Bartender x Biker (Closed to KINKYCanada)


Literotica Guru
Jan 2, 2016
Katherine scurried around behind the bar, serving drinks, chatting with some of the bikers. She'd been the bartender here, for the Coyote Motorcyle "Club" for close to two years. And she really did love it, she'd made friends with some of the members, she seems to be the equivalent to everyone's little sister. No one knew much about her, she'd just shown up one day looking for a job and the club's president had given her the job of a bartender at the bar/clubhouse. She flicked a strange of her mahogany hair out of her face as she bustled around. Her pale grey eyes looked out over the club. She worked behind a long oak bar, the door was directly in front, off to the left side of the bar was tables, to the right side was a spot for live music and dancing. Through the door off to the left edge of the bar was a long hallway leading to various rooms, including a couple bedrooms that members used as needed.

Kat loved the busyiness, the talking, the listening that came with being a a bartender. She'd come here after getting out of a nasty relationship, she'd ran and hid I the one place she didn't think he'd ever look, surrounded by bikers.

She vaguely wondered if she'd see him. The last handful of months shed had a interesting sort of friendship starting with one of the bikers. A lot of flirting and bantering. Teasing and chatting. She enjoyed their nearly nightly encounters. Kat fully expected they'd sleep together at some point, it seemed to be the inevitable but for now they seemed to be having fun at this stage of the game.

Kat paused to get a fast drink of water before delivering a few more drinks.
Kyle “Dice” Dickerson was more of a recent addition to the Nevada chapter of the Coyotes. He was brought over from Washington to add a little more muscle to the club. And in many ways more brains too.

Dice had got his name from when he was a young man, craps had been his game and he had developed a pretty bad a addiction that landed the young street thug into a lot of trouble. After a short stint in a state penitentiary for nearly killing a man. Dice headed out onto the open road with his Charley and his few possessions. He made his way to Washington and settled in a small town outside of Seattle. There he met a biker named Joe “Bannanas” Warren. The two became friends and Joe got him into the Coyotes. After prospecting for the required time he was a fully patched member.

He loved it there and the club was expanding all along the west. They mostly ran guns and provided protection at concerts and festivals all over western United States and even Canada. They were making good money and enjoying themselves all at the same time. Dice was soon needed in Nevada to help out a chapter that needed a little direction. So off he went.

The Nevada boys were a good bunch, loyal, fearless and not really out to hurt anyone. Though outlaws they didn’t see the point in hurting regular people, one it brought unwanted attention, two it made it so the locals didn’t want you around this made it harder to take care of business. But when the locals were content and didn’t look twice at you. Thing ran a lot smoother.

Dice was popular, he had shoulder length hair, a gruff mustache and beard many tattoos. He stood at 6’ 2”, was all muscle and not someone fuck with. Prison had taught him that it’s eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed. He learned quickly and was in a very short time one of the toughest mother fuckers in the yard.

Dice loved riding and taking care of business, but Nevada had something else going for it. Katherine. The bartender a the clubhouse. She was funny, beautiful and nothing like the usual skanks that worked the parties. She was a mainstay, she was there everyday and was trusted with not only serving drinks. She was also never made a club play thing, this was a sign of real respect by the boys. Though Dice was sure more of the men wanted into her pants. Hell he was sure a few got there before he showed up. But since he got there he had never seen her leave with another member into the back rooms or out to a car. He pulled up in his HD Street Glide and parked it in his spot three prospects charged with watching the bikes were shooting the shit.
“Boys how’s the action today?” Dice asked walking up to the front door. Of the clubhouse

“Aside from Katherine and Beth. Nothing much!” one answered. Dice was happy to hear that Katherine was there. He had been having a small string of bad luck missing her as of the last couple days. He bid the men a good day and headed in. The room was smoky and loud. He was greeted by a few members and some guests. It was just past three in the afternoon there was to be a party that night to celebrate a big run. Dice made the rounds saying hello to all those he needed to. Then he headed to the bar, moving a newer member along. He was about to protest then saw who it was moving him. Dice sat and waited for her to come with his order. Katherine was a great bartender, she had a mind for it. Remembered almost everyone's usual. When she put it down he looked up at her. He held her stare not blinking, not smiling nothing. Then he couldn’t take it and broke into a broad grin. “You are looking not bad today!” Dice said with a shit eating smile. He simply loved to bust her balls and banter with her. It was now one of his favorite things to do.

