The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent


"Whatcha got there? Numbers?"---v

In all, 420 people fatally overdosed on heroin in 2013 out of a total of 782 drug overdoses, rising to a level not seen in a decade in both absolute numbers and as a population-adjusted rate, according to preliminary year-end data from the city’s health department.

The death toll from heroin has more than doubled over the last three years, presenting a growing challenge to city officials who have so far been unable to reverse the rise. By contrast, amid a concerted effort to stem prescription pill abuse, especially on Staten Island, overdoses from opioid pills leveled off during the same time period, with 215 deaths recorded in 2013.

TOGO W/Post #575 (&others)

Yet for years, many have been claiming that the Arctic is in an ‘irrevocable death spiral’, with imminent ice-free summers bound to trigger further disasters. These include gigantic releases of methane into the atmosphere from frozen Arctic deposits, and accelerated global warming caused by the fact that heat from the sun will no longer be reflected back by the ice into space.

Judith Curry, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, said last night: ‘The Arctic sea ice spiral of death seems to have reversed.’

Raising the minimum wage is a stunt, it only increases the cost of goods and services as the wage increase is passed on to the consumer. I've posted about this before. Even Trump spoke up about how dumb it is.

...and BO wants the Minimum Wage jacked up again.

Is there any more questions about whose side this president is on?
Considering the delicate state of finace in this country right now, what would raising the price of goods to balance out the raise in min wage do?

Considering the amount of persons on food stamps, wouldn't this simply equate to corporate welfare for edibles retailers?

*hint, it's not America's side.
Distraction Protocol

In an effort to cast the blame elsewhere, Bryan said that he believes the images released on 4chan may not have bee leaked by the person or persons who stole them.

'The real guy is on 4chan posting intermittently,' said Bryan.

'He's most likely the one behind it but it does seem the photos passed around to multiple people before being leaked, so it may just be someone who has them and didn't hack to get them.

"Paris Hilton made that awful video and now she's selling fragrances to tweens... and I'm pretty sure she's legally retarded." -Zack and Miri Make a Porno

I'm not saying this is the case with all of them, but it is awfully coincidental that this story is out as well:

...and can easily be answered with: "Nationwide depression and lack of funds for a $10 movie ticket because of a terribad government."

There is a reason for a bunch of separatists to craft a Constitution containing the separation of Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches. They also included checks and balances for a reason.

Also cloture (which I made a stink about waybackwhen. So, told you so.)

appointees to the D.C. Circuit Court will get to re-hear a major Obamacare challenge, after a panel of the court’s judges heard the case and ruled against the administration.

A majority of the judges on the court voted to re-hear the*Halbig*case, which pertains to whether subsidies can be provided to people who purchase insurance through the federal*Obamacare*exchanges. Accordingly, a D.C. Circuit panel’s decision that the federal exchange participants are not eligible for subsidies will “be vacated.”

Obama was able to secure a majority of Democratically-appointed judges on the court, which is regarded as the most important court in the country next to the Supreme Court, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.,*Nev.) pulled the trigger on the nuclear option in the Senate to prevent Republicans from filibustering Obama’s judicial nominees.

“Reid’s power play over Republican opposition in December led to the seating of three Democratic judges on the federal appeals court circuit that serves the District of Columbia,” CNBC suggested the day after the three-judge panel ruled against Obamacare. “The Obama administration is now banking on a Democratic majority created by those judges to help overturn a*stunning ruling that threatens a key leg of the Affordable Care Act.”

Partisan what?

So TOGO W/Post #573 and all the other illegal alien kids in courts posts:

The revolving door of the U.S. immigration system was in constant motion*Tuesday*morning in Courtroom 6 of the Arlington Immigration Court, as a steady stream of undocumented alien children piled in to the small space in hopes of being granted permission to stay in the United States.

Three cases were ready to plead for asylum, and all received hearing dates set for June, 2018.

By that time, all three children -- currently*teenagers -- will be well into adulthood.

