bi/gay women exposing themselves to straight women?

I ran into the woman who asked about my hose again this morning. We were taking the same class, but I got there late. I got there late because I was masturbating in a toilet stall thinking about last week in the locker room. Anyway, we met again in the locker room after class. Her locker wasn't near mine though, so I figured there would be no chance of me exposing myself to her. And, I was especially turned on because of masturbating a half hour before and because I had myself completely waxed on Saturday. I'm sitting there naked going through my emails, and I hear "Betty" from behind me. I stand up, turn around and face that woman, Gwen (the three of us had introduced ourselves last week). She was dressed and on her way out. She thanked me for the tip on Fogal and told me she checked them out. I described some other stuff I got from them, even running my hands across my waist or along my legs while describing the waistband and patterns. I loved it.

I'm sure she loved it too, you vixen you! :)
I'm sure she loved it too, you vixen you! :)

I'm not so sure about that. That's why I started these threads. It could be she is just curious. She could be just very open about nudity. I honestly don't know what she's thinking.
I'm not so sure about that. That's why I started these threads. It could be she is just curious. She could be just very open about nudity. I honestly don't know what she's thinking.

That's what us guys think (hope) always happens in women's lockerooms
I'm getting out of work early tomorrow, so I'm going in earlier. Maybe I'll do some showing off after work.

If any of you women, not guys, have any interesting suggestions, let me know. I'll probably hear from you too late for today, but I can keep it in mind for some other time.
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My own experience: here is something I posted elsewhere some time ago. But since interest in the thread seems to have revived, I am putting it up again. Please note the last graph: visitors welcome, and I can give us a quiet and private place to play -- and to skinny dip between love bouts!


Gym sex and bi women
An interesting thread. My experience? Given my profession (financial consultant) I travel quite ofen, and usually stay at "commerical" hotels near the local airport. Thus any woman you meet is apt to be a business traveler also.

Perhaps it is the freedom of being away from home, and away from persons you know. but many of the women you see -- and meet -- in a workout dressing room seem to be very relaxed about exposing their bodies, either scantifly clad or even unclad. I am amused at the differeent attitudes displayed. Some remain "old-fashioned," taking refuse behind a big towel or a locker door when changing clothes -- and for sure draping a towel around their bodies before going to a private shower staff (rather than a common shower room).

What thrills me are the gals who are not at all shy about "showing all," getting out of their street clothes without even a glance at modesty, and then futzing round while totally naked as they get into their gym garb. And these are the women who will walk stark naked to the communal shower once they have finished working out. They know that other women are looking at them, and they do not care.

Count me in the second group, the "shameless hussy" crowd. At age 41 I still have a fairly good bodyl My boobs have yet to "go south," and my tummy and butt are flat. I also sport a bush of strawberry blonde hair which matches exactly what I had elsewhere. And, aside for a bikini trim in the summer, to keep hairs from straying from beneath my bottoms when I am at the country club pool, I leave my bush be, as nature intended. (At our pool at home, my husband and I frequently skinny-diip with friends, so no trim is necessary.)

Now, as to actual sex in a locker room: Not the place, my dears. What you should be alert for are the friendly glances from women who are willing to make and maintain eye-contact. If you realize that some friendly woman is staring at your naked body, let her know that you enjoy being watched. For instance, when you sit on the bench, be sure you face her, and spread your legs so that she gets a good eyes-on look at your pussy. And give her a look that makes sure she knows that YOU know she is eying you. A little smile, perhaps? And even a casual rub of your pussy, as a suggestion that she perhaps would like to put her hand there as well.

This is where instinct comes into play. If her signs of wanting more are obvious, sidle over and say, "Hi, I am Kath, and I am here all by myself. Wouild you care for a drink or a cup of coffee when we are finished?" If she is wearing a wedding ring (as I am) ignore it. Her body language should tell you whether or not she is interested in having some sexual fun.

To hurry things along once you are out of the gym area: Look at your watch. "Oh, the dickens, I am sort of expecting an important call right about now. What say we dart uip to my room for a minute and let me see if it has come in?"

If she says "yes," nine chances of ten you are bound for bed. If you are really confident that she is a player, speed things along a bit by giving her a little hug in the elevator, and a comment to the effect, "It's always good to see someone else who believes in keeping in shape." (You, of couirse, have been eye-balling her pussy and boobs while she checked you out.)

If she seems to enjoy the hug (did she squeeze you back?) treat her to another one once you are in the room, and perhaps let your hands play over her bottom and pull her real close. Maybe even a brush-kiss of her cheek, with direct eye contact which says, in effect, "Dang, but I would just LOVE to be eating your pussy!" You likely will be doing just that.