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Kat saw Dice enter the bar and just smiled, the last few days she hadn't seen him, and she'd admit she'd been starting to miss his presence at her bar. Three in the afternoon didn't mean much to bikers, and a few were more than a little on their way to being completely wasted. She slid a couple more drinks along the bar as she made her way down to Dice, settin his usual in front of her. She met his gaze, briefly wondering if he was pissed about something, but then he grinned. Saying she didn't look bad today. Kat snorted. "Well now, you keep drowning me in these compliments and I'm liable to get an ego." She teased. Her voice had a western drawl and a whisper of Irish to it. She leaned a hip against the counter, she wore snug dark jeans, a white halter top that contrasted nicely with her naturally gold dusted skin. And at the small of her back was a handgun. Kat wasn't stupid, she was thoroughly involved with a outlaw biker gang, not that she worried any of the Coyotes would hurt her, but another club might try it.

After all being the bartender at the clubhouse meant she heard things whether she was meant to or not. But by this point most of the guys respected her, thought of her as just another member, even though officially she wasn't a member. Kat felt a big part of getting that respect was that she'd never ever slept with any of the bikers. If she wanted fun she looked in town for a regular person. But even that wasn't often. Kat spent a great deal of time here at the bar and often even occupied a back room, alone, on the nights she was too tired to drive home to her little cabin at the edge of town.

At 5'6 and a athletic 120 pounds, Kat didn't seem all that intimidating but she didn't put up with shit from anyone, and she truly enjoyed being around the bikers. She they broke the law, but they lived by a code, and she happened to agree with most of that code. The life she'd become a part of, it was a hell of a long way from Chicago, for which she was so thankful. This life suited her much more.
Kat took his little slight and handed it back, her smile was a breath for fresh air in a room that was overpowered with b.o. And testosterone. Dice smiled and nodded. He took a large swallow of his Miller. “What time Chief get you to start today?” He asked making small talk. Dice was used to the skanks that hung around trying to become someone's old lady. They had no respect for themselves and were willing to be used in almost in humane ways to get the boy’s attention. Though he had fucked more than a few of them over the years, here in Nevada he had not been with a single one. He felt it was like cheating on Kat. Even though they were not a couple in any way. “You working the party too? The word is that things might get a little hairy! Chief invited a few of the Killing Joke. And we all know how they like to get wild. The Killing Joke was a small time outfit with fifty members. They were tough and crazy, they liked to party and the Coyotes used them as back up from time to time. They would also ride with them on a few of the longer runs.

The addition of the Killing Joke was not something Dice liked. He knew their rep. They didn’t treat women with any respect and he had grown protective of Kat, though she really didn’t need it. But all the same the other gang didn’t consider a woman worthy of any place higher then skank and Kat was no skank, she was anything but. She had standards and wouldn’t let them slide for anything.

She was also a non-smoker and didn’t as far as he knew get high. This was rare and he liked that, it made her even more of an individual and less like the rest of the women that hung around. This also seemed to cement her place in the clubhouse. She was like a mother, sister and girlfriend without being any. The guys trusted her, liked her and treated her with more respect than any woman in the past. This pissed off a few of the girls but they knew Kat was no one to fuck with. But it could also rub the Killing Joke the wrong way. And for that Dice was hoping she would be off that night, though he doubted it!

"When are you going to get rid of that pea shooter and take me up on my offer to get you a real pistol?" Dice asked when his yes spotted her small .32 caliber pistol in the small of her back.

She chuckled and took a sip of her water, "just got on a two thirty." She said as she took this moment to relax as everyone at the bar was happy and content with their drinks. "Yeah I'll be there, technically I'm only scheduled for the first half but you know how that goes, I'll be here for the whole thing, yeah the Killing Joke keep it interesting that's for sure." She said. Maybe one if he most worrisome traits of Kat's was that she didn't have much fear. She wants sperfectoy content to be surrounded by wild drunk bikers at a party.