Most of the children had shown up for a “master hearing,” or a first appearance in court, and were not yet required to make an official plea.

To help put them at ease, Bryant began the long line of hearings by telling the assembled children that they were “special.”

“This is all about you,” he told the children. “You’re so special we have a docket just for you.”

Some of the children had arrived at court with a lawyer, while many had come with a parent or another family member. A few showed up with nothing more than a piece of paper they’d received in the mail telling them where to be and when.

Still others hadn't appeared at all.

Plus this:

administration is refusing to tell Congress where the ten of thousands of unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexican Border this summer were sent after they were processed though holding centers along the border.

Attkisson said the Obama administration seems to be intentionally stonewalling by not answering letters from members of Congress or reporters questions.

She added the only recourse is a FOIA lawsuit that will take years to go though the system.

attention span? what?

Is it all just executive orders passed on to judges and lawyers using the court system in a 'special' way while at the same time complaining that they are under staffed and running out of money from doing things that they aren't mandated for? Not to mention the immigration enforcement executive orders that were the cause of this in the first place.

Where's the immediate congressional investigation into the legality of this?

It's so blatently illegal and outside of existing law, so where's the clamor from either side?
Why aren't congresspersons SCREAMING ?

Added Bonus:
*What's the cost of all of this intentionally made bullshit for generations starting in 2008 vs the cost of enforcing the border effectively from 2008 on.
Last edited:

Things ARE NOT GETTING BETTER, but if you have the money, you can keep up appearances.

You can also borrow the money.

Slovotsky's Laws said:
When telling a story, effect triumphs truth.

Being right all the time is a real expensive habit.

As of the end of June, foreign owners held $6,013,200,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities, up from $5,976,500,000,000 as of the end of May.

Thirteen years ago, at the end of June 2001, the foreign-held U.S. government debt was $983,300,000,000—and had been trending downward for four months. Since then, it has grown more than six-fold.

Of the $6,013,200,000,000 in U.S. government debt held by foreign interests, $4,108,200,000,000 was categorized by the Treasury as “foreign official” debt holdings---meaning it was owned by institutions controlled by foreign governments.

So... I said something like this. I didn't take it this far. (Because I thought it was obvious.)

I'm not saying this guy is writing truth, but the potential abounds.

I think things are worse.

It is high time that those in government who have any desire whatsoever to preserve this nation as an ongoing concern take stock of the abundance of evidence which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for the resurgence of Islamic militancy in the Middle East, and ISIS in particular.

As uncomfortable for them as it may be, they must come to grips with the fact that Obama is a well-placed saboteur representing malignant interests, enemies both foreign and domestic, that have been strategizing the downfall of the United States for decades.

In May of this year, Obama named the Desert Peaks National Monument in New Mexico a federally designated monument. Setting aside this land with an executive order under the Antiquities Act of 1906, the nearly half million acres bordering the Mexican state of Chihuahua is now off-limits to all but foot traffic. Potential for the incursion of malefactors in that area is enormous; not just an efficient and effective route for small bands of drug smugglers or gangs, it now amounts to a protected access for potentially large sorties onto the U.S. soil.

In the context of what I have postulated here, why might Obama do this?

Let’s forget for a moment the possibility of a terror cell executing a Nairobi mall-style attack or detonating a dirty bomb somewhere in Middle America. Picture*100 malls*or elementary schools across the U.S. laid siege simultaneously, two or more full-fledged thermonuclear devices detonated in American cities, or a few high-sensitivity military bases taken over by terrorists. Consider that these forces would have the training and weaponry to suit the job, as well as the intelligence necessary to give them a far better than even chance of success –*all provided by our own government.

Bear in mind that the Desert Peaks phenomenon is but one instance in which Obama has left America vulnerable; there are others we’ve been made aware of, and probably still others we don’t yet know about.

