From the Stacks


Literotica Guru
Mar 19, 2016

Hello and welcome to my little haven.

Here you will find what inspires me. What turns me on. And, perhaps, you will discover a piece of my soul.

Please feel free to post greetings, comments, photos - whatever your heart desires. I look forward to hearing from you.​
I absolutely love to people watch and some of the best inspiration comes from these moments of observation. It's the faces I see that drive me to tell the stories behind them. This woman, I think, has quite a story to tell.

A little taste

This is a snippet of one of the many writing projects I've been working on. It all started with this image...


The smoke danced around her, the small fire burning in the brazier warmed the tent which was already sweltering beneath the summer sun causing sweat to bead on her forehead and travel in lazy rivers down her back. The day had been hot from the start but the fire and incense had to be lit. The cloying scent of sandalwood and vanilla wafted through the tent, mingling with the smoke in a most unpleasant way. Liliya scrunched her nose in an attempt to hold back a sneeze. The attempt failed and she soon lost herself in a fit that caused her shoulders to hunch with the force of them.

A cacophony of merchants crying out their wares and shoppers haggling and catching up on gossip filtered through the white, linen walls of the tent; the usual hustle and bustle of market day cocooning Liliya in its familiarity. The sounds as familiar to her as her own breathing. It was the ebb and flow of life, a sound that stirred her heart and made the young woman dream of better days.

A soft breeze rustled the walls, carrying the heady scent of market with it. Closing her eyes, Liliya breathed deep of the air tinted with the scent of freshly baked bread, meat sizzling over open fires and the many bodies that packed the ever growing market square. She bit her lip as her stomach rumbled, reminding her she had eaten nothing since her bowl of porridge at sun up at that morning. But there was no time to eat even a bite of bread. Not if the voices that were quickly growing in intensity were any indication.

Moving about the tent, Liliya peeked through a slit in the fabric, eyeing the people gathered outside the tent, their necks craning to see the woman who would reveal their futures. Some had traveled for weeks to make the market days and to visit the famed Seer of the Romluva clan. Others had scraped together every last penny they had in hopes that she would read prosperity in their futures; sadly, many of them would receive tellings of ill fortune and would leave with their hearts heavy and their pockets light. It was in these instances that Liliya wished she could change their fates, but she could change the cards as much as she could change the direction the wind blew.

"It is time." Grandmother entered the tent. Her body stooped with age, her shoulders hunching in on themselves, but her eyes were bright and missed nothing.

Liliya sighed and drew the veil over her face. Despite its lightness, the blue silk increased her feeling of suffocation as it trapped the warmth of her breath against her face. Beads of sweat slid along the slim column of her neck, slipping between her breasts and causing the loose linen shift she wore to stick to her chest.

"I am ready." She said with a nod, adjusting the veil so that only her eyes, heavily rimmed with kohl, showed to any whom entered the tent. The old woman pulled aside the flap and beckoned to the first in line.

A young man stumbled in as if pushed by the person waiting behind him. His tawny hair, shaggy and unkempt fell in his eyes and the man, who could only just be called so, brushed it aside with an irritated swipe of his mud-caked hand. From the state of his clothing, patched to the point that Liliya doubted much of the original fabric was left and grimy enough that the color came not from the fabric but from the dirt and sweat of life, this was a man who had saved the whole year in order to have his fortune told.

Guilt welled in Liliya’s chest making it difficult to breath. She prayed that the cards would read favorably for him as she did not want to be the reason he or his family went without food. He sat across from her, muddy brown eyes already blurry and red-rimmed from a visit to the alehouse studying her. His gaze moved over her face as if trying to see what was beneath the veil.

Before he could look too closely, Grandmother smacked his shoulder, glaring at him in a silent command to behave himself. With a grimace the man pushed his two copper coins across the table towards Liliya, who pocketed them quickly before shuffling the cards. Silently, Grandmother slipped out of the tent, leaving Liliya and her customer to their privacy.

The familiar weight of the cards in her hands was a comfort and Liliya found herself giving over to the power that emanated from them. The hum of power that coursed through her fingers and up her arms, causing goose bumps to rise on her flesh was like greeting an old friend, a constant companion that had never once steered her wrong.

