Writing Challenge: 50 Words -- With a Twist

philosophy * proclivities * interactions

Men were guilty until proven innocent, that was her philosophy. Yet, her proclivities always asserted themselves in her sexual interactions. She didn't care if men confessed their sins—as long as they embraced their depravity. The greatest lie the Devil ever told was convincing humanity that she was a he.

box ■ ratchet ■ tool
box ■ ratchet ■ tool

Anne insisted George keep his cock buried in her cunt as he rummaged around in his tool box for a socket wrench to adjust the homemade fucking machine. When he finally had to withdraw to get to the machine, she jacked him by hand while he worked with the ratchet.

shaft * rotate * nuts
shaft * rotate * nuts

Becca rotated the nut dusted cake on the stand as he fondled her.

“Entered it at the fair,” she mewed.

“Wasn’t a winner?” the man asked as he nuzzled her neck.

“No,” she whined, “Tammy won, and I got the shaft.”

When he shifted his hips forward, she got another.

folds + move + sack
shaft * rotate * nuts [size=-2](My take on the previous prompt, which I forgot to post.)[/size]

He'd inspected the decommissioned elevator shaft. It was sound, so he installed the ropes, pulleys, harnesses and rigged her up naked, to rotate suspended 25 feet high up in the air. She was nuts to want to have sex this way, but he wasn't going to complain...it wasn't his birthday.

folds + move + sack [size=-2]<------- ArticAvenue's prompts[/size]

She opened the sack and removed the buff-colored paper squares she'd bought for the bachelorette party. She was sure she'd remember all the correct folds, if she could just recall the first three. It had been years since her move back home from Japan; she'd folded origami penises daily then.

two ■ front ■ teeth
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folds + move + sack

In a practiced move, the round elf (actually a Sidhe, but such distinctions were seldom recognized anymore) concealed Eva’s damp panties in the folds of his sack. Didn’t he deserve a gift of his own? He scratched his scrotum, and pulled up his pants. Eva smiled and closed her eyes.

two ■ front ■ teeth <----- Beatrix B's prompts
two ■ front ■ teeth

The two figures were barely obscured by the evergreens and shadows just yards behind the convenience store. He began working the buttons down her front loose with his teeth, but soon lost patience and resorted to his fingers. Ostensibly keeping a lookout, she had to let her eyes drift shut.

Aroma * tongue * voltage
Aroma - tongue - voltage

“The voltage is low enough that it won’t kill you,” I said as I attached the leads to his sac. “And you’ll get used to the aroma of singed flesh in no time. But the silent scream from the leads on your tongue? Delicious!

“Glad you fucked my wife now?”

Experiment - pleasant - flash
Experiment - pleasant - flash

Edgar was expecting his life to flash before his eyes. He should never have agreed to this experiment. He'd been dubious from the start, but Laurie had promised the article said it was pleasant. But how he got roped into having a Tic-Tac pushed up his urethra? That was crazy.

coarse * slovenly * rapturous
Coarse - slovenly - rapturous

“You’ve changed!” she gasped.

“Yes, I have.”

“You used to be slovenly, coarse appearing, not attractive at all. But now you look like you could give me a rapturous night of passion and thrill. Can we go out?”

“I’ll never forget how you shunned me before.” Then I walked away.

Bite - continuous - memory
bite - continuous - memory

“These were regular cassette tapes,” explained Josh, with nervous breathlessness, “not continuous loops like the Sinclair Microdrives. It took minutes to load a program into memory, even though it was only a few kilobytes. That's B.Y.T.E.S, not like when you bite, like what you're doing now, Andrea... Oh. I see.”

chug * dampness * fling
chug * dampness * fling

She was sitting on the hood of the car, the dampness in the air starting to penetrate her jacket.

He thought she didn't know about his fling with that little tramp; he'd find out soon enough.

After the last chug of wine, she tossed the bottle aside and headed home.

shampoo - breeze - jitterbug
shampoo - breeze - jitterbug

They weren’t really fishing anymore by the time they capsized the boat. They could laugh now, exposed to the breeze under the open air shower. She’d managed to get a couple lures stuck in her hair – a Jitterbug and a Rapala. There was no shampoo, but they didn’t much care.