If this sounds preposterous, just remember that those of us who warned against the rise of an Islamist caliphate were mocked only a year ago, and now one exists, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama
Banned (for the kids)

On September 16, 2013, just a week before the start of the annual*Banned Books Week campaign, which celebrates the right to read, five North Carolina school board members voted to ban*Invisible Man*from Randolph County school libraries due to objectionable language and sexually explicit material, with one board member also stating that he “didn’t find any literary value” in the novel. After a national and international outcry, the board members relented and restored the book on library shelves. In honor of both Ellison’s masterful novel and Banned Books Week, here are five authors whose works have been frequently challenged or banned.

Not a bad bit of info.

“Considering this Administration launched over the objections of CMS, it’s unsurprising that the website has suffered a ‘malicious attack,’” House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) said in announcing the subpoena. “For nearly a year, the Administration has dismissed concerns about the security of, even as it obstructed Congressional oversight of the issue. The Committee will continue to push for answers from the Administration and Administrator Tavenner must testify on the subject of transparency, accountability, and information security alongside the Government Accountability Office at our September 18th hearing.”

Get 'em.
The Double Tap

I'm not the only one who sees Facists and 'NoU!' rhetoric.

But he talks like an arrested-development adolescent.

Anyone who has tried to engage a member of that age cohort in an argument probably recognizes the four basic teenage tropes, which also are the only arrows in Obama’s overrated rhetorical quiver. They were all employed by him last week when he went to the White House briefing room to exclaim, as he is wont to do, about the excellence of the Affordable Care Act.

...and then:

So, suppose Putin, reprising his Ukrainian success, orchestrates unrest among the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia. Then, recycling Hitler’s words that his country “could not remain inactive,” Putin invades one of these NATO members. Either NATO invokes Article 5 — an attack on any member is an attack on all — or NATO disappears and the Soviet Union, NATO’s original raison d’être, is avenged.

Although no one more thoroughly detested Hitler’s regime that General Erwin Rommel served, Winston Churchill acknowledged in January 1942 in the House of Commons the talent of Britain’s enemy: “We have a very daring and skillful opponent against us, and, may I say across the havoc of war, a great general.” Putin is, the West should similarly acknowledge, more talented and dangerous than either Nikita Khrushchev or Leonid Brezhnev. Their truculence was not fueled by fury. Putin’s essence is anger. It is a smoldering amalgam of resentment (of Russia’s diminishment because of the Soviet Union’s collapse), revanchist ambitions (regarding formerly Soviet territories and spheres of influence), cultural loathing (for the pluralism of open societies), and ethnic chauvinism that presages “ethnic cleansing” of non-Russians from portions of Putin’s expanding Russia.

Here's an OpEd from Mitt about the military.

Also: I am very glad he decided to ditch the make-up a while back.

The president asserts that we must move to “a new order that’s*based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity.” The old order, he is saying, where America’s disproportionate strength holds tyrants in check and preserves the sovereignty of nations, is to be replaced.

It is said that the first rule of wing-walking is to not let go with one hand until the other hand has a firm grip. So, too, before we jettison our reliance on U.S. strength, there must be something effective in its place — if such a thing is even possible. Further, the appeal to “common humanity” as the foundation of this new world order ignores the reality that humanity is far from common in values and views. Humanity may commonly agree that there is evil, but what one people calls evil another calls good.
Washington politicians are poised to make a historic decision, for us, for our descendants and for the world. Freedom and peace are in the balance. They will choose whether to succumb to the easy path of continued military hollowing or to honor their constitutional pledge to protect the United States.

BO raised more $ for his presidential campaign than anyone in history.
Constituants < Donors
Occupy actually happened.

“Data from the 2013 [Survey of Consumer Finances]*confirm that the shares of income and wealth held by affluent families are at modern historically high levels,” the report said in noting that the median income fell for every 10-percent grouping except the most affluent 10 percent.*

"The 2013 SCF*reveals substantial disparities in the evolution of income and net worth since the previous time the survey was conducted, in 2010,” the report stated. The SCF is conducted by the*Federal reserve*triennially and compiles information about family incomes, credit use, net worth and finances.

