Same Title Challenge


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
Here is the challenge. Write a poem (form or free, illustrated or not, whatever style is up to you) on the following title:

Nano-clams and other molluscs

You have one week to produce your poem. That means that on Saturday May 18, you post your poem in this thread. Do not post it before then because you don't want your posted poem to influence someone else who is still working on theirs.

So if you're in, you owe the forum one poem entitled Nano-clams and other molluscs.

If you have questions, feel free to post them here. Just save the actual poems for Saturday, May 18.

Thank you butters and CharleyH....I think.

Happy clamming, everyone! :D
As my Saturday begins before yours don't blame me if I post early although I doubt it will influence anyone!
What time zone is over the rainbow? ...Wha? you can post an illustration to a thread??

Somewhere amongst my submissions is a poem that IS a rainbow if you care to go looking :) it's called Painted in raindrops
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Very nice,
took a while to read but looked very cool. There's a story between the spectrums that must be magical.
Well gotta do, there's a can of smoked oysters calling my name from the kitchen.

Love it, Annie!

Here it is. A really well done illustrated poem. We miss you Annie.

Oh bless you :) that was for some challenge or other ....... write a concrete poem. I do miss the challenges they pushed me to write, something that is missing now and I haven't written much of note for quite a while
Just so everyone knows, my poem is ready to go.

You did it? You rock! <slobbery :kiss:> :eek:

Yes it's almost time to get yer molluscs out. As soon as May 18 begins for you, please post your poem in this thread. Can't wait to see what everyone does with the title. :)

Happy writing to those who are still working on it. :rose::kiss::rose:
You did it? You rock! <slobbery :kiss:> :eek:

Yes it's almost time to get yer molluscs out. As soon as May 18 begins for you, please post your poem in this thread. Can't wait to see what everyone does with the title. :)

Happy writing to those who are still working on it. :rose::kiss::rose:

ok, just started. will post it tomorrow after work when it's done. oh boy :eek:
Consider the sex-life of a mollusc
who one year is Charlie, then Flo
when the heat down below on the seabed
raises expectations to grow
a different appendage than last year,
while clinging spellbound to a rock,
is this sudden appearance a godsend
or does it come as one hell of a shock?

Whilst squirting his stuff out at random
does he watch Argonaut Octopi
with envy at sexual prowess
as a detached penis swims by?

So next time you tip back an Oyster
and it slips down your throat like a treat,
spare a thought for who you just swallowed,
last year was he Petra or Pete?
No need to disavow that one Annie. Liked how you personified the Mollusca. :D
Nanoclams and Other Mollusks

Nanoclams and other Mollusks live between the tides
trapped in the margins where dry land rides
the ocean and holds us high above the world,
where we walk in the light and sleep curled
and entwined, safe and unaware of the truth,
nanoclams and other mollusks, since the youth
of this planet earth have been the glue and binder
that holds Earth together and without would find her
scattered across the galaxy and universe
leaving us to crawl in the debris, or worse.
Awake at midnight, nightmares, nightsweats, and...

Nano-Clams and other Molluscs


Oh snap, you freakin nano-clams,
pop and crackle, yeah.
Lay your nano-babble down, sweet and slimy.
Grimy annoying absolute absurdity,
are you real,
or just another Sabbath spoiler
masquerading as a mollusk?


What'sa matter with mistress mollusc?
Initiate investigation,
she's gone limp'n loose,
derma's turned'a livid hue,
what's your problem, languorous Sue?

Your suckers pucker, pensive pouts,
echoed by your nano-clam;
has invertebrateness become such'a stone
that you would crave'a bone?


So flow, you freakin nano clams,
take your silly hyphen too.
Crawl away you many mollusca,
snap, crackle, and pop into
the bottle from whense you came.

Sue, you can stay. Cocktail?
Somewhere amongst my submissions is a poem that IS a rainbow if you care to go looking :) it's called Painted in raindrops

I came looking for Harry Hill and found you! It's been a delightful morning reading your poems!

