Star Wars: Vode An (closed for Apollo Wilde and BewareTheDream)

The moment the dark brew was placed in front of her, she grasped it, tilted it back, and heartily drank half of the mug’s contents in one go. Life was short. The ne’tragal was chill, thick – not quite like it was back at home, when it was usually warm from sitting out too long and varied from band to band. But it was close enough, just like this meal, this company, was close enough to what she wanted. What she craved. And something, yes, something was off. For her, drinking, eating to excess was a luxury saved for after the battle had been won. To indulge now seemed premature. She couldn’t keep running from what was bothering her. Maybe it was time for her to really and truly consider where her actions were taking her in her life – where she was ultimately going.

It was only after she had her initial deep draught that she half-heartedly clinked her glass to his. It would take more, much more than this, to get her drunk, or even close to tipsy. She leaned forward, breasts bulging against the thin fabric of her tank top. Beneath the table, she spread her legs in a wide stance, bare feet solidly on the ground. She lifted her glass to her lips again; listened to him prattle on about the taste of the beer. She was beyond the point of rolling her eyes at listening to him pick the meal apart, and wondered, idly, if he allowed himself to enjoy anything without dissecting it. She’d gone her entire life without hearing about the finer points of ne’tragal, and listening to him dissemble on it now made her vaguely ill. But she said nothing, continuing to sip. He seemed so involved in his own voice she doubted that he recognized that she’d tuned him out.

When he finally reached a gap in the conversation, his words taking on an upward inflection, she paused. Waited. Made sure he was finished. And insolently licking her lips, she spoke.

“The ne’tragal is passable, so are the uj cakes. Dunno about the meat yet. Could fool someone that didn’t grow up on this. It’s too refined. Too nice.” And yes, she was being deliberately snide at this point. She knew he hadn’t lifted a finger to make the meal. “Somethin’ rich folks would enjoy when they think they’re being rustic,” she added, slightly glowering over him over the rim of her glass.

She had been vulnerable before – and she knew he was using it against her. The nap had helped steel her resolve. And, in its strange way, so had the meal. It reminded her of what was important, where home was. That maybe it was time to stop all of this foolishness. What did she really gain from it? Seeing Mahoroba just…stung. Maybe he was never hers to begin with. They had been so different; he’d been so different from the beginning. And the time apart had only increased that. He was a changed man, a haunted man. There was no reclaiming what was lost between them – and for the first time in near a decade, Saudaji knew that she had her life back. After this mission, she’d go back to Zeltros. Talk to Saboten. Try to figure things out.

“Droids can’t make this. No offense to you, Sebastian,” and she called out loud enough for the long suffering droid to hear. “There’s somethin’ about slaughtering and cleaning it with your bare hands. To feel its life pulse in yours. You have to be thankful that it was there for you to kill. For you to eat. The uj cakes…”

There, that was what made her cry. How could she explain it to him, someone who clearly had no family, had no idea what it was like to be loved, to be welcomed anywhere? He’d write her off as foolish, she knew that already.

But she’d try anyway.

“Uj cakes are special treats. You only get them every once in a while. When you win. When you hurt so bad that you don’t have words and it hurts to walk and everyone gives you dirty looks for being weak but you keep going because you can’t stop, but then someone sneaks one to you.”

She’d had that walk once or twice – when she had been beaten so badly that her left leg was broken and she still stumbled home on it, ignoring the white flashes of pain that twisted her stomach and spine so intensely she forgot words, or when she first got to Mandalore and did her best to run away to the mother that she dimly remembered. There was always Saboten, sneaking her an uj cake, and the knowing looks of her replacement mother, somewhere between doting and hard. Hot tears stung the corners of her eyes, her lower lids. The tears didn’t fall.

“They don’t just make them because you’re supposed to eat something sweet after dinner,” she said, flatly, willing the anger out of her voice. “You make them because you love someone, because you’re proud of them, and you can’t always say that.” He meant for his intentions to be good, but like before, this was all about him. What made HIM feel good. “You can’t improve on this because you don’t have the heart. No spirit.” She gestured at him loosely with her free hand. “Nothing there. This,” and she held up an uj cake, “has to come from here,” and she placed her other hand against her chest, feeling the lull of her heart.

As she looked into the depths of his empty eyes, she realized, finally and truly realized, that she was paired with the most dangerous man she’d ever met. She set the cake down, ignoring the chill up her spine. Send her into battle, hardly armed, against foes frothing at the mouth and it was a good time. Something she knew how to handle. But not him. And all she could do is tread lightly – and put distance between the two of them.

Or take an example from Saboten.


“My accommodations are fine as is,” and her tone suggested for him not to push the issue. “Whatever I need, I can acquire myself. Or did you not, in all of your extensive research learn that Mandos live a very menial existence? It doesn’t take much for me to be comfortable. But since you want to know so much about me, I’ll tell you.” Whatever he knew of her – it was past the point of hurting her anymore. And her family, dangerous as he was, could handle themselves. And he struck her as at least being sensible enough not to do something to bring the wrath of an entire culture of beings against him. But he was up to something. He knew too much already – and she suspected that whatever she told him now, he’d already know.


“I go where the money is,” she said. There was a game she used to play with her various siblings – well, it wasn’t a game as so much part of their training. Part of being a warrior was knowing when someone was lying and when someone was telling the truth. So, they’d gather round, and tell 2 lies, and 1 truth. Or sometimes 2 truths and 1 lie. And once they got proficient enough, 1 lie, 1 truth. And so on. For being caught in a lie, the “reward” was a slap in the mouth. She wondered how good he’d be at this.

“They heard I was the best at what I do and offered competitive wages. I want to see my sons and daughters. I finish this mission, I get enough money to go home and stay home for a while.” Gods, lying was hard. She was out of practice – she had a hard time hiding the smile from the ridiculous tale she was weaving. “Their fathers are usually gone, so another one of my sisters and her husband watches them. They’re all doing so well. But it gets hard on her to watch 5 younglings.”

Chill as Hoth, that was.

As Raeth leaned forward and began his tale, she leaned back, eager for more ne’tragal and to sharpen her skills. It didn’t take her long to figure out, originally, that he’d been lying to her. That nothing lay behind those vivid green eyes. And she snorted, softly.

Gods, what had it been about Raeth that had been so charming before? Was it because he was begrudgingly clever? The accent? Maybe lack of sex did that to you. And the fact that he just kept talking, and talking, and absolutely none of it was true! Who actually bought the osik that was just flowing from him? Ne’tragal had a way of providing much needed clarity – and the post-sex haze had worn off. For the first time in a long time, she felt centered. Perhaps she had gained something from Mahoroba – that much needed closure. A farewell.

And if she were in any better mood, maybe she would have humored it. His lies, at least. From a stranger, maybe. But from someone that she had to trust with her life? There was no way. “I’ll spend my time in my bed, Rae’ika,” and the nickname was stripped of the loving intent from their hurried fucking. Now, it was every bit the diminutive that it was meant to be – belittling, as if she were speaking to a child.

She slammed the glass down on the table, harder, perhaps, than she initially meant. The remnants of the heavy liquor sloshed, teetering dangerously to spill out over the high lip.

And she leaned over and deftly slapped him, making sure her fingers landed across his cheek and the corners of his mouth. Not hard enough to hurt; just enough to catch his attention.

Leaning back, she had a giant smile on her face. At his bewildered expression, she started laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry – I thought that since you laid out this Mandolorian meal that we were playing Madolorian games! See, I just caught you in a bunch of lies. So since I knew you were lying, you got a pop in the mouth. You tell me the truth, I’ll give you something nicer,” and she licked her lips. “If I catch you telling the truth, I give you a kiss. If you catch me lying, you pop me in the mouth. If you catch me telling the truth, you give me a kiss. Tayli'bac?”
The slap stunned him. But what really surprised him, and what caused him a pain that was strangely more deeper and more intense than the stinging of his cheek, was her comment about him having ‘nothing there’. No one had ever told him that before. No one, as far as Raeth knew, noticed that he was broken in that way. No one except for himself.

Hearing someone else point out what he considered to be his greatest flaw was unexpected, and it was one of the most painful things he had ever experienced. That pain was prodigious, indeed, for throughout the years Raeth had intentionally put himself through a lot of physical and mental anguish in order to become a better agent.

Raeth had grown suddenly still and silent after Saudaji told him he had no heart. He barely heard her when she spoke about the significance of uj cakes and how they represented family to her. It was in this dazed state that he made a well-practiced advance on her, even though his mind was still reeling when he clumsily suggested they share a bed again sometime soon.

The bewildered expression was already on his face when Saudaji decided to play her little game and slap him. He didn’t feel much pain from the slap. At least, he didn’t feel any more pain than what he was already feeling.

Anger flared up within him, suddenly. More than just anger, it was pure rage that began to boil his blood and cause his face to feel hot. This woman seated across from him – with her alluring green skin, her large breasts, and her delicious snatch that he wanted to feast upon more than the meal he arranged - didn’t feel the same attraction that he felt towards her. No, she felt disdain for him, he now realized. There was no respect for him, which she proved by essentially telling him that he was empty, and again by slapping him.

This would not stand. Raeth was about to give her more proof that what she suspected was true – that he was the most dangerous man she had ever encountered.

Shaking, Raeth slowly got to his feet. His cheek was a little red from the slap, but so was his entire face. His usually pale, handsome face was contorting into an expression of anger. The skin was getting pulled tight into a scowl, and his eyes – eyes that looked so vivid on the surface, but she knew to have emptiness behind them – were wild with his rage.

“Dateen Yey” He said, flatly, and pointed a finger at Saudaji’s face. Saudaji may not have recognized the phrase, for it was from an obscure Coruscant dialect that only denizens of that world’s 710th level used. That’s why Raeth chose that phrase – because it was highly unlikely that anyone but him would ever use it aboard the Patient Pylat. By uttering that single word, the agent initiated one of many safety protocols he had programmed into the ship.

A nearby wall panel slid open with a faint *ssst* sound, and from the open panel a small, automated blaster cannon popped out. The auto-gun hummed as its barrel was aimed right at the Twi’lek. Two of Raeth’s security droids – Four and Five – stomped into the dining area, side-by-side. The two bulky, identical battle droids split up to stand on either side of the dining table. Both of them had their arm-mounted blasters aimed at Saudaji.

Sebastian v2 – still wearing the ridiculous chef’s hat that Raeth made it wear – leaned its thick upper body out from the kitchette. Sebastian aimed its forearm-mounted gun at the back of the Twi’lek’s head.

Saudaji was flanked by two security droids. She had the agent’s personal, droid assistant pointing another gun at her from behind. The wall-mounted auto-gun was aimed at her from a higher angle. Yet with all of this fire power aimed at her, the seemingly unarmed man standing before her was still her greatest threat.

Staring at her with unblinking eyes, Raeth struggled to find his voice through the rage he felt. When he finally found it, it sounded strained.

“I accept you as a guest on my ship. I prepare a meal for you that I thought you would appreciate. I provide you with new equipment and intel with which you can do a better job on our mission. I take you as my lover.”

When Raeth spoke, he did so with his teeth bared in what almost looked like a snarl. His face was still vaguely red and tight in an expression of barely-controlled rage. His voice wasn’t raised, though.

“After all of this, you treat me with such *disrespect*. I WILL NOT tolerate disrespect on MY SHIP!” His voice underwent a sudden crescendo for the words “will not” and “my ship”. After he screamed out those two phrases, his voice softened again, which didn’t make Saudaji’s situation seem any less dangerous.

Raeth stood on his side of the dining table, hunched forward slightly. His fists were clenched so tight that his knuckles whitened slightly. His eyes were affixed to her face, and multiple blaster barrels were trained on her from multiple angles. Saudaji likely suspected that with a single wrong move, or with a single gesture or word from Raeth, she would be ended.

Whatever Saudaji did next to get out of this situation would need to be carefully considered and carefully executed.
Droids usually had the means to track body chemistry. Changes in pulse. There was a sudden jump in hers (as could be imagined, coming face to face with a series of guns pointed at her), and then, it ebbed back down to nothing, as easy and as gentle as if she were asleep. She was still sitting; she knew better than to make any sudden moves like actually standing. Almost elegantly, she held her hands up in the air. Her eyes were downcast for a moment, her lips moving. Tongue twisters wouldn’t cut it this time. And as she sat there, her eyes downcast, her voice grew louder, until it was audible.

Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Bal kote, darasuum kote…"

She’d never sung around him; never implied that she could. Or that it was a part of her. But now she did. The haunting nature of the chant was underscored by her absolute lack of fear, lack of wavering, in the power that she drew from some internal source. And as she continued, her voice grew, from soft to triumphant. “Bal kote, darasuum kote,” she sang again, her eyes going from the table to meet his, unwavering. There was no rage in hers; just certainty.

And then she smiled.

“…You should know better than to threaten a Mandalorian with death. It holds no sway with me.” She kept her hands up, her breathing steady. In the center of her stomach was a nauseating ball of ice. She’d been close to death before, been in similar situations, but it didn’t erase the fear. No sentient being in their right mind WANTED to die before they felt their time was done. But one didn’t get into this line of work without expecting that thread to be cut suddenly. “If this is it,” and she licked her lips, rather cheekily. There was still the sweet taste of the uj cakes there, and she intended to savor it until the last, “I’m going to speak my mind.” They’d already crossed a line. There was no going back now.

“This is the second time you’ve pointed blasters at me,” she commented, rather dryly. “And there wasn’t much choice in the matter since we discovered each other. You are someone that is used to all matter of control and power without considering the opinion and thoughts of others. You wouldn’t allow me to stay on my ship. You didn’t bother to inspect my gear – since I have come aboard, I have been treated as lesser because you deem me to be not as intelligent as you. You tell me what we're going to do. There is no discussion.”

“To be fair, you have shown me nothing but disrespect and trickery since I have met you, Raeth. And now, as you point these guns at me, you feel that you’re in power again. All because you underestimated me. You thought of me as some foolish, moronic bounty hunter from a savage back water. You know nothing of me, my people, my customs.” Her pulse was rising as rancor flowed through her, but she was a better steward of her emotions than he had given her credit for, and her voice remained even, even melodious.

“You would manipulate me better if you could. How funny that you should use the word ‘lover’, when I am not sure you know what that word means. We have met in the flesh, that’s true, but you have not opened yourself to me. You’ve done nothing but lie to me since I’ve met you,” and there was her contempt. And it was deep and richly bitter. She was not a woman who was to be lied to – and perhaps, since the first time he’d met her, he was seeing her true colors. The little girl that had been snatched from her mother far too young, who valued family above all other things.