The 2010-2013 SCF found that even though real gross domestic product grew by 2.1 percent and civilian unemployment fell from 9.9 percent to 7.5 percent, only families at “the very top of the income distribution saw widespread income gains,” though mean median income levels still lagged behind 2007 numbers.
“We will call in and question all of the candidates,” he said. “One of our biggest concerns is who is the candidate’s economic team, because if the present economic team doesn’t change, you are going get the same results.”

The survey also found that family in the middle income bracket (40th to 90th percentiles) saw “very little” change in average real incomes and still have not recovered losses from 2010 and 2007. Families at the bottom of the income distribution continued to see “substantial declines” in average real incomes, a continuing trend from the previous two surveys.*

The top percentile of Americans also increased their wealth share since 2010, corresponding to a loss in wealth for the bottom 90 percent of Americans, according to the*Fed*data.
...and again...

including coordination of*
information security efforts throughout the civilian,*
national security, and law enforcement communities assets;


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to give federal regulators sweeping new powers over Internet access.

The move is necessary, she said Monday, to save net neutrality and protect Internet users.

The Ultimate Nullifyer Mark 1.2 OR 2.0:
I hit on this way back when (see: seealso)
Different version of the same thing, Government Regulated and Controlled Internet.

...but no time for immigration?

Virtually all Democrats support net neutrality, but only some of them have explicitly called for the FCC to reclassify Internet providers. So far, 14 senators and 37 House members have backed the controversial option.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has vowed to defend the agency's rules, but he hasn't taken a position on which regulatory provision the agency should use. President Obama has said he opposes Internet fast lanes, but has also been silent on Title II.*

Republicans and broadband providers, however, have promised to do everything they can to stop the FCC from using its Title II powers on the Internet. In a May*letter*to the FCC, House GOP leaders warned that applying "antiquated regulation on the Internet" would "needlessly inhibit the creation of American private-sector jobs, limit economic freedom and innovation, and threaten to derail one of our economy's most vibrant sectors."

Wheeler has said he prefers to use the existing regulatory framework for new net-neutrality rules, but that Title II remains "on the table."

The FCC is collecting comments on its proposal until Sept. 15, and Wheeler has said he wants new rules on the books by the end of the year.*

*see also Post #s 62, 90, &91
Heard anything about this?

This is what Congress is doing:

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the bill Democrats introduced earlier this week to amend the free speech provisions of the First Amendment.
“If this proposal were to pass, its effects would be breathtaking. It would be the most massive intrusion on civil liberties and expansion of federal government power in modern times, Sen. Cruz said. “According to our Democratic friends, the new First Amendment would regulate the raising and spending of money by candidates and others to influence elections. The First Amendment is not about ‘reasonable’ speech. The idea that elected politicians would seek to arrogate power to themselves to censor the citizens is an anathema to who we are as a country.”
In his remarks, Sen. Cruz asked, should Congress have the power to ban movies, to ban books, or to ban organizations from speaking about politics? He argued that this amendment will destroy the free speech protections enshrined in the First Amendment by limiting individuals, corporations, and citizen groups’ free speech while insulating politicians from the very criticism that has always been essential to democracy.
If passed, Congress could have the power to ban corporations like Paramount Pictures from producing movies speaking about politics, similar to what the Obama administration attempted to prohibit in Citizens United. Congress could have the power to ban books, like Simon & Schuster’ newly published book by Hilary Clinton, “Hard Choices.”
Already did.


Medical officials admitted a record number of children to a local hospital over the weekend because of what they believe to be a rare respiratory virus spreading throughout the country.

Although there's been no confirmed cases of the enterovirus at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, officials admitted 540 patients Friday, said Dr. Derek Wheeler, associate chief of staff at the hospital.

The previous record was around 515, Wheeler said.

