Girl fucks boyfriend's bully


Really Experienced
Apr 15, 2011
So this wimp is miraculously dating a hot chick. The wimp is being bullied by this hot guy.
The girl is secretly fantasizing having sex with the bully, but she does not admit it when confronted by the bully. However, after several confrontations, she sees the bully's huge cock by chance. Failing to resist the temptation, she fucks the living shit out of the bully. The relationship escalates, and ends up with the two fucking while the wimp is being tied on a chair.

Anyone interested in writing this? I wish I can write a story.... but I'm a horrible writer so. Tell me what you think!

I think it would find both strong positive and negative reactions.

Personally, I wonder about the gal's motivations- esp why she sticks with bf.

I'd rather read something inventive, like it turns out bully has puny dick due to steroid abuse. she pretends to seduce him to take pics of him unable to get erect despite her smoking hot bod rubbing against him. she threatens to post these online if he doesn't stop bullying bf, who has both a huge cock & a talented tongue which keep her satisfied, thank you very much...

I think it would find both strong positive and negative reactions.

Personally, I wonder about the gal's motivations- esp why she sticks with bf.

I'd rather read something inventive...

Or, write the opening scene as stated and then our undaunted nerd goes into Rocky training mode to reverse the roles. The hotty now wants the nerd ... but the nerd has a new Adrienne in his life. Sounds cookie cutter, I know ... but I have to take a stand for my fellow nerds!

Edit: oh, you said wimp ... sorry for projecting ... /:)

I think it would find both strong positive and negative reactions.

Personally, I wonder about the gal's motivations- esp why she sticks with bf.

I'd rather read something inventive, like it turns out bully has puny dick due to steroid abuse. she pretends to seduce him to take pics of him unable to get erect despite her smoking hot bod rubbing against him. she threatens to post these online if he doesn't stop bullying bf, who has both a huge cock & a talented tongue which keep her satisfied, thank you very much...

Thank you thats what I was thinking. Except I was going to say just reverse the rolls.

I like the idea proposed by sirhugs. I would read and might consider helping in the writing of bully puny dick story.

How about rather than being magically enslaved because she's seen a big dick, she falls for him because the bullying allows her to see what a pushover her boyfriend is, and that the bully (however cruel) is at least actively pursuing her and his own goals.

Again with all the big dicks... what is with this preoccupation with big dicks?

Again with all the big dicks... what is with this preoccupation with big dicks?

This is the reason I do not put body part sizes in my stories, for one, I am happy to be just an average sized dude. Also because a woman's body is beautiful in any size.

I think it would find both strong positive and negative reactions.

Personally, I wonder about the gal's motivations- esp why she sticks with bf.

I'd rather read something inventive, like it turns out bully has puny dick due to steroid abuse. she pretends to seduce him to take pics of him unable to get erect despite her smoking hot bod rubbing against him. she threatens to post these online if he doesn't stop bullying bf, who has both a huge cock & a talented tongue which keep her satisfied, thank you very much...

Or on a related note, she could truly love her boyfriend, but finds herself attracted to the "bad boy" bully. He could treat her poorly or completely ignore her, which drives her wild.

When she finally gets him to notice her, she "discovers" the small penis and the fact that he only cares about himself getting off and when he's done, rolls over, the opposite of the boyfriend, and she's left unsatisfied but still drawn to the bully.

Or on a related note, she could truly love her boyfriend, but finds herself attracted to the "bad boy" bully. He could treat her poorly or completely ignore her, which drives her wild.

When she finally gets him to notice her, she "discovers" the small penis and the fact that he only cares about himself getting off and when he's done, rolls over, the opposite of the boyfriend, and she's left unsatisfied but still drawn to the bully.

Or I'd say just let her have sex with the bully (who has a big dick). Depicting the unfaithfulness and the immorality of a girl being attracted to a "big penis" is not ethical by any means, but it will make a good, hot erotic story.
So there can be two versions of the story - one with the "bad ending" where the girl cheats on his bf with the bully, and the other with a poetic justice.

Or on a related note, she could truly love her boyfriend, but finds herself attracted to the "bad boy" bully. He could treat her poorly or completely ignore her, which drives her wild.

When she finally gets him to notice her, she "discovers" the small penis and the fact that he only cares about himself getting off and when he's done, rolls over, the opposite of the boyfriend, and she's left unsatisfied but still drawn to the bully.

