What is crossing your mind right now?

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Right now I'm thinking that being a house husband might be good for me and wondering if there's any women out there who would consider me for such a relationship.
Hmmmm cereal....oatmeal...toast...Ooooooo maybe I'll have a facefull...errr platefull of veryviolet this morning..
I'm thinking what the fuck did she think she was going to accomplish with that lie. Shoulda just told me the truth and it would have saved us both some grief.
Why in the name of fuck did I open that thread?
I have that vomit taste in my mouth now.
Tender touches
Whispers of intent
Lingering kisses
Toes curling
Heavy breathing

These are all things crossing my mind ...
Roaring fire, dogs all piled up in front of it, nice glass of wine and a sexy man with long arms that puts out a good many BTU's..can't beat it.
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