“I shared myself with you because there was SOMETHING there when we met. Something inexplicable.” It had been born of a strange respect. His craft, she had felt some admiration for. He was so different, unabashedly so. And she had waited, perhaps even longed for him to show her something else. “….But whatever it is, you seal it away and push me aside. There is no love in that. I am but another thing to you. Not a person.” Her voice broke, ever so slightly.

She told herself it was because of her time with Mahoroba; those wounds were still raw. It couldn’t possibly be because she was hurt. No. That wasn’t it. Though her gaze never wavered, her eyes grew shiny, heavy with the possibility of unshed tears. Her mouth twisted angrily, and she blinked them back. She would not give him the luxury of her tears again.

“ ‘You take me’,” she said, rolling the words in her mouth as tasting them, and she grimaced. “ ‘You take me,’” she said again, this time her expression folding, as if she wanted to spit those words at him. “Because I have no will of my own, of course. I have no emotions,” and her gaze hardened on his. “Because I’m just like these droids, that feel nothing, but respond only to when you need them. Humans do not work that way, Raeth. Anger at me because I was able to figure you out, to see that you seek to fill that void with something. And you flee from it, flee so far, so fast, that your immediate response to being caught is murder.” Far from contempt now, there was nothing but a deep sorrow in her eyes.

“And I know you’ve been spying on me.” How, she didn’t know, but she knew that he had been. “Did you like what you saw? Did you like seeing me with my guard down, around people who love me and whom I love in return? Did you like spying on a life that you have never experienced? Did you want that life to be yours? What was it to take me in your arms when I was distraught? What did you hope to gain? What did you feel?”

She waited, expecting an answer. He could at least grant her that courtesy before he killed her.
For the second time since they sat down to eat, Saudaji surprised him. This time, she surprised him with her insight. She was right – he had underestimated her. As he listened to her speak her mind, his rage subsided. He needed to repress it, for the anger caused blood to rush through his ears, and he couldn’t very well hear what she was saying with that happening. So with a conscious effort, he slowed down his breathing, pushed down the rage, unclenched his fists, and tried to relax. His posture eased, yet the posture of the battle droids pointing blasters at her from behind and on either side remained stiff and ready to kill with a single command.

Raeth listened to everything Saudaji had to say. When she was finished, he stood there in silence, considering her words. Those words, which could have been her last, proved that she was much more perceptive than he had given her credit for. That bothered him. He was rarely ever wrong. The things she had to say about how he treated her also disturbed him.

She continued to observe things about him that no one else had. Things that he did not care to admit to himself or anyone else. Those words troubled him, and they continued to hurt him in ways he had difficulty dealing with.
Ironically, it was those troubling, hurtful words that saved her life.

“Ju ush.” He said with a calm he had to force himself to sustain. Like the command that was used to activate the wall-mounted auto-guns and the battle droids, the command for “stand down” was also taken from an obscure Coruscanti dialect from the 710th level of the city-planet. Four and Five lowered their blasters, as did Sebastian v2. The auto-gun retracted its blasters, rotated, then slid back inside of the wall. A painting of a green landscape underneath a triplet of moons dropped back into place over the panel that hid the weapon – a peaceful scene that contradicted the tension of the room, as well as the violent intent of the weapon hidden behind it.

Because the droids lowered their weapons without leaving the room, Saudaji should have known right away that they were ready to level their guns at her again in an instant.

“Finish your meal.” Raeth said with an agitated wave of his hand, gesturing at the dinner table. There was a veritable feast of food upon it, and it looked as though all of it was hers to eat. The agent turned and walked towards the passageway that lead directly to the cockpit. The automated doors hissed open at his approach. He stopped underneath the archway and looked over his shoulder. “No more harm will be done to you on my ship.” He was about to say more. He was about to explain that if she attempted to kill him, she would die. Or that if she actually succeeded in killing him, the ship would self destruct, ensuring that neither of them had a nice day. But he reconsidered, for she had proven that there was more to her than he had given her credit for. He let his tone deliver the message for him, then he left. Four and Five walked out of the dining chamber / living chamber.

Behind her, Sebastian v2 ducked back into the kitchenette to clean. It hummed a pleasant tune while it worked, not because it wanted to, but because Raeth programmed it to. Like so many things, he found it funny. The situation Saudaji was now in may not have been particularly funny, however. It may have been surreal, to go from being targeted by a battle droid one moment, to having that same droid humming something merry while it wiped down countertops.

Unless Saudaji sought Raeth out in the cockpit, she would not see him again that night. She was able to go to her room and rest, undisturbed, and she would not see the agent again until the following day.


The following morning, Saudaji found Raeth waiting for her in the passageway outside of her room. He was down the hall a ways when she opened her door, rather than directly in front of it. Because standing right in front of it would’ve been creepy.

Raeth was dressed in a moderately-loose tunic worn over dark brown pants. The tunic was cinched at the waist with a wide belt covered in pouches. Saudaji didn’t know this, but Raeth planned on spending part of the day tinkering in his workshop. Tinkering helped him clear his head when something bothered him. Within the pouches of his belt he had various tools and gizmos that he’d need throughout his work today.

“We’re one day away from Thyferra,” he told her. Thyferra, the central source for bacta in the entire galaxy, and the location of their first mission. The mask of merriment that Raeth normally hid behind was not worn. Nor was there any hint of that sexual playfulness he exhibited with her. When Saudaji saw him again, he was business only. “In light of the tension between us, are you still willing to work with me? The time it would take to find a replacement could jeopardize this mission. And I will not try it alone.”

He leaned, cross-armed, against the wall, staring at her stone-faced. He awaited her answer.
Once he’d left the room, she let out the long breath she wasn’t totally aware that she was holding. Sabaac. Maybe not a pure sabaac, but her gamble had worked. When all else failed, Saudaji simply went with one of the basic pillars of who she was – honesty. Well, something close to honesty. She’d admit to herself now, as she idly drew circles in the uj cake syrup with her finger, that she’d leapt into that not really knowing how he’d react or how close to the mark she was. Raeth was incredibly difficult to read – and what she was going on was precious little. Still, her gut hadn’t led her wrong. She lifted her fingers to her lips, delicately licking the sticky sweet from them.

Perhaps it was a trick of the eye, of the monitoring systems, to capture the slightest tremble in her hands.

So. Then. Right.

She’d eaten her fill – which, to be fair, had made an impressive dent in Raeth’s not too small spread. Something about almost dying made food taste better. She was definitely glad for the elasticity of her pants by the time she finally pushed away from the table. Rubbing her very full stomach, she took a look at what all was left. Mandalorian culture and its habits could be a hard thing to shake. Her first instinct, on being left with so much food, was to think of how to, well, hoard it. And the only “person”, well, thing, around to help her was the droid. She could hardly be blamed for turning a baleful eye at it. She reached across the table, deftly flipping a blade over her wrist and made short work of neatly cutting the roast into easily transportable slices. Di’kut. There wasn’t a refrigeration unit in her room, and already cooked and without her facilities, she really didn’t have means to store any of it.

Letting out a sigh that sounded ringed by a sob, she swallowed her pride and spoke.


The droid stopped in its cleaning, rotated its heavy body towards her.

They stared at each other.

Saudaji had no use for droids. Mechanical things, for the most part, unsettled her. Or eluded her as to how they worked. She was far better at taking them apart than putting them together. And as much as people would like to assume that they didn’t have personalities beyond what they were programmed with, she wasn’t so sure. And she was pretty sure that this particular droid didn’t like her. Funny, considering that she hadn’t threatened Raeth’s life. A boy’s club, this whole ship. But not something that she wasn’t used to dealing with. She closed her eyes; took a deep breath, and exhaled it. And when she opened her eyes again, she had put on one of the most sugary sweet, cloying smiles, widened her eyes, and batted her eyelashes. Rather than making her look sexy, the look here was of absolute innocence.

Usually knocked sentient beings dead.

“Sebastian,” she chirruped. She doubted that it’d have any real effect on him. “I’d hate for Raeth’s food to go to waste here; could you store it? Or show me where to store it?” Granted, it would be part of the droid’s clean up routine anyway, and she had little doubt of getting the bucket of bolts on her side, but never hurt. And with a full belly, she was feeling magnanimous as opposed to treating the droid as coldly as possible.

“Madame, I am more than capable of storing the food,” Sebastian positively sniffed at her. She gave him a shrug, coupled with those glittering eyes. Well, what could you do?

“Well, I leave it in your capable hands,” and she stood, using her butt to push her chair out. At least now she wouldn’t have to feel guilty about leaving a messy table behind.


She was positive that she didn’t walk as so much waddle back to her room. Despite every part of her screaming for a good fuck and then the pleasures of a night’s rest, she went through her drills and took a long shower afterwards. Sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing herself down with fragrant oils, she allowed her mind to wander over the night’s events. Saboten’s offer of staying on Zeltros was looking a little more rosier, in light of all that just happened.

Mahoroba, she decided, would have nothing to do with that choice.

Maybe this should be her last job. Since she could walk, it’d been training in one regard or the other, killing in some way, shape, or form. And there were so many creatures that went through life with so little complications compared to hers…what would it be like to settle somewhere without worrying that she was going to be killed? Huh. Food for thought.

And as she slid under the thin coverlet, it was the last thing on her mind before she drifted off.


After her morning routine, she’d paced down the hallway. She wasn’t dressed for combat – loose fitting haram pants that were a deep vibrant violet, and a bright red tank top, bare feet- well, technically not dressed. She could fit and kill in anything. That much was a given. But these were her comfy clothes – things that she’d loathe to destroy.

Either she was going to find him or he was going to find her. Thankfully (saving her the trouble), he’d found her. In a fashion. At his question, she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Shabla. She didn’t want to start this day on the same note that the last one had ended on. “I have not received the rest of my money.” Her tone was as formal as his, her accent scarce. “I get the rest of it when the job is completed. And,” she locked eyes with him, “I like money. So you are stuck with me until then.” Although her eyes fiercely held his, her posture was relaxed. After all, she knew where she stood here.
That was not the first time that Saudaji expressed annoyance at Raeth. It was, however, the first time that Raeth noticed. Even though she stopped herself from rolling her eyes, the slightest twitch at the corner of an eye, the stiffness of her tone and posture, and the fierceness of her gaze all stated with crystal clarity that at that moment, she did not like him.

That realization stung him more than he cared to admit. And he didn’t quite understand why it stung.

The agent stared into her brown eyes. As he did so, he played back their most recent interaction in his mind, like a recording. He did not notice it when he was speaking to her over dinner, but Saudaji showed signs of her annoyance. Unlike now, she barely made any attempt to hide it at all. Now, without the distraction of the lie he was spinning at the time, he could remember how she expressed her displeasure with him. Inwardly, he cursed himself for not noticing before. It took her slapping him for him to begin to realize that she wasn’t enchanted by him as he had thought she was.

Raeth’s frowned slightly, yet the rest of his expression softened. He sighed, not out of exasperation, but in acceptance of something: they could not continue like this.

“This disrespect between us could get us killed. Or at the very least, it will make this job far more unpleasant than it needs to be.” His tone still wasn’t cheerful or playful as it usually was, but at least it sounded friendly.

“Come.” Raeth turned, but stopped himself before his back was to her. He looked at one of the walls of the corridor for a moment before giving her a sidelong glance. “Please. I have something to show you.” The agent walked down the corridor towards the cockpit.

Through the transparisteel viewport of the cockpit, the stars had turned into streaks of white. Hyperspace travel had an odd sensation to it that most spacefarers learned to ignore. To some, it was an unpleasant feeling, like having one’s stomach turn upside down. But Raeth was one of the weird ones who enjoyed the sensation. Truly, there was very little about space travel that Raeth did not enjoy. He would often sit in the cockpit of the Patient Pylat during faster-than-light travel, with the lights dimmed, so he could stare out at the stars streaking by and (for lack of a better term) feel his ship travel through hyperspace.

He didn’t bring Saudaji into the cockpit to show her the stars, however. Instead of enjoying the infinite vastness of space, he instead wanted to show her a little insect he kept inside of a box.

“You were right. I was spying on you.” He didn’t know if she really knew that he had been monitoring her, or if she had only paranoid suspicions that she wanted to coax him into admitting with a wild guess. Either way, her instincts were sharp, and he respected that.

“I was using this.”

The agent took a seat at the station located behind and to the left of the pilot’s chair – the station upon which rows of monitors had been set, each one displaying a variety of information or images. He placed a small box onto the console; the sort of box one might keep a bauble won at a faire. He squeezed the sides of the box, which caused the top to open up with a barely audible *tsst*. Then he leaned back, retrieved his tablet computer, and activated the spy drone.

The fly-shaped robot flew out of the box and made several tight circles around it. Then it began to fly around the cockpit. The little black dot buzzed and flew just like a Zeltron insect. The agent hit a couple of buttons on his tablet, then gestured at one of the monitors. There, Saudaji could see what the remote-controlled camera was capturing.

“I always use these little guys during missions. When we arrive Thyferra, we’ll be using them to gather intel on Master Virak and his retinue.” While he spoke, the agent kept an eye on her, paying close attention to her reaction. Would she be angry? Would she be surprised? Or did she know all along? Raeth made no attempt to explain why he was spying on her. He also did not say anything about what he had seen when his little drones were following her back on Zeltros.

The conversations she had with Saboten. Her strip show (which he had jerked off to). Her intimate time with Mahoroba in the baths (also recorded and used as self-pleasuring material). Raeth left the fact that he had watched her most recent, private moments unsaid.

The agent’s eyes were on hers, and he frowned. What he was about to say was not easy, but if he was to show her the respect she deserved, and if they were to salvage this mission and their relationship, it needed to be said.

“I will not use my drones on you again without your knowledge. They will only be used on you during missions.” The next time Saudaji checked her holonet mail, she would find a message in her inbox. The message would contain information with which she could electronically detect and disable spy drones like the ones Raeth had just shown her. It was an added assurance that she would not be followed by his drones again without her permission. It was also meant as a peace offering, even though revealing this to her had the risk of starting a war between them.

