When does someone actually stop masturbating?


Really Experienced
Aug 26, 2016
I know this probably sounds pretty dumb but in my teens when I used to pretty much masturbate everyday I used to tell myself when I finally have a girlfriend I'm sure I will stop...

Well I didn't, nor did it stop now that I am married and approaching mid thirties. I still like a bit of alone time with my right hand..although thankfully not everyday.

So I guess the question is do we actually ever stop masturbating? This is a question for both sexes.

Specifically would love to know the thoughts of the baby boomers that are in this thread? Do you guys still do it and if so how often?
Why would I stop doing it when I have a girlfriend? I mean, naturally, some of my sexual energies will be spent on her, but it's not like she's a toy, available any time I want to get off.

So it's quite natural to me, that be it girlfriend or a wife, unless you are a prince with 100 heads of Harem always available to you at any time of day - you will masturbate. If you like it at all in the first place.:cattail:
I go with the whole 'after death' thing. When I was younger, I used to masturbate in the car on the way home after having sex.

"If you give a man sex, you'll satisfy him for the moment,
but if you teach a man to masturbate, you'll never again see his
dominant hand as anything except a blur.".
It's fun and it's free, why would you want to stop? It's also good for you. (At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
I know a guy with a harem. I’m pretty certain he still masturbates.

And to answer the OP’s question, you don’t ever stop I don’t think. Why would you?

You should start a thread about the guy with the harem--I think I want to hear about that. You could call it Rainy's 1001 Literotica Nights.

*hijack over*
I know this probably sounds pretty dumb but in my teens when I used to pretty much masturbate everyday I used to tell myself when I finally have a girlfriend I'm sure I will stop...

Well I didn't, nor did it stop now that I am married and approaching mid thirties. I still like a bit of alone time with my right hand..although thankfully not everyday.

So I guess the question is do we actually ever stop masturbating? This is a question for both sexes.

Specifically would love to know the thoughts of the baby boomers that are in this thread? Do you guys still do it and if so how often?
Hi I am 77 years old and I masturbate 1 too 2 times a week mostly as my wife's sex drive is not with us any more, not complaining that's just the way it is. But I have to admit I still like masturbating and as long as I can I will continue.
As stopping is on your mind, does that mean you view it as a problem?

My personal opinion is that it's a fun, healthy thing to do, and if I had a partner I would have no issue with him masturbating at all. I wouldn't view it as avoiding me, or not caring about me, we all need a little alone time every now again. Whether that's to take a solo walk or run, or catch a movie alone, cook yourself your favourite meal - we all need it. If I were to catch him masturbating and could join in - well all the better!

I think of masturbation as making love to yourself, and it teaches you what you like, and prevents those with higher sex drives running around frustrated, so why not enjoy it? You wouldn't withhold any other treat for yourself, so why this one?

Have fun ;)
65 year old male here, about once a week. The wife's no longer interested in sex. I miss it and all the touching that goes with it. Satisfying my self is the only option, unless someone else is interested.
Masturbation is sex with yourself, the only person you know, of whom you have no doubt about the feelings towards you.
(The other benefits have been listed already)

It is much more than just "releasing the pressure".

Not to mention, that it allows you to have sex with another person than your partner, without neither cheating nor risking scandals and STDs.
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Why would anyone ever want to stop as long as everything is functioning properly?
It's just the way it is is it not?

Everyone likes sex. It's a human need.

To need a wank, I see it as healthy.