She just smirked as he insulted her gun. "It'll kill someone just the same. But you want to get me a different one, I'm not likely to say no " she teased. She finished her water bottle and pitched it into the trash can she kept behind the bar. One of the nomads called out and Kat moved off to refill his drink and few others. "Come on Kat let's dance." Quinn said as she refilled his drink. Kat just laughed, because it was a nightly question. "Nope, I'm workin." Her same answer as always. Quinn grumbled good naturedly but smirked. They both knew that 'dancing' was just code for sex and she didn't intend on sleeping with Quinn. In fact if she'd sleep with anyone she had her eyes set on Dice. She figured at some point they'd sleep together, just to blow off all the steam they were building up between them. But for now it was fun to banter and tease. She made her way back down to Dice with another bottle of water in her hand.
Dice wasn’t happy to hear that she was working the party. He wasn’t worried about her handling her self just that he knew she would be bothered more than the usual with the boys from the other gang. But he had no claim over Kat, no authority other than that of a member over an employee. So when she was courted to dance by other members, which happened a lot, he had to bite his tongue and let it be. Like so many times in the very short period of time they knew each other, she let the man down gently and moved on. Dice had to wonder if he would be told no also.
He had thought about asking her. Had wet dreams of it actually, and rubbed more than a few out thinking of her. But still he just kept flirting and jabbing with her.

When Kat agreed to let him outfit her with a pistol with a little more punch he smiled. This small thing was a big step in their relationship. As She came back over he put a snub nosed glock 27 in a black kydex holster designed to be carried in the same spot she carried her other pistol which was handy. “Here this will serve you better than that toy. It’s clean so no worries there. But if you do shoot somebody with it. Get it back to me!” Dice said with a smile. “Is yours registered to you? If not let me have it. A trade that way you won’t feel to owe me anything!” He told her, though he liked the idea of her owing him. He knew he would need to grab another back up for himself. All the boys carried guns in the clubhouse. If you pulled it out on a member you had to have a good reason or face a stiff punishment.

She took the gun he offered, turning it over in her hands, nodding, "Thanks," She reached behind her and removed the one she was wearing, setting it on the counter and replacing it with the one he gave her. It sat well, and was comfortable there, which was important for her. "Yes, it's registered to me. I've had it a year and a half now." She said, she'd bought the gun, legally, after her ex husband had found her and attacked her. She smirked and said, "So you'll have to come up with some way for me to pay you back for the gun," There was some flirting and teasing between them. Kat couldn't claim to trust men anymore, not much anyway, but she had a budding trust going with most of the Coyotes, and out of all of them, she trusted Dice the most. Maybe that was foolish, she didn't know much about him, but still, there was something about him, and hse felt she could trust him.

She knew the part was starting around five, so likely, people would be showing up anytime. She'd already refilled the bar and she'd ate before coming to work, she knew that it was going to be a long night, but it would be fun, and she always enjoyed the parties, though she never participated much, she didn't drink at work, she didn't party with them, but she observed, and had fun watching them.
"Well you could cook me dinner for the gun!" He said in reply to her quire about payment. Though it was a simple request and truthfully had it been any other woman he wouldn't think anything of it. But with Kat it was a big step.

As he drank the main bar area started to fill with bikers, their old ladies and other guests of the club. Soon Kat would be joined by a couple more bar tenders and some of the women would be walking around cleaning bottles and bringing more to the thirsty men. The music was a mix of classic rock and country, Dice decided it would be a good idea to slow down a bit. He didn't want to be smashed before the party even started. He looked over a few of the boys as they played pool then at a few playing darts. Everyone was enjoying themselves and were all in a good mood. Then Chief walked out from the back where he kept his private office.

"Kat you still good to run the bar tonight?" He asked. This was also a rarity, normally she would have been told, not asked. But she was a valued employee. Not some skank. "Dice I have good news and bad!" He said to Dice when he saw him in usual perch at the end of the bar.

"Let's have the desert first!"

"They are throwing in a bonus for the speed of the shipment!" Chief said with a big grin.

