Starting Anew, Seeing a New World (Closed)


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2006
The night had always been the one's that Damian had been excited for really. While some would have thought that the idea of a BDSM club in it's exclusivity was insane, Damian had seen the prospect of a place that would offer not only escape from the 'real world', but also a chance for education in the idea's of true BDSM. While some were more into the sadomasochistic and masochism of the world of this taboo place, those that were usually knew that by the time they came, so they were on their own with those they trusted.

Brought up in a clean home, Damian had been raised as a catholic. Yet behind the veil of the religious and submissive side was of course an abusive father whom only seemed to abuse his mother. Damian had seen that though, and as he had aged he had outgrown the god fearing mongers of the faith, he had come to a more open understanding of what was proper, not to mention what was true. In his own eyes as he had crested the age of twenty, the world was to be used for his own means... it wasn't until he had successfully created a fortune on the stock market that he had sat back and looked at what he wished to accomplish with his life.

Some just took money and fame and ran, not caring about anyone other then themselves, yet he had never been happy with that. Learning from a woman he had dated for a few months, he had been introduced to the aspects of bondage, domination, and submission, yet he hadn't been content to be bound, not by anyone, and as such the relationship hadn't worked out. Yet at the same time it had given him a glimpse of something that he hadn't known existed, his own desires to have a woman to own, not simply as a partner, as all people had urges to be with a member of the opposite sex if for no other reason then copulation and populating the species, but he had a desire to own a woman, to place her into chains, to slide a collar around her neck and see nothing but trust and love within her eyes.

From there he had spent some money and seen the aspects of BDSM, and from there... the idea of Club Heat had been born. A Sanctuary it was indeed, for an escape from prejudice and racism of their choices of lifestyle, he had come now five years later, to be the executive partner to the establishment that she now entered. As she did, she could feel the low beat being pumped from the speakers that seemed to be nowhere... the interior of the club was carpeted with a rich red floor... and even as she entered the club, she could see the booths, the banquettes... and more importantly... the people.

The music played, the drinks flowed, After all in here, the rules were simple... other then the demonstrations, there was no overt penetration... if the woman said no then that was final. It was a brand new world That Damian had created here... and he would be damned if he allowed any sexist monger of a man to ruin what he had worked so hard to create.

Damian for his part stood atop the lined balcony, the curling stairs the access to it. Crystal green emerald eyes seemed to scan over the crowds tonight... after all it was spanking night, the central dias raised slightly as he could see a man sitting in a comfortable chair as the woman laid splayed across his lap. She was dressed as a school girl, her skirt flipped up. As one hand supported her small waist, his words echoed throughout the room through the microphone as he explained the idea's behind spanking, only to bring his hand down slowly, gently rubbing the girls ass before a sharp smack was heard as well as her cry though it seemed to be mixed with lust as well as surprise!

There was a small crowd around the stage, though Damian's eyes swept over the crowd. Seven years since his introduction to BDSM... seven years to the pleasure of a woman kneeling at his feet... yet he found himself wanting more! He found himself wanting to hold a woman past the initial night. Scenes were fun, pleasurable and fine, but he, now at the age of thirty four, was looking to find a woman whom shared his 'secret' passions for the long term!

It was not as though he had not ever had the opportunity... he had, he had simply not felt it was the right one for him. Black leather pants clung nicely to his hips, a coiled black belt holding them up with nothing clipped though the silver hooks speaking of promise of toys being clipped to them. A loose black vest hung openly upon his shoulders and around his neck was a necklace with a dragon's claw seeming to be holding a small ruby. He stood six feet tall easily, his stature speaking of strength as he finally moved, descending towards the main floor.

Tonight... he was sure would be an amazingly erotic and interestingly challenging night indeed, although the latter part of that, he wasn't aware of... yet.

Why am I here?

That question kept running through Everly's head again and again as she stared at the front of the club. She knew what went on behind those heavy doors, she had experienced some of it for herself, but she didn't quite know if her heart and soul could take it any longer. There was a deep want, but where her spirit had once been bright and vibrant, it now felt dull and deflated.

Evie, as she was known to her friends, had grown up in a single parent household. Her mother had died when she as a two, succumbing to the cancer that had surprised everyone shortly after her birth. Her father was a good man, but had been distant as he worked two jobs to give her everything that she needed as a young girl growing up. At the age of 18, she was out on her own, finding her own way in life as her father moved on himself, remarrying and starting a second family. While she was close to her stepmother and half sisters, she felt a disconnect between the way that she was raised and the happy family that she saw now.

