The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent

and again. busted.


Or stories like this about how this kid doesn't want to eat:


Also: Tight race state: (ACA OBAMACARE NE1? BUELLER?)
Busted Again and Again

SO: TOGO W/ POST #S 698 & 701

The reporter who wrote the book was from CBS.

The Des Moines Register is owned by the Gannet Co:
Gannett owns or operates 46 television stations through*Gannett Broadcasting, Inc.[4]and is the largest group owner of stations*affiliated*with*NBC*and*CBS

So isn't that a crime?

TOGO W/ all of court posts (especially 692&693): (worst case scenario for this dude):
But what most enrages Thompson -- and what drives his activism today -- is that in the end, there was no accountability. His case produced a surfeit of prosecutorial malfeasance, from incompetence, to poor training, to a culture of conviction that included both willfully ignoring evidence that could have led to his exoneration, to blatantly withholding it. Yet the only attorney ever disciplined in his case was a former prosecutor who eventually aided in Thompson's defense.

"This isn't about bad men, though they were most assuredly bad men," Thompson says. "It's about a system that is void of integrity. Mistakes can happen. But if you don't do anything to stop them from happening again, you can't keep calling them mistakes."
Prosecutors and their advocates say complete and absolute immunity from civil liability is critical to the performance of their jobs. They argue that self-regulation and professional sanctions from state bar associations are sufficient to deter misconduct. Yet there's little evidence that state bar associations are doing anything to police prosecutors, and numerous studies have shown that those who misbehave are rarely if ever professionally disciplined.

And in a culture where racking up convictions tends to win prosecutors promotions, elevation to higher office and high-paying gigs with white-shoe law firms, civil liberties activists and advocates for criminal justice reform worry there's no countervailing force to hold overzealous prosecutors to their ethical obligations.
Combo move

As a New Jersey resident, I have to question why, nationally, everyone seems to attack Chris Christie.

Other than the Sandy Debocle, he's been a damn good Gov.
He didn't choose how to deliver funds the Legislature did.
He agreed to take the funds because the Legislature did.

...and in point of facts, he didn't, doesn't, and couldn't legally have the authority to have been able to do that whole bridge thing.

Everyone seems to forget he enacted (by modifying proposed legislation) laws that allowed pot use to persons without violating FeD law by treating it as a CDS.

They also seem to forget this guy is fighting against a state government full of corruption.

He also tells idiots to shut up whe they ARE beng idiots, not just because he wants policy enacted.

I mean think it through: He does what he can as Gov to keep the Legislature of this State under control.

He's one of the few Govs, as well, that did what he could to prep for the ACA without actually committing fully to it, so if it is repealed, the State will be in good shape.

I'm not saying the dude should run for pres, since he still has responsibilities as Gov and I'm not a fan of Campaigning while employed in the Public Trust elsewhere (something he said he wouldn't do since he still has responsibilities to NJ, right on), I'm saying look at the facts before you believe what gets written about him.

In point of fact, the only time I saw an untainted story about him was after he agreed to take Sandy Funds. Coincidental?

I do think he never should have taken those funds, and should have told BO to go fuck himself, but other than that he's done a good job. You should see how the local papers treat him when he tries to lower the State budget and keep NJ solvent every year. It's shameful.

Also, post #698: Just from today:

Maybe they don't like him because he points out the falsity of his opponents and Governs logically against a hoarde of corruption. Think about it, Chris Christie vs. Congress in 2020. I'd vote to see that, unless there's a better candidate.

Dude's all common sense and Jersey. Represent.

*note: I'm pretty sure the letter I wrote to him, which was like 30 pages, never got to him, because the response was 'the office forwarded this information'. I think if he had read it, he would have understood how adament I was, and at least sent me a form letter with his signiture or a head shot photo or something.
Works both ways.

So: You think it's coincidental that ISIS (or ISIL or Deash or Daesh) aims for reporters?

Well: There's a metaphor there----^ if you use this---v’t-ban-school-prayer
Abington Township School District v. Schempp*— decided on June 17, 1963 — was the second so-called “school prayer” decision (the first came a year earlier in*Engel v. Vitale). But it was the most far-reaching — prohibiting school officials from organizing or leading prayers and devotional Bible reading in public schools.