Paying particularly close attention to her, Raeth awaited her reaction. Behind her, the battle droids Four and Five stood at the ready in case fury directed at their owner was the Twi’lek’s response.
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Space travel was a necessary evil to her. Hyper space, she didn’t care for, but sitting, just sitting in the vast star-dappled backdrop of the universe, that she enjoyed. The magma like swirls of nebula, the astral clouds of pinks, blues, the dying flames of supernovas. All of those things filled her with wonder, and kept her from tethering her life to one planet or the other. For her, the joy came from setting foot on each new planet, to see the diversity that each and every system had. From the dregs of Nal Hutta to the crisp ocean breezes of Chadra, there was something to discover. Although, had she her preference, she liked the rolling desert planets.

As much as she wanted to be annoyed at him for commanding her (again; she would have to break him of that), the addition of the “please” gave her pause. Hesitant, almost. He knew that there was bad air between them, and, knowing him, he’d probably do whatever it took to clear the air. At least they were on somewhat common ground now – he knew what she thought of him, and for her, she knew she had to keep herself at arm’s length. That didn’t mean not being…civil, but it did mean keeping things as professional as possible. After all, she WAS being paid to be here. Sith lord or no Sith lord, money kept her honest.
It had been a guess that he’d been spying on her.

A well-informed guess (if she was to go on how her stomach felt), but a guess nonetheless. Worthless, since she had no evidence to back it up. With that out of the way, she needed to make one thing clear. She closed the gap between them, swiftly and silently. If she had a weapon, it would have been between his ribs before he could have drawn a second breath. She was a few inches shorter than him, but it didn’t make her approach any less terrifying.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” and there was no joking in her voice, no softening at all. It was cold; flat. A tone she’d never used before with him, not even in her earlier rage. “I don’t care if you poke around in my personal life.” Somewhat of a lie. It had annoyed her, yes, but not because it was an invasion of her privacy. It was more that he hadn’t earned that right to be that close to her; to know those things. “But if you do anything to harm or threaten the people in my life, I will kill you.” No threat; just a promise of lifetimes of agony before she would release him to death.

She hadn’t broken eye contact with him, but the nature of her eyes changed – to be as cold and distant as her voice. “Now,” she said, her tone changing. If he blinked, by the time he opened his eyes again, she was nearly on the other side of the room, her arms folded behind her head as if the exchange never took place, “that that is out of the way, I would appreciate it if you would stay out of my personal affairs. I’ll have to take your word on it that you will. I must admit, your…inventiveness never ceases to amaze me. It must be nice to have so much time on your hands,” and she gestured to the long streaks of white of the stars.

“How do you propose we handle this, then, since you don’t want things to be head on? I’m at a disadvantage – I’m not used to creeping about,” and she offered a slight shrug of her shoulders. As far as she was concerned, she made her points – he was not to be trusted, and she would treat him as well as need be for the duration of their partnership. He was a liar (and manipulative and incredibly intelligent and very good at what he did), and she knew how to deal with liars. Problem solved, except for whatever remaining tensions he may have held. “I can assassinate,” (understatement of the century), “But you don’t want the use of weapons. Poisons, then?”
The bounty hunter's speed was impressive. But Raeth showed no sign of fear when she closed the distance between them so swiftly. He didn't even flinch. However, the guard droids - Four and Five - trained their arm-mounted blasters on her. They would have fired, if their owner hadn't snapped a hand up in the universal "stop!" gesture. Amidst the faint sound of moving metal parts, the droids lowered their guns back into a standby position.

Raeth lowered his hand and met Saudaji's gaze. She looked ravishing, and he was disappointed that the intimacy that they shared less than a day before was nowhere to be seen in her eyes or heard in her tone. Alas, how fleeting pleasure can be, sometimes. His attraction to her and his disappointment were both hidden behind his "business face". However, that playfulness he suspected she considered annoying came out in his reply. Raeth made only a half-hearted attempt to keep himself from pushing her buttons.

"Tsk, tsk," he said. "Someone hasn't been doing their homework." Saudaji's question indicated that she did not read all of the mission information he had given to her.

Raeth stood and lead her to the table between the pilot's station and the cockpit door - the multi-purpose table upon which the two of them began to fuck each other not long ago. Raeth accessed the controls for the holographic display and brought up their mission briefing. Multiple holo images appeared above the surface of the meeting table. One was an image of their destination planet, Thyferra, and the other images showed their targets. This time, information on more than just the Jedi Master was displayed.

"If things go according to plan, then you won't have to engage Master Virak directly," Raeth explained while his fingers manipulated a few images and data points that floated in the air. "If we encounter a hiccup, won't have to engage Master Virak for long. I'll make sure of that." He looked at her and reconsidered his words. "WE'LL make sure of that. We'll either strike without him even realizing it, or this will be no more than a 'hit and run' operation.

"Besides Virak, your biggest concern will be his padawan." With that, the agent swept a hand through the air and brought up a new set of holographic images. He then laid out the rest of the plan with Saudaji, in detail.

To his credit, Raeth managed to give her the rest of the briefing without again bringing up that she would have known all of this already, had she read the data he gave her earlier. It was an improvement.
“I am going to murder you,” she said simply, in response to his light jibe. Inwardly, she let go a sigh of relief. Of course it wasn’t the same as it was before the….nastiness, but at least it was getting more towards some semblance of what she was familiar and much more comfortable with. Following him to the table, her gaze drifted over the control panel. She’d never be able to come into the cock pit without thinking about their romp. Her lekku still had some slight bruising from the buttons.

And really, when would she have time to have read the briefing? …. Okay, well, she would have. Should have made the time for it. But this sort of thing built camaraderie. And, she suspected that Raeth got no small kick out of waxing in his own intelligence of how the plan was going to go. And so she listened, leaning against whatever she could, her brown eyes idly drifting from one holographic display to another. While he talked, she worked her own magic - how to get in, how to engage, what she’d need, what she wouldn’t need.

“All right, I get it, di’kut,” and the obscenity slung his way was done out of affection. “No engaging the Jedi. Fair enough. If you’re allowed to go on and on about your great deeds, I should be able to do the same. So, simply put, I’ve killed a jettii bare handed.” She preened a bit - in mockery. She wasn’t one for boasting, but more for results. “When this is over,” she added, nudging closer to him, “I expect you to take me out for some really good food. I’m sure nearly all that osik you spouted about food and cooking had to come from somewhere.” Because she was convinced that they would be successful - there was no reason to think of any reason why they wouldn't. And it was an old trick. If she could clearly visualize what she was going to be doing after the mission, that was going to be the way things were. And she had no intention of dying - at least, not yet.

“So,” and she backed up a bit, “We still have some time. How do you propose we spend it?” Her dark eyes locked on his, a bit of mischief tucked away in the full corners of her lips. She could think of a few ways to spend it, realistically (training, following up with Saboten, etc), but she was interested in gauging his reaction. Was the desire there? What was really going on in his head?
Determining what was going on inside that head of his was no simple task. However, finding his desire for her was as easy as easy could be.

Earlier, when Saudaji said that she would murder him, Raeth laughed. That was the first time she had seen him smile or heard him laugh since the unpleasantness between them. Then, when she nudged closer to him, Raeth tensed. That tension lasted for only a moment before he got himself to relax again; the pause in his speech lasted for only a heartbeat. But it was more than enough for Saudaji to notice.

It was also easy for her to notice how he gave her a look when she backed away at the end of his extended mission briefing. That look was also fleeting, but it said a lot about how he felt towards her.

Raeth wanted her, badly, and he was doing very little to hide that fact.
Even though Saudaji had backed up a little, they were still close. She was leaning against a part of the meeting table that was lit-up by holograms, and he was seated in front of it. They got even closer when Raeth stood and, brazenly, lowered his face to her neck. He did not kiss her skin, even though he hungered for her. Instead, he inhaled through his nostrils. Without touching her, he ran his nose from her neck to her lekku, all the while breathing in her scent. His eyes were closed when he pulled back, but soon they opened so their gazes could meet.
“I have several ideas for how we can pass the time.” The look in his eye and the grin that spread across his face were both wicked. With a brisk gesture, he made the holograms hanging above the table disappear. In an instant, business was set aside so he could indulge.

“Would you like me to share those ideas with you in explicit detail, or would you rather I just show you?”

Without taking his eyes from hers, he reached for her arm. The touch of his fingertips to her bare, green skin was feather-light. He studied her eyes, her face, to see if she welcomed his touch or not. The last time she touched him was to strike him, so he was cautious. If she did not recoil from his touch, then his fingers would continue to glide over her toned forearm until he had his palm over it, massaging it.

From her eyes, his gaze drifted to her full lips. He held his breath, and licked at his lips.
Well, that was good - the stiffness meant that he took her (and her threats) seriously. That was all that she needed to know. She would, and could, make good on her word if pressed. And surely he had to know with their sharing such close..quarters, he’d have to be on his guard constantly for her not to notice anything. And really, what was the fun in that? She counted on his being more encouraged by pleasure than by discomfort. It wasn’t impossible for her to keep those sort of tabs to him, but she would much prefer not to. As long as he knew he’d crossed a line and wouldn’t do it again, she was fine.

Ah, there it was.

That’s what she was looking for - that burning, nearly hungry desire. The hooks were in firmly with him. And normally, that would be enough, for any other scores of missions that she’d done in the past (although, truth be told, she hated relying on her feminine wiles alone - it was too easy that way). But with him? This wasn’t a mission. And she would be lying to herself and all other gods in the universe if she said he wasn’t in her as deep. There was a trend, no, a tendency, for Saudaji to lean towards the possessive. And she wanted Raeth. And not for a day, for a week, for a month. No, for as long as she could have him. And she wanted inside of him, in his veins, in his thoughts. To possess him fully, to wear him as she would any other prized piece of jewelry - and more than that, she wanted him to do the same.

But, he was good. Save for that briefest of pauses, the briefest of stiffening, he didn’t give himself away. Just as cold as her, really. Maybe that was the attraction. Or maybe there legitimately wasn’t a reason for the attraction and she should stop looking for one or trying to justify it. Some things in the universe just didn’t make sense. Like the Force. What was it, really? Nothing that could be studied, or held, or reproduced. And yet it was. And if she lived in a world, worlds, where sentient beings could throw machines across the room and create lightning from their fingertips, there was no reason to believe that what she felt, that burning, wasn’t anything any less natural.

And when he lowered his face to the side of her neck, her pulse jumped. Delicate veins in the slope of her throat twitched, her lekku trembling imperceptibly. The tension between them was thick; her breath catching in her throat. It was always a game with him - and the last two times she’d lost. She’d given in first, acting on her hunger like a starved rancor presented with a recently slaughtered dewback. And he had given back accordingly, a depth of lust and sensuality that had only begun to be probed. More. So much more.

“I’ve always thought that if you had to tell someone what they’re going to do to them, you’re not any good at it,” she said, coyly, leaning further back against the table. Not so much so that she was putting clear distance between them - no, this was an invitation to chase her. To come closer. Her gaze flickered from his stroking arm back to his eyes, to the scintillating pink of his tongue as he licked his lips. “…We’re not going to get paid if we spend all of our waking moments doing this, you know,” and she wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing her lips to his.
Raeth took Saudaji’s unspoken invitation to chase her by leaning forward on the table and leaning against her. He pressed his torso against her breasts, and pushed his himself between her legs. As soon as their bodies made contact, the Twi’lek huntress wrapped her arms around his neck, and their mouths merged.

Oh, how their mouths merged. No matter how much the two fought or came close to killing each other, they could find mutual pleasure in their kisses. The way that her full lips slid, provocatively, against his, and the way their tongues hungrily explored the insides of each other’s mouths made it clear that each wanted the other with inexplicable ferocity.

Raeth did not get much of a chance to respond to the last thing Saudaji said. Not verbally, anyway. The two of them took their sweet time responding to each other through the ministrations of their lips. The breath that Raeth had been holding was released in a hot rush, right into her mouth. And while he sucked on her lips and tickled her tongue with his own, he reached for her ass, hoisted her onto the table, and pulled her legs around his waist.

Lifting Saudaji like this was more a little difficult, because she was so strong and solidly-built. But his passion added to his strength, so he could lift her, touch her how he wished. The agent wanted to touch her all over, and physical exertion was not going to get in his way.
Several moments of hot, vigorous kissing ended when the agent’s moans turned into a grunt, and he lifted her off the table. With her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, Raeth turned around and carried her out of the cockpit. The door hissed open when they neared. Out in the hallway, he plucked his lips off of hers to breathlessly whisper a belated response to what she said.

“There’s no better way to pass the time in hyperspace, hm?” Her lover grinned, and if she looked at his face she would see that his expression was dazed and his eyes were foggy with lust. It was in this state, that Raeth carried her towards his quarters.

They did not make it into the bed chamber. Not right away. Raeth slammed her back against the metallic wall just outside his room, and his mouth was crushed back onto hers. He inhaled through his nose, then moaned while his tongue snaked out to push upon hers…become entwined with hers.

What followed was a rush to get each other’s clothes off. The agent all but tore her shirt off of her body before hastily removing his own. The next time their chests pressed against each others, hot flesh met with hot flesh without any fabric between them. Her plump breasts were squeezed against his lean, toned chest. Her nipples were seared by the hot skin that rubbed against them incessantly while the two of them resumed making out.

Yes, Saudaji had gotten her claws deep within him. That much was proven by how he kissed her, as well as by the fact that he couldn’t wait to get her inside of his quarters to fuck her. Already huffing for breath and starting to sweat, he dropped her to the floor of the hallway and landed right on top of her. The two of them continued to tear at each other’s clothing until a mess of fabric was all around them…until two naked bodies, one green, one white, lay on the floor, writhing against each other.

Raeth was hard for her long before they managed to get their clothes off. His phallus sprung forth once his pants were slipped off of his hips. He was so long, so rigid, and so very hot for her. When his naked body pinned hers to the floor, Saudaji felt his erection prodding and searing the flesh of her thighs and her belly. Raeth moaned when the underside of his member ground against her jade-colored labia.

He entered her in a hurry. After his swollen cockhead spread open her nether lips, he drove every inch of his length inside of her with speed inspired by desire.
“Aaangh!” Raeth, with his arms on either side of her exquisite body, pushed himself up once he was inside of her. His back arched, his face was thrown towards the ceiling, and his outcry filled the hallway. The white lights of the hallway were reflected off of the sweat that already covered his neck, his chest, his shoulders and arms. He held himself inside of her like this, with his balls rubbing her ass, and every inch of his meaty length crammed within her, for many, many seconds. Then he began to fuck her wildly into the floor.