She had gone to college to study art. She was a painter and had taken her craft very seriously. That was until she met Josh. Josh had been a fellow artist, both tortured and handsome. Mysteriously alluring to the young woman and he had swept her up in his dark little world. The first time that he had introduced her to BDSM, she had felt a secret thrill at the thought of giving her will up to another person. Little did she know it would become her own personal hell.

The line had quickly blurred between safe and consensual to abusive and against her will. She had been raped multiple times, beaten beyond what she could handle, and ended up in the hospital in what had been her final straw. Her fingers had been broken during one of his rages and the nurses had encouraged her to press charges. A restraining order later and Evie was struggling to pick up the pieces of her shattered life, including her confidence.

She had heard about Club Heat from a friend who had a mutual interest in the scene. She didn't know quite what she expected when she had arrived, but the sounds of the bumping music from inside made her heart beat just that much faster. She wanted to have the courage, and it took her a long time before she was able to enter, but when she did she silently celebrated her little victory.

The floor beneath her black heels were plush red carpet, her reflection showing in the polished doors and fixtures. Her hair had been left loose in its natural curls. She wore a modest black dress that covered her cleavage and fell to just below her knee. It was conservative for such a place, but she was struggling with the violation that she had encountered in her own life.

Entering into the main room, she paused as she watched the display happening and then turned towards the bar, seeking a safe little corner to watch everything around her. It was the safest thing, she thought to herself as she took a seat and let out a long, steadying breath.
She was there, because she couldn't let it go.

Any experienced dom could have told her that... but it was the realization, the reflection upon herself that was important to note. She was a submissive... she had learned this at the hands of a man whom had abused the power that she had entrusted him with. In many ways, Damian would have applauded her for even coming to the club... it would have taken so much courage to be able to do that.

The road had been long and had for Damian as well, although everyone had their own story, some, like Evie's were harder than most. Damian was lucky in a way... he was thoughtful and a genius in his own way. He still remembered when Club Heat had simply been a fantasy, something to push towards.

Even as the line progressed and she was shown to the door she was asked of course for I.D., along with being asked whether she would be subbing or domming tonight. There WERE switches in the club, but even as she answered for herself she was given a stamp on her right hand which was in the shape of a slave, just the outline of them bent down.... a submissive's mark.

The night was going very well, although he had no doubts about whether that was going to be the case or not. To every person, there was always a sense of anticipation as the nights began. At first, there was always a worry within him, that sometimes this wouldn't work out, Damian had begun to learn over the last five years, those feelings were hardly called for. The demonstration was meant to arouse, as well as to entice those present to open up to one another, to have something to discuss when one came into contact with a sub when one was a dom.

She was safe... and while there WERE those whom eyed her as she entered, she was left alone... new 'meat' were always left be. Even as she found a corner booth and settling herself down, Damian had been making the rounds, simply looking... enjoying the explanation of the domination that was happening on the stage... he noticed her out of the corner of his eye.

He watched the girl being taken across the man's lap, being utterly removed from his reverie, he smiled to himself as he heard her cry out, the sound mixing beautifully with the sounds of the music.. the beat seeming to course through everyone in the room. At the back of course was a sense of trepidation as there were a pair of double doors that were made of a dark oak, the handles made beautifully of brass, but the maitre d type stand beside with a large book indicated it was the way into the second level, for those whom decided to head that way.

Yet his attention returned to the solitary girl... and even as he made his way over towards her he smiled as he approached. " Welcome... I don't think I have seen you here before... may I sit down?" He asked... his voice was thick, his tone deep and yet carried over the beat of the music... it was a delightful sound really but he awaited her answer of course.

Here, she was in control... here, she was the one whom was in charge. With a single word she could dismiss him... she had already seen one dom being escorted out for being too hands on and not listening to the sub. Club Heat was the cleanest club in the city, and Damian was going to keep it that way!
Evie felt a tightness in her chest as she found a booth and sat down. It felt like the burning of tears that had yet to be shed, but she had long ago cried all that she had. Perhaps this was the anxiety that her therapist had talked about. Maybe she really didn't belong to this world any more, she told herself as a passing waiter took her order and soon she had a Diet Coke with a black straw placed in front of her.