"And the veggies!" Dice asked. Chief frowned.

"Mallard had his ass beat in San Fransisco. Poor bastard will be eating through a straw for a month. Anyway the wops say they had nothing to do with it. The other boys will be back tonight. I want you to meet with the grease balls when they get here in a week to sort through this shit. Make it clear that we are not fucking happy!" Chief said. Dice swore loudly. Chief gave Kat a pinch on the ass. then walked around the bar. "Nice piece, better then that pop gun, also Silvie wants you over for dinner one night this week. Says you're the only woman here she likes. You are to bring a date. Dice should be free seeing he never dates, the big fag." Chief said to Kat, then he was lost in the crowd.

She snorts "You want me to give you food poisoning?" Kat was an awful cook, she'd actually lit her kitchen on fire once. "Well now, I can make omelets. So maybe I'll cook you breakfast some time." Soon the place was filling up, kat didn't like sharing her work space but with the crowds she'd need the help. Then the Chief came out. "Yeah I'm all good." She assured as she was mixing drinks and handing them off.

When the Chief pinched her ass, the back of her hand connected solidly with his forearm. "Knock that off." She was partially teasing since she knew he didn't mean anything by the act. But still, she kept up her reputation for not taking shit from anyone. She raised a brow when he said Silvie wanted to have her over for dinner. But she just nodded. "Name the day, I'm there." She snorted when he mentioned a date and Dice would likely be free. "Well now, maybe if he asks nicely," she threw a teasing grin over to Dice.

Then she got swept up into the chaos that was the party. It got into full swing within a couple hours. By nine half the patrons were just wasted. Kat was fielding several offers, most rather crude and inappropriate but she kept with the flow. She went to the back storage room to grab another couple bottles of alcohol, frowning when she heard the door swing. Turning she saw a member of Killing Joke between her and the door. She set the bottles down. "Party's out front." She said firmly. The half drunk man just grinned. "Aww baby, I thought we could have our own private party." Kat shook her head. "Ain't happenin. Now move." She said, no longer worrying about the alcohol she'd meant to grab.

"Come on sweetheart, just a little fun." Kat felt her stomach roll but she kept her emotions in check. "You need to back the fuck off. Right now." She was increasingly aware of how small this room was. The man's eyes narrowed. "Now that's no way for a lady to talk." He growled. Kat snorted. "Never said I was a lady. Now I told you No. you need to move on." The man lunged for her, "You don't get to tell me what to do, bitch." Kat dodged his right hand coming at her, she went left, gripping his right wrist in her right hand as it went past her. She braced her left hand just above his elbow. Pushing with her left and pulling with her right she snapped the man's elbow, having him howling in pain. She tried to shove him forward and succeeded a bit.

He caught himself in a rack of bottles, sending the rack tumbling, causing a loud crashing sound. "You fucking bitch!" He snarled, cradling his right hand to his chest, he backhanded her with his left, she was fast though and only caught the edge of his hand, but his ring caught her lip, drawing blood. But it helped her get even closer to the door and now she made t out the door, but he was right behind her, hopefully the sound was enough to draw one of the Coyote's attentions. She drew her new gun as she backed away, aiming t at his chest she prayed he stopped, she didn't want to shoot him. The man paused, "Easy now Darlin, just go on and put hay away." He ordered smoothly. Kat's eyes narrowed, "No. you need to get the fuck out of my bar. Right now."
Dice laughed at her retort and liked that even with the boss she didn't take any unwanted touching. Dice needed to hear more about what happened to his friend and walked off to talk to Chief. After a couple hours he was pretty drunk, he had scored big at darts though and won a cool thousand. Then he won a couple of street races and even managed to stop a few fights. All in all it was a good night.

He made his way back to the bar and saw Kat was not there. Not that she needed to be there it was just odd. He waited and soon heard a loud crash, this got his attention. With in a minute Kat came out of the storage room followed by one of the Killing Joke. She seemed pissed and when she pulled her gun Dice flew over the bar. He had not heard anything that had been said between them but he knew that something was a miss. He went beside her and put a firm hand on her gun.

