The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent

...and that contains what?
The president then continued to deliver what was described by the White House pool as one of his standard fundraising speeches.

Which was what? What did he say to the pocket book(mybad, celebs)?

It's nowhere. There is a bit where he says "Social media makes the world look chaotic" but that's it. Is that part of his 'standard fundraising speeches'?

Where's the rest? Where's the ad-libs? Where's the full on transcript, because WE(USA) paid him to go make this speech. He didn't temporarily unpresident for the sake of the fundraiser.

I want to know what he said, it seems that's the wrong thing to want.

So what was striking when I was at the United Nations General Assembly is, despite sometimes the complaining that you get about the United States, and despite folks liking or enjoying picking out flaws and problems in our policies, when there’s a crisis around the world they don’t call Moscow, they don’t call Beijing -- they call the United States of America.* (Applause.)* We remain the one indispensable nation not just because we have capabilities that nobody else has, not just because of the strength of our military and our reach, but because of our values and because of our principles and ideals, and the things that we stand for.

Do you call broke people when you need money?

TOGO W/the last post:
Muhahaha: Found it at the Whitehouse: (cause their security is lacking)

What his real intentions for E BO LA are:
And it’s something that we can prevent and we know how to prevent, but it’s been the United States that’s had to mobilize the world community to help not just deal with this particular epidemic, but also to rebuild a public health -- or build for the first time a public health infrastructure in countries that haven't had it.

Well why don't you put our healthcare system back where it was 1st, so that it works correctly again, then you can worry about Africa.

How he fixed the Russia Ukraine issue:
Russia and its aggression towards Ukraine.* It’s been America that’s been able to mobilize Europe and the world community to make sure that we stand for a simple principle, which is people get to decide their own lives in a democratic system, and that in the heart of Europe, the kind of old-style aggression that Russia has been exercising has no place in the 21st century.* And it’s been once again the United States that’s mobilized the world community to blunt Russian aggression.

Well actually, that was the news media, Mr. Pres, you and Congress have approved endless finacial deals with Russia. Oh yeah, and you and the UN haven't done shit to stop a single Russian from killing Ukrainians. BTW, weren't you pushing your awesome communication with Putin over those terrorist kids from Boston?

Before you read this next bit of lies and slander, remember Toyota and VW are the best selling cars and that GM is still flailing after the Volt debaucle. Not to mention the record number of workers not able to find work and considered out of the job market:
Now, our leadership internationally also depends on our strength here at home.* And when I came into office, we were losing 800,000 jobs per month.* We were going through the biggest contraction, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.* In fact, in some ways the contraction was more severe than the Great Depression.* And because of the resilience of the American people, but also because we made good policy decisions, what we’ve seen now is 55 months of uninterrupted job growth, the longest in American history.* We’ve created 10.3 million jobs.* We’ve been able to reduce the unemployment rate from over 10 percent down to under 6 percent, down to 5.9 percent.* (Applause.)*

We rescued an auto industry that was flat-lining.* It is now not only rehiring tens of thousands of workers, but it’s actually producing cars that people want to drive.* In the process, we’ve doubled fuel efficiency standards on our cars.* There was in the news last week that fuel efficiency has never been higher in the United States.*

You didn't rescue Ford. They started the auto industry. Also: No one saved American Motors and that seemed to work out fine for everyone.

By the way, the extra ethanol that is raising those fuel efficiency numbers is making my older car run like shit. What is the fuel economy numbers without all that electric car 'new math' added to it? The same as it was 10 years ago.

Seriously? This is a 'standard fund raising speech' ?

I couldn't go further than this bit, because I laughed so hard coffee got on everything, plus it's just more BS from BO to cover his failings. He swears he improved the Healthcare system, he swears women will get equal pay by his decree etc etc etc:
The bottom line is, is that there is almost no economic measure by which we’re not better off than we were when I came into office.* (Applause.)* And that’s a fact.* That’s not -- and for those who think that I’m a wild socialist -- (laughter) -- it turns out that actually the stock market has been doing pretty fine, 401(k)s have recovered, and corporate balance sheets have never been stronger.* So it’s been good for business.

No wonder this 'standard fundraising speech' isn't everywhere. Look what happened when his UN speech went viral.

28 million Americans signed up for Obamacare.