Raeth’s sweat drizzled onto Saudaji’s body while the halls of the Patient Pylat continued to be filled by the sounds of their sex.
Once, a while ago, she’d been lost on Tatoonie. A horrible little excuse for a planet, with it’s twin bastard sons. She’d been on a mission - and though she was successful in that, she’d made a rookie mistake in her getaway and was wandering through one of the wastes. Her lips were chapped, her lekku nearly sunburned, and her legs screamed for her not to take another step. But, by some strange luck, she’d ended up on the outskirts of a pock-mark of a town. The first drop of water that hit her parched throat was indescribably sweet and cool - and she drank until she made herself sick.

What she was getting now was comparable to that. No; more - she drank in Raeth, playfully nuzzling, biting sharply - however she could get him. She kissed him until she couldn’t breathe, breaking away for a handful of moments to catch her breath, her chest heaving, and returning her lips to his. She kissed him until she was lightheaded; until her vision began to swim. Lost in his mouth, her fingers snaked through his hair, gripping it. Thick silk between her fingers, she tightened her grasp, not caring if it hurt him or not. She had him here, and he wasn’t going to get away from her. Forcing his face firmly into hers, she continued to kiss him in that voracious way, holding nothing back. Loosening her grip on her hair, her hands traveled down the sides of his body, her hips bucking into his.

Feeling his hands trail down her sides, she lifted her rear, welcoming the firm grip on her ass. Her own hands had found their place on his, using her grip to pull him closer into her wantonly spread legs. She’d had a sneaking suspicion that he probably had surveillance here within this room as well as the rest of the ship. Now that would make for interesting viewing. She’d have to make a note to see what he’d recorded. How much he watched it. What he did while he watched it. The thought of him sitting alone, watching her, with that same starving vrelt look, stroking himself, imagining what he’d wanted to do to her, would do to her, was enough to nearly make her orgasm there in his grasp. She thrust her hips against his, jarringly at first, before she remembered enough of herself to slow down; make it more natural. Make more of a slow dance between the two of them.

When she felt the muscles in his thighs tense, she figured he would go to lift her - although it still came as a surprise. She wasn’t the lightest being in the galaxy, and knew she was heavier than she looked. But, he managed it without so much as a waver - and she wrapped her legs tightly about his waist, anchoring her to him. With a slight lift of her hips, she lifted her body higher on his, allowing him an easier range of motion. And, between those kisses, she grinned, panting against the side of his neck. “My lekku will thank you,” and again, her accent had grown heavy, her Basic slightly slurred. They were in the hallway now, and his question drifted to her ears. “Oh, I can think of a few more things…involving restraints.”

Well, her sister was a Zeltron.

Slammed against the wall, her breath left her in a surprised gasp. A delighted surprise, really - she hadn’t expected him to be forceful, and she certainly wasn’t complaining. She willingly melted under his grasp, allowing him to pin her to the door, to shove a leg between hers, to take one of her hands and place it against the straining erection in his pants, like her hand belonged there. That she belonged there, under him. Under the power of his hands, her tank was easily removed, half-torn, half-dragged over her shoulders, her lekku falling heavily against her shoulders. Her hands had gripped his shirt, pawing, pulling, and finally, in frustration, yanking with her formidable strength. He’d beat her to it; lifting it over his own head before she was able to rend it from him. Heated flesh combined, mingled, and her fingers dragged down the thick muscle in his back, savoring the deeply cut grooves.

Then they fell.

It was a controlled fall, thankfully, and she had steeled herself for it. He was still in control, reaching between their bodies to yank at the top of her loose pants, tugging them down to her knees in one fluid gesture. Whether to tease him or if it was simply because she was more comfortable that way, she wore no undergarments beneath the pants, and her emerald pubic hair glittered with sweat, and lower, with the sticky nectar of her arousal. Her labia lips were engorged, plump deep jade beneath the malachite curls of her sex. Her hands scrabbled for the tops of his pants, yanking them hard, harder when they snarled against the ridge of his hips. Impatiently, she bucked against him, getting him to lift off of her for a few moments while she could get his pants down. They didn’t have to be all the way off; just enough for his phallus to spring free and proud, hot and heavy against the palm of her hand as she grasped it. As frenzied as her movements were, her hand on his cock was gentle, sweat slicked, placidly working the shaft, teasing, coaxing.

Somehow, they’d gotten free of the rest of their clothing, a scattering of her vibrant purple pants halfway under them, the scarlet tank she wore earlier further down the hallway. She hadn't realized where they were in the sense of the hallway, and truthfully, it didn’t matter, her need was so great. His cock throbbed against her stomach, probing, searching.

Before she could even demand for him to enter her, he’d done her one better, and slammed into her. His groan was almost drowned out by her eager shriek, shoved out of her with that sharp thrust. As she caught her breath, she looked up at him and her eyes bored into his, and she growled:

“Fuck me, you stupid shabiur.”

She thrust her hips powerfully back into his, burying his length deeper in her, deeper, deeper, until she could feel the muscles in her ass, around her asshole, clench in response. His balls hung, nearly molded, shoved, into her cunt, heavy, before creating audible slaps against her soaked twat with each of Raeth’s eager thrusts. But this wasn’t good enough. Waiting for a brief gap in his thrusts, she wriggled from under him, flipping to her stomach, presenting herself to him on hands and knees, ass eagerly in the air for him, presenting. “If you’re going to fuck me into this floor, you need to do it right.”
Raeth was half-kneeling between her muscular thighs and holding his upper body up with the two lithe arms on either side of her when Saudaji palmed his phallus. His entire body – lean, strong, and taut – shuddered as she stroked him. Her touch was so seductive that he nearly came. He would have cum all over her hand, over her thighs, onto her stomach and the outside of her pussy if he hadn’t tightened the right muscles at the last moment. Eyes shut and mouth wide open to utter a sustained groan, he held himself back. But he opened his eyes to look at her in all her naked beauty when he first entered her.

After an indeterminable number of passionate thrusts, Raeth had to stop. First, he had to stop because he was about to climax again, and he needed to pause to muster his resolve and again hold off. Saudaji felt so good…her pussy felt sublime…he wanted this to last and last. Secondly, he wanted to take the time to look between their hot, sweaty bodies, to look between their cream-covered crotches and look at his swollen length parting her puffy lips and filling her cunt. It was quite a sight, and he stared at it for a while.

It was while he was staring at their conjoined sexes that Saudaji pushed him off and wiggled from underneath him. He looked at her in a mixture of confusion and frustration, and made a sound that was akin to a snarl at her. The Twi’lek would, sooner or later, realize that when they made love, Raeth was uncharacteristically speechless. Intimacy with Saudaji reduced him to an animal in both action and sound.

His snarl was replaced by a moan of appreciation when he watched her flip over and stick her ass up towards him. He wasn’t the only one acting like an animal, and it aroused him all the more.

“Ohhhh…” His mouth formed a wide ‘O’ and he stared at her wiggling ass. Hands landed, reverently, on her hips. He didn’t hold her still, because he wanted to continue watching her wiggle. But he wanted to hold onto her hot, green flesh as she did so.

On his knees behind her, he leaned to the left so he could catch a glimpse of one of her breasts jigging towards the floor. Her breasts were heavy and they looked delicious. Moaning, he remembered how they tasted…he remembered how her tits tasted against his tongue, and how that plump flesh felt upon his lips. He imagined how she would taste the next time he feasted upon her flesh. Her love reached around her to grab one of her swaying breasts and grope at it for a while.

As he groped, he then at her lekku. Even though his cock twitched impatiently, angrily in the air, he allowed himself the time to soak in the sight of her. The relatively cool air hit the hot skin of his dick, which was covered by her fluids and demanded to get sucked inside of her body once again. He just needed a couple more seconds or so to admire how her lekku reached down her back, and how lovely they looked from this angle. This was the first time he fucked her from behind and the first time he saw her lekku, saw her body from this angle. He promised himself that this wouldn’t be the last.

“Unngh….so hot…so beautiful!” The usually loquacious Raeth was so shocked by Saudaji and his need for her that he couldn’t say anything more than short phrases. His gaze traveled down her muscular back and along her lekku to her firm, round ass. He saw her puckered asshole. Her wiggling brought his attention back to her puffy pussy lips. Overcome with violently renewed desire, he snarled again, then shoved his face down to her snatch from behind.

He ate her out only briefly. He just needed a taste of the Twi’lek’s honey. That lone taste, which he enjoyed by dragging his tongue up her slit after his nose followed the same path, got his twitching cock twitching and tingling so much more. He not only helped himself to her taste, but to her scent as well. He wanted it all.

His tongue continued caressing her flesh even after it past her pussy lips…he dragged the flat of his tongue up the crack of her ass. For several seconds, he tongued her crack, and he tongued her asshole, moistening her flesh with his saliva as well as the cream that had been caught by his taste buds.

After that one, sustained, greedy taste of her pussy, and after several seconds of licking her ass, Raeth gasped for breath and raised his head. He reached for one of her dangling lekku, and ever so gently he picked it up. A gentle kiss was placed to her lekku, then he let it go. Both hands went back to her ass, and this time he held her still.

With his body shaking, and his dick twitching impatiently, he lead the swollen head back to her jade out lips. His eyes clenched shut at the initial touch of their sexes. He had been inside of her moments before, but the promise of being inside of her again was so exhilarating. He pried his eyelids open so he could watch himself re-enter her.

Shaking from without and throbbing from inside of her, he pushed inch after inch after engorged inch inside of her body. The way her cunt clenched upon him had him nearly cumming within an instant. It took all of his resolve to keep his orgasm back so he could maintain his hardness longer and thus fuck her more.

He wanted to hold himself inside of her when he was as deep as he could go, with his lower abdomen flexing against her ass and his heavy balls mashed against her from behind. But being inside of her pussy again rapidly removed any remaining bit of patience he may have had. His animal lust took over completely, and Raeth got back to fucking Saudaji with unrestrained desire.

“Angh! Angh!” He did what he could to keep his eyes open and marvel at the sight of her from this angle, but often the pleasure was too great and he had to close his eyes. Flesh slapped against flesh, sharply and wetly. His balls battered against the back of her thighs, his fingers gripped at her ass or at her hips so hard that they would leave marks…and his dick tightened and pulsated as it rammed into her from behind, again and again and again.

Raeth exploded inside of her before long. Saudaji felt too good to restrain himself. Her insides were not only filled by his questing cock, but by a deluge of white hot cum. The agent threw his head back and screamed down the hallway as his fleshy mass emptied his balls’ contents inside of her body.

Somehow, throughout all the ecstasy, Raeth had enough presence of mind – or perhaps instinct – to reach around Saudaji’s body and finger her clit. The palm of his hand pressed, firmly, against her belly…so low upon her toned belly. With the tip of his middle finger, he toyed with and stroked her jade-colored button. He did this when he wasn’t pounding her frantically from behind…he did this when his orgasm shocked his body into near paralysis, and all he could do was shake, touch her clit, and fill her from behind.
When his phallus twitched and jumped under her ministrations, she momentarily held off. After all, she couldn’t have him cumming too soon. Not before he’d even entered her - not while she still throbbed to the point of physical pain, needing him inside of her. That simply wouldn’t do. But she also had to keep herself and her hands occupied, lest she move to start pleasuring herself.

She hadn’t had much time to really admire him - or to get a good look at him in the flurry of clothing removal. Actually, come to think about it, she hadn’t spent much time getting a really good look at him naked. Just bits and pieces - not that it would matter much. They had time. And if not, she’d make the time. It seemed like she could never fuck him enough to get the edge off - to get her pulse to slow down, to quiet the desire that snarled at her to take him at every moment. When she initiated the change in position, she smirked when he snarled at her, the sound starting a thrill from the bottom of her spine to nestle firmly in her clit. Sure, he’d gotten mad at her, half-assed raised his voice before, but this was something different. It was Raeth at his core, all of those fancy sensibilities stripped away. He was on her level now.

“None of that, now,” she cooed as she continued to sway her jade ass in front of him. “I’m right here for the taking.” She wasn’t going to make him work for it; not with her desire and her need so strong. In the future, perhaps. But now, she couldn’t control herself, and gods help him if he chose to withhold from her. Besides, there was something to be said at how inarticulate he was during sex with her. She took it with a sense of pride - she rendered the chatterbox speechless.

For a moment, there was silence between them. The slight gasp of air as he pulled out of her, the heavy sound of his body as he shifted his weight behind her. The lightest of fingertips across her back, down the firm rounded curve of her rear, cold air on the gaping lips of her twat and a single thick thread of clear fluid that drooled lazily from her swollen lips and down the inside of her thigh. Her lekku draped lazily across her back, much as hair would, fleshy ropes shining with a thin coat of sweat, a heady mix of her body odor and the essential oils she perpetually wore, sweet and musky, earthy. His hand squeezed her breast, fondling the nipple momentarily before he let go. She purred - excellent. He hadn’t forgotten that, well, she still had them and how sensitive they were.

She let loose something like a strangled squeal as he buried his face in her snatch from behind, her head dropping to hang low, her fingers grasping to the smooth surface of the hall. Pushing her ass further into his face, she rested her cheek against the hall floor, moaning in absolute bliss.

As his tongue traveled further, from the hot split between her legs to the drawn pucker of her anus, she paused, unsure, before letting out a guttural groan and sinking lower, her breasts pillowing against the cold floor. Oh, that was nice…her eyes lazily rolled up, lost focus, as she lost herself in the feeling of his tongue, flickering against her most forbidden of spaces. Before long, she had closed her eyes, lost in wave after wave of pleasure, her body trembling. Her breath fogged the cool floor, her mouth parted, lips swollen and reddened.

When he pulled his tongue away, it was her turn to make a sound. Rather than his guttural snarl, it was a plaintive whimper. He had her, the proud, the strong Saudaji, on the verge of begging him, pleading him, for more. Why had he stopped? It was only when she felt the swollen head of his phallus slide against her lips that her whimper turned into an anticipatory mewl. She was so slick now he would have problems trying to reorient himself; the combination of her fluids and his precut had created a slippery mess of her nethers, and she luxuriated in it.

Entering her inch by inch, she groaned something in comprehensible in Mando’a, finally lasping into a groaned, Basic, “Ohhhhhh gooddddssss…..” as he slid ever so slowly into her body. His balls finally resting against her crack, she reached behind her, between them, spreading her asscheeks further to see if she could take him any further within her body. If it helped, it’d be hard to tell.