"Kat it's me. Lower the god damn gun. What happened?" He asked. When she told him, Dice moved between them and grabbed the biker, dragging him out of the hall into the main area. Soon there were shouts and hollers from the two gangs. The biker who went by Sampson, was still cursing Kat's name and holding his arm. "Buddy I don't know where you're from but we don't treat our ladies like that!" Dice said and punched him in the arm. He screamed and then Dice felt the pushing and shoving from the bikers trying to help Sampson. When Chief got to him Dice explained what happened.

"Get him the fuck out of here!" Chief said and three Coyotes dragged him out. Then Chief went to talk to the leader of the Killing Joke.

Dice went back to Kat. "You ok? Did he hurt you?" He asked then he handed her a clothe. "Lets go out back you could use a break." Dice said, grabbing a beer for himself and water for her. Then he put his arm around her in a protective posture leading her to the other side of the club house. While the men disposed of the unwanted trash.

She didn't take her eyes off the biker when she heard Dice's voice, then he told her to lower the gun. Reluctantly she did so, holstering her gun. "He got pushy, cornered me in the supply room. Wouldn't take No for an answer." She watched him deal with the biker, as she took a slow breath. When he came back she took the cloth and used it to swipe at her bloody lip. "Yeah I'm fine. No he didn't hurt me. Not really. Tried to a couple of times. I busted his elbow." She smirked.

She didn't mind the arm around her, as they moved to a more private side of the clubhouse. "Really Dice I'm alright. Maybe a little shook up. Wasn't sure I'd be able to get past him, when we were in the supply room. But then he lunged for me. Gave me the opening I needed to snap his elbow. Pissed him off, tried to backhand me, dodged most of it but his ring caught my lip." She shrugged.

"Not the worst hit to the face I've taken." Bread ojtnof her mouth before she thought about it. Before she remembered none of the bikers knew about her past. She took a seat on a couch and took the bottle of water to take several slow drinks. "Just glad I didn't have to shoot him."
Kat had mentioned that she was glad she didn't shoot him. That made two of them. Great employee or not, had she shot a member of a friendly gang, no matter how he may have deserved it she would have been in a shit storm.

"I am too! I am sorry this happened. They are just too nuts when you get them hopped up on pills and liqueur. Dice sat on the arm of the sofa Kat was in. "Chief and the boys will put a good beat down on him. Chief loves you. As do all the other guys." Dice said as he could still hear the shouts from the bar. "Did you want to take you home?" Dice asked. He wasn't coming on to her but he wanted her to be ok and he felt that would be away from here. When her water was done Dice took the empty and grabbed her a fresh one. "Where did you learn to fight like that. I've fought tough broads, that those moves were more precise then most people know. I should know I've been professionally trained in the street in the dojo and in the prison yard. I know quality when I see it." He asked choosing this time to sit with her. The pair took up most of the small sofa, so now they were nice and cozy!

Kat smiled softly, "I love them too. I've never had much of a family ever. So it's kinda nice to have a group I consider family." She mused. When he offered to take her home she nodded, "Ya know, that would be kinda nice," she murmured. She didn't want to be shook up from this but she was and it would be kinda nice to have Dice around for a while tonight. She handed the empty bottle to him. When he came back asking where she learned to fight. "Ah well I took some self defense courses but about a year and a half ago I settled in a small town and there was this MMA fighter who was ex military. He taught me to fight. To really defend myself. It's come in handy but I'm still tiny compared to any opponent I might have." She said, instinctively leaning into him when he joined her on the couch. "Thanks by the way for coming to my rescue. I think he would've pushed me to shoot him." She frowned. "I hope that beating he's getting isn't gonna just piss him off more." She frowned again as she glanced over at Dice.
"Well I am glad you can throw down." Dice said liking that she was leaning into him. "Any of the boys would have jumped in!" He said not wanting to blow his own horn or try and come off as some hero. "As for his ass kicking. No I think if anything, if you should see him again he will be very polite with you! That of he'll probably be killed by us!" Dice told her hoping that would put her at ease. He did doubt that he would ever come back to the club house again though.