Alcohol had ruined what she had with Josh. She was sure of that. He would come home drunk many nights, demanding things of her that he had no right to ask. Those shouts still rang in her ears as she glumly flicked the straw in her glass, watching as it swirled around in the dark liquid before she glanced towards the center stage.

The girl that was on display was beautiful. Not just physically beautiful, but beautiful in her submission. What was wrong with her that she hadn't been able to find that, she asked herself. Why had Josh never listened to what she wanted? Why had she been so scared to tell him what she needed? How had things gotten so terribly out of control?

Evie glanced up as the sound of a deep voice reached her ears and she was surprised to see a blonde man looking down at her with a smile on his face. He had asked to join her and as she looked around the club, she noticed that there weren't many women there on their own. Slowly, she nodded, watching as he sank into the booth across from her.

"It's my first time here." She admitted, bringing her hands below the table to hide the swollen and angry looking joints of her left hand from his view. "My name's Everly."
The path's that one took eventually lead them to where they belonged... of that Damian was a firm believer. He had seen that she was ordering something so he had waited patiently... and even as he had it had been the time during which his attention had drifted to the stage. It certainly was a good show... educational and arousing at the same time.

Even as she seemed lost in a world of her own he had approached. His discerning eyes took in the sight of her left hand, yet he was courteous and didn't say anything about that... instead he chose to speak on a more friendly point, as he didn't know her just yet.

As she nodded, he settled down and smiled gently, though he nodded to her. " Everly... that is a lovely name. I am Damian... and since it is your first time, I would like to welcome you to Club Heat." He remarked with a smile, though he added.

" What brings you out tonight? I saw that you are a submissive, and as a fair warning I would guide you away from Jeques, Malkon, or Tristan." He mused pointing them out, Jeques was a lean sleek looking worm like man, Malkon was an Irishman, and Tristan looked just plain normal. " They have a reputation for being rough with newcomers." He remarked easily.

He ordered himself a coke, the waitress but nodding as she headed off... he looked and smiled to Everly... after all it was only the beginning of the night, and he was curious about her. Not many submissive's came here alone... she was brave... something that he found he liked about her already.
It seemed that this man either owned or was close to the owner of Club Heat. Everly cocked her head to one side as she looked at him with a curious glance. He was nice enough, she thought as he ordered his own drink and made himself at home.

"I'm not really sure why I came here tonight." She said softly, glancing towards the three men that he pointed out to her as people to stay away from. "Not to have that good of a time, I can tell you."

Her gaze turned back towards Damian as he seemed to be waiting on her answer. She hadn't told anyone besides her therapist the nature of her relationship with Josh. She was in a place where people would understand and not judge. Did she have the courage to bring it up though.

"I know most everyone here is looking for a good time or someone to share their kink with. I guess I came here tonight to prove to myself that I had the courage to continue on with this lifestyle." She admitted, pushing her drink away from herself with a long sigh. "You ever have somebody break your heart? I mean, really rip it to shreds? That's what happened to me."
Damian looked to her as she seemed to think that he knew the owner, which was true... but he had only been welcoming her as a guy whom could have been there for a while now. The booth was comfortable, and there wasn't really too many other women whom he was 'playing' to have a good time with... but even as she said that she wasn't sure why she was there, he had to chuckle at her second comment.

" Oh? you're not looking to enjoy the amenities of the club?" He asked playfully, though he grew serious as she seemed to have a weight to her, which caused him to quiet down and listen. " If you are here, and if it is because of what you say, you will not have a problem. Ninety percent of the challenge is coming through the doors." He remarked.

As she asked him that though he nodded. " My father. He was a catholic preacher for our home town. When I was a boy my mother always put on a brave face, and it wasn't really until I was about fourteen that I started to see him for what he was, an abusive asshole." He remarked honestly, he running his finger over the edge of his drink as he looked to her.

" I take it from your skittishness though that your experience was more... intimate?" He asked, just guessing as he didn't really know, but he looked to her with those deep green eyes of his. His frame seemed to block the club out... creating a sense that they were alone... that she might be all right to share this with him.

He didn't expect her to share everything... but he was curious about her really!
"Oh, I know all about abusive assholes." Everly muttered as he told her about his childhood.

She closed her dark brown eyes and took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out as she leaned back against the cushioned back of the booth. When she opened her eyes again, she looked at this man that she had just met and prepared to spill her guts to him.