Some reports out of Missouri and Colorado suggest the virus, with symptoms similar to the common cold, brought sicker patients to hospitals, Wheeler said.

"We're just seeing the (increased) volumes, we haven't seen (patients) sicker than usual yet," he said.

Hospitals from other states have placed restrictions on visitations, but Wheeler said there are no plans to do that in Cincinnati.

The virus is similar to what doctors treat during cold and flu season.*That means nothing really changes if a child comes down with the rare virus, he said.

"The bottom line is this is a virus you wouldn't treat with antibiotics, so other than the (high-level of) interest, there's no reason we would need to know it's an enterovirus," Wheeler said.

This particular type of enterovirus — EV-D68 — is uncommon, but not new. It was first identified in the 1960s.

"I suspect that it's something that hasn't been around for a while and so there's a lot of people susceptible to it," Wheeler said.

The number of patients began to spike around Labor Day, which means the virus should run its course in Greater Cincinnati sometime over the next week, Wheeler said.

Wheeler said parents can prevent their children from getting the virus by making them wash their hands frequently and drink plenty of fluids.

In the event that any of these thousands of Central American children are carrying communicable diseases, experts claim, any subsequent health crisis will likely first manifest itself within a public school environment.

That’s alarming news. But wait! There’s more!

According to the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, the Obama administration has not subjected a large number of these children to proper medical screening processes.

Instead, the federal government has sent the unaccompanied minors to various U.S. locations to live with relatives or, in some cases, to live as foster wards. The children then enroll in local, taxpayer-funded public schools with no questions asked — by law.

Dr. Elaina George, a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network and a board-certified otolaryngologist, warned that this policy adds up to the possibility of a very serious disease outbreak.

“There’s no mechanism in place to ensure children are checked medically,” George told The Daily Caller. “It’s put everybody at risk. Anybody who comes into contact with a disease — tuberculosis, for example — is at risk.”

“This is not something that’s theoretical. This is not something that kind of happened. It’s happened,” she added.
and again.

TOGO with the last post, reiteration:
a drudge combo move.

More than 30 Lynn Community Health Center employees and 800 patients are being tested to determine if they were exposed to tuberculosis after center doctors confirmed a case.

Center Director Lori Berry says after confirming the single positive test for tuberculosis in a male health care worker around Labor Day, center medical workers contacted and tested employees as well as patients ‘‘having sufficient exposure to warrant testing.’’

and then...

Lynn is a municipality on the brink. Key department officials say a recent influx of illegal immigrant children and families in the city is stressing almost every service from trash collection to healthcare.

"We have been aware of the unaccompanied children issue for quite a while, and we were able to absorb a lot of these children early on," said Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy. "But now it's gotten to the point where the school system is overwhelmed, our health department is overwhelmed, the city's budget is being sustainably altered in order of accommodate all of these admissions in the school department."

Flanagan Kennedy says the first contact for immigrant arrivals in the city is the school system.
double spoken.

So I found some out of the horses mouth quotes.

So the intention is obvious. The words are spoken to derive a specific intent.

...but first a question from the end of the article/quote list:
In the meantime, what should we be calling the 50,000-strong Islamic Front?

News organizations seem to prefer*ISIS*(Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), while the suits in D.C. seem fond of*ISIL*(the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).

What do you want to call this threat to U.S. security?

....and then:
1. "The American people are so much stronger, so much more resolved than any enemy can fully understand. As a nation, we're united. And when people harm Americans, we don't retreat, we don't forget," said*Vice President Joe Biden*at*Portsmouth Naval Shipyard*on the Islamic State's beheading of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff. "We take care of those who are grieving and when that's finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice."
4. "Do not believe ISIL is 'manageable,' agree these terrorists must be chased to the "gates of hell,' wrote*U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH, via Twitter.

Now I'm not saying that that---^ could be taken at least two different ways, but that---^ sure could be taken at least two different ways.
double spoken.

