Ladies . . . get your tits out here

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I like dirty but not that sort. Oh well, time to take the link out!

the funny thing that the two pics I linked to are both on my pic thread, along with so many others. omg! will wonders never cease! myw has naked pictures! in some kind of mystical land known as 'am-pics'
the funny thing that the two pics I linked to are both on my pic thread, along with so many others. omg! will wonders never cease! myw has naked pictures! in some kind of mystical land known as 'am-pics'

You're a brave woman, for sure.
the funny thing that the two pics I linked to are both on my pic thread, along with so many others. omg! will wonders never cease! myw has naked pictures! in some kind of mystical land known as 'am-pics'

What is this am-pics you speak of?
I have never been there before.. :confused:
Ohhhh no!!! For realzz??!

It's true. It's a strange world, to be sure, but it truly exists. Some might even say, it coexists with our very own world here.

What is this am-pics you speak of?
I have never been there before.. :confused:
I hope you enjoy, and are able to remove the taint of the mouth-breathers from yourself. :)

Now you're tempting me to be nice to you and take pictures in the sauna.

except that it would probably not be good for my camera. I will ponder.
It's true. It's a strange world, to be sure, but it truly exists. Some might even say, it coexists with our very own world here.

Now you're tempting me to be nice to you and take pictures in the sauna.

except that it would probably not be good for my camera. I will ponder.

As much as I would be enormously grateful for sauna pics, I would also be mortified if you damaged your camera by you taking them. :rose:
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