10 Million went on Medicare
1 million went on CHIP
9 million signed up and paid
8 million signed up and didn't pay

Those who got CHIP could have gotten it without Obamacare
There are 10 million(ish) Americans on Disability. Persons on Disability get Medicare anyway. They had to sign up for Obamacare now.
Millions lost their health insurance, but, most of the time, if they lost it, they were automatically enrolled into Obamacare and given a 'comparable' plan.

SO: The ACA costs 100 billion dollars to insure 17 million people:
Analysis of Congressional Budget Office projections by the Senate Budget Committee finds that Obamacare will increase the deficit by more than $100 billion over the next decade.
10 Billion dollars a year
17000000 persons / $1000000000
17 persons / $1000
$58.8235 dollars for insurance per person, per year, so far, paid by the taxpayer, and those persons still have to pay for insurance.

350000000 Americans at $58.8235 ea.? $20,588,225,000.00 cost to taxpayers per year just for the law to exist.

17000000/350000000 = 17/350 of the American Population.
What percent is 17 of 350?
(17/350) = (x/100)
x=4.8571428% of the American Population, and just over half have actually paid their bill.

How many had Insurance already?
How many people signed up for the ACA but had Veteran or Government Insurance already?

Low enrollment, by the way, has little or nothing to do with this. In point of fact, it's going to cost more when more people enroll.
Regardless or irregardless

So this Bergal guy and his creepy dad...
Do not matter at all.

It's a fact laws were broken with the exchange of terrorists. Not to mention DoJ style "we'll release the report when we want to, even if you file a FOIA" tactics. Those combo into "You can't prove wrongdoing until wrongdoing has first been proven" which can't happen without the report.

So there's an attack on posterity, again, as if anyone is going to chase anyone down for crimes after they get out of office, which is when the paperwork might come out. Also, it's coincidental that an Islamic State shows up after secretplane flights and prisoner releases...

Also this:
On Tuesday night, Hannity noted that 'the Army says politics has nothing to do with' the protracted wait.

'I'm not sold,' he said.

Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters, a frequent Fox guest, told Hannity later in the show that he, too, believes the Obama administration may have asked the Army to sit on the verdict of its investigation until after Nov. 4.

'When it comes to why it's being withheld, it's obvious. It's gotta be withheld until after the election because no matter which way the report goes, Obama loses,' he said.

'If the White House was able to exert sufficient pressure on the chain of command in the Pentagon to whitewash Bergdahl's actions, then there's gonna be this huge outcry from those serving in uniform, from veterans from conservatives,' he noted.

On the other hand, he said, 'if it turns out that the Army got some backbone and really looked at what Bergdahl did, listened to people like Sgt. Buetow and his platoon mates, and finds that, yes, he should be charged with desertion, well then the Rose Garden ceremony looks like an even greater debacle.'

'So Obama has dug himself into a very deep hole, and he can't stop digging,' he said, referring to a news conference the president held at the White House on the day of Bergdahl's release with the sergeant's parents.

Peters claimed that he has 'nothing personal' against Sgt. Bergdahl and that he's never met him.

'This is about a much greater issue than one individual who appears to have deserted from his post and left his comrades behind in war time,' he explained.

'The principle is this: the Obama administration really despises our military, in my view. And they understand why Bergdahl would desert, they just don't understand why anybody would join the military.

Returning back to the topic at hand, Peters said that 'if there's a whitewash, and Bergdahl walks with all his back pay and stuff, the travesty, the precedent it sets for all future wars is that, "Hey dude, it's OK, man. You don't like what's going on, walk away, we'll cover for you."

'That's profoundly wrong,' he concluded.
Gods and Government

How to do it wrong and turn something good into a weapon for something bad:

Systematically disassemble the safeguards that protect the United States, blame it on the people who disagree with you, lie a lot, and substitute the word 'God' for 'Violent and Radical Islam' in speeches like this:
(and pretend there is nothing wrong with that)
And yes, we need your help to keep us ever mindful of the ideas and the principles that brought us into the public arena in the first place. The basis of those ideals and principles is… a commitment to freedom and personal liberty that, itself is grounded in the much deeper realization that freedom prospers only where the blessings of God are avidly (mispronounces and corrects himself) sought and humbly accepted.

