Warring Nations {Closed}



Warring Nations - Open for players

OOC.. Parts taken
Princess- Annisthyrienne

open positions: Any

The greens and browns of the forest canopy colored the grounds and hills that surrounded the elven palace, the gentle flowing waterfall filled the large cavernous halls with harmony, but harmony wasn’t what gripped this nation it was war, a war that should have never started. First it started over the difference of beliefs, moved to the difference of one’s skin color then went to one’s pride. Elvenoff’s father king Lithroious was the cause of this action, he was to prideful to call a lower of arms, for this would taint the views of outsiders on the power of the high elves. Elvenoff didn’t know the reason for the Drow to continue to fight for they were in the same troubled state.

Heavy lids covered the strained and tired blue eyes of Elvenoff as he stood upon the marbled balcony which overlooked the gardens of Landreth; such beauty and peace wasted, for this garden was accomplished by both before the Drow were outcast some centuries before his birth. He wondered why those times could not be brought back.

“You called for us, Milord?” A voice beckon from behind him. With a slight sigh, Elvenoff turned toward the commander of his secret guard, strands of his long black hair cascaded over his eyes briefly before being pushed back over his ear. “Yes commander,” he paused for a moment to recalculate his decision before giving the order. “I want you to capture and bring back the Princess of the northern Drow to me.” His long, and slender body straightened, “I know this task will be a difficult one and a dangerous one, but for this war to come to an end we must accomplish this task, and the task that comes after her capture.” He paused and looked upon the commander with great concern, “Enough of our people have died in this ridiculous war and someone must try to bring it to an end. I hope I have your support commander.” The commander didn’t hesitate, “By your command, Milord.” a strong arm shot across his chest in a respectful salute, “ We leave within the hour.” with that said the commander swiftly left the room.

“Pray to Loren commander that you are successful .” Elvenoff whispered into the approaching night. His thoughts refocusing upon the plan of action…

Mekil, Commander of the secret guard looked upon his small squad of elven fighters, they all knew what the mission was and the danger what came with it but they stood their ground when the commander gave permission for any whom wish not to go.

“The kingdom is in your debt.” was his words when the group departed and headed for the drow kingdom. The maps, given to him by the Order of the Black wizards, was nestled under his saddle for safe keeping for these maps were the key in getting the princess for it show the secret paths that would by pass some of the Drows’ security posts.

The tunnel system was massive, it’s complex maze design and traps would have killed thousands and proved detrimental for any large penetrating force. A slight sigh of relieve came to the commanders lips as the large Drow community came into view. The ridge shielded by darkness gave them a place to hide and watch the movements of the Drow patrols. “There.” claimed the commander as he pointed to the large building, it’s obsidian black and gold frame gleamed with power. Several gardens and heated ponds surrounded the palace.

“We wait and watch.” replied the commander as his squad moved about taking several view points of the area hoping to get a good glimpse of the patrols and a glimpse of their target, the princess.
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(Pronunciation guide: Xia Xiang = See-AH See-AHNG)

Princess Xia lifted a weary blood stained hand up to her temple to push an escaped lock of silky, silvery white hair back behind her dark pointed ear. Her slim dark fingers trembled with fatigue and nervous exhaustion. She sighed in growing frustration and despair as the line of wounded soldiers continued to stream into the temple ward. 'How many more?' she thought angrily. 'How long will this slaughter go on?'

Under her breath she muttered, "Enough of this! Someone must answer for it." Slightly louder, the exhaustion evident in her voice, she said to a nearby acolyte, "Isendryll, take over for me here. I need to speak with the High Priestess."

She wiped her bloody hands on an even bloodier rag, getting the worst of it off, then removed her stained apron, throwing it carelessly onto the growing pile of bodies of those beyond any help. Picking her way through the ward of groaning, wounded and dying soldiers, she left the chambers, headed down a confusing route of several passageways to a part of the temple complex well removed from the smell and sounds of the aftermath of the most recent battle.

Entering an antechamber, she headed straight for the gilded carved ebony doors leading to the High Priestess's personal chambers. A lower lever priestess, one of the third level inner circle of initiates, obviously not recognizing her because of her bloodstained clothes, moved into her path to intercept her. "Stop where you are! You may not enter without an appointment! High Priestess Callandryll is not to be disturbed!"

Xia's fatigue and frustration helped to fuel the flare of her anger at being so addressed. "Hold your tongue! I am no lowly acolyte you address, and I will not be spoken too in such a manner! You may count yourself lucky I have seen more than enough of our people's blood this day, lest I order your offending tongue cut out of your insolent head! Now get out of my way! High Priestess Callandryll will see me!"

The initiate, realizing she spoke to none other than her Highness, Xia Xiang, First Princess of the Underdark Realm, Daughter of Queen Mother Ghedren, bowed prostrate upon the floor, cringing and begging forgiveness. While technically the High Priestess answered only to the Queen herself, Princess Xia was known as someone not to be trifled with. No palace idler was she, no pretty but vapid wastrel. No, this princess involved herself in the people's lives. She insisted on being trained in the arts of combat and self defense, had made herself study and learn all she could about the intricacies of the religion of the Spider Goddess, Lolth, and the workings of the temple, even had learned a great deal of the divine magics, which she regularly used to help in the healing wards when the soldiers returned from battles with the High Elves. This princess was no one the initiate wanted to cross.

Xia shoved hard, throwing all of her slight weight against the double doors causing them to burst inward. She didn't slow down, marching straight to the desk behind which the High Priestess sat, a startled and upset look on her face. "Princess Xia, what is it? Why have you entered my chamber in such a way?" Her anger was barely contained, but she had practice keeping her true feelings under control.

High Priestess Callandryll was technically the second most powerful woman in the Underdark, behind only the Queen, as power and influence went. She resented having to be at the whim of what she saw as a bratty whelp of a girl, barely a century and a half old. But she knew that Queen Ghedren was getting older, and someday this girl would rule. Callandryll didn't want to make an enemy of her, but accidents had a way of happening to people Callandryll decided were a threat to her plans.

Xia was angry. Furious might be a better word. And she was frustrated and saddened at the continuing losses sustained by her people. She was young and full of passion, and hadn't learned to possess the necessary tact and deception it took to play courtly politics. "High Priestess, you assured my mother that this battle would be a great victory for our forces. You swore that the Spider Goddess Herself, assured us Her favor, and that She would ensure our triumph. So maybe you could explain to me why streams of our soldiers are filing through the tunnels with the look and stench of defeat clinging to them even as thick as the blood running from their wounds!" She held up her hands, still stained with smeared blood despite wiping them off earlier. "Look! This is not High Elf blood that stains my hands; it is the blood of our soldiers! Where? Where is the great victory we were promised?"

Callandryll swallowed quickly, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She slowly stood and came around from behind the desk, each step helping her to focus herself and put her carefully controlled image into place before responding to the princess' insinuations. "Highness, even Great Lolth, Herself cannot make up for the incompetence of the commanders on the battle field. And I cannot ensure their success if they haven't the will or the courage to defeat our enemies." she answered in a honey smooth melodic voice. Yet somehow, it dripped with a placating patronizing tone.

Xia sputtered in exasperated raw emotion, "I don't have reason to question the courage of our commanders, High Priestess. I've trained with them; I know their quality personally. What I do have reason to question is why you constantly seem to convince my mother to undertake these disastrous endeavors. What does it benefit you? And why is it that your interpretations of our Goddess' messages always seem to support your desire for sending our troops on yet another pointless mission that only gets them killed? Always it is the same; you tell my mother that Lolth guarantees our success, and then always you blame the soldiers, or the commanders when they are defeated!"

Callandryll tried to interject, "You give too little credit to our enemies, Princess. Perhaps the High Elves...."

Xia interrupted her, "Damn the High Elves! Lolth take them all, for all I care! I don't care about the cursed High Elves; I care about our own people! You and my mother cannot keep spending their lives as if they don't matter. They are not chattel to be used in such a way!"

The High Priestess had to suppress her evil smile, lest it be misinterpreted by this upstart. Her careful control of her emotions and her appearance always gave her the edge compared to the young passion filled girl whose heart seemed to bleed for the peasant class. The princess' high emotions nearly gave Callandryll what she would need to deal with the girl once and for all. All she would need is to push her a little further. "Be careful, Princess! You come near to speaking treason! If your mother knew...."

Xia sensed the manipulation in the older woman's mind just in time cut off her sharp retort, giving instead an exasperated growl before turning on her heel and leaving. She made sure to slam the door on her way out. There would be no answers from the High Priestess, not today or any other day. Xia didn't know why it served the high priestess' purpose to order these continuing useless raids and attacks, but she knew that the older woman actively used her station to manipulate Xia's mother. It wasn't right, and someday, when she ascended to the throne, she would put an end to it.

But for now, her weariness hit her all of a sudden, and the fire of her anger left her deflating like a worn out bellows. She started to trudge back to the ward, but after only a few steps, she realized she could face no more of it today. Instead she turned down the corridor that would lead her to the palace hot springs. Maybe a good long soak would soothe her raw edge nerves. Maybe, just maybe, she could at last get the blood off her hands.
Quite, serenity filled the air as if it was the point before the final storm, a dead man’s last breath was the thoughts that clouded Mikil’s mind as his eyes skimmed over the balconies of the buildings, punctured the dark alleyways and skewered the niche and crannies of the darkened cavern looking for any signs of the deadly drow assassins. His mind drifted further into his training and experience dealing with these assassins, for they were like death’s right hand when they attacked from the shadows and even after their exposure they were formable opponents. Many of his men fell to these beings and now they were in the nest of hell and it was hard telling how many of them lurked about, waiting to wipeout any intruders that dared to walk upon their ground. His mind jolted back, his hand quickly grasped the cold hit of his sword when is peripheral vision caught a shadowed movement. Turning with a prepared spring, his advancement was held when his sub-command Nara peered before him.

