Ladies . . . get your tits out here

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I think she's pretty busy with us ladies chasing after her. She doesn't have time for the men too. :)
This threat definitely gives new meaning to show and tell, nice breasts ladies, and guys, please learn to read.

glad you're enjoying the thread, tactful, but if you read through the first couple of pages you'd have seen it being touted as an equal opportunities thread. and us ladies are delighted any men had the sense of fun to post their own bits.

having said that, yours are noticeable by their absence....

bronze, mark, indie, dionysian, botany boy, kotori, chnops - your contributions are part of what makes this thread such a pleasure. seriously :cool:

remy lebeau8
Now why would I do that? Noone wants to see white pasty flab
well in that case i should remove my OP, but i'm not going to so you've no excuses. if i can do it, so can anyone. :p

Farrah said:
Chippy, you throw one hell of a party. This is my favorite GB thread in a long, long time.

Ladies, you are all absolutely lovely. Gentlemen, just...rawr! make my girl bits happy. *swoonandthunk*
meh, i just threw open the doors - the party's made by the people getting down with the groove. (and nice to see you, sweetness!)


neci comes with a hazard-warning - she's hothothot!
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