A Massachusetts father pulled his son out of his Boston-area elementary school after finding the Muslim Call to Prayer and perceived pro-Allah statements in a textbook.

Among the text: “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah,” The Daily Caller reported.

Another portion of the text reads: “Muhammad never expected to change the world. … Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians. Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat. [He] was upset about the cruelty of his people [because they] killed baby girls [and] treated their slaves unkindly,” The Daily Caller reported.

The original article is here:

+2 bonus articles: (same stuff)

...and a webpage dedicated to that topic alone:

So where's the uproar...?

When did this start?

and then this: (2 versions, different accounts):

Oh look---^ the classic 'I blame the Internet' defense by officials. Why not throw video games in while you're at it.
Think that that-------------------------^ is coincidental?

Oh...mybad'sbad : the metaphor:

I think that's a metaphor.
Last edited:
Oh Snap

The only plausible explanation and the one*Ms. Attkisson*believes is that she was being set up to be arrested for the unlawful possession of classified documents.

Experts who examined*Ms. Attkisson’s computer came to one chilling conclusion: The software used to penetrate*Ms. Attkisson’s computer is proprietary to the government. In plain, non-lawyer English, the government hacked her computer without a warrant and did it because they did not like what she was reporting.

Today*Ms. Attkisson’s allegations are not even being picked up by the media.*Ms. Attkissonalleged that the media, including*CBS, had one overall objective in their news: Protect Barack Obama and advance his agenda.
This would lead the news every night for a year. The question would be, “What did the president know and when did he know it?” Every newscast would lead with, “Why hasn’t he been impeached and removed from office yet?”

The problem is not simply a liberal media. The problem is near ideological monopoly of the media. While there are a few conservative news sites, such as The Washington Times, the great majority of them are overwhelmingly liberal. With those media outlets, only a few men and women who mostly share the same beliefs, same circle of friends and same experiences, decide the news.

In short, if the news does not fit their political agenda, it is sent into the cone of silence.

The cone of silence:
Combo Move

To tie POST #S 677 & 705 & 707 together into one idea:
As for the trend, Garza said there’s an explanation for it. For one, the arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students.

Singer wrote in 1979 that “human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons … [therefore] the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”

The term you may be looking for is 'brainwashing' and or 'conditioning' : if only.

SO: TOGO W/POST #S 630 & 631: BO and his iPad: (ha, I pun'd)
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, would not say who might have been responsible for the activity on what was described as an unclassified computer network used by employees of the Executive Office of the President.
"In the course of assessing recent threats we identified activity of concern on the unclassified EOP network. Any such activity is something that we take very seriously. In this case we took immediate measures to evaluate and mitigate the activity," the official said.

It was unclear when the activity took place. The official said the technical measures to address the activity had led to limited access to some EOP network services. Some of the issues have been resolved, but the work continues.

"Our actions are ongoing and some of our actions have resulted in temporary outages and loss of connectivity for some EOP users," the official said.

BTW: Pushing for massive FeD control of the Internet wouldn't stop this. As a guy from the NSA once told me:

"The only hack proof system is a computer not connected to anything and used by only one person."


Why would a News Outlet publish a story like this: (100% pointless bullshit);_ylt=AwrBJR5cF1FUdgIAnenQtDMD
President Vladimir Putin's spokesman on Wednesday ridiculed US media reports that the Russian strongman may be suffering from cancer, saying he was fine and that journalists should "shut their trap".

There must be a reason...
Who is the American politician who tells it like it is?
Why would anyone want to subliminally connect that politician to Putin?

Who's afraid of what?


Why would a News Outlet publish a story like this: (100% pointless bullshit);_ylt=AwrBJR5cF1FUdgIAnenQtDMD

There must be a reason...
Who is the American politician who tells it like it is?
Why would anyone want to subliminally connect that politician to Putin?

Who's afraid of what?

Oh look:
New Jersey*Gov. Chris Christie*has told a heckler critical of his handling of*Superstorm Sandy*recovery to “Sit down and shut up” on the second anniversary of the storm.

A man began heckling Christie about the pace of storm recovery and interrupted the governor’s speech Wednesday in Belmar on several occasions.

That sure is coincidental timing...

