Comics and Games come to life! (open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Isaac Trenton, 26.
Short, styled blonde hair
Blue eyes
135 lbs
Ordinary writer, gamer, and avid comic collector

At last, at long last, I finally have my own apartment away from my parents and a stable, though not very lively job. I wont complain about it much; good people, good pay, just not what I except to do for the rest of my life. Sitting in my apartment, all by lonesome there was no wife nor girlfriend, never had one thus it was very quiet here and during a fierce rainstorm it knocked out the power and flood the streets thus being on the second floor of this apartment building I became an island in a turbulent sea.

With electronics out there was only one real way to pass the time for me. In the bed room there sat several white boxes that were labeled "comic books." Though some might look at me rather oddly that one as mature as myself would be reading such things, but with all the latest movies cvoming out the comic industry was revived but i did have the ones I grew up with, namely GiJoe but there was also Batman and now the Avengers.

Several comic book companies were in the prospect of hiring new writers and thus they posted ads in newspapers as well as the internet to submit stories and I had been meaning to get around to it and now that the storm had effectively isolated me I lit a few candles around my desk, sat down with a thick legal pad and put pen to paper and started writings. There was so much I wanted to do with so many people. I had to stay focused because my mind tended to wander greatly.

But where to begin....where to begin?

I had stacks of Lara Croft, Gi Joe, Avengers and there were a mixed blessing, some were good, some were bad. The bad ones used their art to show off a great deal of women, busty scantily clad, bending over alot with a buxom figure but no real sense, but that was what appealed to alot of people, the sex appeal. Heck, I even had a few X-Files comics and a porn parody they did of it. I jerked off to that alot of times and even one old issue of Tomb Raider becaue the artwork was very good and I ended up exploding over Croft's face, whoops, but kept it anyway. There were times in my isolated life that I wished these creations would come to life. Certainly would make my life better.
Name: Lara Croft
Age: 31 Though for some reason I never get older hmm have to check into that
Height: 5'9
Weight: 9 Stone 4 pounds / 59.7 kilograms / 131.6 pounds
Measurements: 34D-24-35 / 86-60-89
Hair: Auburn / Brunette
Eyes: Brown


Speaking with her very sexy British accent she speaks to herself as she awaits the light of the portal she discovered by chance. She stands cleaning one of her dual 9-mm Colt 45s and knowing that for some reason she loses control of her own body from time to time. She will try and try to climb up but for some reason unknown to her she just keeps crouching down and looking up. A provocative position to say the least but why does she do things outside of her will? Perhaps her last artifact had a curse on it? Time will tell on that note she can hear the humming noise that normally is followed by the portal appearing where she normally can see a room with a man sitting there. Who is this man and is he somehow responsible for her inability to do things from time to time?

(Ooc: She is completely unaware she is a video game character. )

"Okay so this is the lot of it Lara you are a wonderful archaeologist, a genius, and quite a sexy woman I might add so one way or another you will figure this out"

Winking at herself as the portal into the man's room opens and she is standing there staring at the screen her guns pointing at him not at all the way the game starts and she speaks to the man with that overly sexy voice he always loved hearing


"You there! Excuse me a moment sir but might I inquire as to whom you are?"

The most straight forward thing she could think of at the moment and softly taps her foot
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The storm was still raging and after a few hours of writing and drawing I felt compelled to find another sort of amusement and though the power was restored it might not nold forever, but I hooked up my gaming console and played the latest addition of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. They sleaked her appearance and enhanced her appeal, so much so many would have her crouch just to look her over because the game was played in 3rd person perspective.

She as definately sexy as she twirled her .45s and had the appearance of a strong, sexy woman with a English accent but after I started playing, she began speaking to someone that I couldn't see on screen.

Who was she talking? There was no one. Did the game glitch? Shit, now I'll have to start this over. The damn game glitched on me but she continued to speak and turned about towards the camera and my screen and my eyes widened. What was this? An Easter Egg? Some sort of joke by the developers to have fun with the gamers?
Smiling softly and sighing slightly

"Oh great I finally get to see Isaac and he can't hear me"

Jumping up and down her breasts bouncing as she does waving her hands around

"Isaac? Issac Trenton Can you hear me love? Hello? I have seen you before but this is the first time I ever"

Stomping her foot and then sitting on the ground turning away from the screen
My eyes were wide, and eyebrow furled. What was this? Some kind a sick joke? How did she know my name? It took me a moment to come up with a response and seeing how I was alone and there was no way that there was a camera or something around recording me for a gag I leaned forward towards the monitor and whispered, "uh, Lara? Lara Croft? Can you hear me?" this was getting strange. How could a character in a video game know my name and somehow be responding to me? Lara, in the game, was a sexy, strong, and adventurous woman, but she was a generated woman, much to my chagrin because there were many nights I wished she was real and we shared many adventures in my dreams.

