The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent


Facists and the Devil and teh cRaZiEs, yo:

SO: 1st off, I'm not religeous, nor Catholic, but age old metaphors are age old metaphors:
Also, people worship the devil, those Thules did:
On Monday’s feast of the archangels Pope Francis spoke of the ongoing battle between the devil and mankind, encouraging attendees to pray to the angels, who have been charged to defend us.

“He presents things as if they were good, but his intention is destruction. And the angels defend us,” the Roman Pontiff told those gathered for his Sept. 29 Mass in the Vatican’s Saint Martha residence chapel.

Plus this bit about another speech and a cop/cops shot in Ferguson.
*Note: Cops can shoot cops.
*Note: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Speaking at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in*Washington*Saturday night, Mr. Obama said the death of*Michael Brown*“awakened our nation” to a reality that black citizens already understood.

“In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement,” Mr. Obama said. “Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

At about the same time Mr. Obama was speaking*Saturday*night,**a Ferguson police officer was shot in the arm following an encounter with two men at a community center in the St. Louis suburb. St. Louis County Police Chief*Jon Belmar*said at a media briefing early*Sunday*that the officer approached the men around*9:10 p.m. Saturday*because the community center was closed.

Which all together means what?

Ferguson should be over and done with and shut down. Why isn't it dead? Why is it being drug along and beaten like a 'heroes of 9-11' namedrop? Seriously. If there's a video or witnesses and 1 outside agency compiling all of the evidence together, then it should be done already and the facts out. It's not rocket science.

I thought this whole dead kid thing was just a trumped up 'look at all the racism' moment for the public to fester over.

...but then the dead horse beating, namedrops at the UN, the DOJ stoking the fire, AND THEN a cop gets shot, but not just shot, shot in a way where he would live, and at the same time validate the speeches and rhetoric...

...and at the same time as another BO bullshit moment, making it all so coincidental he must have @ superpowers and no one or ones could ever have planned such a thing, right?

Honestly, I swear, up until I read these articles, I had not even a thought to the fact that Ferguson could have been entirely staged from the start. It had never occurred to me.

BS uproar is expected in any racial crime, but to orchestrate this entire Ferguson thing, all you would need is some cops and a prosecutor's office, with the DOJ to cover the spread just for an extra.

Scratch that. 2 cops and and 1 state prosecutor.

Yeah. Wanna make it creepy?
Satanists sacrifice children or something, right?
Want to make it creepier?
"His name will be remembered for all time..." or some Bullshit.
...which would be a 1:3 made to look like a 3:1...

Someone is doing it wrong. Cheaters never prosper.
Last edited:

TOGO W/Post #s 622 & 623 & the older infrasound stuff:

Linking the Environmentalcases and EMF:
Genotoxic Effects and Cancer

Genetic changes resulting from microwaves, including DNA strand breaks, double-stranded breaks, and effects on gene expression, is another interesting area of research. There is both scientific evidence for this as well as epidemiological evidence for the increase of cancer as a result of wireless exposure.

Scientific Evidence

One of the first studies to show DNA breaks from microwaves was conducted by Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington.8Despite the industry’s attempts to attack this study, this finding was later confirmed by the 7-nation European REFLEX project and a study by the University of Vienna. There are now in total at least 11 studies showing DNA breaks.9*In addition to studies on DNA breaks, there are also now studies showing effects upon gene expression.10*Not all studies found significant increases in DNA damage, but it's important to note that not all cell types may be equally sensitive. A paper by Phillips, Singh, and Lai further notes that the comet assay method is very sensitive and that some researchers with little prior experience made specific methodological errors, or developed versions with different detection sensitivities.11

...and then:
Get Smart:*If you have a wireless “smart” meter attached to your home, replace it with a wiser, safer analog meter.*Thousands of people*in the United States, Canada and Australia have been injured by wireless “smart” meters. Further, “smart” meters are not "green" or environmentally sustainable - no matter how many times the advertising people say it. They*constantly emit*microwave radiation, which harms all life. How can this be sustainable? They also put "dirty electricity" onto the wiring of our homes*

What a weapon....
Now, in addition to the Assad regime and ISIS, they have to worry about getting killed by U.S. and coalition airstrikes on al Nusrah targets too. Already, one Syrian rebel group supported in the past by the United States condemned the aerial attacks, calling them“an attack on national sovereignty”*and demanding that the West train its firepower on Assad instead. To make matters worse, some FSA leaders now say that the airstrikes are threatening to push many rebel groups—including al Nusrah—back toward the side of ISIS.

“Before there were terrorists fighting terrorists. Now, after the airstrikes, you could see them working together against a common enemy (the United States), which is not what we want to see at all,” said Al Marie.