Oh, and the article makes no mention of how Christie is not in any way responsible for Sandy Fund distribution, in point of fact, that's the Legislature's deal, which funnels to the counties, which funnels to the townships and municipalities.

So Christie, en toto, is responsible for saying: I'll sign it since the legislature wants it and the FeD wants to give it to us. Anything else to do with those funds is not his problem.

What is a problem is how many sticky fingers and no bid contracts are between the Legislature and the citizens who actually get funds.

One reason I think he should have Veto'd this Sandy Money, but then it would be 'all his fault'.

Glad he told this idiot to shut it.
She's yelling fire in a crowded theater

Ok So this E BO LA thing is a hoax, but E BO LA exists. It spreads stupid easy. The FeD is making it worse with disinformation.
Then this lady---v

So this nurse has the audacity to claim that she was mistreaded by medical and security/law enforcement officers.

ROFL @ 'looked smug'

Well, bitch, welcome to the world of a non health professional, this is how most people are treated by your glorious health care system. Not only that, YOU CAME FROM A COUNTRY WITH EBOLA WITH THE INTENT OF TRAVELING TO NYC.


Listen stupid nurse lady: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU OR YOUR OPINION.

Try taking a rape kit sometime, this 'inconvenient treatment' you received from the airport will seem like a welcome home parade in your honor.

Here is the simple fact: She has the potential to show symptoms later on even if she was healthy from the door.

She's more worried about not staying home than she is about long term problems and everyone else.
If she doesn't get E BO LA after 21 days, no biggie, that's the price she pays for going to sick people land.

Plain and simple: The governments of the states in which she is traveling have Probable Cause to think she could infect someone else, which means she is Potentially dangerous.

Which is why parts of Congress want a flight ban. People carrying or potentially carrying are limiting everyone else's freedom.

Look at what happened with MERS(A).
“We are not willing to take the risk of exposure by an individual who came into direct contact with an Ebola patient, and it is on that basis that we are insisting on the 21-day quarantine for the duration of that exposure,” said DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew. “We believe this is the safest way to ensure that public contact is limited.”

This never should have happened in the first place.
Those E BO LA countries should be on lockdown and the UN should be balls deep in worrying about it, and the US(A) should be using binoculars for this.

Instead we sent troops and we're letting this lady create a shitstorm and we are going to bring the sickies here next:

Awesome. It seems like our own president is trying to kill us all.

...but the ACA will save us:

...or not.


So TOGO W/POST #713:

1. This complaing nurse lady has a friend at a newspaper.

2. Landed in Newark when she lives in Maine.

3. Had a lawyer on speed dial. (It is not easy to get a lawyer to stand against Government Agencies, ask me how I know, and Lawyers are not cheap.)

4. So when did she go to E BO LA land? Why is she coming home if she is with doctors without borders, and NOW of all times (asin: the situtation she is causing would be a non issue if it hadn't been prepped for her arrival by BO himself).

5. Have you ever complained to a nurse at a hospital? You have a 1 in 100 (I made that up for effect) chance in getting a nurse that gives a shit about you.

6. Saying you are the Pope does not make you the Pope. What does anyone know about her? Why isn't anyone asking those questions?
Bad Call

This is wrong. This is discrimination. The stupid nurse lady should take a lesson from this:

Troh lost the man she was supposed to marry to the deadly virus and now it seems she’s lost the right to live a normal life. Though Troh was never ill with Ebola, landlords are refusing to rent to her.

This is illegal. This violates someone's rights as long as it's based on ethnicity and disease.
Again? Really?

Former senior political adviser for Obama, David Axelrod, went after Christie on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday.

“This has always been the fatal flaw of Chris Christie’s presidential campaign,” Axelrod said after seeing the video. “I’ve been through a few presidential races, and I’ve got to tell you, every day is filled with aggravations and provocations, and if that’s the way he’s going to react, he has no future in this.”

He continued, “I think he thinks that this kind of ‘Sopranos’ approach to politics marks him as a strong leader. I think it marks him as an angry man.”

ABC News later identified the heckler as a Democrat and former Asbury Park city councilman, James Keady.

Why are they so scared of Chris Christie? Calling out a douche is just the kind of thing we need in American Politics.