Those were me feelings too, that she would be attracted to him because he was strong and confident and a bad boy, rather than the size of his cock. Her boyfriend could be average sized and okay in bed, but he treats her like a Princess and is too gentle with her, almost like he’s afraid she’ll break. She’s drawn to the bully because he’s the opposite of that, and she finds she likes being treated like a piece of meat for a change.

Those were me feelings too, that she would be attracted to him because he was strong and confident and a bad boy, rather than the size of his cock. Her boyfriend could be average sized and okay in bed, but he treats her like a Princess and is too gentle with her, almost like he’s afraid she’ll break. She’s drawn to the bully because he’s the opposite of that, and she finds she likes being treated like a piece of meat for a change.

I had a story like this in the works, but have been unable to finish it. I feel I have a good idea in my mind on how to do this theme, but when I try to put it on paper, it just doesn't do it for me. I hope someone can pick up this idea because I really like it.

I had in mind something like this:
But without marriage involved (boyfriend-girlfriend set in a school)

I've dusted off the story I was working on and may give it another stab. The couple are recently out of college and the Bully is a little older but very much with the jock mindset. The main problem is the relationship of the couple to the bully and having it be believable that they'd continue to associate with him.

I also like the idea that the bully is only a neighbor rather than a boss or something like that. So instead of actually having power over the couple, he takes the power position through his charisma.

I've dusted off the story I was working on and may give it another stab. The couple are recently out of college and the Bully is a little older but very much with the jock mindset. The main problem is the relationship of the couple to the bully and having it be believable that they'd continue to associate with him.

I also like the idea that the bully is only a neighbor rather than a boss or something like that. So instead of actually having power over the couple, he takes the power position through his charisma.

When will you finish writing that brilliant piece?
And what would happen at the end?

When will you finish writing that brilliant piece?
And what would happen at the end?

I have a lot of it written, but the main sticking point is the relationship between the bully and the girlfriend. I envision the beginning and end, but the making the middle believable is proving to be difficult.

As for the ending, I have a few ideas, but am not sure where it will go. I don't like the theme of the boyfriend finding out and either being ok with it or accepting it. I also don't like the everything gets wrapped up nicely ending. I am open to any suggestions on the direction of this story.

I have had a bit of writers block, but I'm hoping this idea will motivate me because I really do like it.

I have a lot of it written, but the main sticking point is the relationship between the bully and the girlfriend. I envision the beginning and end, but the making the middle believable is proving to be difficult.

As for the ending, I have a few ideas, but am not sure where it will go. I don't like the theme of the boyfriend finding out and either being ok with it or accepting it. I also don't like the everything gets wrapped up nicely ending. I am open to any suggestions on the direction of this story.

I have had a bit of writers block, but I'm hoping this idea will motivate me because I really do like it.

the middle:

does he blackmail her?
or is she overwhelmed by attraction, either just because it is taboo, or she likes the variety?
or is it ongoing curiosity?
or does she keep saying "never again" but then bf goes out of town, or they have a fight, or he works late, and she gets lonely & horny, that old nasty combination...

I have a lot of it written, but the main sticking point is the relationship between the bully and the girlfriend. I envision the beginning and end, but the making the middle believable is proving to be difficult.

As for the ending, I have a few ideas, but am not sure where it will go. I don't like the theme of the boyfriend finding out and either being ok with it or accepting it. I also don't like the everything gets wrapped up nicely ending. I am open to any suggestions on the direction of this story.

I have had a bit of writers block, but I'm hoping this idea will motivate me because I really do like it.

Well then how about the idea of the two having sex in front of the boyfriend? That way the boyfriend will not ok it or accept it. But the scenario is kinda hot. And watching the bully treat the boyfriend like shit, the girlfriend gets turned on.

I can see the appeal, but I don't usually enjoy stories that big up bullies. Just not my thing. I'd be much more on board with some of the other stories people have suggested, where the bully kind of "loses" in the end.

Still, it's up to you how you write it, and I'm sure you'll find an appreciative audience whatever your approach. Good luck.

I like this idea, but I would go in a different direction than the OP about why she fucks the bully - femdom. How better to protect the nerdy little fellow she so desperately loves? I mean, if she's enamored with the bully, why fuck the bully in front of her b/f, unless she's become a bully, too?