"Let's get you home! You wanna ride bitch... uhhh I mean ride passenger on my hog or have me follow you?" He said cursing his crass language. Though She had heard it all a million times he tried to be a lot more polite with her.

She nods, hoping that she'd never see the man again. Snickering as he tried to catch himself with his rough language, though she didn't mind. She'd heard a lot worse. "I'll follow you. I'll need my truck tomorrow." She reluctantly stood up to grab her jacket. Despite all their flirting and joking, this would be the first time they'd left together. She didn't expect anything to happen tonight. Though it didn't hurt to fantasize a bit. She shrugged on her leather jacket said, "I don't live far from here, just out 182, just past city limits." She said as she grabbed her wallet and her keys. It would be a short drive out to her house but it would still be nice to not be alone. To have some company once she got home.
Dice got up and the two left. He saw that things had still not calmed down and now a few other fights had broke out. "Great!" Dice thought. "All cause some asshole couldn't keep his hands off the ladies!"

Chief walked up to them. "Kat, ah good ya you head on home. he boys are just having it out. You'll never see this fuck again. Dice meeting, here 9am. So Kat don't you wear this pussy out! ha" The big man gave a laugh and turned back to the fights.

Dice gave him the finger then pulled out and roared onto the highway, he knew where she lived and was soon there. When she got out of her truck he waited for her to open her place and head in. "Got a beer?" He asked stepping in. He had never been in her place only outside a couple times. It was nice though a good size for a bachelorette. "Nice. I'll understand if you need to shower or if you want to be alone. I'll just hang out for a bit then head home if you want." Dice said, hoping she would want his company all night long.

Kay just laughed at the Chief's teasing. She excelled as a bart beer because she didn't take the jokes seriously and sh didn't get offended by things said. "Oh no promises Chief." She teased right back before she slid into her Pickup truck. She drove out to the little cabin that she called home. It was a two story, sitting in the middle of a pretty field. She parked and slid out, leading Dice inside. While he house seemed to be missing some personal touches, it looked lived in. A little messy but nothing extreme. "Yeah Beer in the fridge, help yourself." Then after a moment she nodded, "I do need a shower, but I would like you to stay, at least for a little while." She smiled. "Make yourself at home and I'll be right back."

She headed upstairs and went through her bedroom to the master bathroom. She showered quickly, changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. She had her hair up in a messy bun before she headed back downstairs to Dice. While her outfit was more than appropriate it was still less clothes than he'd ever seen her in. The shorts only came to mid thigh and the tank top exposed a lot of her back and of course her arms. She grabbed a beer of her own from the kitchen before wandering off to see where Dice was.
He followed her in and went to get a beer when she said it was ok, while she showered he looked around. It was messier then he thought it might be, that really just told him that she was a comfortable person. His place was sty and he loved it. He walked around the whole main floor taking it all in. Still seemed like she wasn't here for the long haul though.

When she came down and walked to get a beer he gave a low whistle. "Damn Kat you clean u good." He said only half joking. He liked her at the club house and she was dressed like a biker chick there, now she looked like she really should, half dressed and looking like she just got out of the shower.

He walked to her couch and pushing aside some clothes he sat. "Kat can I ask you! What did you do before the bar? Cause you ain't no biker queen and you are to smart to be a simple bar tender!" He asked patting the seat next to him. If she gave him an opening he would be taking it. And not just cause he was a little on the drunker side.

Kat snorted, "Wait until you actually see me cleaned up." She teased as she took a slow drink of her beer. She set her beer on the coffee table so that she could toss the clothes from the couch to the laundry basket, she was in the process of folding the clothes. She took a seat next to him, a bit of space between them, but still closer than friends might be. "Before coming here?" She asked, pausing, she almost never talked about her life before, but she decided to tell Dice. "I lived in Chicago. I was married very briefly. It ended violently. I was a waitress at a local restaurant." She said, as she watched him. "I left after the divorce, needed to, for safety. Then I kept moving, for a long time, over a year, before I finally settled here." She shrugged, before taking another drink of her beer. "But bar tending suits me. I get along good with the guys, they learned I won't take their shit, and it's interesting, certainly never boring." She chuckled.
Dice gave her a wicked smile. "I'm not sure I could handle that!" he said then listened closely to her, he hated to hear that anyone would be violent with her. Or any woman for that matter. He himself was a criminal, and he was very, very violent he would never lay an unwanted hand on a woman. Never had and never will.

