Love,love,love boobs

Here's the easiest New Year's resolution ever: I resolve to admire, appreciate, love, and enjoy every woman's breasts that I see (or feel, or...) in as respectful and discreet manner as the situation calls for.

In other words, I love, love, love boobs, and will continue to do so throughout 2012 and beyond!
Here's the easiest New Year's resolution ever: I resolve to admire, appreciate, love, and enjoy every woman's breasts that I see (or feel, or...) in as respectful and discreet manner as the situation calls for.

In other words, I love, love, love boobs, and will continue to do so throughout 2012 and beyond!
Now that's a resolution that you'll be keeping long after January has passed! I, for one, thank you for your admiration and appreciation! :kiss:
Merry Christmas!

A few new additions for the thread...


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