Post Feminist Moment 2017


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Young women were quick to deny that they were Feminists. Was that a self-defense move on their part ? Hostility against feminism is very clear, in the internet age. The job market is very competitive. A young woman would be foolish to put that label on herself, if she wanted to join the mainstream. Stereotypes are attached to feminism. Feminism was demonized. How many times has "feminazi" been printed ?WTF does it mean ?

Suddenly, a man that was infamous for behaving like a sexist pig was outed. For years, decades, journalists were refused permission to publicize stories about HW's abusive behavior. Feminism had won women the right to earn autonomy, and accumulate a legitimate presence in society. Enough highly acclaimed, reputable actresses, that were well known to the public, had stepped forward. They could not be dismissed as crazy, unbalanced, or criminal. They were not dismissed as unworthy.

Oct. 11, 2017 Harvey Weinstein chose to withdraw from the public sphere, and hide in private. He did not leave the country, as planned.

91 people were on HW's hit list. 91 actors, publicists, producers, financiers and others working in the film industry, that knew something about HW.

They lost their privacy, private information. They were under threat from HW.

Another striking aspect of the list is that nearly half of the names (43 of them) are men. Weinstein appeared to be aware that these men were aware of the alleged sexual assaults for whatever reasons. And yet, Weinstein’s intimidation tactics were so strong that it still took bombshell reports by the NY Times and Ronan Farrow at the New Yorker for the victims to feel safe enough to make their accusations public.

The only woman that HW personally attacked was Lupita Nyong'o. A member of America's minority.

The existence of Ambra Gutierrez exposed everything that was crawling and squirming behind the facade.

Money, influence, and powerfulnalliances can buy anything.

Uma Thurman comes forward-

The can of worms had been opened, and much was spilled out. The public was treated to a sights, unsuspected. The same sickness that poisoned Queen Victoria's reign, continued to sicken America. All the way to Congress. The system that should have helped women to operate in Washington politics, unmolested, was silencing victims. It was built to protect guilty men, and punish women that tried to access help.

No, this is not the pretty picture that society wanted to portray, of women safe in the workplace. Women were definitely not equal to their male counterparts, if a man wanted to disregard professional courtesy and niceties.

Feminism was discarded before it set clear boundaries. Money is always more important than a human life.

Of a matter of course, politics entered the sphere of victims of abuse. Sex is a weapon, when a war is waged. Republicans have declared war on Democrats.

Left behind, is all of the women that were crushed under the un-remorseful wheel. They went back to work, and faced the same creeps, monsters, and rapists.

Did anything change change ?

Mayim Bialik, otherwise known as "Blossom" took the opportunity to vent her spleen about women that project their sexuality in Hollywood. She slut shamed and victim shamed women that did not follow her path in life.

Mayim Bialik

i'm not mormon, but my in-laws are. :)

Mayim Bialik, star of the 1990s TV show “Blossom,” is now an Emmy nominee for best supporting ... They married in 2003, after Mr. Stone, raised a Mormon, converted to Judaism.

The actress used an altered still from The Big Bang Theory to illustrate her outrage over a strict religious policy.

"Some super-duper ultra Orthodox Jews think women's faces should be blotted out of ads and photos," Bialik, who is herself Orthodox Jewish, posted. "[The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance] showed what I might look like under this absurd restriction.

About Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik is an Emmy-nominated actress best known for her roles in the series “Blossom” and “The Big Bang Theory.” So in her case, her science is actually her secret life. Mayim is the proud possessor of a doctorate in Neuroscience from UCLA and continues to develop curricula and teach young children about science.
Harvey Weinstein was certainly not the first. Bill Cosby comes to mind, and there were thousands of others before him. Hollywood big shots had their chances to make sexual toys out of hot and willing women, and they often took the opportunities.

If this were primarily about willing women, the story would have no legs at all.

You are aiding and abetting a lie that has been used to rationalize a criminal act.
If this were primarily about willing women, the story would have no legs at all.

You are aiding and abetting a lie that has been used to rationalize a criminal act.

What lie is that? :confused: Most of the "victims" of casting couches were willing to participate because of the benefits that would become possible. Some may have been underage, and that would have constituted criminal acts, but adults were free to decide for themselves. Forcible rape, of course, is a serious crime, but it's only rape if she objects or is drugged.
What lie is that? :confused: Most of the "victims" of casting couches were willing to participate because of the benefits that would become possible. Some may have been underage, and that would have constituted criminal acts, but adults were free to decide for themselves. Forcible rape, of course, is a serious crime, but it's only rape if she objects or is drugged.
Sexual harassment in exchange for employment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and the Supreme Court established that in 1986.

Whether they are willing or not, demanding sexual favors for employment is illegal.
No one rises up the ladder of promotion without allies. Tribal alliances are clearly drawn. Nation against nation. Corporation against corporation. Political party against political party. Upper management against lower management.

"Yes, he is creepy, offensive, unnerving, disgusting. But, we will not out him. He is one of us. He is an intrinsic part of our house of extended relationships. If he exits and joins our competitors, we will lose a wall of protection. Plus, we all live in glass houses. No one is perfect. Everyone is under threat, because false equivalency reigns supreme. "

Using coercion, bullying, evoking fear, anxiety, provoking shock, using threats, is not a way to win alliances. These are tools to kill opposition, and gain compliance.

Autonomy is for those that are granted autonomy. Upper management decides. Blackmail attacks all levels. Who has the least autonomy, agency, independence, and support of integrated alliances ?

Being coerced, bullied, scared, shocked or threatened takes away our freedom and capacity to make choices.