In President Obama’s Sept. 10 speech to the nation announcing his new strategy against ISIS, the president said, “We must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to” ISIS. He then called on Congress to authorize a program to train and equip 5,000 rebels per year in Saudi Arabia, which they did. Sunday night on CBS’s*60 Minutes, the President*defended*his decision to avoid arming the moderate Syrian rebels for the last two years, as most of his top national security officials had recommended.

...and from POST #622:
"Perverting Common Knowledge is the mark of all great conspiracies."
-The Baron Harkkonen

SO: BO is pulling a Russian Afghanistan in the Middle East and giving big speeches at the UN that amount to simply namedropping a city in Missouri and E BO LA, and trying to tell the Muslim World how to think and worship.

1.'The separation of church and state...'
2."Yeah, that's not going to piss anyone off and make them cross our border."
3."Does this guy even like America?"
4."I guess he's submitting his Grand Wizard of the UN resume'..."
5."Nice namedrop."
6."What's the point of this speech?"

*7."You'd think after systematically destroying the American Healthcare System, Legal System, and Immigration System with the help of his political party and co-conspirators that he would do more gloating than '...and I just sent a bunch of their soldiers into a disease infested shithole.' Hmm. Go figure."

So: Religeous metaphor that anyone can understand: As far as I can tell, he's shooting for the AntiChrist/Christ job and trying to cause the end times in a coincidental location. Lame. Doing it wrong. Anyone with any brains knows the AntiChrist is like Jesus only crude.

...but don't forget, he's a politician, so he has cronies and constituents and secret cabals.

SO: His agenda is 'their' agenda:

Lately, he has been pushing "NEW!!NEW!!NEW!!" technology and climate change and disease and racism.
Valid? or Double Busted.

TOGO W/ the previous post & POST #622
President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.
the White House’s very own presidential calendar revealed Obama had not received his daily intel briefing in the*five consecutive days leading up to the Benghazi attacks.

Ultimately, as*ABC News reported, the White House did not directly dispute the GAI’s numbers but instead said Obama prefers to read his PDB on his iPad instead of receiving the all-important live, in-person briefings.

Well, a perfectly reasonable explaination for this would be that he has, or has been given, a battle plan that doesn't need American Intelligence or Defense. Why else would someone in his position forgo an opportunity to have a Q&A session?

Also wireless.
and then...

TOGO with the previous post:

"If you can hack an iCloud, you can hack an iPad."

"Is White House Technology Security better, worse, or the same as BO's SS security detail?"
Thickened Plot

So... Another E BO LA thing (worth it.)

The*official CDC website*details ‘Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases’, under which even healthy citizens who show no symptoms of Ebola whatsoever would be forcibly quarantined at the behest of medical authorities.

“Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of*well persons*who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and*do not know it, or they may have the disease but*do not show symptoms,” states the CDC (emphasis mine).

Last month, former FDA official Scott Gottlieb, M.D.*wrote in Forbes*that the CDC will invoke powers to “hold a healthy person against his will” in the event of an Ebola outbreak, warning that the feds may assume “too much jurisdiction to detain people involuntarily,” leading to “spooky scenarios where people could be detained for long periods, merely on a suspicion they might have been exposed to some pathogen. And forced to submit to certain medical interventions to gain their freedom.”

An executive order*signed by President Obama*at the end of July also allows for the “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

This---^, especially the last part, is far too coincidental. I like to think that there is no way this could happen, but...

...and also consider the fact that sick illegals were moved around the country, which makes the executive order that much more suspicious.
heart of the matter:

Tim Donnelly, a California assemblyman: "I don’t believe you can legislate evil out of the hearts of men.”
TOGO W/Post #s 622 & 623 & the older infrasound stuff:

Linking the Environmentalcases and EMF:

...and then:

What a weapon....

Oh dear. Not quite the whole truth, and we might just as well make our helmet of Cooking Foil.

It's very easy to say that EMF is bad for you. Too easy because it does not tell the whole truth. And where do they think "microwaves" begins ?
There IS a limit about which it is considered by many to be 'unsafe' if you are close, but that limit is a bit of a moveable feast because it depends upon how much energy, it's polarisation as well as its frequency.

And that does not include the dangers due to your signals being intercepted. . . .
Oh dear. Not quite the whole truth, and we might just as well make our helmet of Cooking Foil.

It's very easy to say that EMF is bad for you. Too easy because it does not tell the whole truth. And where do they think "microwaves" begins ?
There IS a limit about which it is considered by many to be 'unsafe' if you are close, but that limit is a bit of a moveable feast because it depends upon how much energy, it's polarisation as well as its frequency.

And that does not include the dangers due to your signals being intercepted. . . .

Basically. My question is 'at what point does harm begin?'