To me, it would be interesting for it to seem as if she's enamored with the bully. She seduces him on the side. Rocks the bully's world and I mean, really rocks his world, until she has him eating out of her hand.

Potential endings.
  • She does it to protect her wimpy b/f and is satisfied with the results.
  • She set-ups up what seems to be a cuckolding situation, where it looks as if she's going to fuck the bully in front of the b/f, except, that's when she turns the table on the bully.

I like this idea, but I would go in a different direction than the OP about why she fucks the bully - femdom. How better to protect the nerdy little fellow she so desperately loves? I mean, if she's enamored with the bully, why fuck the bully in front of her b/f, unless she's become a bully, too?

To me, it would be interesting for it to seem as if she's enamored with the bully. She seduces him on the side. Rocks the bully's world and I mean, really rocks his world, until she has him eating out of her hand.

Potential endings.
  • She does it to protect her wimpy b/f and is satisfied with the results.
  • She set-ups up what seems to be a cuckolding situation, where it looks as if she's going to fuck the bully in front of the b/f, except, that's when she turns the table on the bully.

I like this better too

The way I see the girl and the bully, she flat out owes him. One night she was walking home and was attached by a couple of vicious gang punks, and the bully broke it up and left them running off. So he's got at least a bit of a good side. He saved her from being raped. In her mind, she owes him, and if and when he wants her, he can have her, anyway he wants. Of course she loves wimpy and could never part him.

Both of them get her off, because she gets off rather easily, so that's not important. The story would be about the continuing conflicts in her own mind.

How about this for a switch up.

The girlfriend is actually very much in love with the nerd and is pissed off at the bully.

She asks him to stop, but he won't.

So what she does is she tells the bully she wants him and meet him at her place to fool around.

He arrives and they start to fool around, she gets him to strip and then says she likes it kinky. She ties his hands to the bed, then kneels between his legs.

As he lays there thinking she is going to blow him, she removes a strap on from under the sheet, puts it on, lifts his legs and fucks him in the ass with it.

She then tells him she taped it and if he ever bothers her boyfriend again she'll put that tape up all over the internet.

Any takers for a story where a woman is strong willed and not a slut?

Well, because I post so many bi-guy stories, I can take the idea in that direction, too. What if she finds out her beloved, wimpy boyfriend goes both ways? Heck, maybe that's why he gets bullied by the other guy... maybe they have a past and the bully is pissed that it's over... crap, now I have plot bunnies jumping all over the freaking place and no time to write any of them!

My twist to this would be along the lines of the girl hates the bully for picking on her boyfriend. She is attracted to his personality and mind, not physical; whereas she is a straight-out babe.

She pleads to the bully to leave her boyfriend alone...maybe put a slight incest twist on the bully is actually her cousin or a close friend of the family. The bully decides what better way to totally crush the boyfriend than to make the girl sleep with him, so convinces her if she sleeps with him, he'll leave the boyfriend alone.

She agreed and they go on with their lives until maybe college, when she's still dating the boyfriend and the bully comes back into their lives. Possibly he belongs to a frat the boyfriend wants to join or something, but has some sort of power over him. He lets the girl know he'll consider it if she sleeps with him once again.

Advance a few more years later...the couple is married and the company the husband works for is bought out by a huge conglomerate that sends over their top man to get the company back on its feet...and guess who it is...

Think you see the way I would write this, hehehe....

I definitely like the idea, someone wrote one for me along the same lines called "Dani & Mike's Dilemma" where the spin is the boyfriend was trying to figure out why his ex (pre Dani) broke up with him for this jerk of a guy. Kind of like a bully. Well it is all about the confidence the guy exudes and the lack of it by the other guy. I see that for your story, she is put off by the nerdy guy's lack of it and she sees that this bully is full of it. She knows he is a jerk but still feels an urge to let him have her. If he has a nice cock that is a bonus :) but not a requirement. As long as he takes her in a way that shocks the nerdy boyfriend it can be very sexy, maybe the bully gets to do anal with her which she never would allow the nerd just to create even more anxiety for him.