Also, Jersey was a Soprano State before Christie ever got elected. I don't even see the tie between Christie and the TV show or Christie and the book.

Angry? He wasn't even yelling...
The Last Obamacare Post

Overall, only 1,266 dermatologists – or less than half – were reachable, accepted the specific Medicare Advantage plan and offered an appointment.
What’s more, the average time the fictitious patients had to wait for an appointment was about 46 days.

Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new*survey*by Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,*estimated*by American Action Forum, is through May 2014, but appears to be growing due to plans that force doctors to take on burdensome costs. It's also about a quarter of the*total number of 893,851*active professional physicians reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

350000000 Americans and 679327 Doctors in the ACA.

Let's say 50% are reachable. That's 339663.5 Doctors

350000000 / 339663.5 = potential # of people per doctor thanks to the ACA.
A 10

So this story IS a big deal. I don't often agree with John McCain. I don't like his Global Warming opinion and a lot of the Gang-o-eight crap.

But he's 100% dead on correct about the difference between an A10 and a B1B.
The “friendly fire” airstrike that killed five American soldiers in*Afghanistan*on June 9 is the first known case of a battlefield catastrophe that can be linked to automatic defense spending cuts that greatly curtailed prewar training.

A review of the worst American fratricide in the long*Afghanistan*war also shows that the military’s official investigation faults a*Green Beret*commander, an*Air Force*air controller and the four-man crew on the B-1B bomber that conducted the errant strike.

But the investigation, headed by an*Air Force*general, does not question the use of a strategic bomber for close air support, even though experts say the tragedy illustrates why the big plane is misplaced in that role.

What bothers me is how everything the 'Save the A10' group warned about happened, because remember, McCain and his associates wanted to arm Syrian Rebels, and look at what those Syrian Rebels turned out to be: No better than Assad himself. Not to mention the blame the untrained soldiers step the Air Force took.

Something is wrong here, like someone put a 52" flatscreen in a closet for best viewing when they had a 25" tube in the living room.

Someone famous agrees with me about soldiers in E BO LA land: It's Trump and he's logical.
He also brought up something else: China in Africa. China, when they build infrastructure in Africa, gets something in return.

We don't, unless you count 'potential death':
'He has been hit from so many angles, for so many mistakes that he's made,' Trump explained. 'Obama has become immune to "hell to pay".'
What's not being said,' Trump told MailOnline in a discussion about the situation on the ground, 'is they have to make sure they don't come back into this country if they have it. If our soldiers catch it, that would be absolutely – terrible. Just a disgrace.'

The Pentagon did not respond to questions about why this group of officers and enlisted personnel was being kept in quarantine. Defense Department policy dictates that 'as long as individuals remain asymptomatic, they may return to work and routine daily activities with family members' even after exposure to Ebola.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that the DOD 'has not issued a policy related to their workers that have spent time in West Africa.'
'I don't think we should be sending our armies' to western Africa, he said. 'We're the only ones who send our soldiers, while we're $18 trillion in debt.'

While he allowed that it may be appropriate for American military engineers to build the kind of infrastructure needed to keep Ebola in check in the Third World, he still fixed his gaze on Africa's other side.

'Why are we the only ones doing it?' Trump asked. 'China's not doing it. And China takes a lot out of west Africa. You know, they take a lot! And Russia's not doing it. Nobody's doing it but us. It's unbelievable.'
The administration, which is arguing against requiring quarantines for doctors and nurses upon their return from Liberia and other nearby nations, might soon be in the position of mandating them for men and women in uniform.

'It's so sad. So sad,' Trump said. 'They'll send 4 thousand soldiers over there, ill-trained, ill-equipped, never heard the word "Ebola" before this whole thing started a couple of months ago, and now nobody knows how they come back.'

'And nobody knows whether they come back sick!'

It's a very sad thing,' he said. 'And our soldiers should never have been sent over there.

I'd like to say thank you to the Donald.

So I must be onto something.

I got thread stalkers and haters who go out of their way to talk about this thread. No wonder posts got hacked.

/me won't stop until 5k posts.

I still don't know who this Sessions guy is, but he speaks, and he speaks well.
"A nation creates borders and laws to protect its own citizens. What about their needs?


