If I was a...then I would

If I was a Hot Pocket
pastry 🥮 sizzling hawt ,
I’d leave a mark ,
at first bite , I’d sting 🦂

the roof of your mouth 👄

hahaha funny thing is
you’d come back for
more , cause I’m tasty 😋

even tho I left a mark lol

then I would be
a pizza 🍕 slice
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If I was a dingle berry , what would I be ?

Sooo up🔝 your Lit ass , ther’d be fire 🔥

what would I be ! If I didn’t leave a mark 🏴‍☠️

soft and cuddly , like a citizen playground 🛝 Thirsty Litstor or litstee
I'm probably going to regret this.
(so why do it you ask?)
because, I'm fuckin Badamy.

and I wanna up my internet points. aka post count.

so this is the gist...
if I was a________________
I would________________

lets get the meditation pillows out and start manifesting the idea of being someone or something else.
and if you were, well then! what would you do?

I'll start.

If I was a guy, I would do yoga to suck my own cock.

what about you?
You have see the old SNL skit? I think Will Ferrel did it.