A story that includes a couple taking a walk or at a party or somewhere else. The husband/boyfriend getting attacked or knocked out. Then the wife/girlfriend makes love to the guy who attacked her partner. They make love while the husband/boyfriend is crying and bleeding and begging for mercy. His wife/girlfriend laughs at him and makes fun of him while he is crying and getting bashed. If someone could connect the dots between that plot line it would be great. I'm planning on writing a similar story soon but the more the merrier.
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I keep coming back to this thread because it's interesting the different twists everyone has on the OP's idea. I was just re-reading the original post and thinking, "Damn, what if the girl WANTS to become a bad girl?" The "happy ending" is when she converts to being bad and lives evil-ly ever after!
Ok, back to highschool...

She loves her nerd because he is good to her and all that jazz..

However, girls and some women fantasize about the bad boy, because they have confidence, (to the outward eye) The thing is she wants him simply because he wants her and makes it clear. Guys, if you want a chick to get wet for you talk dirty to her...not obscene to the point of insulting.

But if bully tells her he wants to lick her...nerd is to afraid to get kinky like have her curious, as well as building up her ego, for bully obviously wants her.

If she is not a virgin but has had limited experience, plain old curiosity and hormones would be enough of a motivator. She may fall for the bully or find him over all lacking..but if she loves nerd the threat to him has to be bad enough ...***** in danger type stuff...if she is with him for pity, no danger needed.

Perhaps she could start blowing nerd as bully has his

Seriously just being wanted in a bad way is enough motivation for a girl to want to try if she isnt very experienced. I needed less than that back in the day. She just may be the more submissive type and that works for the story.
The way I see the girl and the bully, she flat out owes him. One night she was walking home and was attached by a couple of vicious gang punks, and the bully broke it up and left them running off. So he's got at least a bit of a good side. He saved her from being raped. In her mind, she owes him, and if and when he wants her, he can have her, anyway he wants. Of course she loves wimpy and could never part him.

Both of them get her off, because she gets off rather easily, so that's not important. The story would be about the continuing conflicts in her own mind.

I really like this idea, but it doesn't have to be quite so drastic. It could be as simple as the bully telling some rowdy drunks, college kids or whatever to shut-up or knock it off. Rather than feeling she owes him she could see him in a new light. She see's him as no longer just a jerk, but a jerk who is confident and will stand up to potential bully's. All the while the boyfriend does nothing.
Those were me feelings too, that she would be attracted to him because he was strong and confident and a bad boy, rather than the size of his cock. Her boyfriend could be average sized and okay in bed, but he treats her like a Princess and is too gentle with her, almost like he’s afraid she’ll break. She’s drawn to the bully because he’s the opposite of that, and she finds she likes being treated like a piece of meat for a change.

Now that is hot!:devil:
The way I'd handle this story is, the girl is the strong one in the relationship. She stands up to the jock, and agrees to duel him. If she wins, he stops bullying the nerd boyfriend. If he wins, he gets to fuck her. It's all taped so neither party can renege.

I agree with an earlier poster that I don't like the girl being the slut. I prefer the girl to be strong-willed. My personal fetish means she will match the jock strength for strength.
The way I'd handle this story is, the girl is the strong one in the relationship. She stands up to the jock, and agrees to duel him. If she wins, he stops bullying the nerd boyfriend. If he wins, he gets to fuck her. It's all taped so neither party can renege.

I agree with an earlier poster that I don't like the girl being the slut. I prefer the girl to be strong-willed. My personal fetish means she will match the jock strength for strength.

So maybe she realizes, in her moment of triumph, that she can have both?
It depends, she might lose, and be humiliated in all sorts of interesting ways.

If she wins, she might stay loyal to her nerd. Sometimes we'd really prefer that, you know, to a bullying jock, however erotic it might be to tussle with the jock.

Or, she could become a bully too and leave the nerd with some "you're not man enough for me" schtick.
It depends, she might lose, and be humiliated in all sorts of interesting ways.

If she wins, she might stay loyal to her nerd. Sometimes we'd really prefer that, you know, to a bullying jock, however erotic it might be to tussle with the jock.

Or, she could become a bully too and leave the nerd with some "you're not man enough for me" schtick.

