Ladies . . . get your tits out here

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Hey, that didn't even make it to 30 minutes! :mad:



She's Bogarting the tit.:cool:


Hopefully this doesn't mean I have to try to stick one of my balls into a beer bottle and hold it up.

no. it is beer tittie month. pretend the bottle is iman's cock, sliding up your chest and into your mouth.

Would it have to be beer? I don't drink any of that.

cider would be okay. you'll have to talk to the french about wine month. can you cook with beer?
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You people, I swear. Fine, it's back for a bit. Don't let me forget to take it down, though.
bodacious, woman! great post :D

Hopefully this doesn't mean I have to try to stick one of my balls into a beer bottle and hold it up.
and then there'd be the breaking of the bottle afterwards to get your ball out - and that'd spill the beer. cannot have spilt beer, though beer-flavoured balls can be rather nice *nods*


what kind of beer? this october, we should host beer tittie month on the gb.
where do i sign?
ah - well i did but took it down

Mmm. I must have missed it then. I sleep between boob postings.

Do you change up your jewelry any? I don't have any piercings but those nipple wrap around things look sexy.
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Mmm. I must have missed it then. I sleep between boob postings.

Do you change up your jewelry any? I don't have any piercings but those nipple wrap around things look sexy.

sleep? you're not allowed to sleep :D

oh, no, i don't have piercings or clips - that's just an ordinary ring on my nip just for the picture :eek: it's a bit silly, i know.
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