[9] The American experiment in democracy rests on this insight. Its discovery was the great triumph of our Founding Fathers, voiced by William Penn when he said: “If we will not be governed by God, we must be governed by tyrants.” Explaining the inalienable rights of men, Jefferson said, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.” And it was George Washington who said that “of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

[10] And finally, that shrewdest of all observers of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville, put it eloquently, after he had gone on a search for the secret of America’s greatness and genius–and he said: “Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the greatness and the genius of America. America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” [Applause]

[11] Well, I’m… [Applause] ..Well, I’m pleased to be here today with you who are keeping America great by keeping her good. Only through your work and prayers and those of millions of others can we hope to survive this perilous century and keep alive this experiment in liberty, this last, best hope of man.

[12] I want you to know that this administration is motivated by a political philosophy that sees the greatness of America in you, her people, and in your families, churches, neighborhoods, communities–the institutions that foster and nourish values like concern for others and respect for the rule of law under God.

[13] Now, I don’t have to tell you that this puts us in opposition to, or at least out of step with, a–a prevailing attitude of many who have turned to a modern-day secularism, discarding the tried and time-tested values upon which our very civilization is based. No matter how well intentioned, their value system is radically different from that of most Americans. And while they proclaim that they’re freeing us from superstitions of the past, they’ve taken upon themselves the job of superintending us by government rule and regulation. Sometimes their voices are louder than ours, but they are not yet a majority. [Applause]
...and again


PayDay said:
How to do it wrong and turn something good into a weapon for something bad:

"From what we counted so far, the winner is clear, we'll release the official results later."
A spokesman for national Democrats, Justin Barasky, said the party is especially focused on encouraging early voting by Democrats who usually don’t participate in midterms. Returns show that, historically, casual voters who support Democrats in presidential elections are more likely to stay home than average Republican voters.

In the 2010 midterms, when Republicans regained control of the House and won sweeping victories in statehouses around the country, advance voting accounted for almost 27 million ballots out of more than 89 million, meaning about 3 out of 10 voters cast early ballots. Almost 129 million people voted in the 2012 presidential election, 35.8 percent of them before Election Day.
Explain this without Conspiracy or Distraction Protocol

The Occupy Wall Street List:


Who makes up the Occupy Movement: (maybe)
Views of the Occupy movement split along party lines. About six-in-ten Democrats (62%) agree with the concerns it has raised, compared with 50% of independents and 31% of Republicans. And while Democrats are divided about the way the protests are being conducted (43% approve, 37% disapprove), few independents (29%) or Republicans (14%) approve of the methods.

Republicans overall oppose the movement by nearly three-to-one (59% oppose, 21% support). Yet while conservative Republicans oppose Occupy Wall Street by a wide margin (68% to 14%), moderate and liberal Republicans are more evenly divided (43% oppose, 38% support).

Nearly three-quarters of liberal Democrats (72%) support Occupy Wall Street, compared with more modest support (55%) among conservative and moderate Democrats.

Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again as Democrats complain about GOP support for tax breaks that benefit corporations and wealthy individuals.

But in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.
Across the country, Democratic House districts have an average per capita income of $27,893. That's about $1,000 higher than the average income in Republican districts. The difference is relatively small because Democrats also represent a lot of poor districts, putting the average in the middle.

When the super-ordinant or dominant group in a society establishes means within public doctrinal systems and institutions of maintaining and enhancing their wealth, vis a vis power, it is called hegemony. In the United States, the power and influence of the extremely wealthy is unassailible and has completely infiltrated the public mind through all strata by domination of media and educational systems which serve to misinform and stupefy the public and remove them from the democratic process. This hegemony of the bourgeoisie in the United States has existed for many generations, and shall likely continue into the foreseeable future.
Mind you, a rich person is just a person with a lot of stuff and money they can push people around with. Burn their stuff, take their wealth, and what you have is just another person. Cured, as it were, of their material-dominated life.


Do you go to broke people when you need $$?


Busted. Be Afraid. These people are real. Ask me how I know.
Good Luck With That

Once again, this E BO LA scare is happening on purpose. Someone wants it to.
the results would have to go to the Centers for Disease Control for*confirmation.

Obama’s original budget plan for fiscal year 2012 cut funding for a CDC public health emergency preparedness program*by $72 million. The proposed cuts would have taken money away from municipal and state health departments to hire health workers and monitor for public health hazards and disease outbreaks.

The CDC*budget plan (p. 40)*lists vast “Decreases” in funding for categories including public health preparedness and response, including the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant Program, as well as environmental health, chronic disease prevention, public health scientific services, and occupational safety and health.

