To Catch a Prey ((LitShark & choklatekoneko))


Nov 8, 2002

Eitan was sweating under his Armani suit. Behind his dark, Ray Ban sunglasses, his vigilant eyes roved over the fresh batch of weary travelers that the Leguardia International Terminal was spewing forth. Though his jaw was clenched and his face emotionless, the stern driver was cursing this new girl already for making him wait. He was impatient to meet her, to learn about what she was, to get started tearing her apart and reconstructing her. The people looked like a bizarre, filthy, flesh vomit that the towering steel ediface was spewing into the street and over the curb, chunky with tacky souveneirs and carry-on bags.

He held a plackard over his chest with the name Nia printed in deliberate, legible block letters. Behind him the muted engine of the Lincoln Town Car was still idling, even as cabs and other vehicles laid on their horns behind it.

Tapping out a Lucky Strike from the soft pack he carried in his breast pocket, Eitan lit up. He smoked in solemn displeasure, baking in the East Coast summer heat. This was the part of the job he detested, the pretense. The faking and pretending to keep these dumb, young, cunts floating on their cloud of irrational faith. Faith that their beauty would carry them into the life they always dreamed of, faith that America would gladly cradle them to her brass tit and nurse them on the gold that ran in the streets.

Playing the role of dutiful limo driver was never a task that Eitan coveted.

The "Acquisitions" Department had spent months softening this mark up, and from the JPEG files that they'd accumulated, her beauty would indeed fetch some gold from the streets, but her life wouldn't be anything like the pretty picture that the con team had painted in her eager, juvenile brain.

Nia was beautiful, there was no denying that. Even the pictures Eitan had seen didn't do her justice, he realized as the full figured beauty stepped through the sliding airport doors. She was delightfully curvy and had an infectious white smile that made his loins stir on sight. Even after her long flight, she looked radiant, like a music video fantasy girl come to life, walking toward him as though the cigarette strewn concrite were a runway.

Yes. Eitan thought to himself. I'll enjoy breaking this one.

"Nia? This is you?" Eitan asked, pretending not to know her on sight as she approached. "I'm here to bring you to your new home. Welcome to America."
Her head was swirling off all the possibilities in her mind. She was going to America. That...wasn't really common where she was from. She didn't mind...she was eager to start a new life...a better one. If that meant leaving her country...and what little family she be it. They would thank her later, when she was well off and she could afford to bring them with her. They would never have to worry about another meal..or anything else.

She didn't tell her parents she was leaving. She was nineteen now after all. She packed with little things she had and everything else was set up by the people she had been talking to. She got giddy whenever she thought of all the possibilities. She thought about going for a while now. Talking with him sure did help. She knew this was the right decision.

2 days ago, she grabbed her best clothing and a few other personal items, and left in the middle of the night.

Now....she was walking off the Delta airplane, in a place she didn't even know. She was bubbling inside, excited, but nervous as hell at the same time. What was she doing? What if she got lost, hurt? She had heard of the dangers of America. Her parents had filled her head up. But she knew if she wanted to succeed, she had to go.

She grabbed her bags with a bit of difficulty, watching as everyone busied themselves. She pouted a bit, wishing a moment to breath. She looked, wondering if her ride had arrived, before she saw the sign. She couldn't help but grin, realizing that it was. And this was a start to her new life. She smiled brightly as she walked with her bags towards him, blushing at the sound of his voice. Even coming from Sierra Leone, she spoke good English.

"Thank you. It...feels great to be here! You're taking me to my place?" She asked him, glancing around as she nearly jumped with excitement.
Eitan took a moment to give Nia a good look over, top to bottom as he reached down to dutifully pick up her bags. This was all a part of a game, make them feel comfortable, make them feel welcome. Nia had been recruited through a front organization which posed as a modeling agency, she had to believe that she was a valuable comodity. The trunk opened with a gentle popping sound.

"There is champagne inside the vehicle, please allow me." Eitan opened the back door of the Lincoln Towncar to allow the young beauty inside. "I trust you can make yourself comfortable."

The tall Israeli pushed the door shut behind her with more force than was necessary, being less gentle with the larger of Nia's bags as he threw them into the trunk. He took a moment, using the open trunk as a barrier to check the bottle of ether in his pocket, make sure that it was ready for when he needed it.

Eitan made his way into the driver's seat and pushed the ignition button, pulling smoothly away from the curb.

"The condo where you'll be staying is owned by your Benefactor, who also funded your travel. You will be staying there alone for the time being, but you may be required to share the space, if and when the Benefactor should endorse them. You will have everything you could need provided, so under no circumstances should you need to leave the condo. If there is anything you require aside from what is provided, you are to phone the Consierge desk, who will be more than happy to oblige."

Once the Towncar reached the freeway, Eitan put the hammer down, speeding and swerving around other cars. He was anxious to be done with the subterfuge and pretense. Afterall, he didn't get paid by the hour.