"My former "Dom" beat the ever living shit out of me." She said, saying the world dom as sarcastic as possible. "And I let him for too long because I didn't know any different. It wasn't until he took away my livelihood that I realized just how much of a fool I'd been."

She felt like an idiot to have stayed with Josh for so long. Surely there weren't others in that club that would have thought what he was doing was love or even right. She prepared herself for Damian's judgment, even thought she knew that it wasn't likely to come. Her burden was great and there was no one to share it with. In a weird way, it felt good to tell him what had happened, even if he was a stranger that she had just met.
Damian nodded to her little comment as she seemed to understand... though to what lengths he didn't really understand right then... though as she closed her eyes he had a feeling he was the proverbial 'testing ground'. Perhaps it was because he had been 'brave' enough to go to her and actually speak to her, not to just expect her submission, but rather to seek it.

As she said that her dom had beat her he flinched ever so slightly, she seeing nothing but compassion in his eyes. Yet he didn't interrupt her. The sarcasm with which she used dom spoke to the idea that she had a good realization that the man whom had hurt her wasn't an actual dom.

As she mentioned her livelihood though he looked to her. " Well.. unfortunately, you're not alone in your story." He remarked gently, though he added. " Not from my end of things... but people come to this club to escape... to sometimes find something new." He mused, though he didn't ask why she had stayed with her dom he understood the control and power that a dom did hold in sway and control of their sub.

It wasn't as easy to leave as some thought... so the lengths that the man whom had abused her had gone to must have been extreme in order for her to actually leave. " Firstly... whomever this dom was, he was a fool to abuse such a beautiful woman." He mused, and she could tell that he meant it. " Secondly... the man was not a dom. A dom is someone whom is entrusted with the care of their submissive... and while some enjoy the harsher aspects of bondage, the hard limits must be obeyed." He mused as he regarded her.

" Tell me though Everly, if you ran from him.. does that mean you are actually here to look for something new? It seems like it..." He mused as he moved a bit closer, just enough to extend his hand and touch her face, his eyes on hers. " Such men as your last dom are not worthy of being given a submissive's trust." He purred, his eyes looking to her as he added softly.

" I am sure you expected me to call you an idiot for staying, but you weren't. You trusted him, and didn't know the hard limits until they were broken. Even then it took much more to make you leave. Since you have though... I would like to suggest something, if you would allow it... one night." He gently looked to her, she seeing nothing but a gentle desire in his eyes.

" One night to convince you that true domination comes with understanding of limits... that true submission is a release, being free to trust... and while I doubt such a bond will happen over one night, I would like to show you that what was done to you, is not what this world is all about." His fingers gently took hold of her chin.

" Will you allow it?" He waited on her answer with a baited breath, his eyes watching her curiously, imploring her to say yes.
Everly listened to him speak, musing about his guesses as to why she was there. She didn't know if she was ready for another Dom. She didn't know if going off with a stranger would heal the ache and hurt in her heart. She certainly didn't know if she could mentally handle what a Dom could do to her when she was helpless. All of that had been thrown out the window when Josh took her trust and shattered it.

She let out a deep sigh as she felt Damian's hand gently touch her cheek. It seemed that he wanted to be the man that tried, the man to show her what a true relationship could be. She had only just met this man and she might have a hard time with him...but something in his gentle gaze told her that he would actually listen to her.

"I will only say yes on one condition. You let me set the rules." She said softly, knowing that there were some guys out there that would balk at the very suggestion that she was the one setting the rules for their time together. "No blindfolds. No slapping. No anal. You absolutely have to wear a condom."

"And...if I say stop, I mean stop. Everything has to stop." Even as she said that, she could hear her terrified shrieks and screams echoing through her head as Josh ignored everything and took what he wanted.

She should have added being bound, but that was a joy to her. She liked the feeling of being at someone else's mercy and if the person was trustworthy, she knew that she could find joy in it again. Looking into Damian's eyes, she wondered if he would agree to what she had put forth.
Damian wasn't sure if she would say yes to him. From what she had said it was clear that she was running from the past, which he certainly could not and would not blame her for. On the other hand though since she hadn't balked from his presence or touch, it seemed that she was willing to at least attempt it.