...but (first article)
“This is a fantastic opportunity to deliver the most cutting edge diagnostic system to our warfighter,” Kirk Ririe,*CEO*of BioFire Defense said in a March press release. “The motivated team at*JPEO*has pushed an aggressive schedule and a cost effective approach that will be met by exploiting our Film Array’s commercial diagnostic capabilities, to provide for our nation’s bio-defense and improve*DOD*health*care.”


Like I said. Fake.
"Being right all of the time is a real expensive habit."

The word you are going to potentially look for is: Premeditated'd

At least the lawsuits are catching up.
This bit here is my favorite part:
Mr. Geithner and other officials have testified that the bailout was meant to keep the financial crisis from deepening, and they have defended its legality.

Anyway, some more snippets:
Last week, in a courtroom overlooking the White House, government lawyers took a break from defending the government against the $40 billion lawsuit, and instead pressed a judge to keep the contents under seal and to limit references to its contents by lawyers and witnesses participating in the weekslong trial.

“Of the tens of thousands of documents that we have produced in this case, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has sought to retain confidentiality because of the internal sensitivity of only this one,” a lawyer for the New York Fed, John S. Kiernan of Debevoise & Plimpton, told the United States Court of Federal Claims.
The contents include “an extensive legal history of Federal Reserve lending activities,” and memos on subjects that deal with the Fed’s authority to make loans to municipalities and restructure debts.*
The lawsuit argues that the Fed ignored the legal opinions in the Doomsday Book again in taking a 79.9 percent equity stake in A.I.G. in the fall of 2008. It argues that the Fed lacked the authority to take an equity stake in the company.

Mr. Geithner and other officials have testified that the bailout was meant to keep the financial crisis from deepening, and they have defended its legality.

The New York Fed has offered a limited explanation of its desire for secrecy.

Mr. Kiernan told the judge at a hearing last week that the collection is “confidential, proprietary and important.” The Fed’s lawyers also have argued the book deserves privacy because it contains the confidential advice of the Fed’s lawyers.

More broadly, the Fed has long regarded secrecy as a strategic advantage. Highlighting the full extent of its power to rescue financial companies might, for example, encourage companies to behave more recklessly. It might reduce the Fed’s bargaining power during a crisis. And it might ignite prematurely the kind of political outrage at the measures at the Fed’s disposal that frequently attend actual bailouts.
'nuff said

"You can't arrest me, I'm an Illegal, your laws don't apply to me, and if you do, I want a court appointed lawyer. By the way, I don't speak English and I have no ID."
"That's cool, I'll tell your victim to go fuck theirself."
The CIS*report*released Wednesday and authored by the group’s director of policy studies, Jessica Vaughan, details the decline in immigration enforcement and reveals that there remain nearly 167,000 convicted criminal immigrants with final orders of removal still in the United States and “currently at large.”

“Prosecutorial discretion as practiced by the Obama administration has transformed immigration enforcement into a massive catch-and-release program that makes a joke of the law, fails to deter illegal settlement, and allows even illegal aliens who commit crimes to remain here,” Vaughan said Wednesday.

“These policies inflict real harm on Americans and legal immigrants,” she continued, “in the form of lost jobs, depressed wages, additional social services, and even lost lives. In addition, with the rise of ISIS and other terrorist groups around the world, our lax policies represent an unnecessary national security risk.”
Elected to

Denise Tolliver, a spokeswoman for the D.C. Board of Elections, had originally said Thursday that the printing wasn’t a mistake but rather a deliberate attempt to engage voters after a low-turnout primary election in April.

“I am sorely disappointed by the mistakes printed in the 2014 General Election Voter’s Guide. This is yet another example of the type of glaring mistakes that continues to occur,” D.C. Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie said in a statement.

He is calling on the city to audit the election board.

Just before August’s partisan primaries, Ingold and her husband were observing the absentee voting at the Milwaukee Catholic Home, a continuing care retirement community on Milwaukee’s Prospect Avenue.

Ingold said she alerted the two-person team of SVDs that one resident had a campaign sign on her door and it was in plain view of all who walked into the voting area. She also notified the election officials one of the nursing home employees was assisting one of the residents in voting. It turned out the employee was the resident’s daughter.