Transmogrify * disentangle * flesh
transmogrify - disentangle - flesh

She had learned she could disentangle herself completely from the humdrum of daily life, transmogrify from plain, boring secretary Becky into a vivacious, flesh-baring burlesque goddess on stage. She could become something much more alive, as she played to rapturous applause.

Her twin lives? Utter strangers to one another.

release - switch - bulb
release - switch - bulb

She didn't want to transmogrify her boyfriend into someone else. Her magic wand didn't work that way anyway. She just wanted a different kind of release, to switch things up, as he meticulously pushed the bulb into her flesh yet again. If he'd only disentangle himself from his anal retentiveness.

lane ■ bowling ■ pins
lane * bowling ■ pins

George cleaned the solder off the pins of the microcontroller he salvaged from the smashed circuit board he’d found in the lane behind the bowling alley. He could use this to upgrade the homebrew fucking machine he’d made for Anne. Tired of waiting, Anne stared daggers from the workshop door.

Vegetation ■ palpate * husk
Lane - bowling - pins (Didn't get this posted in time, but still wanted to share)

He moved to the left lane to turn into his driveway. He hadn’t been bowling the ladies over lately, but rejection was still hard to swallow. His next decision put him on pins and needles – which friend should he play with tonight, Jack D. or Remington? The whiskey won….this time.

Vegetation - palpate - husk (Prognosticat's words)
Vegetation - palpate - husk

The problem with vegetation is knowing when it is ripe. You have to palpate the tomato for firmness, pull down the husk to check the corn, and press the end of the canteloupe. Then there are the different greens: what can be eaten raw, what needs sauteing? It is confusing!

Pesto – television - academy
Pesto – television - academy

Over plates of ravioli in pesto they discussed the parochial insularity of the academy, the insipid tribalism of politics, and the transformations of television in the Digital Age. Dan thought her rant on the stupidity of the dating scene bode ill, until Jillian subtly flashed him more than her smile.

heated * build * platform
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Vegetation - palpate - husk [size=-2]Late post to previous prompt[/size]

The horny botanist developed a fetish for vegetation after seeing a tree that looked like a man. She was so aroused that her hands began to palpate the elongated husk that stuck out mid-trunk. When thick white sap began seeping from its tip, she knelt—mouth wide—to catch it.

heated * build * platform <----- prognosticat's prompts
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heated * build * platform

The heated glance her husband gave them from across the room made him throb as his Mistress fed the dildo-shaped heel of her platform shoe deep inside him. It would build up his orgasm to have his humiliation witnessed by another. So, he prostrated lower to provide a clearer view.

book ■ altar ■ spell
book ■ altar ■ spell

Standing for the hymn, Amy experienced a spell of lightheadedness as she gazed at the cross on the altar, remembering the events of the previous night. They were weird, and maybe lascivious, but surely not blasphemous. Reading the ancient book she'd dug up had summoned such strange and willing companions.

bent * mnemonic * frothing
bent * mnemonic * frothing

Naked and bent over his desk, her nether lips frothing in anticipation, her professor quizzed her. He'd speculated that a mnemonic smack would help her correctly identify Hellenistic statues on an upcoming test. He didn't know that she knew those slides like the front of her hand; she just craved his.

statue ■ chisel ■ marble
Statue - chisel - marble

She lay on the cold marble counter tile like a statue. She was trying to chisel her place into the Moonshine Bar’s “Slut Hall of Fame.” She already had blown 14 men. She only needed one more. Unfortunately, that never happened – the 15th turned out to be her angry husband.

Rage - sunshine - decent
statue ■ chisel ■ marble

Leon dropped his chisel to the floor with a clatter, and stood frozen in the doorway like a statue. The woodcarver couldn’t believe what Yolanda was doing on his marble table top. What kind of wood, he wondered, to capture her curves? This was not the appointment he’d been expecting.

Rage - sunshine - decent <-- PapaRomantic's prompt
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Rage * sunshine * decent

Huffing the preternatural vapors of trapped spirits had become all the rage. It wasn’t decent, thought Edith, descending into the dank cellar to retrieve her beaux, Arthur, but nothing some sunshine couldn’t cure. But the nubile spirit that held him in thrall was not a mere wisp to be inhaled.

underneath ► agglomerated ◄ rupturing
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