“Commander.” her voice soft and low toned, “ We have several patrols moving about in each quadrant, it would be suicide to even attempt to move into the city.” her sharp brown eyes locked and searched his for answers that were not there. Lowering her head so the locking of eyes was dismissed she gave him time to think, knowing full well he was concerned for their lives. Her heart felt as it was going to explode from the pain that she knew he was feeling as this very moment. She wanted to reach out and comfort him, but knew she would be out of place, for her feelings for him was unknown to anyone but her.

“Nara,” came the small whisper, “Many, lives depend on us. We must accomplish this mission even if it means the loss of our very own lives.” The commanders head turned back toward the city. “We must get to the place and find a way in or..” his sentence cut off by another member of his squad. “Commander, We have spotted the princess. She now resides in the palace garden ponds.” The elven scout awaited for orders as the two commanders looked upon each other. “Show us.” came the quick response.

The three moved with precise caution toward the view spot where the Drow princess was sighted, passing over several moving patrols and a sight that made them pause for a moment to watch; a sight that brought pain to their very souls; the dead and dying warriors of the Drow. Three head lowered in silence giving respect to their comrade in arms. “May this atrocity end soon.” whispered Mikil. With a slight flip of his hand the trio moved onward.

The pond was a concave area of a hot water spring that brought forth a warm wave of temperature, and the smell of fresh water. The small squad of elves pooled around their commander as he surveyed the area. Liking what he saw for the area was surrounded with Drow décor of worship that offered places of concealment. A slight raise of the brow came to him as his eyes fell upon the beauty of the princess. His heart raced with a flash of desire, a desire that all mankind endure in the presence of beauty. A angered look from Nara brought him back to the squad. “We take her here, allow her to get comfortable in the spring before he rush her. Nara and you three, I, and the three of you.“ his hand pointing to different members of his squad. “will remain up here to watch your progress and offer coverage in case you are spotted by anyone.:” His eyes met with Nara, “ Lets get this underway.”

With the nod of everyone’s head Nara made the move and headed down the steep sloop of the caverns side, her two companions followed her suit. She stopped every so often to look about to ensure that they were not spotted by any patrols. Several moments of playing cat and mouse with patrols they came upon the isolated area where the Princess was beginning to prepare for her bath. Taking a knee the waited for her to relax before moving upon her.

Nara watched with a slight anger for the way the princess caught the commanders eye, but this feeling soon faded as she was herself was caught up with the beauty of the princess. Her skin looked as if it was made by black silk and the curves of her body were in well balance. A slight inner conflict began to rise within her. “Nara!.. What the hell are you doing?” her inner voice screamed as she began to feel flushed and bothered by the burning she was feeling between her legs…

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Xia entered the palace gardens treading heavily with fatigue. The area was softly illuminated by the gentle green glow of the phosphor fungus that grew on the walls and rocks of this part of the cavern. It was what passed for natural lighting in the Underdark. Her mind was distracted, reviewing the conversation with the High Priestess she had just confronted. Could it be that her questioning of this pointless war was considered to be treason? It's not as if she supported the High Elves in the struggle either. She just felt that it was a useless waste of lives. Could her mother condemn her for that?

She passed along the garden path, stooping to collect a few special mushrooms growing there. Carrying them along with her, she stepped to the edge of the bathing pool. Fed by the thermal hot springs that flowed through it from one side and emptying out into an underground stream, it would continue through the caverns on its meandering way. Xia knelt by the pool's edge and placed the mushrooms into a shallow depression in the rocks. She used a smaller stone to crush them to a fine paste.

Returning to her feet, she began to remove her clothing, revealing ebony skin the texture of silk, flowing over shapely curves. Her body was athletic but well rounded too. Slender arms were well toned from hours spent training with the top commanders in the defensive arts. Modest breasts accentuated a voluptuous torso and flat abdomen which flared into shapely hips in turn. Graceful but strong thighs tapered down to slender calves and ended in delicate, shapely feet.


She eased into the water delicately, taking time to get used to the temperature. The water in the pool was high in mineral content and highly oxygenated as well. It provided not only a stimulating effect, but some minor healing properties as well. For now, what she needed most was the chance to bathe, relax and forget, if she could. Her mind was still preoccupied with the sights, smells, and sounds of the wounded and dying men she'd been helping to care for during the last 12 hours. It prevented her from sensing the thoughts or presence of those who watched her.

Xia ducked down in the pool until the water covered her naked shoulders, wetting her hair with her cupped hands dumping the water over her head. She stood up to reach for a handful of the grey paste she'd created from the crushed mushrooms. The water in this part of the pool came up to just below her hips, and the droplets that clung to her gleamed softly in the green glow of the phosphor fungus like little flakes of jade.

Smoothing the paste all over her wet body caused it to lather up in a cleansing, fragrant suds. After quickly scrubbing the blood from her body and washing her long silky white hair, she eased down into the hot mineral water to relax near the edge of the pool. She let her head lean back and closed her eyes, luxuriating in the simple pleasure. For the first time in nearly a week, she was at peace in body, if not in mind. She sighed a heavy sigh and soon dozed, allowing her mind to finally find some peace.

She never felt the eyes upon her, nor heard the silent approach of stealthy feet.


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Nara began to fill the heat rise up in her body as she watched the princess remove her clothing and slowly refreshed herself with the fresh water. She sharply turned toward the other two warriors that accompanied her. They themselves were taken up with the sight before them, “ Go make your way around the garden and position yourselves to prevent anyone from interfering with me grabbing the princess.” with an urgency to be rid of them so with a flick of her hand the two vanished into the garden.

Her eyes immediately returned to the princess, a deep desire began to burn within her as she watched every move the princess made. The way she breathed, the way her body reacted with each movement. A soft moan escaped across her lips as the liquid fire began to flow. “Damn,” she whispered. “What is going on with me?” Shaking her head and closing her soft green orbs so that she may regain control. Taking a deep breathe she quickly scanned over the area before making her move toward the princess.

Each step toward the now bathing beauty began uncontrollable desires to build within Nara. She wondered how the princess skin would feel to the touch, would if feel like it looks soft and silky? She wondered how the princess would smell after her bath. But the question that surprised her the most was, she wondered what the princesses lips feel and taste like.

Nara drew closer to her target and the anticipation of touching this beauty brought more of the hot liquid spewing forth forcing her to breathe heavily. The hotness of the spring and the burning between her legs she began to feel light-headed. She stopped momentarily to once again capture her posture. She could not believe the feelings of desire she had to touch this woman, for she never had these feelings for another women before.

Her heart was pounding, the wetness between her legs now slightly running down her leg, she was within reach of this woman. She wanted so much as to lean forward and kiss her. To slowly run her hands along the side of her form, to feel her soft skin.. “NARA!” her inner voice broke through and brought her back to the sole purpose she was here for.

With the speed of a lynx and the strength of an Oxen, she grabbed the Princess with one hand over her mouth and the other one hooked under her arm, she pulled the Princess up out of the water and pulled her to her body.. “Not a sound or I will snap your neck.” she whispered into the princesses ear.. “ No harm will come to you if you follow our commands.” Now slowly back up with me..

She slowly gave a backward tug..
Xia's eyes shot open in surprised alarm as the hand covered her mouth even as another hand grabbed her. Who would dare to lay hands on the princess! 'Someone will be losing those hands', she thought. 'This outrage will not go unpunished!' She felt her naked body being pulled back against the roughness of a warrior's armor and she heard the voice whispering in her ear.

“Not a sound or I will snap your neck.” she whispered into the princesses ear. “No harm will come to you if you follow our commands. Now slowly back up with me."

With the hand clamped over her mouth, Xia couldn't speak or make any noise much more than a muffled protest. But the other hand held her under her arm, in close contact with her naked torso, the fingers pressing into the soft dusky flesh of her breast. Her own wet hands went to the arm that held her, fingers grasping, clutching at the constraining arm. She could tell it was a well toned, slender arm, probably belonging to a warrior, but not bulky with muscle, so perhaps an archer, or a youth. She sensed it wasn't so strong of a hold that she couldn't break loose, but she knew that one swift jerk of the hand that covered her mouth could indeed break her neck. Thoughts of resistance came to her mind, but she waited to act, not wanting to be rash or impulsive and end up hurt or killed. Whoever this was, they had to be desperate to try such a thing, for it was death to accost a member of the ruling bloodline.

Xia decided she had to know more about her attacker before she made any move. So she decide to cooperate for now, and play the role of a helpless, pampered royal child. She adopted a fearful demeanor, letting it show in her eyes and even faking a tremble as the accosting hands pulled her from the warm pool. She clutched and pulled at the arm encircling her nude body, but not strongly enough to put up any real resistance. She wanted them to think she was not very strong and wasn't much of a threat.

She tried to turn her head to see who her attacker was but they were careful to keep just out of the range of her peripheral vision. She suspected that whoever this was, they were professional and would no doubt carry out their threat if she resisted. She had to find out more about them, and she knew of only one way she could do that now.

She let her body be pulled along without resistance while she internalized her thoughts and concentration, clearing her mind of distraction as best she could. Of course, being abducted was a stress inducing distraction in itself. Her mind raced despite her efforts to still her thoughts. Could this be a plot by the High Priestess Callandryll? Was this revenge for her confrontation earlier today?

Xia desperately tried to still her mind, finally succeeding to get some measure of control. She let the impressions of feelings and thoughts from the one closest to her enter her awareness. The impressions came slowly, intermittently, as her troubled mind could relax enough to let some through. Feelings of....duty....mixed with....lust? Concern over the dangerous situation, and.....confusion about feelings? She sensed from this one that others were near to help, but there was concern for the safety of all of them. They were far from where they belonged, she could sense. It came to her that they were in a land surrounded by their enemies.

Then it hit her. She was being abducted by the enemy, by the high elves!

The person had pulled her along unresisting so far, without a stitch of clothing, and they were nearly at to the edge of the palace gardens. She knew she had to make an attempt to escape soon, before this person got help from their comrades! She would use the strength and skill she had tried to keep hidden. She knew that if this attempt failed, they would be put on their guard doubly so, for they would be aware of her true strength and abilities. She had to make this count!

Waiting for the best opportunity, she made her one desperate attempt to break free, flinging her whole body backwards into her abductor, hoping to knock them off balance and get away in the ensuing scramble!
The Arrow

The inner war of confusion raged within Nara. The feelings she had for this woman or any other woman was without precedent, but still it was there and it was real. Her mind even went so far as to question this movement of dragging the princess for it could be hurting her. She felt the gasping fingers attempting to free herself from the constraining hold. The muffling protest from the princess only fueled the worry that she was being hurt my this attack.

“Nara, there are others at risk, lives depend on you.” her warriors voice breaking the hold of feelings that was rushing about causing the confusion. It work for a few minutes but then the smooth, firmness of the princess caused the desire to flare up again. The air about smelled of the fragrance the princess used was erotic and tantalizing to Nara’s senses. She twitched her head about trying to break the burning that was flaring from the spot between her legs to the tip of her head, even her ears were burning with the eternal flame.

Nara’s gazed down over the shoulder of her captive and was mesmerized by the rise and fall of the princesses chest. Her taunt nipples caused by the climate change sent impulses of desire through Nara. She wanted to feel the ampleness in her palms. To taste the very skin that covered the hardened nipple. Her legs began to feel rubbery as the wetness flowed downward, covering her legs with a glistening texture.

A moan escaped her lips as she was defeated by the desire. She lowered her head into the nape of the princess and slowly began to kiss her, slightly parting her lips she allowed her tongue to slither over them and brisk across the dark skin. Another moan escaped as the desire forced her to move her hand over the princesses hardened nipple.

That was the only movement Nara was permitted to make as the princess showed her true strength and candor. The movement was simple but effective as the backward lunge knocked Nara off balance, the loose grip of the breast was not enough to maintain control. A gasp of realism washed over Nara as the warrior mode returned to her, but it was too late as Nara had to perform a back flip to remain afoot.

The arrow from above laced with a herbal sedative sliced through the temperate air guided by elven accuracy homed in on its target; The princess….
Xia chose her ideal spot and the opportune time for action. She set her feet and braced herself against the cavern floor, preparing to push hard, back into her abductor. Just then, something happened that threw her plan awry. She heard a low moan from behind her, seemingly from her abductor, as if overcome by lust. She felt lips press to her neck and a soft kissing and licking on her skin. The hand grasping her torso moved to cup her breast, palming her erect nipple. Confusion blossomed with in her mind just as she pushed backwards hard, driving her head up and backwards into the person who held her.

It was just enough to throw off her maneuver. She managed to break loose from the grasp that held her as she overbalanced and fell backwards. She felt the body of her abductor separate and move away in a quick rolling movement. It left Xia falling to sprawl ungracefully on her backside. Quickly she scrambled to her feet, whirling to face her attacker even as the warrior came on guard. She was naked and unarmed, but adopted a ready defensive stance, determined to defend herself. She was not prepared to face the sight that greeted her.

Before her stood a high elven woman. Dawning realization hit Xia all in a flash. This is the one who grabbed her, held her, and....kissed her? Overwhelming confusion halted her escape attempt for only a second or two as her silver eyes met the eyes of her abductor. She didn't have to use her mental powers of perception to detect the emotions in those eyes. They showed clearly what their owner was feeling: startled, confused, concerned, caring, and the flush of embarrassment. All were present in that split second look.

Xia's own eyes reflected the confusion she felt as well, but only for a moment. She didn't scream; only one word escaped her lips, "Why?" As she stared into Nara's eyes in disbelief and confusion, she was struck the next instant in her shoulder by a sharp piercing pain. The force of the impact spun her partway around. She stumbled as the quick acting sedative the arrow was coated with began to take effect. She looked in the direction the shot came from, hurt and confusion evident on her face, then she looked back at the female warrior who had tried to take her. In that momentary gaze, betrayal and loathing shone clearly until the haze of the drug claimed her consciousness. She sunk slowly to her knees, then pitched forward roughly to the cavern floor, oblivious to her fate, a lone arrow piercing her shoulder.
Hazel met Silver in a locking gaze that seemed like time stopped and wished never to move again. Nara’s heart pounded deep within her, an ache burned in the pit of her stomach as if sometime was taken away from her to which would never be returned. Nara’s hand rose up from her side wanting to take the Princess back into her arms, to hold her close. She could not think of anything else but the way the Princess felt just moments ago. Her heart cried out from the feeling of loss, despair gripped her soul as for situation seemed uncertain now, she lost control.

“WHY!” Broke the silence that the breeze seemed to enjoy as the two stood face to face, eye to eye. Confusion, disbelief was in the Princesses eyes and face. Nara’s mouth open but no words would come out due to the strong emotions that still resided in her throat. Even if she could speak she could not have answered that question for she herself could not explain the feelings that was raging within her. The only thing she knew for certain was that they were there.

She heard the whine coming from the twisting arrowhead as it splintered through the air, driving closer to its target. Her eyes locked with the Princess as if trying to warn her but the arrow had already claimed it’s victim. Her heart welched with anger towards the archer that reached out and hurt the princess. Her eyes watched as the Princess was spun around by the impact of the arrow. Then pain shot through her as their eyes met once again for the look upon the Princesses face was that of betrayal as if there was a unspoken agreement between the two.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the Princess fall to her knees, the gaze stilled locked upon her face as she slowly fell forward. Nara stood frozen for a few seconds as if she was in a room filled with thousands of doors and only one would not kill her. She stood confused and hurt, her anger building to dangerous levels due to her gaze still locked on the fallen Princess.

A hand on her shoulder brought her spinning towards the one that dared to lay a hand on her, her hand grasping the cold pommel of her dagger. Her eyes burned with rage which brought forth more tears. “How dare you fire upon an unarmed opponent! I had everything under control!” she barked at the one whom placed a hand upon her shoulder.

“Commander I …” The warrior’s words were overtaken by another, “He didn’t I did!” Barked the Commander as he moved up to where the two of them stood. “Get her and lets get out of here now.” he barked at the up coming members of his squad. “We will speak later Sub-commander if we make it out of here alive.” he spun around to survey the area to ensure that they were not detected yet.

Nara’s anger burned deep within her, “As you command.” she replied to the back of him. “Her eyes shooting daggers into his back. Her gaze left him and refocused upon the two members that were pulling the princess by her arms. “PICK HER UP.” she barked with even more anger now, “She is..” she stopped to regain her composure. “ She is to be treated with respect. We would hate for the Prince’s plans to be ruined by us treating her disrespectfully.”

The squad managed to make it back through the passageways undetected and that in itself brought concern to Mikil and Nara, it was if the Drow wanted them to escape with the princess. During the travel out, Mikil and Nara exchanged several gazes at one another as if they were questioning each other about an unspoken topic. “What is it?” Nara finally asking.

The commander walked several paces ahead of the squad and whispered when Nara came up to his side, “ What happened back there with the Princess, you were completely not yourself, I have seen you best several warriors at one time.” his eyes shifts over to her, studying her face and eyes for the answers before her spoken one was given.

Nara could not answer the question, her eyes diverting back to where the Princess was bound, gagged and drooped over the back of a pack horse. “I don’t know commander, I guess I was worried about our being in the heart of the enemy with only a squad at our disposal.” she lied hoping he would settle for that answer. She knew it would be a demotion forth coming but it was better than speaking the truth.
The commander only nodded as he walked away. He knew that was not the reason, he seen the actions that his subordinate was doing when she held the Princess. His gaze fell to the unconscious Princesses as she was being moved past him her beauty was even more erotic close up. He studied her as they continued to move up the path, her form was tantalizing to his senses. His gazed moved from the Princess to Nara, who’s gaze was upon him.

The group stopped after several hours of travel before making camp. Their thoughts were on the security of the squad as they used the last of the day’s light in preparation for the coming of darkness. There were early warning devices, brush pile defensive position made just incase the Drow did decide to make a ambush upon their encampment.

With the last stake hammered into position, Nara moved inside to where they placed the Princess. Her slight body movements were an indication that the sedative was wearing off. Retrieving the waterskin and cloth from her backpack, she proceeded to wipe down the princess with the damped cloth. Her gaze taking in the Princesses beauty once more…
Xia emerged from the grey, nondescript depths of oblivion to the feeling of cool wetness on her skin. She struggled to recall the last thing she could remember, but the hazy vague images and sensations only confused her. Nothing made any sense. She vaguely remembered bathing, then being dragged away. Sensations of a soft kiss on her skin came back to her, then the sharp pain of penetration, violation of her flesh, by the cruel point that pierced her. She came awake then, with a scream of protest, anger, anguish, and hurt all mixed together.

Her silver eyes snapped open and she tried to sit upright, reaching out to grab at the enemy who had tried to hurt her. Her hands flailed at nothing, only making contact with the one who bathed her soothingly by sheer accident. She had moved before fully realizing the pain it would cause her wounded shoulder. When the spike of hot pain lanced through her, she gasped and winced, collapsing back onto the blanket she lay upon, panting for breath.

Slowly this time, she opened her eyes again, looking around to take in her surroundings and evaluate her situation. She saw the canvas of the tent above her, filtering the last of the daylight of the surface world. She raised one hand to shade her sensitive eyes from the fading light. Through half-lidded eyes she saw the face of the female warrior who had faced her in her last waking moment. The memories came flooding back to her now in vivid recollection.

In heavily accented High Elvish, she said, "You! Why have you done this to me? Do you long for death? For that is what you've earned by defiling me!" Xia looked down at herself, following the gaze of the warrior staring at her body. She realized she was naked, and tried to cover her breasts with one arm, while covering her sex demurely with her other hand. "What have you done to me while I was unconscious? You've left me without clothes! I remember what you did to me before I was attacked by your cowardly archer! Is that your plan for me then? Did you steal me away to ravish and violate me? I will not allow you any pleasure! I will resist you, high elf!" She practically spat out the words with nearly venomous intensity.

She crossed her legs tightly and scooted to the farthest corner of the tent away from Nara. Her silver eyes widened in the dimming light of the growing dusk. "Is it common practice for high elven women warriors to rape their captives? Or are you only here to prepare me for your males to rape?" Her heavily accented voice trembled as she said these words, perhaps in fearful anticipation of what fate was to come for her.
“Why do I have these feelings for you?” Nara whispered to the sleeping beauty. Her hand gently guiding the damp cloth down from the color bone to the valley between her magnificent breasts, then gently around the curve of the bottom and back up the side of her breast. “Your so Beautiful Princess. I wonder if this is what draws me too you or is there more that I just can‘t see?” The damp cloth now moving over the shoulder and down the arm, Nara’s eyes following the cloth savoring every inch of the Princesses silky skin. “I don’t understand these feelings that are raging within me. I grow jealous upon seeing the commander gazing at you.” Her gaze moves from the Princess to the dark shadows of the tent, her mind drifting deeper into the raging feelings she has.

A scream of anguish ripped through the atmosphere catching the mind drifting elf completely off guard and unprepared for the sudden outburst of the Princess. Nara shrieked, her heart pumping tons of adrenalin into her system from the shock, shot up to her knees so that she would have the leverage to detain the princess if it came to that, she had already miscalculated the princess before and allowed her to get the upper hand, this time it was going to be different.

Several defending blows of the Princess landed across Nara‘s upper body and face as she fought to constrain the flailing arms, a few of them would leave bruises not only to the body but the ego as well for once again she miscalculated the strength of her captive. Nara’s fight came to a quick end with the help of the Princesses wound, as the Highness winced in pain and fell back to the blanket.

The Princesses ability to speak High Elven didn’t surprise her for most of the upper echelon of the Drow spoke many languages. “Be still, you will rip the stitching of your wound.” Nara breathed deeply with a tint of self directed anger. Her gaze fell to the form of the Princess, her heaving breast and rasped breathing seemed to turn on Nara’s furnace. She closed her eyes and tried to keep the desire from over taking her again.

“Princess,” Nara’s voice trembled as the burning was attacking her throat. “Princess, no one will harm you.” Her gaze moving from the covered body parts to the silver toned eyes of the Princess. “I give you my word as a warrior.” The Princesses questions were floating about Nara’s mind, but it wasn’t her place to tell her what was going on, that was left to the commander, something else to direct even more anger toward him. She lowered her head downward. “You have not been defiled and you shall not be. I was merely bathing the trail dust from you, and attempting to cool your body for you was having a reaction to the sedative. “ her eyes began to search the Princesses eyes for a mutual sense of understanding.

Nara didn’t react when the Princess scooted away for everyone need to have their own space now and then, but she did remain on the alert incase the Princess made a bolt for the opening. She allowed her gaze to leave the Princess for a moment to locate her extra clothing bag. She began to move in that direction when the words of the Princess rung out and brought a sting to Nara’s eyes…

“We don’t rape our enemies as with your Drow warriors. I do not know where you get your information from but you have it backwards, take if from someone whom has seen it first hand. Your bastards raped my mother and then slit her throat and left her to die in a pile dun!” Anger flared, tears fell and before Nara even realized what she was doing the glittering dagger was in her raised hand..
Xia's head slowly began to clear even as she shivered with another whole body spasm. She was trying to put on a brave front, spouting words of defiance and outrage, but inside she felt completely lost. She felt like there was something wrong with her body, and she couldn't focus her mental senses either. It's as if without that connection to the world around her, the entire fabric of reality took on a dreamlike surreal quality.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard the words of the high elven warrior woman, but it took time to register their meaning. That they were spoken in the High Elvish language meant it was necessary for her fogged mind to not only hear and understand, but translate the meaning as well. Unfortunately, her own hurtful and accusatory words were easier to get out than the words of the warrior were to take in. She found herself making charged accusations even as some of the words being spoken to her were finally sinking in. The overall effect left her feeling like she was two conversations behind, or ahead, or something.

She shook her head in doubt and confusion, her fear widening her eyes and making her lower lip quiver just a little. She hoped the warrior would not notice and see it as a sign of weakness. The words were getting through to her mind now, their meaning becoming clear. 'No one would harm her', and, 'She had not been defiled, only bathed and soothed with cooling water.' were the thoughts that finally settled in her consciousness. But the words that came from her mouth accused the warrior of preparing her to be raped. Even as she spoke them, she knew that in the High Elvish tongue, they would be harsh accusations, likely to incite negative reactions. But she couldn't take them back once they were let go from her lips.

The warrior woman reacted as might be expected, shouting something about her mother being raped and killed, and then she drew her dagger. Xia knew she was no match for a trained and armed warrior; not when she herself was defenseless and unprotected even by a scrap of clothing. She reacted instinctively, raising her arms before her face protectively and cowering down to make a smaller target of herself.

"Don't hurt me! Mercy! I beg of you! I am unarmed and haven't even clothing to shield me!" she cried desperately. Tears came unbidden to her eyes as she squeezed them shut to block out the sight of her impending death from the strike she was sure was coming. She waited for it to fall, waited for the sting of the blade cutting into her dusky flesh. Yet another spasm wracked her body, shaking her completely in a muscle clenching shiver. She stammered out, "For the sake of pity, please spare my life, I beg you!" Half her words were slurred, even to her own ears. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she function? She felt so dizzy, and sleepiness washed over her. Maybe it would be better to succumb to it, and never know the death stroke's sting.

Without warning, her body betrayed her and she sank back to the floor of the tent. Her vision swam as she looked up at the angry warrior standing over her, brandishing the deadly blade. Feebly she raised one hand again, intending to shield herself from the slash, but only managing a vague waving motion before the slender arm fell to drape over her own breasts, fingers dangling along her ribs. Her silver eyes turned up into her head as her vision faded out again. Under her shoulder, a growing stain spread on the blanket beneath her.
Anger poured from her mind as the images of her mother’s invasion assaulted it, fury came from her gut from the words of accusations of wrong doing from a Drow, pain came from the heart for the loss of everything dear to her, and the tears came from the burning eyes that showed all these emotions at once. The scream came from her trembling lips as the dagger breeched the atmosphere with unequivocal force that it actually whistled before the blade was buried to the hilt in the ground next to the Princesses head. The sobbing came from the broken down form of Nara as she wept into her folded hands.

What have she done? The question drove through the painful images of her mother, images that should not have surfaced due to her intensive training. She was becoming weak, pathetic, for there was no excuse for her allowing these emotions to hamper her ability to keep control for that was the most important thing that a warrior was taught … Keep control or die..

Sniffling, She rose her head up from her hands and instantly wiped the tears away as she gazed back down toward the Princess. Her mind now sharp as she gained a little of her control back. Nara took in a deep breathe and slowly released it before leaning directly over the Princess. Her hand reached out and pressed up against the Princesses neck, the pause was steady and the Princesses body temperature was normal. Nara released another deep breath releasing more of the tension.

Nara slowly began to inspect the Princesses to ensure that the stitching still held. Shaking her head she retrieved the healers bag and removed the needle and thread. She worked on the Princesses for only a few minutes before the task of mending was finished. She slowly pushed herself back up upon her knees where she resumed to gaze upon the Princess.

“I’m so sorry to have lost control and released my anger upon you. I had no right in doing so, just as I had no right to threaten your life.” she whispered, her gaze fell upon the peaceful face of the Princess. A tear welled up in her eyes as she realized how close she came to killing her. Her hand moved over an brushed a few strands of hair out of the Princess eyes and then cupped her cheek, allowing her thumb to rub over the Princesses lips. “I shall never raise my hand to you again.” Pulling her self back up and wiping the tears away, she stood and retrieved her clothing bag and proceeded to dress the Princess.

“Sub-Commander, “ a voice spoke out from behind the closed flaps of the tent. “I have dinner for the two of you. Do you wish for me to leave it out here.” replied the heavy tone. The solider awaited patiently for the response knowing the commander was wondering why he brought the meal to her when she always got it for herself.

“No, please bring it inside.” she looked over to the entering solider, “I’m sure you will tell the commander that all is well here now. The princess was startled at her situation, something we all would have done ourselves, but now she is still drowsy from the sedative. Please leave us and report this to the commander. The solider nodded and exited the tent.

Nara took the bowl of stew and bread and resumed her place next to the Princess. Her hand gently shaking the Princess. “Your highness, Please you must wake and eat. It will help you to regain your strength.” Nara continued to lightly shake the Princess. “Please, wake.” Nara gazed upon the beauty that laid next to her.
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In Xia's fogged consciousness, words came to her dimly; words spoken by a nearby voice. “I’m so sorry to have lost control and released my anger upon you. I had no right in doing so, just as I had no right to threaten your life. I shall never raise my hand to you again.” The words were spoken softly, in a whisper, and in a language foreign to her. Some part of her brain recorded the words as vocal sounds her ears had heard, but in her coma-like state, none of them registered. Later, when she awoke, she would recall them as if remnants of a dream, unsure if they were real or not.

She stirred slightly as her limbs were maneuvered into Nara's clothing. She offered no resistance, lying passively. She merely moaned quietly, still under the effects of the sedative, but swimming back through the dark void of senselessness to the surface of her consciousness.

Other voices now, a heavy one, somewhat gruff, deeper, a male. Then an answer from the sweet voice nearer to her. That one was kinder, the one that had whispered before. 'What was it she'd said?' Xia dimly wondered. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, and she swallowed the dryness in her throat, wanting so badly to wet her lips, but her tongue wouldn't yet respond. From a distance, someone spoke to her again. Someone was shaking her gently. She began to sense more of her surroundings, rising to greater awareness, but still not fully awake.

“Your highness, Please you must wake and eat. It will help you to regain your strength.”

The shaking was getting annoying now, disturbing her peaceful slumber.

“Please, wake.” That kind voice again, urging her back out of the void. Her eyelids fluttered again, finally opening, blinking. She turned towards that voice, gazing in confusion on the face of the high elven woman kneeling by her side. Then in a flash, memories flooded back to her. Shouting, accusations, a sharp blade gleaming in the fading sunlight filtering through the tent! She started suddenly, her eyes widening in fear. She shied back away from the kneeling figure.

"Don't hurt me!" she mumbled, or thought she did, but her words came out all wrong. It dawned on her that she spoke in Drow, her own language. The warrior probably wouldn't understand. Xia thought she must be kneeling over her to cut her throat! She looked around desperately for the knife, then spotted the hilt buried in the ground next to where her head had just rested. Her gaze locked on it for a long moment, then drifted up to meet those hazel eyes of the warrior woman.

She looked into her eyes, lingering on them, noting the expression on the paler face of the High Elf woman. The anger that was once there had faded away. There seemed to be no threat or danger. Xia glanced pointedly back down at the hilt of the deadly knife. "If you meant to kill me, it seems you missed, warrior." she softly whispered in the language of the High Elves. This time she knew she'd be understood. She needed to know if she was still in danger from this person.

As she waited to see what response her words would garner, dim memories of the words spoken returned to her mind. Was this the one who'd said those things to her? Was she safe here? She still didn't know what danger she might be in. They'd taken her from her home, by force, against her will. She couldn't know what they intended for her. These were the enemies of her people, responsible for killing Drow by the hundreds over the years.

In her own society, treachery was common place. At every level of Drow society, it was a struggle for dominance and power. Those who were strong rose to higher status and power. Those who failed or were weak, were made to serve their betters. It was a wearisome way to live. Xia couldn't admit it to anyone. There was no one she could trust, but she had grown tired of it lately. She longed for the chance to simply live, untroubled by intrigue and schemes.

And now, these enemies had captured her, drug her away from her home. Who could know what they wanted with her. What scheme for gain or power did they intend? How would taking her prisoner bring them gain? Why hadn't they killed her as they killed her kindred? She thought if she could find the answers to these questions, she might find a way to survive. This woman kneeling so close to her might supply some answers.

Xia determined to find out what she could. The first thing she needed to know was whether she was in immediate danger. "Are you going to kill me?" she asked, sitting up slightly now. She glanced down at the clothing she was wearing now. It was not the fine quality she was used to, but it was good enough to cover her nudity, and that was reason to be grateful. She looked the warrior up and down, realizing that the clothing was probably hers. "You spared me, and now you've given me your clothes. I am grateful to you. I was wrong before in thinking you intended the cruel fate I accused you of. I'm sorry."

Xia noticed the bowl of food that the woman held. Her stomach lurched in a spasm of hunger. It had been nearly a day since she had eaten before they took her, and she didn't know how long it had been since they captured her. She licked her lips as she stared at the food. It could be poisoned. That would be the Drow way to eliminate enemies. But she didn't think that made much sense for this High Elf. Why would she go to the trouble to take her alive? Why would she give her own clothing to cover her? And why wouldn't she simply have killed her when she was lying there helpless and unconscious?

No, Xia didn't think the food was poisoned. She took the offered food gratefully when Nara handed it to her. In that moment, their fingers touched, and a spark seemed to pass between them. It made Xia look up into Nara's eyes for a lingering moment. She saw something there, a look that confused her. With an effort, she tore her gaze away, her dark cheeks flushing with heat from her hidden blush as she tried to concentrate on eating the food. "Again, you've been kind. I am grateful for the food." she murmured.
Nara bit her lip with uncertainty when the words fluttered outward from the Princess, words that fell on untrained ears of the Drow language, something that she continued to struggle with even under the tutoring of the High elven elders; but the gaze that fell from her to the blade buried dagger was a gaze she knew very well from her days upon the battlefield, the last chance move. Nara whispered to herself 'Please don't do it! Please don't.' her gaze locked upon the princess while she prepared her body to lunge forward just incase the Princess made her move toward the dagger.

Relief, Wonderment, Confusion swept over the warrior as the princess didn't make a move toward the dagger, but returned a gaze of inspection. The gaze was lingering and forced Nara into a mode of calculation herself, 'Does she know? No how could that be for she didn't understand the feelings she had herself. There was no way.' she herself probed into the eyes of the Princess searching for answers, trying to understand everything herself.

Slowly she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe allowing her too calm the inner turmoil. A small inner smile washed over Nara as the words of the Princess broke the tense moment. "My name is Nara, Sub commander of the Elven rangers!" Her gaze fell to the dagger, "The question you should be asking is why did I miss." She returned her gaze back to the princess. "There are..." She trailed off for a moment to figure out how to put this statement out so that it wouldn't be telling too much for it wasn't her place to give any information. "A few things that you need to know." her words trailed off as the touch of the princess's fingers sent waves of emotions through her. She fought desperately to regain her composure for what was passing through her mind scared her as much as it excited her. She wanted to do nothing but to follow the bowl that the princess took from her and place her lips upon hers.. To take her into her arms and hold her not as a captive, but as a... 'NO NARA' she reared back her hands and tore her gaze away.

"You're welcome." she replied to the thankful words of the Princess, "As I was saying a few moments ago, your safe with us. We will not harm you, but we do ask that you do not attempt to escape for then, we will have to use harsher sedatives that could harm you." Nara taking deep breathes to subside the urges she was desperately trying to hide. "Please eat, for the Commander will want to see you after you eat. I beg you not to give him any grief, he at times can lash out." She took the chance and gazed back at the Princess, "I will be here for you..." she couldn't finish the statement, "Excuse me, I need to get some air." She swiftly rose and departed. Words from outside implied there was security nearby...

Several moments pass before a guard enters. "You need to come with me." his voice was smooth and friendly. "The commander wishes to see you now." his hand gestured toward the door
Xia made a note of the sub-commander's name and rank, hoping to ask for her later, to attend her, if she could. Better to have someone she already had some kind of contact with if she had to stay among these High Elves for now. She didn't want to be completely alone among her enemies. At least she thought Nara was understanding and had shown her some consideration and kindness.

She listened to the advice Nara gave her about dealing with the commander. Of course none of this told her why they kidnapped her, and she still wasn't sure she was safe. From the sounds of it, the commander could be dangerous. She got the sense that Nara was holding something back from her, but she supposed that this soldier couldn't be expected to tell her their plan, after all. Nara had told her that they would not harm her unless she tried to escape them. Xia thought that as long as she was among them, she might learn something valuable while waiting for the right opportunity to make her escape.

She was recovering from the sedative, but was still not clear-headed enough to try her empathy or telepathy. Still, her observations told her that there was more to the way that Nara was reacting around her than it appeared on the surface. Xia looked up at her in puzzlement when she suddenly got up and left, claiming she needed some air. What had she meant by her statement; "I will be here for you."? Could it be that Nara was assigned to attend to her needs while she was their captive? That was probably it. Maybe she was the only female in their company. But these were High Elves, and she was a captured enemy. Why would they care to treat her in a civilized way at all? There must be more to this than simply being their high value prisoner. Perhaps they hoped to ransom her back to the Northern Hive of the Underdark Drow.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the intrusion of the soldier who came for her. "You need to come with me." he said. "The commander wishes to see you now."

Xia paused, setting down the food bowl, then getting to her feet, pretending to still be unsteady from the sedative. She was stalling. She thought it would be to her advantage to make them think she was still addled, less in command of her wits than she actually was. Maybe they would let slip some information she could use, thinking she was not much of a threat in her 'condition'. She smoothed out her borrowed clothing, as if she was concerned about looking as good as possible for an audience with the commander. Let him think she held him in importance, she thought. She made a show of staggering a little when she started towards the tent entrance, reaching out for the soldier to see if he would offer an arm to steady her.

She was slipping into the manipulative habits of her race, calculating every move for her best advantage. If they bought into it, they might not only let slip something of their plan, but they might also allow her more latitude in her own comments and actions if they thought she was not in full command of her senses. Meanwhile, the food had helped to clear her head somewhat, and the night air, as she stepped out of the tent, helped even more. Now could she play the role of an addle-minded spoiled royal brat at the same time as focusing her mind enough to get a read on the commander's thoughts and feelings?

She let the soldier guide her, holding on to her arm to keep her steady as they crossed the camp to the commander's tent. Xia could feel the eyes of the High Elf soldiers watching her as soon as she left the tent. It burned in her mind how they must have had plenty of opportunity to see her completely naked during the march from the Underdark to wherever they were in this surface forest. The thought brought a furious blush to her dark cheeks and her gaze smoldered as she tried not to meet any of their eyes. She stared proudly straight ahead.

Just before the soldier opened the tent flap for her to enter the commander's tent, she spotted Nara on the outskirts of the camp, looking at her. Xia's gaze locked on Nara's eyes as she paused for only an instant before ducking through the opening into the commander's presence. Her eyes easily adjusted to the lighting in the commander's tent as she rose to her full height, albeit somewhat slowly and still pretending to be dizzy. She made a show of glaring indignantly at the High Elven commander who had dared to take her forcefully from her home. In her best 'spoiled royal brat' voice, but remembering to slur her words slightly, she said, "Why have you brought me here? What is the meaning for this outrage?"
The warm summer’s night air filled Nara’s lungs with each deep inhale. Her attempt to settle the turmoil that was erupting deep within her wasn‘t giving any signs of ending soon. The pit of her stomach felt like a hot searing knife was cutting it into pieces killing her slowly. “My God, Nara!” she whispered into the gentle wind. ‘How can you feel this way toward this Drow? Your sworn enemy, the enemy that killed your mother?’ battled her mind against the wanting of her heart. ‘Not to mention she is a woman as well!’ came the deductive reasoning of her mind, but her heart fought back with the fire that she felt when she was holding the princess close to her. The lump in her throat that she gets when her gaze falls upon the beauty of the princess.

‘Nara!’ her mind screamed again when she realized that her hand was rubbing over her womb. A small stream of her desire slowly flowed down her leg. Her gaze shot out about the encampment to ensure that no one caught her. Her searching of the area soon came to an end when her eyes fell upon the eyes of the Princess before she ducked into the commanders tent. Pain shot forth from her gut as if someone was twisting it all about and was attempting to pull it from her body. Anger, jealousy, rage swept through her body as she slowly made her way toward the tent.

“The passage of death!” whispered in a low tone filled the atmosphere, a nimble finger swept across the thick aging map. “I know they have gotten word to their outward posts. I can feel it. They are driving us to the slaughter that is why no patrols has caught up with us they want us to fall to the Drow’s frontiersmen.” his deep thought was interrupted by the entering of the guard. “Commander, The Princess as you requested.” Mekil stood up out of respect. “That will be all.” his gaze falling to the guard briefly before moving back to the Princess. “Please have a seat your highness.” his hand gesturing to an empty seat. “I know you have many questions or as I can see clearly a list of demands, but before we go down that path would you like something to drink?” His gaze traveled over her body briefly before moving up to her eyes. His mind whispering its thoughts of how elegant she was.

Placing the froth of elven ale before her he allowed his gaze to lock upon hers for the longest of time before breaking away and looking down at his own mug. His mind slowly, methodically searched for the right words and phrase to ease her quell. Her royal brat attitude was something he wasn’t prepared for he figured she would be a scared to death and begging him not to harm her, but instead, he was greeted with this I’m higher than you are attitude. “I really don’t think you are in a position to demand anything.” his own ego shooting off. “You all are alike, I don’t see why the Prince wanted…” he caught himself. “I was given an order to bring you back to the Prince and that is what I’m doing.” He turned slowly from her, allowing his hand to fan back the long, blond bangs from his eyes while he tried to get repositioned before continuing their discussion.

“Please forgive me. I have a lot on my mind at the moment.” Taking a small sip from his mug, “Do your people tire of this war?” he wanted to get as much information from her as he could, especially information about the outpost here in passage. His eyes drifting down from her eyes to the shape of her breast. He could feel the heat begin to rise as he took in her beauty. He shifted slightly to the side attempting to hide his ever increasing waves of heat..
Xia took a moment to look the commander over appraisingly, estimating what kind of person he was. He seemed cordial, polite, and maybe just a little distracted, though she wasn't sure why. He was handsome, for a High Elf, she noticed. Under other circumstances, if her people and his were not enemies.....

She did not sit down in the seat he offered, not at first, still pretending to be a haughty spoiled princess. She wanted to time it just right, and make it seem like she needed to sit when the time came.

He set the drink in front of her, and she wondered all over again if it was poisoned or drugged. Nara had said that they would not hurt her as long as she didn't try to escape, but she did mention something about them using a more powerful sedative. Might they also use a potion on her, if they wanted her to cooperate with their plan? Or maybe the commander would have other reasons for drugging her.

Her inaction and refusal to drink must have upset him. He snapped at her, “I really don’t think you are in a position to demand anything.” he said, his own ego shooting off. “You all are alike. I don’t see why the Prince wanted… I was given an order to bring you back to the Prince and that is what I’m doing.” Xia's attention locked on him now. This was the first inkling she had learned of their plan.

"I made no demands, Commander. I only wanted to know why you took me by force from my home, from my very bath! Now you have told me. But what does your prince want with me? If he seeks to ransom me to my people in exchange for some concession, it will not work. My mother rules the Underdark, not me. The people will continue to follow her." She tried to sound brave, as if it truly didn't matter. But her voice caught just a little in her throat. She hoped the commander hadn't noticed.

Her words were all too close to the truth, much to her sadness. For all that she tried to do for her people, she knew that her mother did not value her, not as her daughter. There was no love between them. Love was not an emotion common to the Underdark. Her only value to her mother or anyone else was in what she could do for them, or how they could use her abduction to manipulate the people. She could already hear High Priestess Callandryll using her kidnapping to justify another futile attack.

“Please forgive me. I have a lot on my mind at the moment.” the commander said, taking a small sip from his mug. “Do your people tire of this war?”

His question took her off guard. She decided to stall by sitting in the seat he had offered her before. "W-what do you mean, Commander? Do you think we Drow like war? Our people die just as yours do. I would stop it if it were in my power. I've seen enough blood spilled." Her voice was quiet, regretful. All thoughts of trying to read the commander's feelings were gone now. The silence that followed stretched on until finally she reached for the drink he had offered, drinking deeply, not meeting the commander's gaze.

After a time, she asked quietly, "Is that the reason you wanted to see me, Commander?" She reached across to touch his arm lightly, leaning closer to whisper urgently, "I don't suppose you would consider returning me to my home. No one ever need know of this. Abducting me will not avail you, nor your prince." Leaning towards him across the small map table, her arm crossed under her bosom, the neckline of Nara's borrowed tunic gaped open, revealing soft round black cleavage to the commander's glance. She looked at him, pleading for his mercy with her eyes. "If you only let me go, I could make my way home by myself. I will not tell anyone about you. Please, Commander?"
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Fighting down the urges that assaulted his senses he tried desperately to regain control of his posture. His fingertips diligently picked at the cracks of the wooden table forcing his mind to snap its imagery of his hands grazing over her nipples and lightly tugging at them, to the splintering of the wood. His hearts’ beating assaulted the very cords he needed to speak with. Clearing his throat, he brought his mug once again to his lips, his gaze reacquiring its lock upon the Princess’ eyes. “I have no answer to give you my Highness for I would be out of place to answer for the Prince on the grounds of why he wants you. The only thing I can tell you is that this war is a heavyweight that weights upon us all.” tipping the mug slightly and allowing the cool ale to wash away the lump that was still lingering. He wanted to comment on the Mother and the Underdark but that would only bring them to more words of hatred and that was something that would take time to rid of, but would eventually be required for this peace to commence.

His gaze peered over the mugs’ rim upon her words of seeing enough blood shed through war. He nearly coughed up his ale and wanted to retaliate upon the words that Do Drow like war for they are the ones that started this mess in the first place. He recalls the night they came when he was merely a stable boy. The raping of women, and killing of the elders still haunted him to this day. His teeth gritted and grinded as he fought the urge to backlash her with back his hand. Pain and anger replaced the burning desire that was claming victory over his discipline. His gaze hardened as he watched his enemy drink from her mug wondering what it would feel like to squeeze the very life from her throat. His wonderment ended when she brought forth the question of why he summoned for her. The wanting to see her breast rise and fall with each of her breaths, the smoothing look of her skin, and the wonderment of how it would feel to his exploring hands came to an end and with that end so was the wanting to see her. His gaze snapped up from his mug only to fall to the lovely cleavage that she was offering. Her partial exposed breast looked so soft the once beaten down desire came rushing back. He longed to reach up and cradle her heaviness. To run his fingers over the tips of her nipples and softly nibble at them once they rose to the occasion. His cock snapped to attention once more as the imagery of his body moving over hers. He swallowed hard and made his best attempt to come to grips and return to the warrior he was.

His voice trembled slightly as he attempted to give her an answer, “Your Highness, I wish I could do this for you but the blood of thousands will be poured upon my hands and as it is I have enough blood upon them.” His hands rising up to her shoulders and slowly pushing her back to her seat. Wanting to end the view of her ampleness. “Please your Highness,” The pause lasted for a few moments while he took control of his desire. “Thousands of lives depend on this meeting between you and the Prince. You have no fear whatsoever for you will not be harmed. I have orders to give my life to ensure your safe passage to the Prince and I shall give my life for that purpose. That is why I brought you here. We must travel through the Passage of death and I fear for your safety. I was hoping you could show us a way around this.” His heavy breath indicated that he won the raging war with his desire but it took all he had to do so.

“HALT!” came a bark from outside, “Commander Nara, you may not enter.” a heavy voice rang from just outside the tent. “I wish to see the commander at once.” Nara’s voice was on the verge of breaking up, “It is a matter of importance.” she lied attempting to gain entry. Her mind raging with jealousy and wondering what was going on. Was wondering if the commander was using his position to force himself upon the princess.

“Excuse me for a moment.” Mekil slowly rose from his chair and moved outside. “Nara calm down. what is the importance?” his voice was calm and hospitable.

“I want to see the Princess now. I want to ensure she is alright!” her voice demanded. The extreme concern evident in her voice. Mekil stepped to the side and gestured with his hand. “Very well, sub-commander step inside.”

The tent flap rushed open as Nara blistered through the doorway. Her breathing deep and irregular. Her eyes beamed toward the Princess, moving up and down her body looking for any evidence that showed she was fondled in anyway. “Princess, Is everything ok? Don’t fear if he has touched you in anyway tell me now.” her words riddled with jealousy and anger.
Xia didn't like being confused. She ought to be able to concentrate better, and use her empathy to get a read on the commander's true intentions. But what he had revealed to her about why she was taken had her mind in turmoil. Empathy wasn't much good for sensing the feelings of others if you couldn't get your own under control. He had hinted at more, but she couldn't be sure yet and didn't want to draw conclusions until she knew more.

But it was clear enough that these were only soldiers doing what was ordered by their prince. She saw them in a new light, this commander, so duty bound and, dare she say it, honorable, at least in his sense of obligation to his lord. And the rest of the soldiers were only doing their jobs, fulfilling their mission. But then again, didn't they also do that when their mission was to kill her people in battle? She didn't find much that was to be admired in that.

And then there was Sub-commander Nara, the female who literally dragged her away from her bath. She didn't yet know what to think of that one. Was she following orders too? Nara had treated her with some kindness, the first one among these High Elves to do so. Yes, it was true that she might just as easily have killed Xia while she was unconscious. Maybe the thought had crossed her mind. There was the dagger sunk to the hilt next to her head when she awoke. That only made Nara more confusing still.

These High Elves were hard to read, but not because they were so adept at blocking their feelings. It was exactly the opposite. The empathy sense that manifested in some of her people, and especially in Xia, originally developed from the need to know the true intentions and motivations of duplicitous and deceitful drow. In a society where people always used you, calculating the lies and falsehoods that served their own selfish interests best, one could not take spoken words at their face value. So over time, a more subtle form of communication had emerged in some bloodlines. Xia was fortunate to have both empathic and telepathic abilities manifested in her, but only when she could concentrate and clear her mind. She needed to focus.

And these High Elves who had captured her, despite being disciplined soldiers, apparently had no finesse in controlling their feelings. Even without being able to concentrate, she was being bombarded with random intense impressions, from nearly every elf in the troop! The commander sat across from her, but she couldn't be sure that the impressions she was hit with were coming from him or some other soldier. It was too much! Perhaps if she could find time to meditate and focus....

She wondered at what she was picking up on though. Random impressions assaulted her senses: anger, hatred of her, violent urges that made her shudder inside, hunger, boredom, lust, fear, jealousy. If even some of these were coming from the commander across the table from her, she might have good reason to be afraid.

She listened to his refusal to let her slip away. She had expected it. They didn't come this far into Drow territory and gone to such risks to capture her only to let her go now. And if it was true that their prince wanted her for his own purposes, all they could do was follow the wishes of their liege.

"Commander, you mention the blood of thousands. I wonder, are you concerned about the blood of my people, or only your own? You say you are concerned for my safety. Is it only because I am valuable to your prince, or do you have....other reasons?"
She didn't get to hear his answer, for just then there was some sort of disturbance outside the tent. The commander excused himself to see what the urgent shouting was about.

The sudden interruption gave Xia a start. She stood abruptly from her chair as he left, backing further into the tent, unsure what was happening. Her confusion already had her on edge, and now this upset gave her reason to be afraid. Was it the owner of the urges to violence against her, come to carry out those urges? Could this commander keep his troops under control when centuries of racial hatred boiled just below the surface of these elves?

Suddenly she heard the voice of the female, Nara, angry and desperate, demanding to be allowed to see her. A moment later, she burst into the tent, followed by the commander, who stood near the entrance to watch. Xia stepped back as Nara approached her, nearly overwhelmed by the woman's intensity. She was hit with a storm of feelings, raw and unsettling, chaotic and sharp. Lust. Jealousy. Fear? No. Concern, not quite fear. Anxiety, maybe. It was all very confusing, and no time to sort it out, but one thing Xia felt for certain; these were Nara's feelings.

“Princess, is everything okay? Don’t fear, if he has touched you in any way tell me now.”

Xia was taken aback, uncertain as to what to say. She was experiencing some very confusing feelings of her own at that moment. She was touched by this woman's passionate concern for her safety. She was grateful for it, and also confused as to what brought it on. As she took a breath to answer Nara's question, it hit her. This woman felt something for her!

Xia's eyes widened in surprise as the realization dawned, and her silken white brows furled in confusion and concern as her gaze locked with Nara's. In that moment, she wasn't sure what she, herself, was feeling. The trouble with an empathic sense among these freely emoting High Elves was that they couldn't keep their feelings to themselves. Now Xia didn't know which feelings were her own, and which were Nara's. She needed time to sort them out, but this situation needed to be resolved first.

"Sub-commander Nara, y-yes, I am well. The commander has been as kind as he can be, under the circumstances. We were just discussing, uh, his concern for my safety....in fact." She hesitantly put a hand on Nara's shoulder, in a gesture that could have been between old friends.

Turning to the commander, she smiled a nervous smile. "Commander, it seems that Sub-commander Nara has some concern for my safety. Perhaps if our conversation is not too private, you will permit her to stay and sit next to me."

She waited for him to answer as he came back around to resume his seat. Her manner was different now. Gone was her inclination to manipulate and deceive, playing the circumstance for any advantage. Now she had other thoughts on her mind. She wanted to get this meeting over with, and to get back to her tent, alone with Nara, where she could sort this out. She needed time to consider this new development.

Her fingers trembled slightly from nervous energy as she moved them to her lap to hide them. She glanced over at Nara briefly to see if she had noticed and then tried to seem composed as she continued speaking to the commander. "Commander, I appreciate you explaining the situation to me. I will agree to go with you peacefully to meet your prince. But as I said before, it will do no good. I am not valuable enough for him to ransom."

"But in return for my cooperation, I have one request. I would like to request that Nara be allowed to remain in my company, to make my stay among you as bearable as possible. I have not seen any other females in your company, though I admit that I have not seen many of your troops. It would be easier for me to endure this captivity if I had the company of another woman."

Xia awaited the answer, sensing the surprise from the Elven woman next to her. Surprise and.....something more?
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Confusion, concern spawned throughout the commanders mind upon hearing the sub-commanders indicating question in regards of him placing a hand upon her. He would never force himself upon any female regardless of how beautiful or desirable they were and the sub-commander knew this, but Nara was acting very strange of late, especially after the unexplained and unquestioned event at the Drows’ garden bath. She has been watching everyone with sharp and piercing gazes as if they were planning on doing something to the princess. But then again he had many desirable images cross his mind when the princess was in view but he would never act upon them, just like he has many images of him and Nara together but in the quarter of a century of service with her he has never crossed that line.

His mind drifted backwards wondering if he had given some kind of body language that represented his lust and desire that the sub-commander caught and has brought her to this brink of confrontation. He could not think of anything except the way he looked at her but everyone in his squad looked upon her beauty the same way even…… He paused as the thought bounced around his mind without any denial events to prove differently …. That would explain the bath and the way Nara was watching everyone with those sharp gazes and gawks. No, his mind wouldn’t allow those accusations to settle down, she was just doing her duty to the Prince keeping the Princess safe. His conductive reasoning came to an end when the Princess spoke up on the way she had been treaded so far by him. He wanted to act upon the question of his sub-commander but decided to put that way for there was a reasoning for Nara to be acting this way and that was fine with him for that would put a constant security detail with the princess.

She swallowed hard when the Princess informed her that the commanders actions were nothing but honorable and becoming of an Elven officer. What have you done Nara? Her little voice whispered ventures of forth coming doom. You have just implied that the commander has taken forbidden actions against a prisoner, no wait she is not a prisoner but a dignitary of the Drow people. The order was not to chain and shackle her, it was to escort her back to the Kingdom for there was business to be conducted between the Prince and Princess, but still she crossed the line in tossing an accusation toward the commander, he could have her hung if he wished to do so and his and her men would do it. She trembled slightly as the fear pierced the rampaging emotions of her previous state of being.

A soft warmth of tranquility flowed from the point of the Princess’s touch. It was if a whisper from the breeze informed her that all was going to be ok, that all things will work out. A heaviness was lifted when the Princess informed the commander that her actions were actions of a concerned solider doing her job, even thou Nara knew this was far from the truth. It was just pure jealousy that brought her to this point. Even more tension was released when the Princess requested that Nara be permitted to stay with them throughout the rest of the meeting. This settled her down completely and brought her to a sense of calm and balance.

She looked over to the commander and attempted to read his body language but the only thing she got from his was that he was deep in thought, something she has seen many times before. He kept his calm at all times and really never rose his voice to anyone except when he was yelling orders on the battlefield. He always kept a sense of duty about him and for the love of Corellon Larethian why she would ever accuse him of wrong doing she could not explain. There was just this tugging feeling of wanting the Princess all to her self made her feel and do things she never would have imaged herself doing.

“By all means, The sub-commanders presence is always welcomed.” Replied the commander as he gestured for the both of them to take a seat before sitting in the one that the Princess gestured too. He looked to them both as they sat down at the table. “Your Highness,” he moved another mug of Elven ale to the front of Nara and followed it with a nod of his head indicating to her that all was well between them. He returned his gaze to the Princess, “I will answer both of your inquires to ease your mind for I have a feeling that your feelings are the same as ours. When I spoke of the thousands of lives being saved I was referring to both sides, yours and ours. I like you, have seen enough blood spilled and wish for it to come to an end, but the means of making this happen is not within my knowledge so in that I believe the Prince wants to meet with you to see if the two of you can find a way to stop this bloodshed.” His eyes moved back and forth between the Princess and Nara giving it time to sink in before getting to the Princess’s request. “If you wish to have Sub-Commander Nara at your side while you are being escorted back to Lantria that is fine with me for she is the only female we have in our mists.” he slowly leaned back in his chair and looked upon the two, “Now, before I dismiss the two of you I must know about the Passage of Death, I need to know how many hunters are stationed there and if you do know a secret way around this post it would be much easier to ensure your and our safety.” he looked to the princess awaiting for her to respond.

Nara looked over to the Princess with mixed emotions. She was excited that the Princess wanted her to remain at her side for the rest of the travel, but she was also in a state of questioning. Did the Princess want to be with her because there were feelings there? Or was she wanting the safety of a female warrior with her. She was hoping that the Princess had the same feelings toward her but she didn’t know how to find out. What if she did act upon her desire and the Princess wasn’t feeling the same, she would be a total disgrace to the Elven race. Her heart pounded deep within her head, the emotions raging again within her. She wanted nothing more than to take the Princess back to the tent and hold her deep in arms. She wanted to feel the Princess’ soft lips upon hers. The image of her hands touching and fondling the Princess’s breast sent shivers down her spine and over her heating womb.

“Commander, The princess is still recovering from the drugs effects. Perhaps waiting till morning the effects would be gone and her mind will be sharp and might be able to answer your questions better.” She wanted nothing more than to be dismissed and get the Princess back to the tent. Her lust was winning and she wanted to know how the princess felt. She wanted to feel the Princess’s body even more now that heavy wetness between her legs returned…
Xia hesitated, unsure about giving the commander the information he was asking for. He claimed it was to save bloodshed, and that seemed likely. But he was asking for knowledge of Drow lands that could later be used to invade just as well as it could be used for escape now. Her reluctance must have seemed like something else to the overprotective Nara sitting by her side as she spoke out. But it touched her that, once again, this High Elf female was looking out for her.

Nara had given her an excuse, a way out, if she wanted to take it. She could claim that she still could not think clearly because of the drug. And, in fact, she had cultivated the appearance of being still under the influence of the sedative when she came to the commander's tent. Originally, it was part of her Drow nature to try to deceive and use whatever advantage she could gain. But that was before this woman beside her had let slip the emotions she felt.

Now Xia was suddenly tired of manipulating, tired of deception, tired of the Drow way of doing things in general. These High Elves were almost refreshingly blunt and obvious in their emotions, putting their feelings out like a shout into the still of night. They didn't know it, perhaps, but it was that obvious to Xia. The problem was in sorting it all out to make sense of it. In fact, the constant barrage was beginning to wear on her.

She sighed heavily with fatigue and resignation. She had agreed to go with them to meet with their prince, and so she must. It made no sense to resist them now, after giving her agreement. She glanced at Nara, touching the woman lightly on her arm, saying softly, "No, it's alright, Nara. I can answer."

"Commander, you put me in a very difficult situation. If some of my people are waiting to try to stop you from taking me back to your kingdom, it could well be my last hope of being rescued. You are asking me to undermine that hope. Basically, you ask me to betray my own people. I'm sure you can see how reluctant I would be to do that." She felt Nara stiffen beside her and suspected she knew why. If she refused to help them, the ambush might take place as the commander suspected. Warriors on both sides could be killed or hurt, possibly including Nara, herself, and the commander.

Not only that, but if the Drow were successful, Xia would be taken away from the Elven woman, and whatever it was that she was feeling for her would be lost forever. Xia knew that Nara wanted her to cooperate as much as the commander did, if perhaps for her own reasons. She looked at Nara, locking her gaze onto those hazel eyes as she continued, "But you are right in saying that blood will be shed if you must face them in the Passage, blood that I would not wish to see spilt." Beneath the edge of the map table, Xia's hand brushed Nara's thigh in a light touch, the significance of her words letting it be known just whose blood she would regret seeing spilt.

She heaved a weary sigh, and cast her eyes down to her lap, murmuring, "Travel to the west for two days, then turn south again. I know you think I am trying to trick you. The way leads further into Drow territory. But they won't be expecting you to do this. They will expect you to go back to your homelands in the most direct route possible, and they will make haste to cut you off along that path. To the west, there is another pass through the mountains. Your troops must travel in stealth. Avoid being seen by anyone, lest word reach the Underdark of your movements. It will add to the time of your journey, but you may yet avoid fighting if you do this."

She looked earnestly into the commander's eyes, hoping for Nara's sake and his that he would believe her and follow her advice. She knew she was committing herself to their custody, giving up any hope of rescue now. She was trusting in this commander, and in Nara, for her very life. She knew that if she were returned to their kingdom, she might well be taken as a prisoner when it became clear that she could not help their cause. She would be one Drow in a kingdom of High Elves, surrounded by those who would want her dead, or worse.

"That is the way your path lies, Commander. I have told you what you wished to know. I've betrayed my people and given up my chance at being rescued. I am very weary. If you please, I ask that Sub-Commander Nara take me back to the tent where I can rest now." She spoke softly, defeated, it seemed, bowing her head once more, in submission.
The commanders gaze moved from the Princess to Nara when the Sub-commander began to explain about the effects of the drug and how it would be best to discuss this matter in the morning. He began to nod his head in agreement but stopped short when the Princess spoke up. Her agreement to help relieved a lot of fear within Mekil for ever since they left the garden bath he was fearing this passage, but it was the only passage they could use to shave off two weeks of their traveling thru Drow territory.

He allowed his gaze for falter from Nara to the eyes of the Princess, her beauty once more grappling and unmerciful to a males desires. He caught himself slipping into the mist of daydreaming his imagery of her soft lips slowly sliding down his harden shaft. Her soft tongue sliding over the tip and down the length. Slowly circling around his sacks, then back up the shaft and around the swollen purple tip. He fought down a urge to moan and was snapped out of this daydream by her continuing to explain to him of what she was giving up.

“Your Highness, I know what your giving up, but what your giving it up for, is for your people. The same as I have given things up for my people. We are in a fight not against races but against death itself. This war, as you and I have stated, is claiming more blood than I wish to see. It must come to an end.” his voice carried the heavy tone of someone who’s at their last pace of the race. His thoughts drifted to all that he has seen over the years of service; all the lives that has been extinguished over this racial war. The time has come to it to end and he would give his life today if it meant the end of the war tomorrow.

Nara’s gaze drifted from the commanders eyes to those of the Princess. Her light touch sent waves of electricity up her arm and across her chest making the already wet heated area even more wetter. She so desperately wanted to feel the soft hands of the Princess exploring her body, caressing her breast. She ached, longing for the feel of the Princess. Her eyes narrowed filled with lust and desire. She wanted to reach over and pull the princess to her, to hold her, to kiss her soft lips.

Nara shifted in her seat the heat driving her crazy, she didn’t know how much longer she could fight this intense heat that was rippling through her body. She began to hump her midsection as the waves of desire assaulted the love nest that was dripping wet. She allowed an inner moan to escape from the pleasure that was sweeping thru her.

‘NARA!’ her mind screamed as she reached for the hand that briskly touched her thigh but was a little to slow to capture it. Her soul was burning and her will to resist was gone. She didn’t care what anybody else thought of her she wanted the Princess and she was going to take her. The ache, the burning was driving her into a sexual predator. Her eyes now completely over taken with lust and desire. Without any hesitation she moved her hand to the inner thigh of the Princess and slowly made her way to the center of the Princess’s legs.

The commander’s gaze was intense upon the route she showed him. She was right about him questioning the logic of moving back deeper into Drow territory, but her logic was sound for they would not expect the Princess to be assisting them and would only have normal patrols on this route. His hand rubbed over his chin as the took in the information and added the normal what ifs to the equation. He liked the outcome for he knew his warriors could be stealthy when the need was there. He nodded his head in acceptance, “Thank you your Highness. I want to ensure you that this information will go no farther than the squad that is accompanying us.” His tone was strong and indicated that his word of honor was given as well. “We will leave at first light.” he slowly rose and extended his hand to the Princess. “The Elven Rangers are in your debt. I shall repay this debt with my life if need be. You have saved many lives this day on both sides. I bid you goodnight you Majesty… Your dismissed Sub-commander, please escort the Princess back to her tent.” He nodded his farewell before sitting back down at the table and picking up the map.

“Please your Highness, Come this way..” Nara gently put her hand upon the Princess’s shoulder. “Is there anything you need before we return to you tent?” her voice still heavy with the lust that was burning deep within her. The images of what she was going to do flowed freely through her mind….