For doing so, the elderly election observer received a*tersely worded letter*from*Neil Albrecht*, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission. In it, Albrecht said he was “exercising my authority to maintain order during the voting process” and that he was “banning” Ingold “from observing at any City of Milwaukee polling place or residential care facility.”

Albrecht also said he would notify the state*Government Accountability Board*and the*Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office*of Ingold’s “conduct so that they are aware of this necessary course of action.”

So... There's that.


What was coincidental is now more so. Seriously:
"He just left with his friend, they'll be walking down Canfield soon."
Michael T. Brady, who lives nearby, said that the altercation was “something strange,” but that he could not tell exactly what was happening. “I can’t say whether he was punching the officer or whatever,” Mr. Brady said. “But something was going on in that window, and it didn’t look right.”

However, Mr. Johnson’s description of the scuffle is detailed and specific, and directly contradicts what Officer Wilson has told the authorities.

Mr. Johnson has said that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, backing up his vehicle and opening the door, which hit Mr. Johnson and Mr. Brown and then bounced back.

“He just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend around his neck, and he was trying to choke my friend,” Mr. Johnson told reporters after the shooting. “He was trying to get away, and the officer then reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him inside the car.”

Anyone know where Michael Brown was going, where he was coming from, and why he was with that specific friend? I think those are valid questions.
From where: To where: &Why that guy.

TOGO W/POST #S 626 &665

So this Michael Brown human sacrifice or whatever:
1 dead kid, 1 cop, 1 parent, 1 fake suspect, 1 fake friend, 1prosecutor of high rank.
VII. Is There Any Hope?

There does seem to be one ray of hope. With the exception of 6, every even perfect number is also of the form pm2*with p dividing σ(m2) and m2*dividing σ(pm2). Hence this heuristic suggests no large perfect numbers of any kind, neither even nor odd. But we know of many large even perfect numbers, and we suspect they are infinite. Since the heuristic is wrong for even perfect numbers, perhaps it is also wrong for odd perfect numbers. The only point of weakness I see in the heuristic is that if you could get the probability that m2*divides σ(pm2) up from 1/m2*to 1/(m ln(m)), then the integral would diverge, implying an infinite number of perfect candidates.

How would you do that? You would have to build some of the factors of σ(pm2) into the definition of m, so that a smaller fraction of m2*relied on random luck to factor. This is what happens for even perfect numbers. This is also the method used to build factor chains in the search of odd perfect numbers. But I don't see a way to adapt the heuristic to account for this effect.

Where he allegedly was coming from:
According to the*police report*(embedded below), video surveillance allegedly showed Brown*in an altercation with a store employee on Aug. 9. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, grabbed cigars from the store and behind the counter, the police report said. Before they left the store, the employee attempted to stop Brown from taking the merchandise. Brown grabbed the employee by the shirt and pushed him into a display rack in the store, the report said, and Brown and Johnson left the store with the cigars.

But Darren Wilson, the officer who stopped Brown, wasn’t even aware that Brown was a suspect in the robbery, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Friday afternoon. The officer initially stopped Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, because the pair was walking in the middle of a residential street, Jackson said, an admission that*provoked outrage from Brown’s family and attorneys.

To where & Why that guy: ( 8 months you say? Casually bumped into him you say?)
Johnson, who said he moved into the neighborhood about eight months ago, said he met Brown three months ago and the two became fast friends.

“Everyone else’s mentality be on some nonsense, silliness,” Johnson said. “But Mike had his mind set on more than that, helping others. I just got a good feeling from being around him.”

About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That’s when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them.

The officer demanded that the two “get the f—k on the sidewalk,” Johnson says. “His exact words were get the f—k*on the sidewalk.”

After telling the officer that they were almost at their destination, Johnson’s house, the two continued walking. But as they did, Johnson says the officer slammed his brakes and threw his truck in reverse, nearly hitting them.

Why would he walk down the middle of the road after a robbery? (even a little one)
Is it plausible that someone wore the same outfit, and robbed a joint to stur up the hornets while someone else steers the 'suspect' into the open?

I dunno. I just know "Mr. Johnson" has some expensive ink.

Also: 6 + Holder/DoJ + BO + ? =

...that---^ sure is coincidental.
Last edited:
On Purpose
Travel agents say customers are asking whether it's safe to fly, and what steps they should take to guard against Ebola.
The cruise ship carrying a Texas health-care worker who “may have” handled*lab specimens from Dallas Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan is headed back to the United States after Mexican authorities failed to grant permission for the ship to dock off the coast of Cozumel, according to a Carnival spokeswoman.

