I know you're out there somewhere.


Romantic Swordsman
May 8, 2009
Someone out there who's actually interested in being with me.
Like a sexy bigfoot.
Only not as hairy... or big.
Alright, so I can handle a bbw.

Someone must be out there.
A woman who wants me around and wants to capture me.
Like a sexy alien.
Or just a cuddly one.
We can totally cuddle, I'm very good for that.
And other things.

PM me if you're at all interested.
Well, thanks to your thread, I'm set for the next two Halloweens - sexy bigfoot and cuddly alien. good luck. I hope you find the bigfooted alien (wait, did I get that wrong?) that your heart desires!
Well, thanks to your thread, I'm set for the next two Halloweens - sexy bigfoot and cuddly alien. good luck. I hope you find the bigfooted alien (wait, did I get that wrong?) that your heart desires!

lol, You're welcome for the costume ideas.

Thanks for the well wishes. :)
I think I was too quick to say thank you! Do NOT google "sexy bigfoot!" You've been warned...:D