Just for fun, some afternoons I drive over to a hotel health club near Baltimore-Washington Airport (25 minutes from our house ) just to scout. So far as I know, none of my straight friends go there, and more often than not I hook up with some horny woman (business traveler) who is staying in the hotel. Given that I am an unabashed lock-room show-off when it comes to my body, I dare say I attract some attention right away, and sure enough, some gal rises to the bait, and snap! Some contrived chatter, and away we go -- sometimes to the bar for one drink, and then off to her room. First names only, a minimum of personal information, just sex.

There are hints on some posts on these forum about locker-room hookups and the like....unlikely, based on my experience. A couple of times -- maybe more, call it four or five -- I have been alone in a communal shower room when anoher woman walked in. A nod, a smile, and when I soap by body I let my hand spend a long time on my breasts, and even longer on my pussy. If she is interested, she will do the same -- and without layiing a finger on one another in that location, we are soon having a drink -- and then a romp. But sex in the locker rom? Never done it, kiddies, nor have I seen it. Perhaps some of you have had different experiences. If so, tell us about them.

And if events should ever bring you to the DC area, send me an e-mail and perhaps we can see what we can do for one another, either at my house or at your hotel. And when warm weather returns -- as it must in due course -- we could begin our fun with a good skinny-dip in our pool. And, if you would care for some good hard cock later, stick around until husband Hal comes home.

In the interim, have fun!

Thanks for your post, Kath.

When I started this thread, I wasn't thinking about actual sex with another in the locker room or after the locker room. For me, it's about exposing myself and doing something I shouldn't. I'm fine with masturbating and fantasizing.
I'm curious about everything. Someone said to "try everything once, except incest and folk-dancing." :D But mostly, I just saw this thread title and it reminded me of my awkward school years.

I made the mistake of going folk dancing with my creepy uncle! Don't worry. I didn't really go.
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Well, I'm still super weird about the whole nudity thing. :( I really didn't enjoy PE class very much for that reason.

It's a shame that is such a strong negative memory. I can understand it though: your teacher's personality and of course the age difference. I appreciate you sharing that with us. It's something to keep in mind.
This is probably real cruel,

but in that same situation, I think some of my friends would have tortured that teacher by perhaps talking way too provocatively around her in the locker room, and showing too much of themselves also.
but in that same situation, I think some of my friends would have tortured that teacher by perhaps talking way too provocatively around her in the locker room, and showing too much of themselves also.

It's a perfect situation. The teacher knows she can't do anything.
It's a perfect situation. The teacher knows she can't do anything.

I, on the other hand, would have been bending over near her. I think she would see me pulling my underwear up tight between my legs before putting my little skirt on.
I'd like to hear from other bi/gay women who got off on exposing themselves around straight women, or, have masturbated where straight women might catch them. I'd also like to hear from straight women who have had women expose themselves to them or have caught another woman masturbating.

I would also like to role play this with other women. I can play anyone. It would involve, hopefully, some creative exhibitionism, creative clothing, probably no actual sex beyond masturbation. If you want to throw some other fetish, I might be open to that.
Wow this sounds very intriguing will always think differently when I'm at a hotel gym. Sounds very tempting.

My own experience: here is something I posted elsewhere some time ago. But since interest in the thread seems to have revived, I am putting it up again. Please note the last graph: visitors welcome, and I can give us a quiet and private place to play -- and to skinny dip between love bouts!


Gym sex and bi women
An interesting thread. My experience? Given my profession (financial consultant) I travel quite ofen, and usually stay at "commerical" hotels near the local airport. Thus any woman you meet is apt to be a business traveler also.

Perhaps it is the freedom of being away from home, and away from persons you know. but many of the women you see -- and meet -- in a workout dressing room seem to be very relaxed about exposing their bodies, either scantifly clad or even unclad. I am amused at the differeent attitudes displayed. Some remain "old-fashioned," taking refuse behind a big towel or a locker door when changing clothes -- and for sure draping a towel around their bodies before going to a private shower staff (rather than a common shower room).

What thrills me are the gals who are not at all shy about "showing all," getting out of their street clothes without even a glance at modesty, and then futzing round while totally naked as they get into their gym garb. And these are the women who will walk stark naked to the communal shower once they have finished working out. They know that other women are looking at them, and they do not care.