Surveying the wreckage of a mere two years of a Democratic president with a Democratic Congress, all Americans should be focused like a laser beam on putting the Senate in Republican hands.*

Won't you be angry if our power-mad president grants millions of illegal immigrants "executive amnesty" on the basis of his nonexistent constitutional authority to ignore the law? The surge of needy foreigners across our Southern border, so far, will be nothing compared to what's coming if Obama does this.*

He says he will. He thinks voters are too stupid to notice.*

Prove him wrong.*

...and then:
So: Same thing said twice:

Obama is claiming to have the powers of a dictator. Amnesty was considered by Congress, but -- here's the important thing: It didn't pass. It only passed the Senate, with the votes of all Democrats and 14 not-bright Republicans. After that, widespread public revulsion prevented Marco Rubio's amnesty bill from even being considered in the House.*

But according to Obama, the only reason illegals haven't already been given amnesty is that Congress is not "doing its job."*

What does Obama imagine Congress' "job" is? Being his errand boys? Their job is to represent their districts. I promise you, House members are doing a better job representing their districts than at least a dozen senators are at representing their states -- or than Obama is doing representing the country. It's called the "People's House" for a reason.*

Noticeably, every Republican senator running for re-election this year claims to oppose amnesty -- even the ones who voted for it. (Let's hope they remember how unpopular mass immigration is when it's time to vote, not just when they're running.)

Obama's base isn't even looking for representation. We could have a 1929-level stock market crash, Obama could commit a murder on the White House lawn -- and they would still support the first minority president!
(5 page article) have a snippet:

Every senator needs to stand up and represent their constituents — not big business, not the ACLU, not activist groups, not political interests, but the American interests, the workers’ interests. That is what we need to expect from them, and we don’t have but a few weeks, it looks like, to get it done.

In effect, the entire Senate Democratic conference has surrendered the jobs, wages, and livelihoods of their constituents to a group of special interests meeting in secret at the White House. They are surrendering them to executive actions that will foist on the nation what Congress has refused to pass and the American people have rejected. They are plotting at the White House to move forward with executive action no matter what the people think and no matter what Congress — through the people’s House — has decided.

Politico*reports that “White House officials conducted more than 20 meetings in July and August with legal experts, immigration advocates and business leaders to gather ideas on what should be included in the order.”

So who are these so-called expert advocates and business leaders? They are not the law-enforcement officers; they are not our ICE officers; they are not our Border Patrol officers; they are not the American working man and woman; they are not unemployed Americans.*They*weren’t in the room. You can be sure of that. Their opinions weren’t sought.

No, White House officials are meeting with the world’s most powerful corporate and immigration lobbyists and activists who think border controls are for the little people. The administration is meeting with the elite, the cosmopolitan set, who scorn and mock the concerns of everyday Americans who are concerned about their schools, jobs, wages, communities, and hospitals. These great and powerful citizens of the world don’t care much about old-fashioned things like national boundaries, national sovereignty, and immigration control — let alone the constitutional separation of powers.

Well, don’t you get it? They believe they are always supposed to get whatever it is they want. They are used to that. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, one report says they have spent $1.5 billion since 2007 trying to pass their desired immigration bill — $1.5 billion. They tried and tried and tried to pass the bill through Congress, but the American people said: No, no, no. So they decided to just go to the president. They decide to go to President Obama, and they insist that he implement these measures through executive fiat. And Senate Democrats have apparently said: Well, that is just a wonderful idea. We support that. Just do it. Go big. But, Mr. President, wait a little bit. Wait until after the election. We don’t want the voters to hold us accountable for what you are doing. We want to pretend we in the Senate have nothing to do with it.

No idea who Sessions is yet. He speaks well?

The President has been reviewing options and targets with his national security team, according to officials at the White House. Those officials would not characterize the number or scope of those targets but said the review was based on the expanded gathering of intelligence in Syria.