The Carnival Magic had been waiting off the Mexican coast since Friday morning for its scheduled port visit. Mexican authorities*still hadn’t given clearance by noon, so the*ship continued to its home port of Galveston, Tex., where it was due back on Sunday, according to Carnival.

Happy Holidays.

At least we know why the E BO LA thing became a big deal and why BO is purposely blowing it/making it worse.

Who cares who wins what in the election...
This is about 88posterity:

Which means someone wants it to get worser...
-(6/10=8) or coincidentally


The onlypoint of weakness I see in the heuristic is that if you could get the probability that m2*divides σ(pm2) up from 1/m2*to 1/(m ln(m)), then the integral would diverge, implying an infinite number of perfect candidates.

1 Dead Kid + 1 fake suspect + 1 fake friend + 1 cop + 1 parent + 1 prosecutor = 6
6 + Holder + BO + Media + Protestors = 10

Think: "shady and manipulative power mongers."
1st: The Heaven of the Fixed Stars.
2nd: Kronos (Saturn). Kronos was the leader of the Titans.
3rd: Zeus (Jupiter, Jove). The king of the Olympian gods.
4th: Ares (Mars). The god of war.
5th: Helios (Sol). The sun.
6th: Aphrodite (Venus). The goddess of love and beauty.*
7th: Hermes (Mercury). The messenger of the gods.

Mystery Degrees

8th: Selene (Luna). The moon.
9th: Gaia (Terra Mater). The earth.*
10th: Antichthon. The counter-earth.

pssssht... Wannabes, they're doing it wrong. There is no such thing as the Illuminati, You can prove it with Clooney's movie career.
Sandy Hook is a funny phrase

Why wouldn't you want the dead bodies of little children shoved down the throat of every American?
You're telling me that wouldn't prevent a school shooting?

All that's available are crime scene photos released 1 year later, followed by the tearing down of the building, and a nice list of how Adam Lanza was a psycho who didn't talk to anyone or go outside.

Seriously. Think I'm being harsh? Think I'm being callous?
'The Public Had To Know'

More than 1,000 Marines died at Tarawa — that's more American dead in 76 hours than in almost nine years of fighting in Afghanistan. The film of American casualties at Tarawa was too gruesome for some military officials. The question of whether to show the footage to the American people went all the way to the White House.

President Franklin Roosevelt agreed to the film's release — after being persuaded by his friend, journalist Robert Sherrod.

"Sherrod said, 'You've got to let the public know what's going on, or you won't have any support.' And Roosevelt said OK," Hatch says.

With the Marines at Tarawa*was shown in theaters in 1944 — months after the battle. The film went on to win an Academy Award for Best Short Documentary.

Last spring, Sandy Hook families lobbied lawmakers in an attempt to keep graphic images of their murdered loved ones from showing up on the Internet. Twenty-four hours before the midnight, June 5 deadline, lawmakers led by Senate Minority Leader*John McKinney, R-Fairfield, cobbled together a compromise that banned the disclosure of all homicide photos, as well as the on-scene recordings of first responders. It passed the*Senate and House*with little discussion and was quickly signed into law by Gov.*Dannel P. Malloy, who said at the time the legislation was a balance between "deeply held beliefs" on victims' privacy and "important public policy values" on disclosures of crime details.
Wake Up.


SO: Sandy Hook hoaxes debunked:

Sandy Hook Hoaxes that have not been debunked:

Things that only make sense if No One Died: (because No official statement explaining them exists)
These are government agencies that rely on accurate statistics:
Social Security:


So. Pictures or it didn't happen.
The last E BO LA post


PayDay said:
What his real intentions for E BO LA are:

BO said:
And it’s something that we can prevent and we know how to prevent, but it’s been the United States that’s had to mobilize the world community to help not just deal with this particular epidemic, but also to rebuild a public health -- or build for the first time a public health infrastructure in countries that haven't had it.

