Sharing A Room


Really Really Experienced
Oct 6, 2001
OOC: Bobby Davis. 23 years old. 6'1", 185. Black hair, black eyes.


I glance over at the clock and see that it's almost 1 AM. I've been tossing and turning for over two hours trying to get to sleep, but nothing seems to be working. Over in the next bed my kid sister is sleeping peacefully. In the moonlight she looks like an angel. I tried to remember when she got so pretty.

I close my eyes and try counting sheep. It doesn't work. I know only one thing that will, but I wasn't sure that was the best idea in the world with my sister in the room. When frustration reached its highest point, I decided to risk it. Slipping my hand under my sweatpants, I started to stroke myself. There were a thousand girls I could fantasize about, but when I closed my eyes the only face I saw belonged to my own sweet little sibling. It wasn't a complete surprise: incestuous fantasies were becoming more and more prevalent since I moved back home. But there was a wide chasm between fantasy and reality, wasn't there?

Distracted, I must have groaned or something, because when I next glanced over at my sister her eyes were wide open...
OOC: Emily Davis, 20 years old, brown hair, brown eyes.

I had been so tired. It must've been 9:30pm when I had slipped into my bed, I'm never usually such an early bird but I must have needed it. I had an over-sized t-shirt on, one of Bobby's actually. I never would usually wear his clothes but it was all I could find at such short and unexpected notice. I had a pair of my panties on too, just to make it a little more acceptable.

I was in a deep sleep, laying on my side with my hand tucked under my cheek; resting peacefully. I didn't know what it was, but around 1am I felt restless and... awake. I stirred in bed a little, just to get my bearings back as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, with only a little moonlight flooding in through the crack in the curtains beside my bed. I smiled softly, stretching my arms over my head until I heard a strange, unforgettable noise coming from beside me just a few feet away.

Narrowing my eyes, I turned to see what was going on but what I could see and make out was something... shocking. My eyes widened, it was my brother. He was, what seemed, wide awake. Though, that's not the only thing I noticed. He had his hand slipped into the waistband of his sweats and seemed to be up to no good. "Bobby?" It was nothing more than a whisper, but I knew he had heard me nonetheless.

I freeze, hoping it was all my imagination. Then I hear her soft voice call out my name and I know that I'm busted. With the way the lunar radiance played across my bed there wasn't a chance in the world that she didn't know exactly what I was doing. With nothing to lose, I thought that honesty might be the best policy.

"Hey, sis," I said. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I just couldn't help it. It's just that Grandma and Grandpa are going to be here for another two weeks. Any longer and I thought I would explode. I hope your aren't too weirded out."

Peering across the room, I tried to read her expression. I wasn't sure why, but she was watching me like a hawk. Then it hit me. I was still stroking myself.....
"You waited until 1 in the morning to do... that?" I wasn't sure why, but something took over me and had me slipping a soft chuckle from my lips. The situation was somewhat humorous but also very serious. Bobby was my brother, my own flesh and blood and he was... pleasing himself. "Bobby?" I spoke his name again, my eyes narrowing more as I fixated my gaze on his lower region, where his hand disappeared. "I'm not really, weirded out as such, it's just... I can't believe you've held out this long. They've been here a week already." I couldn't help but to laugh again, I was female and even I couldn't go as long as a week to 'help' myself out.

I curled my lips, trying not to laugh anymore, but I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. I sat up in bed, swinging my legs over the side and sat upon the edge of it. "You're actually pretty quiet.." I shrugged, damn I hope I wasn't being the one to weird him out now. "How long have you been, you know, doing that for?" Something inside of me wanted to know how long he had been getting himself off while I was asleep.