TxRad is stalking me.

And here I thought it was my weekend off or are you stalking me now? :eek:
Tonight it's celery stalks for tuna salad. I'm reminded of an old NATIONAL ENQUIRER story about a man who beat his wife to death with limp broccoli stalks. That took seven years. See, stalking can be slow, too.
Tonight it's celery stalks for tuna salad. I'm reminded of an old NATIONAL ENQUIRER story about a man who beat his wife to death with limp broccoli stalks. That took seven years. See, stalking can be slow, too.

Can it be done with Rhubarb as well ?
When done stalking, pounce. It's only natural. Even with celery or rhubarb.

[crowd mutters]
...rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb...
Will you get all those beans out of the way so I have a clear line of sight.
No more stalks. Roots and tubers only. And seeds, of course. Gotta stay seedy. It's the law.
Bowling hurts my hand.
Then you didn't drop anything on your foot/feet? Excellent. Bowling hurts my hearing. Especially when bowlers drop heavy stuff on their feet and yell. Or on MY feet, so *I* yell. Then I hurt everyone's hearing. But do I care about them? Nope.

I once lived near Rochester NY, bowling capitol of North America by count. Much yelling there. Only a little stalking, sure, but that was long ago, when Kodak lived. Not much left to do there now but stalk and stroll. BTW Rochester's own Genesee Cream Ale aka Ginny Creme is fine. I happily found Ginny Creme cans in outdoor vending machines for a quarter. In Kansas. I didn't even need to stalk it.

Has anyone made beer from stalks of rhubarb? Just wondering.
. But do I care about them? Nope.

Has anyone made beer from stalks of rhubarb? Just wondering.

I've made rhubarb wine.
You have to be careful with the stalks. The skin contains Oxalic Acid, especially if it green.
txrad, where are you? I'm starting to think you no longer care. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE

I'm wandering around in the corn field no one planted this year. It kind of brings the stalking out in the open. No fun in that.

Pics of what, exactly?

Maybe they heard about the new inflatable pool and the skinny dipping. I know that will bring out HP and his camera. A Tripod is optional.