"The world has turned upside down. Instead of serving the interests of the American people, the policies of President Obama and every Senate Democrat serve the needs of special interests and global CEOs who fail to understand the duty a nation owes to its own people. But the citizens of this country still hold the power, and through their voice, they can turn the country right-side again."

If. Only.
Learning is fun

So I never read this speech before, and didn't even know it existed. Maybe I suck because of that, but I only have a news article to thank for the knowledge that it exists:
Fifty years ago this week, an actor nearing the end of his not particularly outstanding career appeared on network television near the end of*Sen. Barry Goldwater’s not particularly outstanding presidential campaign. In one last appeal for votes, actor*Ronald Reagan*and the speech he delivered on the evening of Oct. 27, 1964, dubbed “A Time for Choosing,” changed the world and is today remembered as one of the most consequential speeches ever by an American politician.
A TIME FOR CHOOSING (The Speech – October 27, 1964)

But I have an uncomfortable feeling that this prosperity isn't something on which we can base our hopes for the future. No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income. Today, 37 cents out of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector's share, and yet our government continues to spend 17 million dollars a day more than the government takes in. We haven't balanced our budget 28 out of the last 34 years. We've raised our debt limit three times in the last twelve months, and now our national debt is one and a half times bigger than all the combined debts of all the nations of the world. We have 15 billion dollars in gold in our treasury; we don't own an ounce. Foreign dollar claims are 27.3 billion dollars. And we've just had announced that the dollar of 1939 will now purchase 45 cents in its total value.*

As for the peace that we would preserve, I wonder who among us would like to approach the wife or mother whose husband or son has died in*South Vietnam*and ask them if they think this is a peace that should be maintained indefinitely. Do they mean peace, or do they mean we just want to be left in peace? There can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us. We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it's been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.*

Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.*

And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's*relation to man.

Goo D Stuff.

Everytime something is said it can be taken at least 3 ways.

Realistically. The opposite of realistic, asin: a lie, or that third(other) way.

By what do I mean?
The president responds, “We have not yet redecorated this room . . . Given that we are in the midst of some very difficult economic times, we decided to hold off last year in terms of making some changes.”

Two weeks later, reports Attkisson in the book, a White House official contacts C-SPAN to say, “the Washington Post will be breaking the story of the President’s reported multi-million dollar renovation of the Oval Office,”

The code I found fixes this, turning everything into at least 50/50 when applied to context.
'There were 8 people hurt.'
1. 8 people were hurt.
2. No one was hurt.
3. those other things: were? 8=infinity, heart you strength brew


“The constitution requires Congress to pass laws, not the president,” Bush said in Spanish, contrasting that with some Latin American strongmen’s ability to implement laws by fiat. If Obama acts unilaterally on immigration, Bush warned, “it will be harder to do it the appropriate way.”

1. He is right on the Constitution bit.
2. There is nothing wrong with the current legal immigration system except for lack of enforcement and free passes without the citizenship exam and sponsors.

So. Jeb: "This is America, dude, learn the rules."

The airstirkes against ISIS do not work:
Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said the group’s ability to attract new recruits to replenish their fighting ranks is an indication of the its mass appeal.

U.S. strikes have thus far not degraded IS’s ability to grow its forces, Kirby said.

“They are facing some attrition through these operations not just from the air but from the ground,” Kirby*told*reporters on Tuesday. “But there’s no question that they still possess the ability to reconstitute their manpower and that’s just an indication of the strength of their ideology right now, which is why we’re working hard to counter that, and the fact that this is going to be a long struggle.”

...and just like the RUF and so many others, ISIS is using kids:
"Isis has recently stepped up its youth recruitment, a sort of boot camp for young boys in which they are taught combat skills."

"The group persuades parents to send their kids in exchange for sums of money, taking advantage of their need, in the midst of dire living conditions and widespread poverty," he added.

Send American Soldiers there to shoot these fuckers in the face instead of West Africa to catch E BO LA. That would be a war worth fighting and it's a war caused by the US(A) not finishing the job in the first place.

Those same 3k+ troops building free healthcare in Africa could have hung out in Iraq just like the troops in Japan and Germany after WW2.

I think any American soldier would be happy to shoot ISIS recruiters in the face.