Count me in the second group, the "shameless hussy" crowd. At age 41 I still have a fairly good bodyl My boobs have yet to "go south," and my tummy and butt are flat. I also sport a bush of strawberry blonde hair which matches exactly what I had elsewhere. And, aside for a bikini trim in the summer, to keep hairs from straying from beneath my bottoms when I am at the country club pool, I leave my bush be, as nature intended. (At our pool at home, my husband and I frequently skinny-diip with friends, so no trim is necessary.)

Now, as to actual sex in a locker room: Not the place, my dears. What you should be alert for are the friendly glances from women who are willing to make and maintain eye-contact. If you realize that some friendly woman is staring at your naked body, let her know that you enjoy being watched. For instance, when you sit on the bench, be sure you face her, and spread your legs so that she gets a good eyes-on look at your pussy. And give her a look that makes sure she knows that YOU know she is eying you. A little smile, perhaps? And even a casual rub of your pussy, as a suggestion that she perhaps would like to put her hand there as well.

This is where instinct comes into play. If her signs of wanting more are obvious, sidle over and say, "Hi, I am Kath, and I am here all by myself. Wouild you care for a drink or a cup of coffee when we are finished?" If she is wearing a wedding ring (as I am) ignore it. Her body language should tell you whether or not she is interested in having some sexual fun.

To hurry things along once you are out of the gym area: Look at your watch. "Oh, the dickens, I am sort of expecting an important call right about now. What say we dart uip to my room for a minute and let me see if it has come in?"

If she says "yes," nine chances of ten you are bound for bed. If you are really confident that she is a player, speed things along a bit by giving her a little hug in the elevator, and a comment to the effect, "It's always good to see someone else who believes in keeping in shape." (You, of couirse, have been eye-balling her pussy and boobs while she checked you out.)

If she seems to enjoy the hug (did she squeeze you back?) treat her to another one once you are in the room, and perhaps let your hands play over her bottom and pull her real close. Maybe even a brush-kiss of her cheek, with direct eye contact which says, in effect, "Dang, but I would just LOVE to be eating your pussy!" You likely will be doing just that.

Just for fun, some afternoons I drive over to a hotel health club near Baltimore-Washington Airport (25 minutes from our house ) just to scout. So far as I know, none of my straight friends go there, and more often than not I hook up with some horny woman (business traveler) who is staying in the hotel. Given that I am an unabashed lock-room show-off when it comes to my body, I dare say I attract some attention right away, and sure enough, some gal rises to the bait, and snap! Some contrived chatter, and away we go -- sometimes to the bar for one drink, and then off to her room. First names only, a minimum of personal information, just sex.

There are hints on some posts on these forum about locker-room hookups and the like....unlikely, based on my experience. A couple of times -- maybe more, call it four or five -- I have been alone in a communal shower room when anoher woman walked in. A nod, a smile, and when I soap by body I let my hand spend a long time on my breasts, and even longer on my pussy. If she is interested, she will do the same -- and without layiing a finger on one another in that location, we are soon having a drink -- and then a romp. But sex in the locker rom? Never done it, kiddies, nor have I seen it. Perhaps some of you have had different experiences. If so, tell us about them.

And if events should ever bring you to the DC area, send me an e-mail and perhaps we can see what we can do for one another, either at my house or at your hotel. And when warm weather returns -- as it must in due course -- we could begin our fun with a good skinny-dip in our pool. And, if you would care for some good hard cock later, stick around until husband Hal comes home.

In the interim, have fun!

I would also like to role play this with other women. I can play anyone. It would involve, hopefully, some creative exhibitionism, creative clothing, probably no actual sex beyond masturbation. If you want to throw some other fetish, I might be open to that.

When you PM me, give me a rough idea when you might be around.
I'd like to hear from other bi/gay women who got off on exposing themselves around straight women, or, have masturbated where straight women might catch them. I'd also like to hear from straight women who have had women expose themselves to them or have caught another woman masturbating.

For example, last night I went to dinner with friends and I wanted to take my bra off (that's another story), so I went into the ladies room and took off my blouse and then my bra right there at the sinks. Several women saw me. I'm sure it was mentioned around the restaurant.
I would also like to role play this with other women. I can play anyone. It would involve, hopefully, some creative exhibitionism, creative clothing, probably no actual sex beyond masturbation. If you want to throw some other fetish, I might be open to that.

Thanks for contacting me, but please suggest some scenarios you're interested in, and tell me something about yourself.
I helped a friend out modeling for her charity fashion show

this past weekend and lucky me got to be totally naked around all those other women in the changing room. I was obviously the least shy. I'll elaborate later.