With her eyes closed, Liliya breathed deep, scenting the power and drawing it to her like a thread. Tugging on that strand of power she drew it close, letting it wind its way about her until it wrapped, like a cocoon, around her. Taking in two deep, slow breathes, she focused on the cards, pushing that power into them, letting it wrap around the deck until they were connected.

“What is it you seek to know?” Liliya’s voice was deep and husky. The opiates that burned on the brazier floated through the air, causing the man before her to sway in his seat as the spell of the moment wove around him.

Liliya caressed the deck with long, thin fingers as she waited for his reply.
Life in Black and White

I find black and white photos intoxicating. It's amazing how the most simple of images can become a work of art by focusing on the way light and shadows play off each other.



I find black and white photos intoxicating. It's amazing how the most simple of images can become a work of art by focusing on the way light and shadows play off each other.




I think black and white define lines better, crisp image.
Currently, I'm sitting in my apartment. The roommate is out and I have this cozy little space all to myself for a few hours. For an introvert such as myself these small moments of solitude are perfect for recharging my social battery. I'm able to decompress from my week and spend time thinking about and doing nothing. It is heaven on Earth.

My brain is restless at the moment, though, and my fingers itching to stride across the keyboard in that familiar tango that is writing. And so, I am doing the only thing I can do and heeding the siren call of my laptop and a delightfully blank Word document. Perhaps I'll pick up where I left off yesterday. In case you're's a tease of what I was working on...

“What are you doing?” Liliya glared up at Bash, her cheeks flushed with rage and…something else. Something the young woman did not want to spend time figuring out. Something that had her heart beating rapidly beneath her breast and her breath catching in her throat.

“What does it look like I am doing?” He responded, his hand coming to rest heavily on Liliya’s waist. The heat of his palm radiating through the layers of her skirts as he pulled her close. A devilish grin on his lips.

Despite her better judgment Liliya allowed Bash to close the distance between them. A soft whimper catching in her throat as his chest pressed against hers and his knee settled between her legs. The hard contours of his chest against hers, rubbing against her with each solid breath had Liliya’s nipples beading into hard nubs. Her cheeks flushed at Sebastian’s wolfish grin as he, no doubt, felt the effect his proximity was having on her traitorous body.

Damn him, Liliya cursed; blaming Bash was so much simpler than examining why she responded to him so willingly. Though she was loath to admit it, she had never even been tempted by a man and not for lack of male attention, but rather, Liliya cherished her gift too much. No man had ever been worth giving up her abilities. But Sebastian was quickly testing her resolve.

“Let me go.” She meant to command, however her voice came out in a breathless whisper.

“I do not believe that is what you truly want.” Sebastian teased, his head dipping forward so that his words brushed against her lips in a tender caress.

Liliya bit her lower lip, trapping the groan that threatened to pass between her lips. Sebastian’s gaze moved to her lips, watching with an intensity that stoked the rapidly growing fire between the young gypsy’s legs.

As if he could sense her resolve weakening, Bash raised his knee slightly, brushing against Liliya so gently she could barely feel it. But the knowledge of his action was enough to have the breath catching in her throat.

“Bash,” she whimpered her resolved beginning to falter. She watched his eyes flutter close at the sound of his name on her lips and felt a rush of pleasure that she could have the same effect on him. Slowly, warily, she lifted a hand to his cheek, marveling at the roughness of the hair that darkened his jawline. He caught her hand beneath his and with a slight turn of his head pressed a kiss to her palm.


Ms Tiff,
I'm new and wondering if you are still on this thread.
Your images are very tastefully erotic.
Ms Tiff,
I'm new and wondering if you are still on this thread.
Your images are very tastefully erotic.

Hi, Taw123 and thank you. I'm happy to hear that someone else finds the images I post enticing.
Working on the first post for a new SRP I'll be starting soon and using these as inspiration for my character:




Getting ready for a date night with the BF. He's been away visiting family and I can't be more thrilled that he's finally back.



I absolutely love to people watch and some of the best inspiration comes from these moments of observation. It's the faces I see that drive me to tell the stories behind them. This woman, I think, has quite a story to tell.

Hello there! :rose:

You really think that the person on the pic has something to tell?

I would say that she is perhaps too... youngish for any deep revealing stories/experiences? Wouldn't you say?
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