Though if it does go through shielded coaxial then it can it penetrate the skull?

My microwave doesn't futz the TV...
better explaination

"I think that's what started the panic, not knowing the truth."
-George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead
“Their days are numbered. I know that in two years, I know we’ll have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president,” she told reporters at her weekly press conference.

“I’d like it to be in two months,” she added.

The only way that this statement is true is if:
1. She is in direct contact with every voter in the US(A)
2. She knows that the election system has been fixed

Seen the officiated results from the last presidential election?

me neither. They were supposed to released by the FeD the day that Sandy Hook 'happened'

...but keep thinking that there is no such thing as voter fraud.

You need an ID to drive a car.
Voting, potentially, is just as deadly and more powerful.

Also, since when is total destruction of your co workers based on political affiliation the same as "they refuse to work with us."

1st: So we know it's a crime:
A high school student is in police custody after posting an article on*Twitter containing inaccurate reports of Ebola cases in Frisco, Texas.

The false news article, which specifically mentioned Frisco schools, prompted multiple*inquiries to the district*from concerned parents. Numerous students also stayed home instead of attending class.

The news article appears to have been a doctored image from a local news site.


So: I'm not the only one who thinks so:
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is questioning President Barack Obama’s decision to send 3,000 U.S. military personnel to West Africa to help combat Ebola, worrying that troops might contract the virus.

Speaking to “The Laura Ingraham Show” Wednesday about the first case of Ebola inside the U.S., the potential 2016 presidential contender stated it has to be a concern about having thousands of soldiers on the same ship who could have been in contact with the deadly virus.

“You also have to be concerned about 3,000 soldiers getting back on a ship. Where is disease most transmittable? When you’re in a very close confines on a ship, we all know about cruises and how they get these diarrhea viruses that are transmitted very easily,” Paul told Ingraham. “Can you imagine if a whole ship full of our soldiers catch Ebola?’


So check this out:
Once semen gets past the mouth, stomach acid and enzymes in the esophagus kill the virus. So swallowing or spitting out semen (cum or precum) reduces your risk for HIV, compared with letting it sit in your mouth.
A popular jingle is:*Spit or Swallow, Don’t Let it Wallow.
Myth No. 1: I can get HIV by being around people who are HIV-positive.

The evidence shows that HIV is not spread through touch, tears, sweat, or saliva. You*cannot*catch HIV by:

Breathing the same air as someone who is HIV-positive
Touching a toilet seat or doorknob handle after an HIV-positive person
Drinking from a water fountainHugging, kissing, or shaking hands with someone who is HIV-positive
Sharing eating utensils with an HIV-positive person
Using exercise equipment at a gym

Then check this out:
A genetic analysis of thousands of individual viruses has confirmed beyond reasonable doubt that HIV first emerged in Kinshasa, the capital of the Belgian Congo, in about 1920 from where it spread via the colonial railway network to other parts of central Africa.

Scientists believe the findings have finally nailed the origin of the Aids pandemic to a single source, a colonial-era city then called Leopoldville which had become the biggest urban centre in Central Africa and a bustling focus for trade, including a market in wild “bush meat” captured from the nearby forests.

The study, based on analysing the subtle genetic differences between various subtypes of HIV, found the human virus had evolved from a simian virus infecting chimps which were hunted for food by people who had probably carried HIV with them into Kinshasa.

So even though aids from oral sex is considered highly unlikely and transmission through intercourse is considered a definate, no weirdo ever had sex with a monkey and the transportation system is entirely to blame.

Seems like someone is about to push for more FeD/HLS control of transportation considering the FAA fire..
BTW, what evils was that guy speaking of?


SO: About that death rate:
A community leader said they had been trying to get help for the dead man for days, but no ambulance ever came. When the man died, a burial team came in an hour.

A patient with Ebola-like symptoms who had recently traveled to Nigeria is being treated at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C., a hospital spokesperson confirmed late Friday morning.
Hamilton did not share further details about the patient, citing privacy reasons.

If that---^ is really real, then:

When did the patient get there?

Have some of this while you are at it:
"I don't fukkin know, I wasn't there..."

About the Secret Service:
While the director of the Secret Service is appointed by the president, the White House under either party typically defers to the agency on how to handle the president’s security.*

...and then...
Clancy, who spent much of his career at the Secret Service as a senior agent on the protective detail for President George W. Bush, is not expected to clean house or reform the agency, according to officials briefed on his appointment.

“He’s one of the most genteel guys. It would be very hard to find someone to say something bad about Joe,” said one longtime agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the news media. But, the agent added: “He doesn’t like conflict. They need to clean house. He’s not the guy to do it.”
Officers in charge of protecting the White House say they have grown resentful at being belittled by their bosses and routinely forced to work on off-days. Some agents who have sworn to take a bullet for the president and his family have little faith in the wisdom or direction of their *senior-most leaders.

