Literotica Tags Portal - New Version Released 12/12/2017


Just A Test Title OK
Aug 24, 1999
An updated version of the New Literotica Tags Portal has been released today.

Several issues reported by users have been resolved. Thank you for all of the help and please keep your feedback coming!

This version includes the following changes:

1. Browser back arrow and forward arrow issues have been resolved. If you continue to have problems, please shift-reload the tags portal (to clear the cache). If the problems continue after that, please let us know details so that we can track down any remaining browser back/forward issues.

2. Improved support for UC Browser and Opera Mini. We are aware that some versions of UC Browser may still be having difficulty with the new design. If you are still having problems, please send us feedback with details. Also be aware that there is a No-JS Lit Tags Portal you can use until we get all of the issues resolved with UC Browser.

We want to know what you think of the new Tags Portal so that we can improve it and fix and problems quickly. Please see this thread for information on leaving feedback:
New Literotica Tags Portal Now Live, We Need Your Feedback!

Thank you to everyone who has sent comments so far, and everyone who plans to in the future! :D