If she wins she can have the best of both worlds.
Love and tenderness when she wants it from her B/F
Raunchy rough sex on demand when she needs it!
If she wins she can have the best of both worlds.
Love and tenderness when she wants it from her B/F
Raunchy rough sex on demand when she needs it!

and watching the two guys when she feels like being a kinky voyeur?
I definitely like the idea, someone wrote one for me along the same lines called "Dani & Mike's Dilemma" where the spin is the boyfriend was trying to figure out why his ex (pre Dani) broke up with him for this jerk of a guy. Kind of like a bully. Well it is all about the confidence the guy exudes and the lack of it by the other guy. I see that for your story, she is put off by the nerdy guy's lack of it and she sees that this bully is full of it. She knows he is a jerk but still feels an urge to let him have her. If he has a nice cock that is a bonus :) but not a requirement. As long as he takes her in a way that shocks the nerdy boyfriend it can be very sexy, maybe the bully gets to do anal with her which she never would allow the nerd just to create even more anxiety for him.


I LOVE that idea. I think that's the way to go. Or maybe allows the bully to fuck her bareback, which she would never allow the nerd to do.
Please, can somebody write a story like this?
I'd like see the girl being the bully's girlfriend. She has a fight with her BF after she hurts the nerd which she is friends with. The boyfriend puts the nerd in the hospital and she goes to the hospital to make the nerd feel better.
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Interesting but I think having a bully end up with a small penis because of steroids is more obvious, my idea wouldn't have him end up with the girl as a couple but she would just give into her sexual desires even though she knows he is a jerk. Then if she wants to lie about his dick size and crush his ego that way.
I really like this idea, but it doesn't have to be quite so drastic. It could be as simple as the bully telling some rowdy drunks, college kids or whatever to shut-up or knock it off. Rather than feeling she owes him she could see him in a new light. She see's him as no longer just a jerk, but a jerk who is confident and will stand up to potential bully's. All the while the boyfriend does nothing.
True. Then the bully makes advances and she winds up doing a blow job. Boyfriend just stands there all the time. It happens a couple more times. Boyfriend just stands there. One day bully passes by with a couple of his friends, and just to show off to them, he squeezes her tit and feels her up. He invites them to have a feel, too.

Girl pleads with him.
Another vote for the girlfriend being into the bully simply because he's more confident, more dominant, etc. Maybe he just sets off sub tendencies she didn't know she had before she met him. She loves her boyfriend, or maybe she just does at first, but the way the bully is willing to utterly dominate her bf and go after her like the first guy isn't there ends up being a turn-on.

Once she spreads her legs for him the first time, maybe a bit coerced, the bully uses her guilt as a way to leverage her into being more submissive to him, making her degrade herself further until she's eventually willing to submit to him in front of her bf.
Another vote for the girlfriend being into the bully simply because he's more confident, more dominant, etc. Maybe he just sets off sub tendencies she didn't know she had before she met him. She loves her boyfriend, or maybe she just does at first, but the way the bully is willing to utterly dominate her bf and go after her like the first guy isn't there ends up being a turn-on.

Once she spreads her legs for him the first time, maybe a bit coerced, the bully uses her guilt as a way to leverage her into being more submissive to him, making her degrade herself further until she's eventually willing to submit to him in front of her bf.

I agree. That's a great idea. So anyone willing to write this?
I think this is quite a normal feeling for the girl to be attracted to the bully. My girlfriend has a really dirty sexual fantasy about a friend of mine. He's not a bully but the scenario could be easily applied to a situation where he was.

She says he's not her type due to his ways, he's not very respectful of women and a really dirty mouth. Some of the things he has done sexually has made my girlfriend say 'he sounds like a right dirty bastard' and this turns her on.

In public she would never let on that she would be turned on by his suggestive remarks or his lack of respect for women. Would never let on that she actually gets wet at the thought of him treating her like a dirty little slut.

But secretly she gets wet when she is at her friends house who is in a relationship with him. She is aroused by the way he looks at her and she flirts with him. She has come home to me and we have roleplayed with me as him totally abusing her and treating her like a slut, rough, hard and dirty sex. It drives her wild.

In your story the girl might feel the same for the bully. Secretly her pussy aches at the thought of him slapping her in the face with his cock, dominating her, making her shout out that she's his dirty little cum slut. Unable to resist him she is used for sex on demand and abused and dominated.

The boyfriend might get drawn into it by the bully telling him about what a secret little slut his nice girlfriend is. Mocking him. The boyfriend begging him to keep it a secret to save any further humilation.

My girlfriend has actually said she fantasises about being 'his slut on demand'.
Just my tuppence worth, as I think there is a really fantastic story in this.