As she let out that deep sigh he could feel her tension drifting away into his touch, and even as she seemed to think that he would have a problem with her being in charge, he but smiled. " Ah, well that takes care of the whole getting to know your limits part of the conversation." He mused gently, playfully in a way, but seriously as well.

He seemed to look to her as she said that, he could see that she had drifted into her own mind for a moment... more than likely at least from his perspective re-living a painful part of the past, but as he considered her words he nodded. " I will agree to your terms, if you will agree to mine." He remarked though he added with a soft smile.

" You will agree to put your trust in me tonight from this point forwards until eight tomorrow morning. From this point forwards you will be my submissive. If you want things to slow down, you will use a safe word. I want you to pick the word. Something that will not simply slip out as you serve, but something that you will remember. If you want to stop your safe word will be stop, since you have made that clear." He spoke clearly, confidently, yet his touch never left her chin... his piercing gentle green eyes looked to her.

" I understand that you are putting your trust firmly in me for this evening, and respect that you wish to see everything that is going to happen... that you wish not to be slapped in any way, and that your ass is off limits for this night." he said that last part because he was sure that with time and proper training her ass could feel pleasure as well, but he had a feeling anl was going to be a tense topic for a while.

" You understand that from now on my directions are not to be questioned. We will move at your pace, but you will be subject to my will. Do you agree to these terms Everly?" He was very good at explaining things to her... and she knew that he would respect her just from how he presented himself... or at least he hoped she did.

He didn't balk at anything she had put forth... he was a dom whom understood that the power really should be in her hands. Her limits were hers, and he was the one whom was responsible for respecting her. He added gently. " If you agree though, I also wish you to show me as such by removing your panties, and placing them onto the table." He directed, before he fell silent, waiting.
Evie listened to him accept her limitations and set out his own. It was nice to hear him accept what she said and not simply push it aside. Her limits were important to him and that made her feel good about the decision that she was making.

Then he started to set his own and she listened dutifully. Any woman who simply jumped into this kind of relationship without listening to everything first would be in for a bad time. She had learned that the hard way. Josh had never been about rules. He had always been interested in what made him feel good, no matter what it was. Couple that with alcohol and drugs and she had spent many nights cringing in fear as the man that she thought she loved terrorized her.

"Yes, sir, I understand." She answered, drawn back from her mind as he ended the explanation and then told her that if she agreed, she was to pull off her panties and place them on the table.

She glanced around the room as he said that. She knew that in this place, a couple even up on the stage playing out a scene, that removing her panties wouldn't be a big deal. Still, there was a part of her that was nervous and as she turned back to Damian, she let out a little sigh. Beneath the table, she pulled her skirt up over her hips, lifting her bottom off the seat enough to pull off her panties. Once they were free of her legs, she placed them on the table in his view.

They weren't the sexiest pair that she owned. Plain black cotton with a high cut. She hadn't expected that she would be removing them when she came to the club that night, but there they were.
Oh he could tell that she was paying attention, and he understood the implications of what he was suggesting... and he was sure that she could tell. He respected her rules, and they WERE rules to be listened. In the realm of BDSM it was very important that the rules were set and listened to, otherwise it went from a bonding sexual encounter to abuse, as she well knew.

As she said that she understood, he nodded to her as she answered. He watched her, and smiled ever so slightly at her being shy about this. He found her intriguing, with her curly auburn hair and her deep brown eyes he could tell that this was a woman whom had though been introduced to BDSM, had yet to actively explore it. As she let out a little sigh and did as he directed, he nodded to her with a smile.

A hand reached out, gently picking up the panties she could see his gaze holding hers as he picked them right up and lifting them to his nose he took in her scent... though he softly groaned, he took the panties and she could see them dissapear, he putting them into his pants pocket.

" Very well. During this evening you may either call me master, or sir, it makes little difference." He mused though he gently released her chin and then moving from the booth he looked to her as he extended his hand. " Come along Everly... tonight, I will show you what you have been missing out on." He remarked. As she would inevitably take his hand he pulled her up and smiling to her he added.

" Do you know the protocol for a submissive following her master?" He wasn't sure if she had ever actually learned these things... so he was going to teach her if she didn't. He didn't simply take her and fuck her... he was interested in opening her eyes to the world that she had missed out on.
Everly felt a strong tug of desire in the pit of her belly as he picked up her panties as brought them to his nose. She let out a soft sigh as he finally let go of her chin and helped her stand from the booth. She offered him her right hand, the left still hidden from his view in an inconspicuous manner. She had it pressed tightly to her thigh, hidden in the folds of her black skirt.