What a scene - her, slobbering, moaning, beneath him, her hands spreading herself further to him, and him, growling as he picked up speed, grasping so hard to her hips that she’d have ten little bruises blossoming about her hips. Before long, his thrusts became so hard that she had to move her hands to help steady herself beneath him, slipping and sliding on the floor from the sweat and fluids. Even then, she couldn’t hold herself up for too long - her arms shook, then gave way under her. The force of his thrusts shoved her into the floor. A brief thought flickered through her mind - I’m glad that this the hallway. If they’d been on the bed, she’d run the risk of suffocation because of the yielding nature of a mattress. Here, she was free to scream to her heart’s content and not worry about having her head buried beneath a pillow or into a mattress.

Between her hoarse screams, she commanded him: “Harder….HARDER!” And he’d willingly comply, fucking her harder and harder, the slaps growing louder and louder. Gods, she’d feel it in the morning, no, she’d feel it as soon as they were done, but it didn’t matter. Her ass shook from the impact of his hips, and her ass blossomed a rosy red under the hard slap of his muscular thighs and hips.

Unable to administer to her own clit, her body nearly neatly folded under his, she groaned in thanks as he tended to her, or attempted to. Truth be told, she was so wet and his thrusts kept hitting that pleasurable spot inside of her that the extra sensation from her clit was going to rapidly send her over the edge. As much as she wanted to hang on, to prolong the hard rich pleasure that was driving between her thighs, she couldn’t. It was too intense, too wanton, too much that was unsaid that poured into it for her to last long. And as he howled in orgasm, her long ululating shriek followed, her body tightening around his in jerking spasms, her pussy clenching, twitching around his cock, strong enough to force spurts of his cum from her, down her legs and mingling with her own cum to form milky ropes of vicious fluid that clung to her thighs, dripped lazily from her swollen cunt.

Her body trembled beneath his, shaking under the combined weigh. She could barely move - as the high of her orgasm slowly died away, she became all too aware of the strain she’d put her body through. Her pussy began to throb with a deep seeded pain now, a muscle ache from taking him as forcefully as she had. Her hip flexors were stiff beyond reason; she wasn’t sure if she could even bring her legs closed if she wanted to. So, for now, she lay under him, breathing heavily, luxuriating in the fact that she’d been fucked like a common Mos Eisley hooker in the back alley of some shady cantina. She could only imagine what a sight she’d make - drool under her cheek, pussy lips swollen and pulsing from her exertion, and she knew the minute he’d pull out, his jizz would flow hot and creamy from her, settling in heavy pearl drops in the tangle of pubes along the back of her twat.

“…..Sha’bla….” she breathed out, accent heavy. And truly, she couldn’t say much more than that.
The sight of Saudaji was an enticing one, to say the very least. Everything about her overwhelmed him - the sight of her, the sounds she made, the feel of her pussy pulsing and squeezing him, the scent of her sweat and her sex. The two of them still had to prove that they could work well together. They even had to work on liking each other for more than a few minutes at a time. But when it came to primal, sexual attraction, they were in sync.

Their sex had not lasted that long, but Raeth felt as though he had run a marathon. He wasn’t only out of breath; his lungs burned. His muscles ached wonderfully, particularly those in his thighs and around his abdomen. Because of the force with which he had fucked her, the front of his thighs and his pelvis felt bruised.

He couldn’t do anything but hold onto the jade flesh at Saudaji’s sides, lean against her from behind, gasp for breath, and try to reclaim his mind. His back was bowed. His head was bowed, too. Sweat soaked the roots of his hair, and it dripped from his forehead onto her lekku, as well as onto her back.

When the huntress whispered that single word in Mando’a, Raeth was deep in a sexual daze. But a particularly firm spasm from her cunt started to reawaken his lust. Instead of softening, he began to stiffen inside of her again. His eyes snapped open, and a few blinks cleared his foggy vision. Once again, he saw her folded neatly in front of him. He hungered all over again.

The hands on her sides slithered down her hips and to her ass. He gripped her cheeks, firmly, and pumped himself into her a few more times. His strokes were slow and long, and they each ended with lewd, wet slaps of his flesh upon hers.

“Ungh! Hunngh…oohh soo good…hungh!” Although Raeth’s desire for her was rapidly building up again, he was physically exhausted. Plus he would need at least a little more time to regain the ability to cum inside of her. With a prolonged groan and a push on her ass, he removed himself from her. The domed head of his cock resisted the exit when it was all that was left inside of her, spreading her labia open and causing some of their mixed juices to drip down her thighs. He had to yank with greater strength to get his member to stop clinging to her pussy. As Saudaji expected, once he pulled out, much more of his cream and hers flowed down her thighs.

Raeth, still breathing heavily, bent over to give her lekku a taste. He remembered how sensitive it was the first time they made love. Saudaji did not like it when he nipped at it too hard – noted. She displayed some discomfort when he fucked her against the pilot’s console, for the buttons dug into her head tail – noted. This time, he would treat it with the utmost care.

The lightest of kisses rained upon her headtail. With tiny smooching sounds, his lips climbed up and along the sides of it. His tongue emerged so he could lick the sweat off of her lekku. Between the taste of her sweat and the taste of her skin, he was gradually getting his fill. But Saudaji was so delicious, he suspected he would never get enough of her.

While he kissed and tongued his way up the back and the sides of her lekku, he reached around her body to touch other parts of her body…parts that the Twi’lek shared with Terran women. His hands snuck around her sides, then over the sides of her breasts, until they each cupped her tits. He squeezed them with expert care as he continued to drag his tongue, tenderly, upon her lekku, and cover it with sweet kisses.

The palm of his left hand rubbed against her green nipple while his fingers clutched at the swell. With his right hand, he gave that breast one rough squeeze, then withdrew his fingers a little so that the tip of his middle digit could flick at the nub. His left hand continue to fondle, but his right hand descended down her sweaty, firm abdomen. This was the same hand he had used to toy with her clit earlier, and he was going to do the same again now.

Unless Saudaji displayed displeasure at what he was doing with his mouth, he would continue this oral treatment on her lekku. He pressed soft kisses along the back of her headtail, and he flicked his tongue upon its skin. It was then that it occurred to him that what he was doing was not entirely dissimilar from how he liked to be orally prepped before receiving a blowjob. The resulting mental image made him laugh. Oh well. If her lekku was like a dick and he was going down on it, so be it. He would gladly do this to savor more of her taste and her pleasure.

“You’re delicious,” he whispered to her, breathlessly, after another laugh. “I’m going to lick you all over.”

Raeth wanted to see if Saudaji was ready to fuck again. That’s one of the big reasons why his right hand climbed along her tummy to get back between her legs. Her legs were still spread, so it was easy for that hand to travel between them. He cupped her vagina, and gave it a squeeze or two. He ran his middle and his forefinger along her juicy outer lips, then he used the tips of one of those fingers to flick at her clit.

Saudaji’s responses would determine if Raeth fucked her again right away, or if he would instead flip her over onto her back to manually and orally enjoy the front of her body, THEN fuck her again. For her, he was insatiable.
Okay, so maybe she didn't really like him all that much. There wasn't enough about him that she knew for her to really make a fair call on that. He did like to talk down to her, but rather than taking it personally, she mused, splayed there on the floor, she realized, well, he was an ass and talked to EVERYONE like that. He was incapable of actually communicating. At least with his words. When it came to times like this (a startling amount for any sane being, really, in such a short amount of time. And that wasn't even counting the death threats), though, they saw eye to eye. Sexual beasts finally meeting their equals.

Truly, the romp they'd just enjoyed wasn't one for the record books insofar as time went. But in sheer brutality? In letting go of all restraints? It was one for the record books. She didn't easily bruise, but she knew her hips and ass would be marked by his fingers. Lucky if they only lasted for a few days. She knew by tomorrow (whatever that meant, in the star streaked tunnel of hyperspace), she'd be black and blue in the most delicate of places. Ugh. Speaking of delicate - her twat screamed at her. Despite the fount of lubrication that had gushed from her when he pulled free, her cunt had taken a beating. So, she laid there, content, under him, her parted legs shaking from the exertion, her voice scratchy and tiptoeing closer to being flat out raw. As his sweat dripped down onto her, she found she was too exhausted to even jokingly chide him for it.

That was, until he started her renewed thrusts. Sending gushes of jizz out of her tight snatch and down her thighs, she squawked at him, a heady swear in Mando'a leaving her lips as she struggled to pull her hips from him. She wasn't much for squealing in pain; she handled even this in Mando'a fashion: with a guttural growl and a rebuke sharp on her lips. Luckily, exhaustion stopped him before he could really turn her inside out, and when he pushed her away, she let out a long sigh of relief.

Before she could tell him that she needed a break, his lips trailed down her lekku, and she paused. He was learning - his touch was gentle, nearly reverent this time. He was exploring; the edge of aggression and pent up desire blunted by their last tryst. She moaned, the sound fraying at the end. Her back arched into his touch, her left lekku twitching ever so slightly. For the more subtle parts of her people's language, there was a certain amount of control that she needed to communicate. However, caught by surprise, and touched tenderly, she couldn't control them. The added touch of his hands down the sculpted muscle of her sides, across the ridges of her obliques to the heavy curves of her breasts was much appreciated. Why, she thought wryly, he'd give any of the male workers at Saboten's club a run for their money. And even then, those boys usually had to take something to keep up. This was all raw, all male, and she couldn't help a small mewl from leaving her throat, raspy as it was.

Nearly lost in the new fog he was bringing onto her senses, she stiffened as his fingers quested between her legs, flicked idly at the still swollen nub of her clit. She groaned this time, the sound tired. "Enough," she begged, with enough playful banter in her voice not to deflate his ego. "You turned me inside out," she added, her body still trembling against his, relying on him to help keep her up, or at least steady. "Delicious I may be...." She trailed off, her eyes spacing out. "I thought I had something for that. I don't," and she chuckled, the sound punctuated by a soft inhale as he squeezed her breast insistently.

With much effort (and using her body weight as a counter balance), she pulled away from him, leaning forward. Flopping bonelessly onto her back, she lay in front of him, soaked in sweat, legs splayed open, her battered pussy lips a deep scarlet, even under the lush jade of her skin. It wouldn't take a doctor to tell that she'd need a bit of a break. Her lekku spread beneath her, and her chest with its starburst scar gave another heavy heave. "Give the front a rest," and her eyes glittered again with that same mischievous grin that'd gotten her here in the hallway to begin with. "I've got another perfectly serviceable hole beneath it. Or above it, depending on how you look at it. Or what you're feeling like," and even laying down, she gave her hips a little bit of a shimmy-shake to suggest what she was referring to. Although it should be obvious.

"How long did you say that we had left in hyperspace?"
“Not nearly enough time.”

The agent’s desire for her was a fire. It blazed higher with each sound and each move that she made. The uncontrolled, little twitch from one of the lekku he was licking and kissing brought a smile to his face. It also resulted in a twitch from his cock. When Saudaji flipped over, she made him moan and murmur in appreciation. The swaying of her breasts, the reveal of the front of her body, and the lazily seductive way she spread her legs and showed her pummeled pussy off to him made him lust for her all over again.

He was on top of her the instant she gave him that little shimmy. His slender hips went between her thighs, inviting them to press against his pelvis. The cunt and her belly were seared by the flesh of his arousal. She had asked that her vagina get a break, but she wouldn’t get it right away; not entirely. Once his body was on top of hers, the underside of his member – its throbbing renewed – rubbed against her puffy lower lips.

He likely gave the impression that he wasn’t listening to what she was saying, or ignoring the clear signs that her body needed a break. He likely gave her the notion that he wanted to fuck her immediately. While he certainly did want to fuck her again, he, too, needed some recovery time. He was overcome with a need to taste her…to have his mouth nuzzled against hers. For that, he needed to be on top of her, which was why he threw his body onto hers.

She was pinned to the floor again. Her breasts were crushed against his lean, solid chest. The ridges of their abdominal muscles ground against each other, hotly, much like their sexes did. She could even feel their pubic hair brushing and sticking to each other. Raeth grabbed one of her thighs and pulled it harder against his side. As he did this, he caressed her lips with his. He groaned into her mouth, and soon after his tongue ventured forth to tickle her mouth’s interior.

It was not long before her tongue was lured inside of his mouth. Perhaps, instead of being lured, it shoved its way inside. Raeth would have liked that, immensely. Suckling on her tongue, he cupped the side of her face with a palm, then wrapped his fingers around the side of her neck. His other hand was on her thigh, grasping it, squeezing it possessively. He was stroking the sides of her tongue with his own when he drew that hand from her thigh up the side of her body.

Raeth’s mouth withdrew from hers after much deep, greedy kissing. Gasping for breath, he looked into her eyes. In his gaze she could see how his lust for her still blazed strong even though his body was exhausted. He smiled at her, both his smile and his gaze looking dazed. From her face, he looked down to one of her breasts. It looked so delicious, so full, so inviting. He curled his fingers around her curve and kneaded her flesh. With a sharp intake of breath, he swallowed her tit into his mouth and sucked on her with steady, teasing pressure. When he stopped sucking on her peak, he drew his lips off, extended his tongue, and used it to batter her nipple.

“How do you expect me to give you a break when you look as you do?” He treated himself to another suckling kiss to her breast. While his mouth paid its respects, his fingers kneaded at her flesh. “Mrrmm…when you taste as you do. Hm?” He used the very tip of his tongue to draw a wet circle around her starburst scar before grabbing both of her breasts, pushing them together, and stuffing his face against her cleavage. He inhaled the scent of her sweat and her skin while he moaned, softly.

His mouth and his hands descended down her body. Lips caressed the lower slopes of her breasts. He tongued them, too, moistening them with his saliva. Raeth took hold of her hips and shimmied down her body. As he did this, he looked past her breasts to her face, and smirked playfully at her.

“I’ll attend to your ‘other serviceable hole’ shortly.” His laughter was light yet mischievous.

His cock no longer pressed against her mound, although he still pinned her to the floor. With his hands on her hips, he went from kissing her breasts to kissing her belly. He used his tongue to trace the ridges of her obliques. He did the same to her abdominals, licking around the edges before sucking on the muscles themselves. This oral appreciation of her body lasted for a while. In addition to treating himself to the feel and the taste of her, he was giving them both the reprieve they both desperately needed.

The last thing he did before pushing himself off of her was to rub his nose in her pubic hair and inhale, deeply. That was yet another thing about Saudaji’s body that thrilled Raeth to no end: she had either very little or no hair at all on any other part of her body, except upon her mound. That fuzz captured her scent in ways that smooth, hairless flesh could not. He breathed in her sexual fragrance, and shuddered. His eyes rolled up and back behind closed eyelids.