Considering the director approves when security is NOT there, and considering how hard it was for persons to get copies of White House guest lists, and considering a Secret Service agent who can be bought probably isn't the best agent:

What's the likelyhood that someone doesn't want good and honest agents or wants as few agents as possible?

ASIN: No witnesses: "Pictures or it didn't happen."

Don't forget: The Secret Service was only notified about that woman being shot in her car for driving the wrong way after it happened. The DC Police handled the investigation.

From what I hear, the Secret Service does one heck of an investigation.
Busted. He chose his side.

the Obama White House was caught editing the biographies of other Presidents on the White House website to insert Barack Obama into their Presidential legacies

The question of what has been destroyed has few complete, sure answers, scholars say. The chaos of war has prevented a full accounting, and the Islamic State often issues false reports to exaggerate its conquests, while other groups may do so to draw international sympathy.

That secret plane trip makes so much more sense now.

TOGO W/POST #S 615 &617

Since October, 2010, Haiti's cholera epidemic has killed 8,500 people and infected more than 700,000

There are an estimated 830000 Hatians living in the US in 2009
There was a total of 1000000 Aficans (all countries) who emmigrated to the US from 1965-2007, and around 1.5 million in our total population.

Haiti is 1426 (roughly) miles from US(A) shores
Western Africa is roughly 4317 to US(A) shores

A deadly disease is set to hit the shores of the US, UK and much of the rest of the northern hemisphere in the coming months. It will swamp our hospitals, lay millions low and by this time next year between*250,000 and 500,000 worldwide*will be dead, thousands of them in the US and Britain.

Despite the best efforts of the medical profession, there’s no reliable cure, and no available vaccine offers effective protection for longer than a few months at a time.

If you’ve been paying attention to recent, terrifying headlines, you may assume the illness is the Ebola virus. Instead, the above description refers to seasonal flu – not swine or bird flu, but regular garden variety influenza.
Semantics smantics, It's a metaphor

Mattera, who publishes the Daily Surge, asked Lerner if she had any regrets for her role in the ongoing IRS corruption case, and if she wanted to take the opportunity to give a genuine apology to conservatives for using the force of government to harass and single them out.

But, similar to her testimony before Congress where she pleaded the fifth, Lerner didn’t show any remorse, and, on a more latent level, showed her disregard for*people’s privacy rights in general. In the video above, you can see Lerner fleeing from Mattera as she rushes through what appears to be a random person’s front yard.

“Could you call the police?” Lerner begs an elderly woman, while pounding on her door. “Please let me in. These guys are with the press and they’re not leaving me alone.” The elderly woman is heard telling Lerner that she just had surgery and was in no position physically to let her in the house.

But that didn’t stop Lerner. She implores that same elderly woman to open up her garage instead.

“It’s almost a perfect proxy for her actions in the targeting scandal,” Mattera said.

“She keeps badgering an innocent woman with zero regard for her wishes. It’s an incredible crystallization of Lerner’s character or lack thereof.”

The natural question the viewer asks, he notes, is, “If she’s willing to barge into a person’s home, how much more so is she willing to barge into a conservative’s IRS records to inflict her personal will?”

Eventually, the elderly woman’s husband sees Lerner’s antics and kicks her off his property.* “Out. Out!” he demanded.

Reality Exists.
Distraction Protocol

So the only honest persons left in the US(A) Government voted against this budget:

I say this because: (...and it was NOT easy to find)
The Ex-Im Bank Charter was set to expire on September 30, however the House and Senate passed a continuing resolution which will extend it through June 30, 2015. During the next nine months, supporters and detractors will lobby for merits of Ex-Im and potential reforms.*UMB will continue to monitor the progress and update you on what you need to know.
On Friday, President Obama’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) explicitly asked Congress to attach an extension of the Export-Import Bank to the CR. *

So they funded the thing, and the FeD, and then E BO LA went from 'sucks' to 'crisis' along with a few other things so no one would remember to ask questions about it.
Almost like he planned it...

So the detective that shut down my rape case without an investigation and served me with a court summons while at the same time swearing that he had no involvement in the summons and whom did everything he could to not investigate a child predator is now running for my local school board.

It's awful coincidental that the transcriber used a different name than his on the transcripts when I used it in court.

My pedo ex-neighbor even used his name and described giving his statement to him as well, but that somehow got left off of the transcript, but my objection to it is still there...

I hope everyone is registered to vote.
Oh yeah... I almost forgot:

14 days after a judges order requiring that my transcripts be in and:

No transcripts. No word on where they are.