"No, sir. I don't know." She told him una clear voice, looking up into his eyes with her dark brown gaze. "Honestly, I didn't know there was such a thing."

At least she was honest. It was one of her virtues, perhaps even to a fault. She believed in telling the truth in all situations.
He could tell that the action of taking in her scent turned her on just as it aroused him as well... and though she reached for his hand with her right, he could tell she still hid her left from him. She had to know that he would see her hand eventually... especially if half of what he planned to do with her would come to pass.

Even as she said that though he nodded. " I didn't think you would know... which was why I asked... for many submissives it is important to know that, and it is definately a thing... when following your dom you should always stay two steps behind him. Close enough to reach if desired, far enough so that you will not run over them... makes sense right?" He asked with a smile.

He took no offense to her honesty... in fact he found it refreshing. Even as he looked to her though he smiled though beckoned to her. " come along Everly... we have a night to explore." He remarked as he lead the way... and passing through the club she could see that the woman in the mini skirt had been changed for another submissive whom was willingly enjoying being spanked... her desire and pleasure clearly on her face.

Yet Damian lead the way to the rear where the maitre De was waiting, and securing the use of a room he looked to her with a soft smile. " Are you ready my little submissive? ready to explore the depths of pleasure, not pain?" He asked curiously with a smile, though the fact that she was there, willingly submitting told him that she was... there was still a desire to hear it for himself.
It seemed a little odd but Everly nodded as he explained the rules of walking. It was a different world, she thought to herself as he started to guide the way to a more private space. She stayed a respectable two steps behind him, making sure that she wouldn't crash into him if he decided to suddenly stop in his tracks.

She paused as the man who had been guarding th door moved to secure them a space. She looked up a Damian again as he smiled down at her, asking if this is what she really wanted. She wasnt entirely sure but she knew if she backed down now she would never forgive herself.

"I'm positive that I want to explore, sir." She said softly, letting him hear the words that would give them both permission to continue.
He knew that it would be strange and different, which was fine. Even as she followed very well he was quite pleased that she had decided to listen and follow at the correct distance. It wasn't a hard directive, it was simply something that would be remembered.

As they paused though he could see her indecision for a moment, and un-like some masters whom wouldn't have been patient, he was with her. Yet as she gave the affirmative answer the maitre'D nodded and handing over a key card Damian pulled on the heavy brass handle to the door.

Passing through they entered into a hallway which had doors on the left and right. Each room was soundproofed, so there was only the beat of the main rooms music as they passed, but Damian turned to the fifth room on the right and sliding the key in the lock clicked open before he passed through.

Even as he did he fully expected her to follow, and as they entered the room she could see that it was a suite like room. A large bed adorned one wall, and to her left she would see a wall with all form of toy, flogger, whip, switch, dildo, chain and hood. It was a general room after all, so it was clear that it was going to furnish for any potential visitor.

" Very good... your first task is to choose three items. One of binding, one of pleasure, and one of torment." With that he headed over to the bed area and sat down, he calmly sitting and clasping his hands before himself he watched her expectantly. He had not un-dressed her nor had her un-dress... but Damian was quite curious what she would pick.

The three items she would pick would not be the only three he used on her, but it was simply him learning about her that caused him to direct her in the way that he was.
Everly looked up at that wall, swallowing hard at the thought of havin to pick out three items. It seemed like the most daunting task in the world and she glance back to Damian a time or two, wishing that he would just come and make it for her. Every time her eyes settled on an item she thought abou all the bad things that coul be done with it. She had learned with Josh that even the most ordinary item could turn into an instrument of torture.

She let out a long, almost defeated sigh, as she chose a length of rope for binding. It was the easiest of the three to choose. Next she picked out a white vibrator for pleasure. The hardest was the instrument of torment. She didn't like the rods and switches or the paddles and floggers. Instead, she picked out a set of nipple clamps, hoping that they would meet the requirements.

Turning towards Damian, she made her way to him and presented him with her choices. "It's a hard choice. I just hope that they meet your approval."
He knew that the choice of the impliments would be difficult for her, especially given her history of abuse. While he could have chosen everything, he thought it a better task to 'make' her pick some of the items herself. He wasn't Josh, and while the history of her life was wrought with pain... she had agreed to come with him in hopes of discovering a different side to the items.

