Trump Civil case may Be Over

You do know that it's the government which assesses the tax value of your property for taxation purposes and not the property owner, yes? And you know that the assessed value of any particular property is rarely the market value of that property, yes?

So, Trump's valuation of his property has no effect on the taxes he pays on it. Nor does any challenge to his tax base based on his valuation because the tax assessor will value the property based on established criteria and not on any property owners claims of value.
You do know the case isn't about Trump's taxes, right?
Yes he is ignorant. Sorry to see you leave the PB though. But before you do, a quick background on rightguide.

He under his previous alt ( vetteman which he ditched because he thought ISIS was out to kill him) used to brag about his time in Vietnam and how he paid for sex with cans of corn.

Since I've learned of this habit of his, I have on numerous occasions challenged wrongway ( rightguide) to find just one female on Lit who would agree to have any type of consensual sex with him such as cyber, real , anything but imaginary. So far he's come up empty. I'm guessing you too fall in the camp that wouldn't have sex with him, even for a can of corn....right???

Sorry, there isn't enough corn on this PLANET 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes he is ignorant. Sorry to see you leave the PB though. But before you do, a quick background on rightguide.

He under his previous alt ( vetteman which he ditched because he thought ISIS was out to kill him) used to brag about his time in Vietnam and how he paid for sex with cans of corn.

Since I've learned of this habit of his, I have on numerous occasions challenged wrongway ( rightguide) to find just one female on Lit who would agree to have any type of consensual sex with him such as cyber, real , anything but imaginary. So far he's come up empty. I'm guessing you too fall in the camp that wouldn't have sex with him, even for a can of corn....right???
Oh my god you made me spit my coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If you call me a racist without cause, then you're subject to being ridiculed for it.

If, on the other hand, I point out that someone's comments are based on my skin color and nothing else, then that makes them a racist and they can be called on it.

So no hypocrisy, just reality.
Wow, great logical arguments there...maybe I shouldn't call you a racist...

Nah fuck that.



I know, I know I'm leaving 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh wait...KornGuard is the sex-for-corn guy, not Arpoplectic? Oops.

Oh well, who cares. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Can't tell em Arpart anyway

Wow, great logical arguments there...maybe I shouldn't call you a racist...

Nah fuck that.



I know, I know I'm leaving 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I hope you're enjoying putting on a show for everyone. It's not the show you think it is, but it's a show.

As for your repeated claims of "leaving" those are like everything else you say. Lies. Because if your words about you going bye bye were true, you wouldn't be repeating them over and over.
I hope you're enjoying putting on a show for everyone. It's not the show you think it is, but it's a show.

As for your repeated claims of "leaving" those are like everything else you say. Lies. Because if your words about you going bye bye were true, you wouldn't be repeating them over and over.
GO FUCK YOURSELF.....sound familiar, which given your logic in the post above leads me to the question, true or not? *chuckles*
No, it is not.

But ANTI-Racism isn't Marxism. That was my point. Rightguide seems to think that it is, however. And I was calling him out on it.

So you make up a lie to call out someone else for...

*checks notes*

giving their truthful opinion?

Yeah, somehow I don't think that's how any of this works. Instead I think that you get a hard on over being an asshole in public because it's the internet. Which is why you go off like you do and start making absurd statements you can't back up.
Dude, do you ever even READ Rightguide's posts? He calls the concept of racial equality and racial justice "Marxist" ALL THE TIME!! I can't even count the number of times he has done so.
Dude, do you ever even READ Rightguide's posts? He calls the concept of racial equality and racial justice "Marxist" ALL THE TIME!! I can't even count the number of times he has done so.
Wrong, I don’t know what you’re referring to but what I understand to be his point of contention is the use of identity politics is a Marxist tool used by democrats which in many cases are indeed racialism and racist.

Democrat politicians are gaslighting you and you’re a fool for falling for it.
Wrong, I don’t know what you’re referring to but what I understand to be his point of contention is the use of identity politics is a Marxist tool used by democrats which in many cases are indeed racialism and racist.

Democrat politicians are gaslighting you and you’re a fool for falling for it.
Think you’ll find Marxism is class politics not identity politics.
And identity politics aren’t racialism by their nature, they are about individual identity.
Dude, do you ever even READ Rightguide's posts? He calls the concept of racial equality and racial justice "Marxist" ALL THE TIME!! I can't even count the number of times he has done so.

The words remain the same yet you act like you don't understand them.

Racial equality and racial justice are words used to describe the Balkanization of society - the division of a population based on ethnicities or other genetic differences in order to impose a new order. One in which the government owns everything, including the people, and the people have nothing except whatever largess the government deigns to provide them.

This concept isn't new. It's not unheard of either. And it leads to ONLY 1 end result, death. Death of individuals, death of liberty, death of a society. And that death isn't limited in numbers. EVERY TIME this ideal has been tried, tens of thousands have died. Every. Time.

Yet somehow you seem to think that those who oppose it are the evil ones.

You are a fool.
I dare you to search my 53,000-plus posts and find anything that is racist.
I'll save everyone the search, Jack.

You've made dozens if not hundreds of threads about minorities committing heinous acts (Chicago murders, border mess, Mexican Cartels, "Chinese" flu) yet almost zero threads about whites committing the same type of acts (mass shootings, fentanyl murders and overdoses, serial killers, human trafficking, etc.) -- unless of course, they are on "THE LEFT!"

