleasure.
The way Adriana walked over and picked him up and untied the rope attaching him to the ceiling was sexy, and she continued by leading him over to the chaise and pulling him down with her. Once he felt her tongue on his neck he knew she must want to have sex with him. She whispered relax which helped him relax even more. Then after she licked his neck he felt a sharp pain. He let out a little groan of pain and his body tensed up. After a few moments the pain started to dull away into pleasure. She must have bit him really hard to bring him pain like that.
Pleasure of the bite... it always did sweeten the blood and the rending of the skin to begin the bite lacing the very essence of the victim with fear... completed the feast. With this one it was a most rich feast indeed as she drank deep for a few moments her body coiling with his in sheer bliss of the feel of a strong body against hers and the rich meal she fed from so sensually.