A Genie who grants you three fucks.


King of Jesters.
Jul 19, 2006
It's just like finding a lamp with a regular genie, but this genie grants you three fucks instead of three wishes. You get to pick three people (one at a time) that you want to have sex with. It can be anyone on earth: friend, family member, neighbor, coworker, enemy, newscaster, movie star, whatever. You utter that person's name, and they are PLUCKED out of their normal life, and you get to spend 24 hours with them as your willing and enthusiastic lover. After the 24 hours are up, they are ZAPPED back into their normal life, at the very instant they were plucked away, and they have no memory of the event and no actual time lost. Nobody ever knows about it but you. You get to do this three times.

A hundred people could write this story and every one could be different! You could just make it a simple stroker with lots and lots of sex with saucy partners. Or you could make it a revenge tale of fucking ones enemies. Or you could make it a tale of personal growth, where your main character selects lovers that he knows will make him a better person. Maybe he picks the same girl three times, each time learning more and more about her, until he knows enough about her to really wow her and win her heart in normal life (kind of a Groundhog Day sort of thing).

What if you wished for yourself? Maybe the genie would say, no way. Or maybe he would conjure up a perfect doppelganger of you and the both of you could go to town?

What other possibilities are there?
In the spirit of "genies are tricksters", would something go wrong with the 3 fucks?
I have written two Genie stories:


The idea in the OP is interesting but I think the conflicts within the person choosing which three and why would be more intriguing than the sex. Of course there can be three separate sex scenes but the contrast between the chosen woman's normal behaviour and that when entranced by the Genie is a concern.

The main character isn't fucking the woman he has chosen. He is fucking someone who hasn't consented and is not behaving rationally.

Of course the Genie could trick the character, making him think and apparently experience sex with the chosen woman when it is all in the character's mind.

You could go further and make the woman aware that the main character is enjoying a fantasy of sex with her but she is a voyeur of his entranced masturbation. She could perhaps even 'see' what the character thinks he is doing with her - but he isn't. How would she react?
In the spirit of "genies are tricksters", would something go wrong with the 3 fucks?

That's an often taken twist, but I hate it.

They do it in too many stories; conflict over pleasure. Think how often it's done in mainstream movies and TV including "I Dream Of Jeannie".

If it were done here, I would prefer all pleasure for all parties, no conflict.
This is a great idea. It allows for an almost infinite range of possibilities. It could combine some fun erotica with personal growth. For instance, the person who gets the three fucks picks two people who sound great on the surface but prove to be wrong for one reason or another, and then the person picks the right person at the end. Or it could be a revenge story, where a bad person makes the three picks and in the end picks someone who gives him his just desserts.
That's an often taken twist, but I hate it.

They do it in too many stories; conflict over pleasure. Think how often it's done in mainstream movies and TV including "I Dream Of Jeannie".

If it were done here, I would prefer all pleasure for all parties, no conflict.
In lore, "That's how it goes", though. I'm sure that's why many author's will take it that way. Hell, even in I Dream of Jeanie she "wasn't 100% obedient to master" and was a trickster.
In the spirit of "genies are tricksters", would something go wrong with the 3 fucks?

This is how I would write it. The best genie stories are about the consequences of the wishes. In this case, the easiest ideas I can think of:

1. Woman gets pregnant and sues for child support.
2. Woman gives him an STD.
3. Woman files complaint with police alleging kidnap and rape. (the Cosby scenario).

There are all kinds of possibilities, these are just some possibilities.
I wouldn't write it with any kind of conflict or bad outcomes at all. That's too much like real life and that's not what I'm here for.

To address some of the non-con issues mentioned above, perhaps the Genie is a full shapeshifter, but more. Perhaps in addition to the exact look, they can take on most of the persona and tailor it to the wish.

It would be so complete the grantee wouldn't even know it's really the Genie. They would fully believe it's the real person.
In the spirit of "genies are tricksters", would something go wrong with the 3 fucks?


a bit milder than suggested above:

~ he has the best sex of his life, but the woman leaves the country immediately after
~ he has the best sex of his life, but the woman jokes to all that will listen about his small cock, how she barely felt it.
~ he wishes for a one night stand with the girl of his dreams, she falls in love, but he is unable to get it up for her ever again...
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What comes to mind:

* The genie could be a trickster or malevolent, setting-up the sucker with inappropriate or disastrous partners.
* The genie could be a space-case idiot, unintentionally sending the sucker to really weird encounters.

* The genie could be straightforward, supplying great experiences, but some terrible tragedy ensues.
* The genie could be goodly honest and everything goes swingingly -- but what's the story there?

* Everything goes swingingly but afterwards the sucker and the genie exchange places.
* The genie encounter ends the story, which is about how and why the sucker got there.
What comes to mind:

* The genie could be goodly honest and everything goes swingingly -- but what's the story there?

* Everything goes swingingly but afterwards the sucker and the genie exchange places.

And there's the twist. After #3, the Genie explains that his/her job has been completed --- the job acquired after they got their three wishes from the former Genie. They further explain that the power is now transferred whether or not the new subject wants them. The downside conflict as the Genie explains is the complicated task of finding a suitable next subject. Tales are related of how many times they were rejected and/or chased off by non-believers. They also explain the immense physical and emotional toll it has taken on each Genie and that is really is not a pleasurable or desirable task.

Think somewhere between The Santa Claus and the Portrait of Dorian Gray.
Good idea for a story. Write it as you see fit, please ignore these comments from so-called (to themselves, when they look in the mirror and talk at themselves) intellectuals who all seem to think no story's twisted enough for them until they've given their input. I also have a story in my head revolving around my fella finally creating a 'Weird Science'-film kind of machine that can 'print' out pretty much any girl or fella you can imagine, then you can click them away when you've finished with them at a click of the fingers. I'd never suggest that here though, because it would end up sickened up beyond all recognition. Write that story, I want to read it.
That's an often taken twist, but I hate it.

They do it in too many stories; conflict over pleasure. Think how often it's done in mainstream movies and TV including "I Dream Of Jeannie".

If it were done here, I would prefer all pleasure for all parties, no conflict.

If Jeannie were the genie, she'd probably be the first fuck.
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