"That sucks, I am sorry to hear that, I want you to know that you will always be safe with the Coyotes, the boys all love you." He didn't know why he told her this but wanted her to know that she would never need to worry for her safety with the boys. What happened with the Killing Joke was rare and he felt the boys handled it right.

He finished his first beer then had another and a third. "Sorry Kat I will replenish your beer stock tomorrow." He said after cutting into her beer. Much of it had to do with him liking her and he was also nervous which was super rare, only Kat seemed to bring it out of him these days.

"No time in jail? No criminal record?" He asked. This was because he knew a man could find her through your record and if she truly was hiding then she might need to address this issue!

Kat shrugged, "It is what it is." then she chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I rarely drink at home. So at least it's not going to waste in the fridge." She eyed him when he aside if she had any jail time. "Nope, at least not since I was over eighteen. My juvie record is sealed, not that there's anything major, but I was a bit of a wild child. Foster kid who knew I wasn't wanted, so I rebelled and acted out as often as I could." She finished her own beer and grabbed another for herself. She turned so she was facing towards Dice, as she drank and as they talked. It was surprising for her, to realize that she didn't mind talking about her rather screwed history.
"Wild child hey! I like to hear that, gives a loser with a patch like me hope!" Dice said with a giggle. No matter what he was going to pay her back for the beer. He always hated the members who drank and ran and never ponied up after. He was liking the talk and though they had many in the Club house he had never really had an honest one on one! Though he wanted to many times.

"Well that's a good thing. I spent a couple years in a state pen in Michigan and let me tell you it's not the place anyone with a brain wants to be!" He said admitting that he did time. Though finding a biker who hadn't was the real challenge. Most if not all the Coyotes have done hard time. Dice took off his cut and placed it on a nearby chair, then he was just in a dark tank top, both arms covered in tattoos, with two prominent die on his hands both showing a single black dot, snake eyes, it was a constant reminder of how he wound up in prison in the first place.

She laughs, enjoying seeing him relaxing some with her. For all the times they'd talked and spent time together this was the most relaxed and most private they'd ever been. She didn't care that he'd been to prison she figured he had been. "I did a few months in juvie but that's about the extent of my time." She chuckles. Her eyes skimmed over his tattoos, she would admit she'd grown to have a weakness for men with tattoos. Though personally she thought she had a weakness for Dice in particular. It seemed like she was drawn to him like a moth to flame. Finishing her second beer she set it on the table and was content to lounge as they talked, hoping Dice planned on sticking around for a while yet tonight.
Kat made the comment about juvie, he smiled. "Keep it that way!" Dice told her in a caring way. He watched her drink and relax and get more comfortable. He wasn't used to being around woman he could just be himself with. Most women wanted the biker persona 24/7, tough guy, acting out and just being a badass. He knew there was a place for that but he liked that with Kat it wasn't needed nor was it wanted.

Though he wanted her he also wanted her friendship, that was paramount. He never cared if the skanks wanted his friendship, or respect but Kat was different in that as well as many other ways. "You know you should let the club's security guy set you up. This homes security is shit!" Dice said. This was both for her safety and because he was the security guy, and this would mean he would have a reason to be there more often. A relation ship would probably complicate things but having a profession reason to be there was a lot better for all concerned.

She snorted "Security? This house doesn't have security." Then she eyed him, "I suppose that's your point." Then she shrugged. "Probably couldn't hurt." A better security system was probably getting to be necessary. "I am thinking of getting a dog. A big dog." She chuckled. "But I'm at the bar so much it probably wouldn't be a good idea." She said as she naturally leaned closer to Dice. She knew a relationship with Dice may not be the best idea but damn did she want to give it a try. Plus being a title drink helped relax her mind and happily ignore all the rational reasons why it could be a bad idea. Her pale grey eyes watched him. "If you want to mess around with the security here, I won't stop you." She smiled.