Even as she brought them over he nodded to her as she said that. " A good set of choices, rope can be used in many ways, so you leave me with many options with that. The vibrator can either be pleasure or torture, but the nipple clamps are clearly the latter." He mused as he took them and setting them down onto the bed for a moment he rose and taking her chin in his hand, he 'made' her look at him.

" Tonight, is about discovering a new life for yourself. It is about seeing what you were denied, and to explore what you wish to know." He purred though as he said that he leaned down, his eyes locked with hers as his hand moved around to the nape of her neck before he pressed his lips firmly to hers.

The kiss was gentle, yet firm... soft, yet demanding, controlling, yet arousing. For a long few moments he but tasted her lips... his tongue delving into her mouth as he took his time to explore that orifice... all the while his hand held her, fingers curled, not taking away her choice truly, but controlling her, of that there could be no doubt.

It was only when he had stolen her breath away that he pulled back and looking into her eyes he motioned her to turn. As she would of course comply she would feel the dress she was wearing being un-done, he letting it slide down her body, pooling at her feet, leaving her in nothing if she had not been wearing a bra, and wearing only that if she had, alongside her heels of course.

He pressed the dress down, baring her as he caused it to drop, his eyes moving over her backside... she able to simply feel his gaze on her, as he didn't touch her further... at least not yet.
Evie understood what he was telling her, but it didn't make her any less tense. She was prepared for the worst and hoping for the best as he leaned in and kissed her. She let out a gasp as his hand moved to the nape of her neck, supporting her easily as he demanded so much from her. Parting her lips slightly, he took what she offered and soon her tongue was exploring his own as his fingers curled in her thick locks.

She was panting by the time he pulled away, looking into her dark gaze as he motioned for her to turn around. She did so slowly, shivering at the feel of his fingers pulling at her dress until it pooled at her feet, leaving her naked before him. She glanced down briefly at her pale skin. She was toned from hours in the gym, her curves covered in sleek pale cream skin. Her breasts were smallish but capped with pink nipples that were crinkled with arousal. Her sex was topped with a thin thatch of brown hair. It was all enough to make her shudder visible, looking over her shoulder at the man that was appraising her heart shaped bottom and the long column of her spine.
Oh he knew that this wouldn't be easy for her... and Damian did not expect it to be. Yet that was also why he went slowly... and she could probably tell. He was being incredibly patient with her... and even as he did take her lips and mouth with his own lips and tongue as she responded slowly, he enjoyed the rise and fall of her chest as he pulled away.

As she turned for him he saw her shiver... and even as she glanced down at her body he smiled as he saw how toned she was, yet feminine... a delightful mixture. " Good girl." He mused, though he saw her heart shaped bottom, he resolved that if he ever had another night with her that he would show her the delights of her ass, not the pains of it.

Tonight was for her to re-discover herself though.. and as she saw him appraising her he nodded. " Beautiful from the back." He mused, though he moved closer to her and wrapping his arms around her he swept her hands back behind her, before he clasped them within one another.

" Keep them there." He purred to her as she could hear him and see him move over to a chest of drawers, and taking his time to open the top drawer he took out a pair of scissors. As he returned she could see him take the fifty feet of rope she had selected and cut it into two parts, on third and two thirds. From there though he moved with the sixteen feet of rope and looping the rope around her wrists she felt how he began.

The rope was wound, pulling her arms back... he didn't bind her too severely, but the rope wound and would together, causing her back to arch as he tied the rope just below her elbows, they pulled together slightly as he then moved around her, a soft smile on his face.

" Smaller breasts, but I would imagine very sensitive." He mused as he saw the thatch of brown hair and he smiled as he looked then to her eyes again. " Legs spread Everly." He purred as she would need to share her nickname if she wished him to be more informal with her... she could tell he had only just begun, but the loss of her arms would 'kick' the submissive desires for her he was sure.

The Binding ( Only from the back not the front ;) )
"Yes, sir." Evie said automatically as he pulled her arms behind her back, clasping her hands together and telling her to keep them there.

She wanted to look at him as he moved behind her, but she wanted to be the girl that could listen to instruction well. She made herself stay in her spot, breathing deeply to keep her panic under control. She gasped each time he wrapped that rope around her arms, binding her to her elbows.