I personally do like the idea already put forward that at first it's perhaps an illicit fling, that slowly becomes more and more transparent. At first it wasn't supposed to happen, and she tearfully admitted that she'd gotten drunk and done something stupid. As she realises that her nerdy boyfriend hasn't got the balls to get angry or stamp his authority, she almost feels resentful that she's with someone with so little drive. This frustration makes her want to make do it again, moving on to having sex when she knows he can hear, and ultimately setting it up so that he walks in on her fucking the bully. I guess by this point she's long ago resigned to the fact that she's in a doomed relationship with a wet flannel, and wants to push the relationship to a conclusion, all the time frustrated that he never reacts. Ending with a tirade about how he doesn't seem to give a fuck, and she doesn't want to be with a doormat.

Followed by the inevitable scene of them forcing him to tearfully watch an epic final fuck.

Um...I guess she's not a very nice person. I was thinking before that she could be doing this to ultimately help her nerdy boyfriend become a stronger person...but that's just silly :)

Actually, on reflection, this idea's a bit silly, but I find it hot. I hope this doesn't make me like anything like 'her'. I've certainly fancied some absolute wankers in my time...

Anyways, just my tuppence :)
Could be that the boyfriend has some hangups, he won't let the girl do oral sex on him and he won't do it to her. He's a nice guy, but he's simply got some problems. And the girl has fucked him at that point in their relationship, 20-30 times. She knows what he'll do and what he won't do - where his limits are. She only had an orgasm once or twice. She's angry, and sexually frustrated. Bully comes along pushes boyfriend around a bit, making obscene remarks about her mouth and what she should be doing with it.

Then he notices a look in her eyes, like maybe she's not averse to the idea. He grabs her by the hair, and pull her a bit. She doesn't resist. He forces her to go to her knees, and she just looks up at him, then at his jeans. He walks all the way around her, all the time talking obscenely about what she could do in that position. He paws her breasts until they are half hanging out of the dress. She doesn't resist. Her eyes get sort of dreamy and get a glazed look.

She looks up and whispers "Please don't mess up my hair".

Boyfriend objects loudly. Bully goes over an bitch slaps him, he gets real quiet. The atmosphere becomes totally sexually charged, and all three realize that sex is going to happen shortly. Bully takes his hand off the nipple he was squeezing, and puts his thumb in the girl's mouth. She sucks it like a lolipop. both the girl and the bully look at boyfriend, who is trembling with fear and with the obscenity of what's happening. Boyfriend lowers his eyes.

Most of the fear has left the girl, because in the middle of this strange encounter she's had enough unspoken signals from the bully that he wasn't going to hurt her or rape her. Yes, he pawed her breasts - that's the way it looked. But it felt gentle, and when she had shuttered once, he had paused and got gentler.
Picture this scene.

Girl and a guy are having sex. Another guy walks in, he see's the girl and recognises her. ITS HIS GIRLFRIEND!! He calls out, the sex stops. The other guy says No shes MY GIRLFRIEND. The naked guy, is buff and looks about averagely endowed. He was the bully in this area.

The other guy, was kind of a geek / nerd, dressed smartly somtimes seen in glasses.

Anyway, they look to the girl, and she explains, "Look, you're my fuck boyfriend, while you are my safe (AKA - Backup) boyfriend."

The guy who originally treasured her, this nerd, loses it and does a complete 180, while the bully, who while being a bully did have a light side to him, felt betrayed as had no complaints to help the other "boyfriend" get what he had yet to really touch.
Could be that the boyfriend has some hangups, he won't let the girl do oral sex on him and he won't do it to her. He's a nice guy, but he's simply got some problems. And the girl has fucked him at that point in their relationship, 20-30 times. She knows what he'll do and what he won't do - where his limits are. She only had an orgasm once or twice. She's angry, and sexually frustrated. Bully comes along pushes boyfriend around a bit, making obscene remarks about her mouth and what she should be doing with it.

Then he notices a look in her eyes, like maybe she's not averse to the idea. He grabs her by the hair, and pull her a bit. She doesn't resist. He forces her to go to her knees, and she just looks up at him, then at his jeans. He walks all the way around her, all the time talking obscenely about what she could do in that position. He paws her breasts until they are half hanging out of the dress. She doesn't resist. Her eyes get sort of dreamy and get a glazed look.