This concept was lost upon me, but I felt compelled to at least give it a shot. Perhaps it was a joke or something, the worst it would be was that, but maybe there was something dangling in the back of my mind that wished that Lara and other characters were real in some way and could come out and that it had finally occurred, but how?

Looking at the console and then at the monitor again and seeing that they were running smoothly there was a rattle in the window as the wind picked up taking with it bits of twig and leaves that splattered against the glass. The power was still on, but I don't know for how much longer. "Listen, Lara, if you can understand me, do you know what's happening?"
Smiles happily and winks at him

"Oh thank God I thought I was losing my mind"

Walking slowly towards the screen reaching out placing her hand on the screen

"I presumed I had been cursed by the talisman I got yesterday and then you spoke back"

Her hands grabbing her guns and smiling again wondering who is this man and how is he connected to her and even better yet how does he have power to control her

"Shall we attempt breaking this curse?"
"Well...I...I do we do that?" speaking to the screen and to Lara. It was a wonder how she could hear me as my headset wasn't connected, but Lara was speaking to me clear as day, even though it was dark outside and storming. There was nothing else I could do except try and remember about the Talisman she was referring to, but my meaning of that was vague so I bent forward and opened the cabinet underneth the console and fished out the playbook and hurriedly began flipping through the pages to find the page.

"Okay, Lara,..I'll help you. What do you need me to do?"

I thought I was losing my mind, but seeing Lara smile and speak me in that soothing, calm, English accent I remained focused. there was something about her accent and generally Egnlish accent as a whole that added sophisitication and calming to their voice.

In my lap the book sat with the pages opened up tot he talisman in question and it contained two pages worth of backstory. Lara went deep into a burial mound in Nova Scotia, a far different tale than going into the Amzon. There were other native tribes in the world and this one had a different spin to it.
Tapping the screen with her gun barrel and motioning him to get to one side of the screen

"Well darling you could be a doll and start by moving out of the way I would hate to see you get hurt"

Doing a triple back handspring with a round off landing in a full splits position and as breast physics apply her large breasts bounce up and down a few times as she sits there with both pistols aimed at the screen
My eyes were as wide as saucers when she produced her pistols and pointed them at the screen. She had the face of, I’m serious in what I’m about to do, and immediately pulled myself out of the way as the first shots erupted and glass sprayed out from the monitor into the interior of the room. Dropping the controller and pulling up my hands to shield my face from the shrapnel I tucked myself against the wall expecting to have my monitor explode. Those .45s were deadly, even in the game and there was a tremendous flash of white light that blinded me for just a second.

When it seemed to be over my head slowly appeared and eyes looked round to see a trail of glass peppering the carpet and the seat in which i was perched upon earlier was knocked onto its back and the monitor was just a hollow frame but the game console was still humming. "What the...." saying in whisper looking at it and reaching down to pick up the controller and seeing that it was still live, but there was no Lara. What the hell just happened?

Staring in disbelief for a moment I blinked and looked away...
Laughing playfully from behind the couch on the far side of the room and then calling out in that amazing accent

"Ha ha ha ha Issac that was awesome but I don't suppose you have anything I can wear? My clothes seem to have ripped or burned off during the process"

Standing up her hands covering her breasts the back of the couch preventing the view of her tight slit as she winks at him

"At least my guns made it through as did my purse ha ha ha ha"
Giving the tomb raider googly eyes for a moment before darting off and rummaging through the closet I come back with some old jeans that may fit her, a belt, and a long sleeve shirt to cover her up. I didn't know how to explain this, but my monitor was shot and plastic and electronics were sprayed into the room and there was a woman, naked, standing behind my couch, giggling as though what just happened was a joke. Giving her back her clothes there was a roar outside from the thunder that made me shudder as the power flickered inside for just a moment.

"Y-you're real?" I finally came out and said standing just about an arms length away and trying not to stare at her fine features. There was a part of me that wanted to reach out and at least poke her to assure that this wasn't just a sick hallucination, but then confessed to myself that Lara Croft was indeed naked in my living room.

"Uh, else I can do you for you...Lara?"