The position wasn't uncomfortable, but it changed her posture. Her shoulders pulled back slightly, her breasts on perfect display for him as he slowly moved around her body, appraising everything that she had to offer. She shivered at the tone of his voice, a blush coating her cheeks as he mused about her breasts being sensitive.

When she heard his order to spread her legs, she did just that. They were shoulder length apart as he looked down at her with an expectant kind of gaze. He wanted something from her. What might that be, she asked herself softly before she let out a little gasp of realization.

"Evie." She said softly, looking up into his gaze. "Please call me Evie, sir."
He smiled as she said that automatically... and even as she stayed in position... she would not have been able to see very well as it was, as the tie was in the back, but she was lovely as he bound her. Cutting away the excess rope he left the rest.

Even as she stayed in position he could see the rise and fall of her chest, and even as she gasped he took his time. Even as he finished with the first tie though he moved around and looked at her... she didn't realize just yet he wanted all of her... but he moved and smiled as he heard that.

" Evie... a good nickname." He mused as he seemed to come to a decision and moving around behind her he gently took hold of her bound arms and pulled her around towards the bed. " All right, you are going to move onto the bed and sit with your back to the cushions." He directed as he moved the cushions to line the headboard... and when she had done so she could see him loop the rope and then wrap it around her ankles.

Taking his time when they were bound he pulled her legs wide, splaying them and spreading them as he tied them to the frame of the bed. Even as that was done though he then moved away from her and cut another length of the rope, he using about ten feet of rope and she was able to watch him kneel between her spread thighs as he firmly wound the rope around her smallish breasts, tying them, causing them to bulge out as he certainly knew how to do that very well. Soon her breasts were hard orbs.

He picked up the nipple clamps though and smiled to her. Holding both open at the lightest setting he looked to her. " Ready?" He not waiting on a reply really before both snapped onto her nipples, gently biting, just enough for them to hold, but nothing too intense at all.
Evie listened to his instructions and nodded her understanding as he helped her onto the bed and back against the pillows. She held still for him as he placed the rope around her ankles and bound her legs wide apart. She blushed at the sight of her wet folds on display and she looked up at him and wondered what he thought.

She was bound in the most delicious way, she thought to herself as he started on her breasts. She whimpered at the feeling of the rope squeezing them, causing them to jut out from her chest in the most obscene way imaginable. She squirmed in her bonds, looking up at him as he showed her the next step with those wicked clamps.

"Yes, sir." She said softy, letting out a moan as they bit into her hard nipples.

She strained against her bonds, her thighs quaking at the jolt that shot through her and she knew that she was putting on quite the show for him.

"Give me a moment, please." She managed to gasp out, struggling to get herself under control before she embarrassed herself.
Oh she truly was beautiful... and even as she nodded her understanding he did help her up onto the bed, though he enjoyed seeing her little struggle as she worked her way over and sat down. As he took the rope and gently tied her legs nice and widely apart it certainly was a delicious position, leaving her very open for whatever he wished of her.

Even as she whimpered though he smirked ever so slightly. " Oh you like that do you?" He didn't bind them TOO tightly... but not too loosely either... it was just right. Even as she said that she was ready he let the clamps snap onto her nipples, and even as he did he sat back to watch her.

Her squirming WAS a delightful display... and even as she strained she felt how the ropes held tight, she able to squirm her hips and thrash about, but that only added to her predicament as well, as it moved the clamps upon her bulging breasts.

As she managed to gasp it out he smirked. " Oh you have a moment." He mused, and even as he said that Damian got up from the bed, leaving her to luxuriate in the sensations, the helplessness... the submission that he was placing her into. He didn't throw her down on the floor and call her names, nor did he belittle her in any way. Quite the opposite. Everything he seemed to do, he did to seem to bring out her beauty and pleasure.

She would see him standing though as he slipped the vest from his broad shoulders. It was clear that Damian took very good care of himself as he was truly 'ripped', sleek hard muscles and very little fat... but he reached down and working his shoes off next was the pants, he un-dressing mostly, leaving only his black boxer style underwear on as she could see her submission had aroused him, a very impressive bulge pressing against the front as he set his clothes aside and going back to the wall, he chose a new item... a large feather.

He was sure that she could figure out what that was for... a wicked look in his eyes as he headed back to the bed... a smile playing on his lips that said that this would be a very long night for her!