She looks up and whispers "Please don't mess up my hair".

Boyfriend objects loudly. Bully goes over an bitch slaps him, he gets real quiet. The atmosphere becomes totally sexually charged, and all three realize that sex is going to happen shortly. Bully takes his hand off the nipple he was squeezing, and puts his thumb in the girl's mouth. She sucks it like a lolipop. both the girl and the bully look at boyfriend, who is trembling with fear and with the obscenity of what's happening. Boyfriend lowers his eyes.

Most of the fear has left the girl, because in the middle of this strange encounter she's had enough unspoken signals from the bully that he wasn't going to hurt her or rape her. Yes, he pawed her breasts - that's the way it looked. But it felt gentle, and when she had shuttered once, he had paused and got gentler.

I like this.
I like this.
Later, after she's finished him off, and the boyfriend is quivering in the corner, bully talks to her in his typical really crude, direct, way. Something like "look, I like you. You got me off pretty good, so let's do it again. I know you got needs too, so you suck me off three times tommorrow and I'll fuck your brains out the next day. That'll get you off, if you do it right".

Before school, at lunch, and after school. Deal?

Girl, still kneeling, cum splattered face, looks up with surprise. He's just said something about if she does it right, she'll have orgasms. What could that mean? She never had came with boyfriend. Was it her fault, and not his? What was she supposed to do besides just lie there like a rag doll while he fucked her?

She wondered. It was so hard to figure out. Slowly she looked up, past the dangling prick in front of her face, past his hairy bush, past the somewhat rounded stomach, to meet his eyes, way up there. What should she do? She wants to get off so bad. Slowly an excitement builds.
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So this wimp is miraculously dating a hot chick. The wimp is being bullied by this hot guy.
The girl is secretly fantasizing having sex with the bully, but she does not admit it when confronted by the bully. However, after several confrontations, she sees the bully's huge cock by chance. Failing to resist the temptation, she fucks the living shit out of the bully. The relationship escalates, and ends up with the two fucking while the wimp is being tied on a chair.

Anyone interested in writing this? I wish I can write a story.... but I'm a horrible writer so. Tell me what you think!

I love it!
I like this:

Boy is too shy to make a move... plus they've agreed to "wait" (they are HS or college seniors) she wants to be a good girl.

Alpha starts picking on boy. Girl thinks he's cute but feels disloyal as the bullying escalates. It becomes apparent that Alpha's really picking on Boy because he likes Girl.

Girls sees him in secret... if she gives him what he wants will he leave Boy alone?

Sure! He agrees and they have sex.

Alpha starts to blackmail the girl... he'll tell if she doesn't do it when ever he wants her too. After a while he gets board of that. Now he says he'll bully Boy even more and even get his friends to help unless she follows his one condition. She's desperate, she doesn't want her boy to get hurt.

He wants to make Boy watch. He wants to humiliate Boy. If she doesn't agree he and his friends will beat up Boy so bad he'll be in the hospital. What can she do?

Alpha arranges for it to take place at a party... he will screw Girl and Boy will walk in with some of his friends... they will hold him and make him watch while Alpha humiliates him by explaining what is happening. He makes Girl admit that they've been fucking for three months and that she's doing it to protect him because he's a wimp who can't stand up for himself. She tearfully admits that all of it is true. Alpha also tells the boy that he is going to keep screwing Girl and that Boy is going to keep watching. If he doesn't, Alpha and his friends are going to mess him up real bad.

Boy loves the girl and can't break up with her, he is forced to watch over and over. Sometimes it escalates and the three Alphas make Boy suck them off and other humiliating stuff.

As the school year comes to a close, Alpha tells Boy that Boy and Girl are going to get married, because Alpha is no longer happy fucking Boys girlfriend, he wants to humiliate him further and fuck is wife. Alpha explains that Boy will get a job and support Girl while Alpha and Girl have sex... Boy will only be allowed to have intercourse 1x a year- his wedding and anniversary and must use a condom. Alpha is going to father all of the couple's children and Boy will raise and support them while Alpha gets to continue his family line without having do do any of the work involved.

Girl is in love with Boy and it breaks her heart to hurt him. She is not in love with Alpha and doesn't even like him but she does find that she loves being his little slut.

This story could go on after graduation... or just stop:)