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Really Experienced
May 12, 2009
and need to be taught my place

gotta keep the pieces of shit in line :devil:

dildo and ruler are waiting....get me on yahoo
I get all kinds of interesting pms and messages but no one is ever there when a girl needs 'em ;)
Nothing in your profile - no age, no sex, nothing. How do we know you're for real?
Someone asked me my gender the other day in chat. I replied with "Good lord" and hit the x button. The man (I'm assuming he is male) replied shortly after with "Only a woman would say that".

I'd suggest you take his opinion or don't bother pestering me. :eek:
Yes well boo hoo to you all. You'd think a slut would have better luck in these parts
Yes well boo hoo to you all. You'd think a slut would have better luck in these parts

I suspect if you made a new thread describing your age and gender and what you're looking for, you'd get a lot more hits.

For instance "24 year old slutty girl wants to be instructed how to fuck myself" or something.

Your PM box will fill up in a hurry.
I still haven't figured out why people assume I have a penis. I don't, btw, but its a natural assumption which is bothersome. Apparently I'm not bitchy enough for my own good ;)

Anyone interested in taking advantage of the time I have while the kiddos are in after school activities?:devil: