Looking for a story


Sep 9, 2013
I read a story on here a couple months ago and I loved it so much I want to not only read it again but share it with some friends. If anyone knows the title or author I would appreciate it. I'm thinking it might have been removed from here, so if anyone knows where I can find it, I would be very grateful.

The story is about a man who wakes up naked in a room with a naked girl next to him. He can't cum for an amount of time or else the poison in his veins will kill him. The girl wakes up and they start cuddling and such and it's revealed that the girl was told if she can't get him to cum, her family will be killed. I thought the story was in the horror category but after searching through, I couldn't find it.

Like I said, it may have been removed because it does have death in it, but I'm hoping.