"These targets have been exposed because of the president's early decision to ramp up our intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets that were operating in the region," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. "By improving our visibility into the situation on the ground, Pentagon planners have been working with some success to develop additional targets."

...but... but... but----v
The Pentagon is refining its targets based on improved intelligence-gathering, including the surveillance flights now under way over Syria, a Defense official said.

So then this article is sophistry. So why print it? Well...

Whatcha got there? Numbers?---v

A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly more than three times the previous estimates.

The terror group that calls itself the Islamic State "can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN on Thursday.

Analysts and U.S. officials initially estimated there were as many as 10,000 fighters, including those who were freed from prisons by ISIS, and Sunni loyalists who have joined the fight as the group advanced across Iraq.

"This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity and additional intelligence," the spokesman said.
Mass executions and videotaped beheadings, including those of two American journalists, have led to the push for a broader counterterrorism mission, including possible airstrikes in civil war-torn Syria.
More than 15,000 foreign fighters, including 2,000 Westerners, have gone to Syria, a CIA source told CNN on Thursday. The fighters come from more than 80 countries, the source said.
While officials work to develop targets in Syria, the U.S. military is flying about 60 surveillance and reconnaissance flights a day over Iraq, according to the U.S. official.

...what? You want more code?
OK: Use initials.
By*Jim Sciutto, Jamie Crawford*and*Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
updated 6:59 AM EDT, Fri September 12, 2014

... any more questions?
Ask and ye shall receive?

Togo w/Post #592

Meanwhile, in Washington on Thursday, Democrats saw their attempt to amend the Constitution to limit campaign speech die at the hands of a GOP filibuster.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had pushed the amendment as a way to combat what he said was a flood of false ads attacking Democratic senators and paid for by wealthy conservative businessmen.

Republicans countered that if the amendment were to succeed — requiring a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate, and three-fourths of states to ratify it — it would have been the first changes in history to the First Amendment.

TOGO W/ Posts#592 &598

So the shit was throw at the fan. 54 Senators came prepared with toilet paper.

Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a vote on a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and other Supreme Court rulings dating back to 1976 that invalidated restrictions on money in politics.

The party line vote was 54 in favor, 42 against, falling short of the 60 votes needed to defeat a filibuster and proceed to a final vote.

The Senate*broke an initial filibuster*on the measure on Monday. But many Republicans who voted to begin debate did not support the proposal and intended to ultimately block it. The procedural motion on Thursday means the Senate won't move to an up-or-down vote, where it was even likelier to fail because it needed a two-thirds majority to advance.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), a fierce opponent of campaign finance restrictions, blasted Democrats for bringing up the measure.

"I have to say it’s a little disconcerting to see the Democrat-led Senate focusing on things like reducing free speech protections for the American people," he said before the vote. "This is what they chose to make their top legislative priority this week. Taking an eraser to the First Amendment."

Wait. Wait. 42 against? That sure seems coincidental.

The recommendation, conveyed to the White House by Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was cast aside in favor of options that did not involve U.S. ground forces in a front-line role, a step adamantly opposed by the White House. Instead, Obama had decided to send an additional 475 U.S. troops to assist Iraqi and ethnic Kurdish forces with training, intelligence and equipment.

Recommitting ground combat forces to Iraq would have been highly controversial, and most likely would have been opposed by a substantial majority of Americans. But Austin’s predecessor, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, said the decision not to send ground troops poses serious risks to the mission.

So?.... ....? Why no boots to ground? He's willing to work with Congress to blow $$ on everything else, and this is what the military is already being paid for. They submitted a budget. Ask the GAO.

[Campaigns in Somalia and Yemen] *have dragged on for years and involve far smaller and less-well-financed adversaries than the Islamic State. Although Obama promised a “steady, relentless effort” in*a nationally televised address Wednesday night, he also said that “it will take time to eradicate a cancer like ISIL,” using a common acronym for the Islamic State. I'm not saying that that---^ could be taken at least two different ways, but that---^ could be taken at least two different ways...