You have even cheered on Chauvin and Rittenhouse which is just plain disgusting.
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what I understand to be his point of contention is the use of identity politics is a Marxist tool used by democrats which in many cases are indeed racialism and racist.
Where to begin?
I guess I could begin with your own long track record of accusing anyone who acknowledges that racism still exists of being "divisive", which really calls into question your qualifications to talk about anything being racist or not. Not to mention your tendency to call everything an inch left of center "Marxist". Both those words long ago lost any meaning when coming from you.
Where to begin?
I guess I could begin with your own long track record of accusing anyone who acknowledges that racism still exists of being "divisive", which really calls into question your qualifications to talk about anything being racist or not. Not to mention your tendency to call everything an inch left of center "Marxist". Both those words long ago lost any meaning when coming from you.

I’m posting this a second time.

The five hundred pound guerrillas in the room are the intellectual elites, an exclusive club existing in a delusional state of…better than thou…euphoria. They are the epitome of passive aggressive racism. They preach equity, diversity and inclusion while dining on the very riches they refuse to part with. White intellectual elites are the common white man’s existential crisis and a cancer on society in general. White intellectual elites are binging on the white middle class veiled in bumper sticker slogans like white privilege and systemic racism while they themselves are the epitome of white privilege. They’re surrendering our wealth as a nation using hypocritical slogans like equity rather than equality, tax the rich while they themselves have the luxury of wealth to keep and expand their wealth while they exploit every one below them. They prefer to spend your money in the name of equity while shielding theirs. Our nation has slowly transformed from a nation of equal opportunity to a band of oligarchs and corporatist pulling our strings. We are being ruled not governed. Most of all we’re being lied to.

Whether you agree or not we are pawns of an administrative state where elected officials white or black are figure heads in a corrupt system. We’re very close to a uni/party system where the privileged hold all the cards and our system of justice is an extension of that power. We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are our own worst enemy not Trump. We lack the courage to admit to ourselves that we allowed our government to intrude in every aspect of our lives. Our forefathers crafted a document called the Constitution to protect us from our own government and we choose the lazy way out. We have become subjects of a bloated bureaucracy chucked full of establishment bureaucrats who twist our laws to benefit their Marxist agenda. Where in the constitution does it state that the government can provide debt relief for one class by burdening another class with additional debt. Dependency over personal responsibility, equity over equality. Marxism is at our doorstep. So, here we are, fodder for the white intellectual elites and black perpetual race baiters waiving their scepter of morality from high above pitting us against each other, dividing us into little boxes by class, ethnicity, religion and language, demanding that we stand at attention as we Kow-tow to the authority imposed upon us by the powerful brigades of thought police AKA “ESTABLISHMENT BUREAUCRATS”. I’m not proposing the elimination of establishment bureaucrats, they do serve a purpose, they maintain continuity within our governmental structure but they need to be sternly slapped up side the head and reminded that they work for us the common people.

This shadow elitist government within a government have for decades held their foot on the necks of minorities in urban communities promising a better deal, policies that would lift them out of poverty, provide high quality education all the while these elitist have used educational opportunities outside the corrupt system, managed to create a dependent class forced to genuflect to the façade of altruism, equating to a feudal ruling class throwing crumbs to the less fortunate serfdom expecting nothing short of total loyalty for being allowed to exist.

They create policies that are designed to maximize victimhood and dependency forcing us to exist within a corrupt system all the whiles our political leadership is AWOL. Most of our political cadre is immersed in self preservation, self absorbed in the art of campaigning rather than protecting the interests of their constituents. They allowed establishment bureaucrats to create policies that only Congress can and should legislate, surrendering their lawful authority to govern to unelected power hungry cliques. We are blindly channeled into our appropriate trenches, white bigots against black bigots, atheists against Christians, lower class against middle class, pro life against pro choice all the while the thought police quietly walk away with our country, our freedoms and surrender our sovereignty to perpetuate their globalist agenda. ‘We the people’ is becoming a thing of the past. Self reliance, individual freedoms, striving for individual achievement and greatness has been replaced with diversity, equity and inclusion, propelling us into a downward spiral towards mediocrity. “We the people” have lost the ability to recognize those who would wish us harm, overtly and covertly. We the people need to take back our country from establishment bureaucrats and put our representatives back in charge or fire them! We have agencies that are governments within our government that wield more power and influence than our political leadership.

Claudine Gay is an extension of the above.
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They’re surrendering our wealth as a nation using hypocritical slogans like equity rather than equality, tax the rich while they themselves have the luxury of wealth to keep and expand their wealth while they exploit every one below them.

It was Reaganomics that "surrendered our wealth as a nation", not anything that has anything to do with working toward racial equality. Which brings up the fact that you often whine about the national debt while doggedly supporting the party responsible for most of it. But I guess that's another rant.
It was Reaganomics that "surrendered our wealth as a nation", not anything that has anything to do with working toward racial equality. Which brings up the fact that you often whine about the national debt while doggedly supporting the party responsible for most of it. But I guess that's another rant.
Apparently you don’t pay much attention to my political views concerning congress and their dumbass antics. I hold both parties responsible for the mess we’re in. I believe both parties have trampled over our constitution.

Racial equality starts in the home, the re-establishment of the nuclear family and family values.

Vote in politicians that follow through with their campaign promises to elevate minorities out of poverty starting with school choice and higher educational standards, policing and public safety. it’s a bit more complex but it’s a start. Stop the victimization propaganda of minorities and start treating them on equal footing. Stop the white man hatred and learn to work together.
Racial equality and racial justice ... leads to ONLY 1 end result, death. Death of individuals, death of liberty, death of a society. And that death isn't limited in numbers. EVERY TIME this ideal has been tried, tens of thousands have died. Every. Time.

Yet somehow you seem to think that those who oppose it are the evil ones.

You are a fool.

This from a person who tells us he studied law, justice and the Constitution.

Now he says that racial equality & justice should be opposed and anyone who disagrees is evil.

Derpy is somewhere to the right of Nick Fuentes.