Isolated BDSM Blurts: Facehugger Fetish

I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.
I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.


Love to you, DGE.
I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.

What a lovey moment. Thanks for sharing.
I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.


I can only wish someone does as well for me someday.
Sent out a query letter to a new publisher for my newest book manuscript. Hopefully they'll pick it up since it's what they tend to publish.
Thanks guys. It was an important place for her, and it was good for me to be able to remember and quietly celebrate that.
I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.

I scattered my mom’s ashes beneath an orange and gold mountain canopy. It was quiet, save for the faint eulogy of a cool wind and a woodpecker over the next ridge. Next year I’ll return and see her in the colors of the trees where I left her.

What a beautiful and enduring tribute. :heart:
I've hallucinated 4 times in the past 2 days. One of them just a few minutes ago when I'm sure I saw my cat wearing a tiny, fancy, top hat. :D
The other morning I heard a man's deep voice beside my bed say "hello". It woke me from a sound sleep and I unburied my head from under the blankets to look around. NOTHING. Not that I would have been happy to see someone there... but, wth???
The other morning I heard a man's deep voice beside my bed say "hello". It woke me from a sound sleep and I unburied my head from under the blankets to look around. NOTHING. Not that I would have been happy to see someone there... but, wth???

This happened to me once when I was in my mid-20's. It's definitely freaky and my experience wasn't as benign as yours. A strange voice in your head saying "Death is stalking you" is enough to scare the CRAP out of anyone. I remember the feeling and the words (as well as the tone of the voice) to this day.

Anyway, I'm told it's actually a fairly common thing. The human brain in complex and we really don't understand it. But, the voices, thumps, bumps and assorted strange noises that we think we hear in the middle of the night are our brains talking to us subconsciously.

So, you're probably not going crazy. Me, I'm not so sure about - I've actually talked to a ghost.
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I want to start a new thread in Talk but I can't think of how to explain what I want to talk about. :rolleyes: