Create A Wrestler

willing and unwilling

Extrem thereapy

She pretty strong, but mostly use mental mind games to take you down, sense she have a skill of picking out your mental weak points. She also studies sex fighting around the world and has some fighting skill

But not above using hired help

I added timmy Vs Cassie, to cassie stuff, imagine it will be a slaugter

Like the Cassie, She seem pretty unstoppable

Normaly I would go against that, but always good to have one boss character that hard to beat. Got to get her in the sex match belt later

Later I am going to update some stories of girls that havent gotten the spotlihgt, like officer Faye, Army girl, and others
Right. Don't plan on Cassie being a regular character so much as a storyline. Just handy for sicking on random people as you want for a serious challenge or a giant beat down. Was always what I liked about Kim Austin, btw.

Also, after reading the Cassie intro with Tanya, I keep loving seeing how Timmy interacts with various people. He's basically got two different outlooks going on at all times, and which one shows up most is interesting.
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few quick questions have hit me today... mostly from my lack of knowledge of actual wrestling.

What exactly qualifies someone as a midcard? Is there a set standard or rule, or is it just whoever you think is mediocre?

Is there a rule about belt-holding? That is, can someone hold the champion belt and the hardcore belt? Or can someone be part of the tag title AND have a solo belt?

What sort of audience would you expect/describe being present for these fights? It sounds like there's a shocking amount of women around, sometimes...
Well about the Belt

From what I watch from wrestling it likes this

A lot of federations tend to have a lot of guys, but only a few BIG TIME players comepte for the Belt. Sense they have long stories sometime with the champion basicly facing the same 1 or 2 guys in a storyline that spans a month, sometimes 2. So they have midcards to stretch things out and pad 2 hour long pay per view and to make more storylines and rivaries. This way multiple storylines, the character have something to compete for. It all about building up heat and stories in wrestling. Some taunt the champs for a month, ,they sneak attack each other, then at the payper view that is where the have it out and the belt is on the line. This not to say midcards can become heavy weights. But they tend not to hold two belts

Also WWE they tended to put Stronger guys in Champion Belts, and Atheltic guys like Jerico and edge in midcards

Also sometime when they want to give some of the newer guys a PUSH..they give them a midcard belt

I never really seen anyone with two champion belts in wrestling, but that not to say you cant do it here, but it gets confusing. The only acception is maybe tag team championships combined with another belt

In real life the audience mostly guys. Some girls though, flashing there boobs at the wrestling, and oddly enough a lot of people bring thier kids even at some bloody matches. The people tend to get drunk sometimes. The place I been, the arena tends to pack

I imagine the audience in my story is made up of mixture of female and men, just so the Bisexual wrestles can have some fun
In WWE at least, an average wrestling card has about 6 matches on it, each one lasting on average between 5 and 12 minutes. The less important wrestlers wrestle in the early matches, and the later on the card the more important the match is.

Something weird about pro wrestling that obviously doesn't apply to Create-a-wrestler is that it's a fake sport. Because of this, a lot of times, the main eventers aren't very good wrestlers, and the midcarders and lower midcarders are good wrestlers who end up making the main eventers look good.

Main eventers, obviously, wrestle in the main events.

Midcarders are basically split into "lower midcarders" and "upper midcarders".

Upper midcarders aren't quite main eventers, but they work near the top of the card, have major fan support, and frequently get to hang out with the main eventers.

Lower midcarders wrestle near the bottom of the card. They win matches over each other and over jobbers, but they're not considered a threat to anyone very far above them in rank.

Openers/Jobber-to-the-stars usually wrestle the opening matches on the cards, or in "cool down" matches designed to get the fans to relax and take snack and bathroom breaks so they're not burnt out before the main event. They sometimes beat pure jobbers, but rarely anyone else.

Pure jobbers basically lose all their matches, frequently in "squash" matches (matches where they get little or no offense in).
luffy just so you know

in the Altenate person vs Alternate person

you have Chichi the babysitter fighting the babysitter

so think she fighting herself.
Totally intentional, chum.

Seriously though, fixed.

And while I'm here, what are your thoughts on "real" wrestling? Women wrestling/catfights/sexfights is my biggest fetish, but male wrestling just seems wierd to me. My younger brother watched it and I just mocked it the whole time.

"Hey, that's a steel chair! They have it on film! They have absolutely no power in that ring, do they?"
"They really shouldn't have the smallest, weakest men in the world be referees. They pass out after one light shove and are constantly bullied or ignored anyway. They should be the biggest men in the league. Only have to count to three..."

Though I guess I did pick up some ideas and notions of it from there
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Male wrestling is basicly

Do you like seeing a good fight in a movie. Then same here, Granted there in there underwear, but my MACHONESS so grand, that I am not concern about the gayness of it :)

But basicly like Cat said a male soap opera, its crude, UNPC and insulting the various races, but its dumb fun

Catfight I course enjoy

but always enjoy a woman dominating guys more. I always like in wrestling, that you can CLOTHLINE you boss, and run over people cars with monster trucks, and not only wont you be ARRESTED, but you wont even be fired.

what HILLARIOUS is if you ever been at a show, you see wrestler run into stage and the security who tries to stop them are small and wimpy

but when a fan try that for REAL...9 of the biggest ass security guards pop out of nowehre like the secret service and whip thier ass

I may finish up some of the new belt storylines before friday with some help maybe (hint hint)

After that I am leaving on suday, maybe saturday for atlantic city for a few days

so I wont be here.
Male wrestling is basicly

Do you like seeing a good fight in a movie. Then same here, Granted there in there underwear, but my MACHONESS so grand, that I am not concern about the gayness of it :)

When people ask me if watching guys wrestle is gay, I always say...

"Wrestling is a sport where all problems are solved by violence, and yelling makes your opinion more valid. What could possibly be gay about that?"

I've been busy in real life, but I added a bunch of threads... there's been some good stuff posted lately.
all good stuff, man. i'm so immensely glad that we've gathered such good writers for this story
By the way, the hold I described Tara and Amazon putting Chichi in is this one.

I made Amber Sex match champion

Can find her in the champion section

and pitted Faye the cop against Champion the Baroness
Good god it just hit me!

Behind the Mat interviews... does one get "behind a mat"?
Ha. I never thought about it because I figured it was based on "Behind the Music" from VH1, but...

Here's something weird. I'd always pictured Lisa McVan as a blonde. Didn't realize she was black haired until I went to do a new thread. I'd actually pictured her as an older version of that chick who was in the news a few months ago who was obsessed with making her life "sparkle" and lived for beauty pageants and that stuff. Now I gotta reimagine her... damn.

Anyway, I probably won't be able to add much for a couple days, but I added a thread with Lisa in it to the Second Person Story.
I actually had the same thing, but with the Luv twins. everyone else in the family was blonde, so I'd assumed. still hard to shift my mental image to this day
I lied about the no new posts. I added some more questions for Wendy the Witch to answer, and I started a thread where Rochell asks Angel to help her deal with Casey.

Also I was thinking about the tag division. Maybe we should set something up where it's like - all the characters have their main tag team? I was looking at the list of teams, and some girls like Lisa $ and Chichi are on half a dozen.
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Have you seen the latest post in Chyoo General? I suggest you read it, and make the proper changes or deletions immediately.

And know what's being submitted in the future.
Have you seen the latest post in Chyoo General? I suggest you read it, and make the proper changes or deletions immediately.

And know what's being submitted in the future.

Um... be glad to oblige if I knew which one you meant

Create a Wrestler has lots of characters in it that are under the 18 years old limit. the youngest one i found was only 13 and some of the main characters are only 15. 13 year old 14year old both unspecified but clearly under aged by reading the story and character descriptions

I guess the quickest way to fix this would be to change Chichi's profile everywhere it occurs to say 18 so that all of her threads don't end up getting deleted. Maybe even say that "she was thought to be 14 but when the feds raided the offices, it turned out she was just a really small 18 year old and so she actully was legal".
alright, changed Chichi's age and bio in one post. will work out the rest when i get the time, but i can't do them all. here's basically the only changes i made.....

Age: 22

Added to the bio:
Chichi was registered as an underaged girl for some time with the league, but federal investigations demanded that this be looked into. Down to DNA testing (knowing McVan's cunning), Chichi was proven and publicly admitted to being 22, having used the "jailbait" gimmick to boost her popularity so long as she was generally short and underdeveloped. She will still sometimes claim to still be underage, despite irrevocable evidence otherwise.

Frankly a bit of a load off my mind. Also really wanted to give her a strange age rather than have her just be barely legal. Makes it funnier in my mind...
what odd is Timmy I always thought as just legal

Even said he a couple of years older then Chichi

putting him at 17 and 18thish

and Petty Luv...well they are twins