The point of this E BO LA crisis is to attack posterity:
By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control*diseases*and improve the health of "black Africans overseas."*

So even if the Liberian Doctor was making shit up, BO intentionally lent creedence to his outlandish statement, with excellent timing, almost like it was planned.
Richard Preston said that Marburg has an effect on humans as if they were exposed to radiation – connective tissues, intestines, skin are affected, hair dies at the root, radiation-like burns cause skin to peel off hands, faces, feet, and genitals, blown up or semi-rotten testicles. (p. 27)

Ebola virus is composed of seven different proteins, four of which are completely unknown, their structure and function are a mystery. Ebola is a distant relative of measles, mumps, and rabies, the parainfluenza virus, and the syncytial virus. Ebola attacks the immune system in a similar manner of HIV. (p. 46)

Posterity. The point of all the conspiracy crap since he got in office. Welcome to the secret war of infinity, BO types are the bad guys.

Imagine 30 years of this style of lies, starting 11/4/2008. These conspirators are also going backwards.

The Sandy Hook fund lawyer, the Nazi/Facist ties, Satanic stuff, etc. How much of their crap lines up with the Gregorian calender and the code I found that they are using for bad things?

The code exists naturally, but it's impossible to use without being obvious and doing it wrong, but if no one knows and it's kept secret....

Then again, it may all be coincidental. Either way, looks bad for the United States, which is the point.

'Life is brutal without civilization' and from what I hear, it's not much better with the Feudal system, unless you are in charge.

Seen anyone pre emptively acting like a royalty lately? Some idiots still think a one world government is possible and necessary in the near future.

I say we go back to being a wealthy isolationist country. period >.<


Well the only bad thing about isolationism is that every now and then you have to fight a war, which we're doing and have done anyway. It's easy to protect your home with the doors locked and a weapons cash, as long as someone isn't throwing rotten eggs at the potential home invaders and making them angry.

Rotten Eggs: Poorly aimed plane strikes. Telling Muslims how to be Muslim. Conspiracies. Fake finacial crisis. Bailouts for fake finacial crisis. Intentionally making fake finacial crisis worse. Etc.

...but then again it could all be coincidental... and if it is, all of that---^ still applies, so either way.
Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, reacted to the*White House’s appointing Ron Klain as the administration’s point man on the Ebola epidemic by saying that “we don’t need another so-called ‘czar’; we need presidential leadership.”

“This is a public health crisis, and the answer isn’t another*White House*political operative,”*Mr. Cruz*said. “The answer is a commander in chief who stands up and leads, banning flights from Ebola-afflicted nations and acting decisively to secure our southern border.”

Amen to that.


SO: Federal law trumps state law. Fact, it's in the Constitution.
Getting everyone to agree to FeD law ain't easy, but you could buy a couple judges and work with state law if those FeD laws seem too tricky to get around.:
This week, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a North Carolina law limiting the time period in which a plaintiff can seek damages.

The law, called the statute of repose, placed a 10-year limit on which plaintiffs in that state can seek damages from exposure to contaminants, with no exception for latent diseases like the cancer contracted by Partain.

The ruling came in response to a landmark Supreme Court case, CTS Corp. vs. Waldburger.

At issue, say those opposed to the Justice Department position in favor of CTS Corp., is “whether a North Carolina statute could pre-empt federal environmental law to void injury claims of victims harmed by hazardous pollution.”
About that...

So about my posts, get them while they're fresh.
They have been hacked in the past with no footprint.
I even have a few screenshots of post before and after.
Guess again: (check the links at your own risk)
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This is an intelligent idea, and it does not only apply to New York:
Finally, there’s a Big Idea in the New York governor’s race. It comes from challenger Rob Astorino, who believes term limits would help Albany put the “public” back in public service.

Blasting “incumbency protection” as the fuel for most corruption, the GOP nominee made his case in a compelling speech at NYU. It is the smartest argument made by any state candidate of either party this year.

“We have the resources we’ve always had,” he says. “We have the educated work force. We have the waterways and the rail lines. And we have access to capital.”

So, he asks, “how have we fallen so far?”

His answer is that “our leaders have enacted the most counterproductive policies in the nation, and they keep doing it.”

But he doesn’t let voters off the hook, chiding them for “electing the same people year after year after year.”

His proposal is sound: Eight is enough. Two four-year terms would be the max for statewide officials, and four two-year terms for lawmakers.

Citing George Washington’s voluntary decision to leave office after two terms, Astorino argues that the Founding Fathers understood that “power corrupts even the best of us.”

Albany is the living proof — a favor bank where every vote is a deal that’s good for those in power. On Wall Street, it’s called insider trading and it’s a crime.