“All right.” It may have sounded like he had more to say, but the only other sounds he made were a huff and a grunt. His breath flowed, warm, upon the lips of her vagina and through her sticky pubes. Raeth lifted himself off of her, off the floor, and out from between her muscular thighs. He reached down to grab her hands and help her to her feet.

Saudaji was dragged off the floor and into the sleeping quarters they did not make it to before. The door this Raeth’s chambers made a faint *hiss* as it parted down the middle and disappeared into either side of the doorway. Inside, Saudaji would have seen a very neat, well-kept room, if she cared for those details at the moment. The bed - which was on the opposite side of the room from the entrance to his bathroom - consisted of a plush mattress and minimal coverings, for the interior of the Patient Pylat was kept at a comfortable temperature at all times; there was no need for thick comforters, even though he did have those stashed away somewhere just in case. Perhaps the most important characteristic of the bed was that it was plenty big enough for the two of them.

Raeth all but shoved Saudaji towards the bed. Before she could crawl on top of it, he grabbed her sides or grabbed her hips and positioned her like he wanted her. Unless the huntress had ideas of her own, he would get her bent over the foot of the bed. The side of her face could press against the mattress, her breasts could pillow beneath her, and her ass could jut outward.

Her lover knelt behind her. She felt him grasp her ass cheeks, and spread them open. The next thing she felt were his lips stroking and suckling upon her ass cheeks, followed by his tongue slipping up and down her crack.
At his response, she chuckled warmly, her stomach creasing neatly in the middle, warm folds of female flesh touching in the center of her. She normally (what was with all of this ‘normal’ stuff?) didn’t like to be on display. There was playing the role for a target (and again, one she normally - argh- did not like to play), but it was like wearing a jacket. She could take it off and still be herself at the end of the day. Now, she relished in every hungry gaze he gave her, every murmur of appreciation. She wanted to see how deeply she’d hooked him, and when given the opportunity, she’d show him how deeply he’d hooked her -

Although part of her wondered if he had the comprehension to see it, even if she did show him. No, he would. He was a smart man. A little too smart. So the reality became - once he saw it, how would he react to it? Would his eyes still be empty? Shabla. She was overthinking it. For now, they had each other, and she had that barely contained flame in his eyes, more of a spark, more of who he actually was. She’d take her time then, turning the playful shimmy into a more sensuous undulation of her hips, a slow rolling back and forth, drawing him close and pushing him away. It was said that Twi’leks possessed a natural grace (probably why so many of them ended up as dancing girls and boys), and as rough around the edges she was, she was able to tap into that memory.

Worked out well either way, for he was on her in an instant. Slowly moving her hands to the slick skin of his back, she grasped his hips, pressing him to her, as she continued that slow rock. Arching of back, rolling into her stomach, her pelvis nudging his, pressing, pulling away, but her hands kept him firmly on top of her own. To the lidless eyes of the cameras in the hall (which he undoubtably had), it would look as if she was teaching him how to dance, how to roll his hips as good as any dancing boy. No penetration yet; her twat lips still stung with the earlier exertion, but the movement, ah, yes, that, kept the underside of his phallus pressing temptingly into her, slipping between her cum flecked swollen labia.

Two could play that game - she could tell by the slightest tremble in his hips, his legs, that he wasn’t physically up to it. Not just yet. And as she moved her ass in slow figure-eights, pulling him with her, she’d shift just so to the left, to the right, enough to keep the underside of his stiffened cock against her lips, lubricating him, nestling him against the heat of her sore pussy, but never enough so that he could actually slip inside of her. And if he’d try, tired as he was, tired as they were, it would be no problem for her to elude his grasp all together. But for now, she liked him where he was, liked sharing the intimacy of this slow interlude. It took more courage to bring him close like this, for her to return his kiss delicately, no hurry now, all soft lips and tongue and breath.

Her body went soft beneath his, soft, not limp, bearing the weight of the two of them but still controlling their hips in that slow grind, moving a little more insistently now as new pleasure sparked her pussy to a grumpy wakefulness, that burn of feeling desire when she physically couldn’t handle it anymore. Her hands left his hips, tracing looping patterns across his back before nesting gently in his hair - no more of the eager pulling before, like the movement of her hips, this was long, loving strokes, savoring the thick curtain under her hands, through her fingers, marveling in the differences between human and Twi’lek as if for the first time. Studying with her hands, committing every roll of muscle, taunt tendon, to her memory so that if ever need be, she could recreate how he felt in her arms at a moment’s notice.


This was deep.

So much for teetering over the edge; she’d fallen headlong, no, had been pulled in like a hapless pilot on the Kessel Run, and didn’t even try to fight it anymore. If he could break free, for only a moment, he could feel it all in her body, the loose-limbed nature of it all, the relaxing, the softness of her form. She was giving him something, and it wasn’t just her tongue, spurred by his questing probing. She’d kept up the gentle exchange of lips, before becoming more forceful. She wanted more. There was all the time in the world for slower lovemaking, lovemaking she intended to fully enjoy, to pull from him, but she had her own ground to stand. She was giving him something, but she could still murder him.

Thrusting her tongue in his mouth, the loving hands in his hair turned fierce, and she gave it a firm tug, lifting slightly under him. As his hand trailed down the side of her face, across the column of her throat, she’d pause, only for a moment. A question in the quirk of her body - would his hands close over her throat, pinning her there, temporarily claiming her, or would he remain gentle? Either way, she admitted to herself, would be good. She delighted in the sweetness he showed her, his other hand grasping her thigh, pulling her further into him, jarring the firm pillar of his dick against her slick opening, slipping past the defense of her labia for just a moment before they repositioned, leaving her with a soft moan that could have been disappointment.

They made eye contact now, the grin on her face not dazed like his, but shy and new - if he blinked, he’d miss it. Gods, what his smile did to his face! Brought out the curve of his laugh lines, the youth in his green eyes, lit up his face - that insufferable bastard. He probably knew it, too. Knew that his smile could buckle her knees and spur her cunt to tremble. She hissed, the sound morphing into an animalistic soft yowl as his lips found her breasts, tongued her nipple into stiff wakefulness. She arched under him, pressing her breasts further into his mouth, her hands pressing his face further into the slick valley between her breasts. Despite the elegant trauma of her scar, the skin of it was not buckled and hard as the raised flesh would have a viewer believe. No, it was nearly as soft as the rest of her, nearly as supple. It was firm, tight - maybe unnaturally tight, the tendrils of the star across the tops and middle of her breasts causing the flesh to pull a little oddly.

As he stopped, to tease her, she looked down at him, her face a picture of lust unchained. Lips parted, cheeks flushed and damp, her eyes begging, pleading, for him not to stop. Never to stop enjoying what she so willingly placed before him, serving herself to him as a fine dinner. She simply didn’t have the words to communicate what she wanted, what he was doing, and a helpless groan tumbled from the corner of her mouth - half-way embarrassed that she couldn’t get it together, half-way a mindless creature, driven solely by the pleasure he was bringing her.

With his second comment, he got little more than something garbled in Mando’a. Might have been a swear, might have been part of her begging. Who knew?

He was getting up now, but not without that one last lingering pull at her pubic hair. Responding to him, she lightly shoved her crotch into his face, daring him to inhale more, to do more, to kiss her lips there as deeply as he had the ones on her face. She laughed again now, the sound light, airy. And she silently thanked the gods when he pulled away, helped her to her feet. Only that brief distance between the two of them was enough to bring her (somewhat) back to her senses; enough so that she could remember enough Basic to communicate properly. Gods. She looked at him, grasping his hand firmly. The things he did to her. Did he even know? Before she could be too lost in the moment (lost forever, really) to tell him, he pulled her into the neat order of his room. She could, at least, appreciate that.

“So,” she said, testing her voice. “How many women have seen this?” and she grinned. “I need to know how hard to work to make you forget them all.” There was a bit of the old hunter there; that cockiness! And if he really listened, if he read between the lines, there was an undercurrent of steel there. Part of her meant it. She was going to take it upon herself to make him forget all others, as he had with her, in such a brief amount of time. Not even the most potent pheromones worked the same magic. And she had something to prove. In the brief time that her back was to him, she found herself falling to the mattress, luckily enough that he hadn’t truly shoved her and she was quick. Laughing, she went with it (probably the most she’d laugh since leaving Saboten. Surely he noticed that?), adjusting her face on the delicious cool of the sheets. She repositioned herself then, arching that back, pressing her ass into the air, and putting herself on full display.

As plush as the mattress was, it wasn’t thick enough to stifle the long keen she let out, low and throaty, when his tongue deftly took its time traveling up the crease of her ass. The kisses and light love bites on her ass were secondary, butterfly kisses to that streak of fire that he stoked in the pit of her stomach. Without a shred of self consciousness, she eagerly thrust her ass more into his face, already preparing to grip the sheets.
Indeed, Raeth perceived the differences in Saudaji’s behavior. How could he not? The way she behaved when they were intimate was a different world compared to how they treated each other during the more rational times. She opened herself up to him, both figuratively and literally. She accepted him into her body, and he could tell that she was accepting him in deeper ways as well.

He needed to feel her want him. He wanted her more than anything or anyone else, so he needed to feel that in return. There, on the floor just outside of his quarters, she was showing him that. In return, he was proving to her that there was more within him than that emptiness he usually concealed with well-practiced ease; an emptiness that she was able to discover so quickly.

There was something within him that she was awakening, something she could hold onto. It was hidden, but it was there. She could see it, along with his desire for her, whenever their gazes met and held. He showed it to her when their eyes locked following a lengthy meeting of lips. He showed it to her, again, when he looked up into her eyes while sucking and her breasts or while licking the sinuous creases of her abdomen or obliques. Whatever that something was, with more effort, more patience, it could be hers.

Raeth still did not understand how she could affect him so powerfully. Maybe there was something biological about her that hooked him so thoroughly. Figuring it out was for another time, though, when the heat of the moment between them wasn’t so great. For now, he lost himself in what they were doing. Contemplation could take place later, after they were both exhausted and recovering in the dark.

On the floor in the hallway, the dance that Raeth and Saudaji reveled in caused all rational thought to leave him. It was all overtaken by pleasure. The feel of her hot, moist, body writhing underneath him was too much. The feel of her flesh against his lips and the taste of her skin & sweat upon his taste buds were too much. The figure eights she formed with her supple hips made him moan. The squeeze of her thighs upon his sides caused him to gasp and shudder.

The two of them enjoyed each other on the floor for quite a time, until he got up, picked her up off the floor, and lead her into his room.

Moments after they entered his quarters, Saudaji asked about how many he had bought there. To this, he responded:

“Don’t concern yourself with that, Saudaji. From now on, you will be the only one to see this.” It was then that he shoved her towards his bed. When Saudaji laughed and sounded like she truly meant it, that launched his libido into hyperdrive. He promised himself that he would hear her laugh again, soon.

Saudaji was bent over the foot of the bed, and her Human lover knelt behind her. His fingers were splayed on each of her ass cheeks. Those tempting, rounded curves were groped, spread apart, and pushed back together. He gave one of her cheeks one hard slap. If she responded positively to the pain, he would spank her again and follow up with another squeeze and a circular caress of her stung cheek and thigh.

Her ass cheeks were spread apart again. Saudaji heard Raeth start to moan an instant before she felt his mouth upon her flesh. He licked up and down her crack, taking his sweet time. He used his lips and his tongue to massage the flesh of her ass, as well as the back of her thighs. The next time his tongue returned to that crease, he directed it right to her asshole. He slid the tip of his tongue around and around the puckered hole, drawing moist figures upon it. This teasing of the outside of her hole continued for quite some time, until he wiggled the tip of that lithe, wet member inside of her anal canal.

The more that Saudaji demonstrated how much this pleased her – with her sounds and with her body language – the longer and more passionate his assault would become. No doubt she noticed this about him: he could gaze upon her, touch her, and taste her for hours if she let him.

“Mmmm.” Murmuring, smiling, he dragged the flat of his tongue up her ass crack one more time. He also gave her a sharp spank. “Wait here. I have to get something.” Raeth had both of his hands on her ass to fondle. As he rose to his feet, he pulled down on her body a little.

“Don’t move.” Naked and grinning, he maneuvered a hand between her lekku in order to press his palm against her back. He wanted her to keep still. Whether or not Saudaji indicated that she was going to get up, he left her, for a moment, at the bed so he could get something from his bathroom. Unless Saudaji turned around to see what he was doing, then she would not see the small, plastic container filled with a translucent, bluish gel.

She would, however, feel it when he popped the cap of the container open and squirted some of the substance onto the back of one of her lekku. The gel felt cool – not freezing cold, but comfortably cool. He used it to create a short, squiggly line upon one of her lekku. Next, Saudaji felt the naked body of her lover press against her from behind. He bent down to lick the gel, gently, from her lekku.

“Here…give it a taste.” Raeth dabbed a droplet of the gel onto his forefinger, then lead that finger to her lips. If Saudaji sucked the droplet off his fingertip, she would discover that the gel tasted of berries that grew on Zeltros. “A little something I picked up just outside of Paradise.” He was referring, of course, to the Paradise Cantina.

Raeth savored the feel of Saudaji suckling and/or licking his finger. When he withdrew his hand, he squirted a generous amount of the gel into his palm. Then he applied the viscous substance to his organ, which had been engorged, twitchy, and ready for more for the past several minutes. Now, finally, his physical readiness matched his lust.

The agent took his time coating his phallus in the gel. If Saudaji tried to watch, he would place a hand on her shoulder and push her face back down to the mattress. When he done, his entire length, from the hilt to the swelling tip, glistened in the light of his quarters.

For good measure, Raeth squeezed a drop onto the crack of her ass before tossing the bottle onto the bed. He used the tip of his thumb to rub the gel upon her asshole. The pad of his thumb was slow and gentle as it rubbed it into her flesh. Soon, his thumb was withdrawn and replaced by his tumescent length. Shivering with anticipation, he caressed her hole with the tip. Around and around, three times or four. Holding his breath after a sharp gasp, he began to push his meaty rod into her behind.

From that angle, Saudaji did not see how his entire torso flexed thanks to the initial shock of pleasure. But she had committed the look and the feel of her lover’s lean, sinuous body to memory, so she could have imagined how he appeared – deep grooves appearing on his shoulders, his abdomen, his chest, and along his arms. She could certainly feel his palm pressing, hotly, against her flesh as his fingers dug into her hips. He pushed the thick tip of his cock inside of her hole, then methodically introduced more and more of his length inside of her…inch by veiny inch.
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She raised an eyebrow at him, a frown that bordered on a smirk once it rounded the corners of her mouth. It was a compliment, true, but it wasn't an answer, either. If she wanted to be petty, she'd badger him about it. Not that she was insecure; far from it. If there was anything to be learned from his previous experiences, anything to worm her way deeper into who he was, she would gladly take the lesson.

