Literotica Tags Portal - New Version Released 12/11/2017


Just A Test Title OK
Aug 24, 1999
An updated version of the New Literotica Tags Portal has been released today.

Several issues reported by users have been resolved. Thank you for all of the help and please keep your feedback coming!

This version includes the following changes:

1. Clicking on tag links from the Story Page now shows the exact tag, as expected.

2. Clicking on tag links from the Category Hub now shows the stories for this tag only in the specified category, as expected.

3. Performance improvements to speed page loading.

4. Small bug fixes, readability improvements, and updates.

We really want to know what you think of the new Tags Portal so that we can improve it and fix and problems quickly. Please see this thread for information on leaving feedback:
New Literotica Tags Portal Now Live, We Need Your Feedback!

Thank you to everyone who has sent comments so far, and everyone who plans to in the future! :D