The urge to tell him, "Call me Daij'ika," tickled the corners of her mouth, but didn't force its way through. Not yet. As much as she tried to understand the inferno within (you didn't live as long as she did in her line of work without questioning everything, and it was a hard instinct to quell. Shutting it off was out of the question entirely), even suggesting that he call her that felt...premature. Like she was showing all of her cards while he still kept his close to his vest. And there were some things, even as silly as those intimate nicknames, that one could be entirely too premature about.

Whatever other thoughts she may have mulled over were lost when his hands caressed the smooth taunt skin of her eagerly displayed rear, and she made a low purr in her throat. Time for thinking was later. Now was the time to be lost of the realm of the senses, to transcend. To get lost. In perfect servicing position, she lay still for him to savor her body, the only movements from her were the slight tremors that ran through her. His fingers were strong, kneading her pliant flesh, and she shifted, only ever so slightly, to raise her ass higher into his hands.

The sharp pop of slapped skin, and she lurched forward with a soft yelp, before melting into a chuckling moan, repeated louder as he slapped her ass again. He was taking liberties, and she felt a deep tingle within her core. Soreness be damned; she could feel her body shifting, her pussy lips growing plump again with arousal. It would be exposed to him shortly, a hidden prize as he spread her ass cheeks, the hint of her lips peeking out full and slick and glossy from her tangle of deep emerald pubic hair. Her new arousal mingled with the traces of their last tryst, all the way up the split in her rear, their fluids mingled in a damp trail, his tongue adding to it.

His moan was neatly lost under hers as his tongue made contact with her again. He took his time alright - long, agonizingly teasing strokes, from the tip of his tongue barely, barely, flicking the sensitive flesh between her asshole and pussy, from full, sloppy drags against her crack. She kept her face turned to the side, gripping the sheets beneath her, breath leaving her in short, staccato pants. The backs of her thighs, still damp, still tasting of sweat, would tense and relax as he continued to orally explore her, and had he the ability to look past his happy work, he'd perhaps catch the glimpse of her eyes, tightly squeezed shut, her flushed cheeks, the spittle that leaked from the corner of her mouth with each renewed ministration to her rear.

His tongue teased her, kept teasing her, and, impatiently, she pushed her ass into his face, commanding him without saying a word. She was rewarded shortly by his tongue finally probing that last, forbidden spot, flicking, experimenting. She was silent now, those eyelids screwed tightly shut, soft pants leaving her as the thick fluid of her arousal slowly beaded from her pussy, collecting, feminine dew drops heavy and fat, before dripping from her, spidersilk thin thread of her honey.

Her "silence" lasted until his tongue probed her canal, and rose to a crescendo keen of high pleasure, her body jolting forward, then rocking slowly back, coaxing more.

She was certainly no stranger to anal, but, admittedly, it had been a while that she'd indulged such.

She'd gone through a legitimate period of celibacy after Mahoroba's disappearance, and then had broken it with a vengeance (thanks to Saboten) for long, fevered months on Zeltron before wandering back into a strange celibacy again. For a while, sex had lost its thrill; had become so predictable. Didn't involve her body and soul, not like this. Her haze drifted over her, heavy, until he pulled away. She barely registered that he'd spoken to her; so lost in what he'd been doing previously. As he backed away, if he stole a backwards glance, he'd see her there, ass still high in the air, still very much on display, but also baring those swollen nether lips, dripping in their hunger.

Another soft yelp, another soft chuckle as he swatted her ass. "And what are you going to do if I do?" Her voice was bantering, a thick syrup of seduction delicately poured over her words.

She was baiting him: she wanted to see all that he was capable of. To see what was lurking - for sure, she sensed that he enjoyed being in charge. She'd give him that. And there was something comfortable about laying there, ass in the air, her nether lips softly throbbing, waiting. She wouldn't know for sure if her cunt was ready - and with him away, well....She broke her word then, and shifted on the bed. Her hand drifted between her legs, and one taper finger trailed along the fat lips of her labia. She shivered with barely contained glee; how wet she was!

Slowly, she stroked herself, savoring in the feel of the wire tangle of her pubic hair, the hot flesh under, the thick secretions from her core. Her finger didn't slip past her lips; it was just enough to stroke herself now. She could hear him approach, but she didn't stop what she was doing. Instead, that finger that had been so content to stroke herself now probed deeper as he leaned over, licked at her lekku. She smelled the substance on his finger before she tasted it...

"Mmm...." The tart burst of berries on her tongue; he had good taste. Zeltros, of course, had some of the best sexual lubricants in the galaxy. The one that he'd picked tasted solely of a sweet confectionery; none of the usual "lube" taste to it. She couldn't tell for sure if this was something she'd used before - she preferred to stick with oils -, but her eagerness to try it manifested in a slight wiggling of her hips, an eager press of her ass into his hands as he administered it. Now she was getting excited; giddy for him to try her ass - it'd been so long, the sensation so completely different that she couldn't muster much patience to wait. But, she had enough mind to sass him, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were plotting this before you even found out who I was."

Her finger slipped deeper now, actually breeching the fat folds of her lips and to push lightly inside of her. Listening to the enticing wet schlick of him lubricating himself, of course she would turn, wanting to give herself something more to stroke to, to indulge in, and was gently pushed down back into the mattress. At that, a second finger joined the first, pushing past her lips, teasing herself, only sinking in to the first knuckle. And as he prepared her, steeled himself, slowly drew those circles, and began to push inside of her ass, her fingers in her pussy did the same, a slow, steady push, her groan deepening.

She wouldn't allow him to take his time - while she could appreciate his method, his gradual nature, she hungered too much. She pushed back against him, taking him in (still slowly, but faster than he would have), that groan reverberating. If he could see over the gentle slope of her lekku, across her jade shoulders, he'd see her eyes open, fluttering, before rolling skyward in sheer bliss before closing again.

It wasn't quite the same as being vaginally penetrated - even in the most relaxed state (as she was now), there was a bit of pain, more mental acrobatics involved to force herself to remain calm against the intrusion. Truthfully, the biting sting of the pain was part of the pleasure. The pressure was different, deeper. He was flush against her ass now, the pressure within her overwhelming, her fingers working her cunt with abandon, the slick sound of them moving slightly audible above her helpless whimpers. Yes, that perfect bite of pain in that know she was being used in such a fashion, to know he was behind her, shaking in his own pursuit, still holding her down...

She didn't squeal as so much scream until her voice shredded, breaking hopelessly, as she came yet again, her ass spasming around him, her cunt visibly twitching around her fingers. Struggling to find her voice, licking her dry lips, she spoke, hardly over a whisper:

"Keep going..."


It wasn’t until Saudaji had little left to her but a hoarse whisper of a voice and scant phrases of Basic that the pair would actually stop. Although “stop” may not have been the best word of choice; “pause” was more like it. It was undeniable that the two would end up in a similar series of trysts, each trying to outdo the other. Still, as it was, Saudaji couldn’t very well perform her job (remember that?) like this - panting, covered in sweat and various other bodily fluids. After her 6th orgasm, she had trouble remembering what fluid was hers and what was his. Likewise, he was in the same place - wet, panting, but with a cat that got the cream smug grin.

With a groan, she slowly closed her legs (although it honestly felt that they would be stuck splayed open), and rolled to her side. Eventually, with some work, she was able to pull herself from his sheets and back to her quarters. She left their clothes where they’d abandoned them in the hall, looking at them with a slight grin. She staggered straight to the ‘fresher, and turned on the tepid shower. It would be a long while before she stepped out, suitably oiled, cleaner, and remarkably sore. Doing her best to walk as if she hadn’t been riding a bantha for weeks, she strode back into the cock pit. Unlike her causal wear of before, she was dressed in a form fitting black suit and heavy black boots. She was covered from throat to wrists; black gloves completed the look.

Gingerly, she took a seat in one of the comfortable chairs, and kicked back, waiting for Raeth. Tilting her head back, she let her eyes drift shut. Not that she was tired - rather, she was starting that shift from pleasure to business. Fully dressed, it was easier to get her head straight. Well, dressed and away from him. The nagging feeling in her gut about him never really went away - and when they weren’t in the throes of ridiculous lust, it demanded to be listened to. Really, she was flying by the seat of her pants here.

Shab’la,” she hissed softly. She wasn’t much for worrying (in the grander scheme of things), but there was certainly a lot to consider, the mission not withstanding. And speaking of - did the Sith know what they’d been up to? It seemed improbable that they didn’t….and out of all of the assassins in the galaxy, they’d picked her. And picked her based off of rumors and old wive’s tales. Something didn’t seem right….not about any of it. She’d have to see what Mr. Know it All thought about the situation. Surely he had to know that something was rotten about this set up.
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Raeth had his folded hands resting on his bare sternum. Like Saudaji, he was physically spent, totally sated, and laying naked on his bed. He was also sore in all the right places. Unlike her, he wore a broad grin upon his youthful face, and he hummed to himself.

Sure, Raeth and Saudaji were at each other’s necks at times. But they were in sync when it came to matters of the flesh, which they had just proved after a sexual marathon. He had blown his load inside of her, at least once in her pussy, and once in her ass, so if there was a better reason for him to lay there grinning and humming like an idiot, he couldn’t think of it at that moment.

When Saudaji rolled over, he felt the bed move a little, which caused him to stop humming, open his eyes, and glance her way. He was treated to the sight of her from behind. Her lekku hung down at an odd angle. One tempting curve of her hip was pointed up towards the ceiling while the other was pressed into the mattress. Her green skin seemed to call out to him, so of course he had to reach out and touch her.

His palm, which was warm and a little sweaty, alighted on her side. He gave her a gentle caress. Raeth was about to say something, but he reminded himself that Saudaji didn’t seem to find his banter nearly as entertaining as she should have. So he kept silent while relishing the sight and feel of the naked twi’lek who was sharing his bed. This was the first time they shared a bed together, and Raeth sincerely hoped it would be just one of countless more times.

Two of his fingers straightened and touched down on her flesh. Like little legs, those fingers walked along her side and over the curve of her hip. Raeth, who was now on his side as well, his head propped up a palm, watched that solitary hand walk up and down her body.

He was just about to ask if she wanted to fuck some more. Looking at and touching her some more got him twitching down below again, even though just moments ago he thought he’d be out of commission for at least another few hours. It was the sight of her sexy back and her juicy rump that got his blood pumping again. His lips parted, and he was just about to see how amenable Saudaji was to an exchange of oral delight (she could suck his dick, and in exchange he could eat out her asshole again, for example), when she slid off the bed.

Fuck. She was being quiet and distant again, or so it seemed. He hoped that it was just because it was time to get back to work, and not because she was remembering something about him she hated. Raeth had noticed that the Patient Pylat had exited hyperspace several minutes ago, thanks to the distinct feeling he got when the ship around him eased its way out of one realm of existence into another (all for the sake of speedy travel!) Not only that, the Patient Pylat sounded different when it was cruising in normal space. Raeth knew pretty much every single one of the Pylat’s sounds. Anyway, with their hyperspace trip now at an end, he figured Saudaji was acting the way she was because they had work to do, and they had spent enough time fucking around for now.

Before Saudaji walked out of his reach, Raeth flopped onto his belly, stretched an arm out past the edge of the bed, and smacked her on her ass. He delighted in the sight of her ass cheeks jiggling following the spank.

“Want some breakfast? I’m good friends with the ship’s chef, so I could get you whatever you wanted provided it isn’t too exotic.” He couldn’t stay quiet for too long. Keeping his mouth shut would have robbed the galaxy of his incomparable wit and his pleasant voice, and he was in no mood to commit such a crime against the galaxy.

If the emerald huntress turned around, she would have seen her occasional lover, occasional enemy, and full-time partner in crime sprawled on his stomach, smiling at her. Unlike most of his other smiles, this one lit up his eyes. He appeared to be in a genuinely good mood, with no attempt at trickery behind it. He enjoyed her company, especially when she was nude and she wasn’t trying to kill him.

When Saudaji left Raeth’s quarters, she heard the sound of his laughter. For once, his laugh didn’t sound condescending.

Once she was gone, Raeth reached towards the nightstand, upon which a datapad was placed. He snatched the pad, rolled into a seated position, then tapped on the touch-sensitive screen to make it come alive.

“Hey, Pylat,” Raeth called out in order to get the attention of the Patient Pylat’s computer. A digital chirping sound indicated that the Pylat was ready to receive his command. “If you would be so kind, please page Sebastian for me. The hallway and my room need to be cleaned.” Another chirp told him that Pylat was on it. Sebastian should be there in a few minutes, provided it wasn’t in the middle of a different task he was programmed to perform.

While he waited, Raeth used his datapad to call up the latest security footage. The screen became populated with thumbnail images, each one labeled with the part of the ship that camera covered. The agent selected two videos – the security footage from the corridor just outside of his room, and the footage from his bedroom.

Within moments he was watching the video of Saudaji and him fucking each other silly. On the floor. On the bed. Mouth to mouth. Front to front. Front to back. Up her ass. All of it delicious.

Raeth even watched the footage of Saudaji laying in bed beside him after they had exhausted each other. He zoomed in on her face to watch her expression, to see if there was satisfaction, regret, or anything else shown there.

Sebastian v2 did, indeed, arrive within a couple of minutes. The droid rang the captain’s door bell, and Raeth called him in. The very first thing Sebastian saw was Raeth masturbating while he watched the video of him and Saudaji going at it on the floor.

“Ugh!” The droid said, the synthesized sound of surprise and disgust conveyed with surprising clarity. “Surely you did not summon me just so you could have an audience, did you Master?”

Raeth, whose forehead was sweaty and whose teeth were exposed in a grimace, did not stop what he was doing. Instead, he laughed. “Of course not. I summoned you so you could give me a hand. You still have that ‘Rodian Happy Ending’ program installed, right?”

If Sebastian could scowl, it would have. Its creator and tormentor laughed again amidst the wet, fleshy sounds of self pleasuring.


Later, a recently-showered and undeniably chipper Imperial agent emerged from his quarters. He all but skipped to the cockpit, where he saw Saudaji.

Before taking his seat at the captain’s chair, Raeth leaned into give Saudaji a smooch on her cheek. He acted as though he and Saudaji were about to go planetside to have a picnic, and not like one half of an assassination team preparing to kill a member of one of the galaxy’s hardest-to-kill organizations.

“Good morning, Daj’ika.” This was one of the first times that Raeth used the pet name. He did the accent well, but there was something about the way he said it that sounded like he was still testing it out. Nonchalantly, he helped himself to a little whiff of her lekku.

“Hmm. A new bath oil?” Raeth asked as he plopped his ass down onto the pilot’s seat. “What is that, essence of tarpaulin plant?” He gave her a smile and a sidelong glance before performing a quick check of the console read-outs in front of him. Everything looked a-okay. Next, he gazed out of the transparisteel viewport.
While he and Saudaji were getting sweaty together, the Patient Pylat dropped out of hyperspace and entered orbit around Thyferra. Following Raeth’s pre-programmed instructions, the Pylat entered geosynchronous orbit above Zalxuc City. Saudaji knew that their true target destination was Xucphra City, headquarters of Xucphra Corporation, the bacta-producer that asked the Jedi Council for diplomatic aid with their present labor dispute. Even if this information wasn’t on the briefing notes he supplied to her, Saudaji would have no doubt figured out that they would land in Zalxuc, then take planetside transportation to Xucphra City in an effort to cover their tracks.

Raeth, who stared at the planet before them, had a grin on his face not unlike the one he wore after they fucked. It seemed that one of the things he enjoyed as thoroughly as sex was his work.

The agent turned to her, and was just about to ask her if there was anything she needed to do before they conducting landing procedures. He paused, for she looked as though she had a question of her own.

“Is something on your mind?” Raeth rotated the pilot seat so he faced her, completely.
Before she’d gotten up, she’d laid there for a while, letting Raeth run his hand along her side. Without turning to him, she could feel his eyes on her; the indolence in which he explored her body. Well, that couldn’t be helped. The only time he felt “serious” or focused was when they were in the midst of the act itself. Now that she’d called time, he’d be back to his usual self. Still, what he was doing wasn’t entirely unpleasant. And if there hadn’t been a mission to attend to, it may have been nice to sit and indulge for a bit longer. She sighed, barely audible, and got up, allowing herself a long stretch. The muscles in her back and shoulders rippled sensuously, highlighted by the sweat that still covered her body.

Standing, she brought the sitting stretch into a standing one, lifting to the tips of her toes. Her muscles sang in protest, before settling into a hum of compliance. She’d need to follow up on a series of stretches before she could even start to humor the next mission…her thoughts were interrupted by the loud pop of his hand on her ass, and she whirled about to face him. Eyes narrowed, her chest heaved in indignation…before turning to slightly bemused resignation and a roll of her eyes. “We’re going to have to have a conversation about your manners,” she said, her voice still rough. She leaned over the bed, reached out to rake her nails lightly down his back, “But since I got a hit in on you earlier, we will call this even,” and she walked out to the sound of his laughter.


The footage would capture her expressions, all right. “Pensive” could be used for the default of her face as she lay there, before shifting to a momentary pleased purring Togorian expression, then back to pensive as she got up. Whatever was on her mind was somewhat hidden; true, she wasn’t masking her emotions as extreme as she usually did, but it was clear that something was on her mind. Unlike him, she hadn’t taken the time to indulge in how she felt after sex. Not that she regretted it (by this point, she’d accepted it as an inevitability of their close quarters work), but her mind had started to drift to why she was there in the first place. Something about it wasn’t natural.

And it was the expression she still wore, even with the imprint of his lips still warm on his cheek. There’d be no change in her face until he used her nickname. There was a tightening there, a steeling of her face, the deepening of the line of the scar across her mouth. “Saudaji,” she said, not unkindly, but firmly enough. He hadn’t earned that right yet. He wasn’t close enough to her. And, truly, he was getting off rather easily for showing that much familiarity; anyone else, she would have neatly handed their guts back to them for even hinting at using it. “And good morning to you, Raeth,” and the use of his proper name was underscored. A step forward, two steps back, it may seem. And, she figured, at some point, they’d have to talk about whatever this was between them. But, for now, the mission was at hand.

“Chad nightblooming honey jasmine,” she corrected, opening her eyes to look at him. Even though she was lightyears away from the desert planet of her birth, some species habits died hard. “And yes, there is.” She leaned back in her chair, focusing intently on him. Her expression was thoughtful, but bordered on the edge of neutral. The intensity of her gaze, though nonchalant, would have, undoubtably, broken a weaker man in moments. “Do you not find something strange in our arrangement? Do you not find it odd that from the moment we met, we’ve been fucking like wild vrelts?” She’d start with that; she wanted to gauge his reaction, see if it was something that had crossed his mind, if he even considered it. Of course, it wouldn’t be impossible for him to be in on whatever machinations that the Sith could be up to. After all, he was benefitting from it - the endorphin rush alone from the sex would be be like supplying a spice junkie with his latest fix.
In the cockpit, Raeth made a ‘Yikes!’ face when Saudaji more or less forbade him from using her pet name. (Then again, she never told him he could call her that in the first place. But the agent wasn’t the sort of person who refused to do things unless he first got permission.) He was testing the waters, seeing how comfortable she had become with him after their latest, extended exercise in intimacy. By telling him to refer to her as ‘Saudaji’, and by also retracting the pet name she had used for him during those rare, brief moments when she felt close to him, she also showed him that there was a 10-meter-tall, 5-meter-thick wall of Mandalorian iron between them.

He thought he had made at least some progress in scaling that wall, considering how wild and uninhibited they were together in the corridor and in his room. It was also the little things that lead him to believe she was softening up to him, like the way she dragged her fingernails along his back before exiting his quarters. He shivered and grinned when she did that.

It appeared as though that was all just wishful thinking. She had revoked his Daj’ika privilege and confiscated his Rae’ika membership at the same time. Double whammy.

Raeth resolved to focus on work. Aside from the times they both indulged in their violent attraction for one another, the only other times that Saudaji treated him kindly (or at least not unkindly) were when they talked about their Sith-assigned objective. He was about to turn towards the console and get in contact with the Zalxuc City space authority to make landing arrangements, when Saudaji asked him a question he truly was not expecting.

The agent pulled his hand away from the comm, and again his attention was all on her. “I don’t find anything strange about this at all.” A playful smile spread across his lips. The laugh lines around his eyes – the only wrinkles he had on his entire face – crinkled. Saudaji’s gaze was indeed intense, but Raeth did not find it at all unsettling. She knew him well enough to know he took very few things seriously. And for the short time that she knew him, she had yet to see truly worried or scared about anything.

“Are you honestly telling me that - before me - you’ve never gone all squishy over someone you just met? I find that hard to believe. At the same time, I want to believe it, because that thought is highly flattering.

“Now tell me: why do you find this strange?” The agent pressed a little button on the side of the pilot’s chair, which instantly transformed it into a recliner. Based on how much pushed on it with his back, the chair would recline, then set into place. Raeth folded his hands on his sternum, and crossed his feet at the ankle. He was settling in for what was sure to be a fascinating conversation.

“Do you suspect that Azamin or one of the other higher-ups is somehow using you to get to me, or vice versa? Are you concerned that either you or I are under the influence of Force manipulation or some drug? Do you worry that there’s some sinister purpose behind our sex, and it isn’t just an example of sexual compatibility at its finest?”

Raeth purposefully toned down his smile. Instead of showing off his teeth, he kept his lips pressed together, which resulted in a subdued little smirk. Subdued for him, anyway.

“It’s good that you’re paranoid, Saudaji. That’s something you and I have in common. That paranoia has undoubtedly helped keep you alive. If it also helps keep me alive, all the better.

“Please tell me: how much experience do you have working with the SIth?” Cognizant of how his behavior pissed her off in the recent past, Raeth kept his tone in check. When he asked what she knew about the Sith, it did not sound at all condescending. It was an honest question. He even stopped smiling, instead adopting an expression of nonchalant interest he imagined a white-collar worker would adopt while engaged in a conversation about last night’s episode of “Three-and-a-Half Banthas” with a co-worker.

After listening to the twi’lek huntress’ response, Raeth shared his perception of the Sith.

“There is no organization more in love with subterfuge and misdirection than the Sith Empire. That’s how they prefer to operate when dealing with their enemies…or, more accurately, when they deal with external factions.

“However, when it comes to internal politics, the Sith are often absurdly blatant. Among our employers, there is no secret, at all, about who hates who or about who intends to kill who in order. In fact, it’s a foregone conclusion that an apprentice will someday kill his or her master. That’s how these magical bugsluts get promoted: by killing each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was written in some ancient SIth employee guide somewhere, complete with a charts and illustrations.

“I can see it now: Chapter 13 of the Sith Handbook – Promotions. ‘The rungs on the ladder of success are made from the corpses of your predecessors. So get out there and start killing your way to the corner office!’ “

Raeth allowed himself several moments to chuckle at his own wit before continuing.
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m about as safe as anyone can be within the Empire. I’m good at what I do. I dare say that among those who cannot read minds or jack themselves off with the Force, I’m the very best at what I do. Dependability is one way to potentially secure your own safety within the Empire.

“On top of that, no one would have anything to gain by killing me or making my job more difficult (no one who wasn’t a Jedi, at least).

“Finally, I have a trait that’s hard to find; a trait that plays a significant part in why I’m so good at my job. All things considered, it would be foolish for someone within the Empire to try and do me harm, or to try and hinder our mission.”

It was now Raeth’s turn to study Saudaji’s face and see how she reacted to his last statement. He did not tell her that he was a Force Void. But he was not entirely certain what information was given to her about her new partner. He was told next to nothing about her before their first meeting was scheduled. The two of them had not discussed the details of their arranged partnership, until now. Now was as good a time as any to discuss it.
If she noticed the face he made (which she undoubtably did), she made no reaction to it. Her reasoning was simple enough; he just hadn’t earned that right yet. Being unbelievable in bed didn’t earn it, either. Though, she mused to herself, it wasn’t that he hadn’t come damn close with the events of last night. “Night” was questionable, since there was honestly no telling in hyperspace. Another reason why she hated it. If she hadn’t been fucked into oblivion, it would have been very difficult for her to sleep / keep on a regular schedule.

While he got settled in his chair, relaxed as always, her posture suggested the polar opposite. She sat erect, as if she was in the middle of an interrogation as opposed to a “friendly” conversation with a man whose face had been buried in her nethers not even a day before. As he spoke, her intense gaze didn’t waver, didn’t soften. At some points it seemed even sharper - though it hardly seemed possible. While she almost stared at him, she weighed her options on how to respond. She could lie (though she was no good at it), or she could tell him the truth.

Considering that he spied on her and probably had a good idea of her family dynamics as it was, there didn’t seem to be any benefit to lying to him. He’d had her at a disadvantage over that since they first met. While part of her was loathe to dig herself any deeper with him (as she truly had no leverage over him at this point), she figured he’d find out one way or the other eventually. She didn’t trust him enough NOT to spy on her, but she’d laid the foundation of where her limits were before. She didn’t want him messing with her extended family. Not that they couldn’t hold their own, but it was the principle of the matter. Luckily enough, after listening to him, she figured he had enough sense not to go deliberately poking around on Mandalore. Besides, there were too many unknowns about her connection to the planet and its fumbling ruling systems. He’d be in for a rude surprise if he snooped too much.

With that security in mind, she licked her lips, and decided to answer him. “For the record, no,” and she was being truthful. Even with her initial connection with Mahoroba, it was built through mutual respect on the battlefield. “Not unless I gave into it,” she added, thinking about the times she’d lost herself in the warm tidal wave of pheromones wafted in her direction by an amorous Falleen or Zeltron. Those were rare times, when she felt safe, loved, wanted to communicate those overwhelming emotions and what they meant to her back out, when she wanted to be a conduit of everything and lose herself in the process. “And you are a human. I find it highly unlikely. Unless you have drugged me,” and there was slight humor in her eyes. Though it may not have been entirely impossible. “And,” she added with a slight huff, “I do not usually chase my prey. They come to me,” and she was referring to the many times that it had been her to start something, not the other way around. “So I have no idea what means you may have for us to continually….do this. I find it troubling. It clouds my mind. It puts me at a disadvantage with you, for you’re less than honest.” It wasn’t meant as a hostile jab, but enough for her to communicate her further apprehension with him. She was honest to a fault, nearly childlike in her lack of guile, and being around someone who built his life on lies was unsettling.

“I am suspicious of it because I know what you’re getting out of it, but I know nothing of your true character. For all I know, I could have been deliberately picked by Azamin to keep you sated, like a handler giving glitterstim to a spice addict,” she said it with an off-handed shrug. “You are a man that is very much driven by his appetites, and your sexual appetite is astoundingly large. For all I know, you were like this with your last partner. I have no frame of reference but for myself.”

And…it was an actual conversation she was having with him. There was no hint of accusation in her voice towards him; just thoughtful contemplation. She wasn’t judging him for who he was, or his attraction to her. “The fact that we are so…drawn to one another is utterly inexplicable,” she said, in a softer note. “Dangerous,” she said, a bit louder. And that, well, was the truth. “In my case as well as yours. It’s not a matter of being ‘paranoid’, but looking at the bigger picture. What exactly do you know about me, Raeth?” And this was said a little firmer, looking for a solid, non-teasing answer from him. “What information do you know of me that hasn’t been gathered by spying? What have the Sith told you?”

She leaned back now, the only hint that she was indeed “relaxed,” and crossed her legs leisurely, one languid motion. “I know enough about the Sith not to trust them. What do you know of Mandalore and its dealings with the Jedi?” She’d dropped the Mandolorian phrases. Though her accent still colored one word or the other, she’d slipped into her business mode, and all causality from her had dropped. “Do you know what the Jedi have done to my people? The Sith do. The minute I got a call from them I knew what they wanted and why. Not just ethnically, but personally. I suppose I as well could say that I have skills that would make them loathe to dispatch me, but I don’t put it past them doing it. Neither should you.”

Was that a hint of a warning? And even moreso, was it a hint of concern for him? Maybe. More than likely.

“I am at a disadvantage with you,” she said again, with a long sigh of resignation. “I am much more emotional than you. That’s why this whole set up has me unnerved. It is not like me to just leap into bed with a stranger, let alone one that has lied to me, tricked me, and constantly has me at death’s door. You may think I’m wrong, but I thought that I would gauge your reaction as well. I suppose the only thing to do now is wait to see how this mission ends.”
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